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How good is Recruit (3)?


36 members have voted

  1. 1. Recruit (3) for Amelia is:

    • Better than Paladin
    • Worse than Paladin
    • As good as Paladin

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Last time I want to make run with class witch I have never try. So I make Recruit (2) and I have question: Recruit (3) is completely waste of time or not bad class. Max cap Recruit (3) looks pretty interesting.

PS: Also I make Hero!Garcia. Less STR cap hurt, but +2 SPD is really nice.

Edited by Nicolas
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Let's see...

Forces you to go Recruit instead of Cavalier as your first promotion, losing out on Swords, 7 move, good rescue, and a massive 3 CON bonus, as well as not having a noticable stat lead (1 HP, 1 STR, 2 DEF vs. 1 SKL, 1 SPD, 1 RES).

That's enough alone to say Paladin > Recruit, considering Amelia's going to spend most of her time in the team as a Cavalier.

Once she reaches promotion:

Still loses out on 3 CON, still 2 move behind, still lancelocked. Stat bonuses are still pretty comparable (total: 1 HP, 2 STR, 2 DEF vs. 1 SKL, 2 SPD, 2 RES). 15% crit doesn't make up those big deficits.

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Her MOV and CON are terrible and the rest of her stat leads vs Paladin!Amelia are tiny. It sucks,basically.

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It's the only (ONLY) lance using class PRE-FE9 that has a crit boost. And it's the easiest game in the series, so it's about as viable as any other class. (Sniper is still the worst class for obvs reasons)


Watch as gilliam destroys everything.

Edited by ManriKlok
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...Is this a joke?

Recruit (3) is one of the worst classes in the game. It implies you're using Amelia, first and foremost.

Like, its caps could be straight 30s and it'd still be a bad class.

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The issue I guess isn't that the class is terrible, but that it's competing directly with Cavalier, and that it's bases aren't what's factoring in, but it's promotion gains (well CON as a base is factoring in I guess). In your run Klok, the base stats do matter, and they're actually not terrible. Except CON. So considering it purely as a class, it's not great anyway. Also, the class caps are... eh. They're about Swordmaster level, which isn't great. So for postgame... I think General is probably better (for Amelia). You lose 4 SPD, 2 SKL and 15% crit and gain 4 STR, 7 DEF, and total weapon triangle domination.

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Paladin would be preferable to General, in Amelia's case. After all, she excels in SPD and sucks in DEF, so she's unlikely to max her DEF as a general without boosters. Plus better movement too, though I can see the weapon triangle thing being extremely useful.

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Paladin speed cap is the same as General speed cap. And anyway I'm of the impression that went talking postgame, you generally mean caps, becaus you have unlimited time to grind items. But even if not, General wins by 3 HP, 2 STR, 1 SKL, 4 DEF, 2 CON, great shield and axes and loses 1 RES and 3 MOV. So I guess it depends on how much you value that move.

I'd say Weapon Triangle control is actually largely not that useful. With one weapon type plus reavers, you have neutral on everything at 1 range and superiority over two. You do forego using a better weapon but you have it. With two weapon types, you have natural WTA over two types and neutrality on the third, and with Reavers, you can beat all three. Three weapon types lets you use the best weapons and still have WTA, but that's not a huge edge. It's an advantage, but not a big one.

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Uh, guys. Nobody doesn't go for a certain option because it makes the game any easier than it is already. It's true, you can just go Recruit 3 Amelia and still win, but in a context where faster gameplay takes place, things like higher mobility, Rescueing capability and flexiblity makes Paladin Amelia a significantly better option.

If this were me from 3-4 years speaking, I would've really loved the concept of a playable mono lance-using foot unit that isn't a Knight...especially considering the Crit. bonus.

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