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NFL 2013-2014 Season!


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With a career like football, I'm not really sure I feel the same way. I played football for a single year and I already have joint pains, back pains, and neck pains (at 19). NFL football undoubtedly causes even more severe damage to one's body--personally I don't think I'd waste my old age being in pain all the time just for a little glory in my 20's...

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I'm not sure why people are bagging on RG3 probably not producing after his rookie year. Haloti Ngata absolutely demolished his leg and Mike Shanahan let him play despite being heavily injured. I'm pretty sure RG3 would be pulled had a more sane coach been there, and I'm pretty sure it's a matter of perfecting his running technique than doing much else because RG3 is pretty durable. His rookie year was just a couple of freak accidents.

but w/e I just don't like the RG3 hype as much as I like the Russell Wilson hype, because I live in Baltimore and it's annoying to hear these Redskins fans finally having a reason to talk shit (you know they still talk shit about how they beat us after we won the Super Bowl smh, such irony because our ST won them that game but our ST instead caused the 49ers to lose for many reasons... and even most Steelers fans I know wanted Ray and maybe Ed to go out with a bang; I'd feel the same about Troy or Ben except for the few who circlejerk around the Sixburgh crap, nobody cares.)

I can see RG3 lasting longer than Steve McNair did, for instance. And Steve McNair got abused on the field.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Well, I still think RG3 was amazing in the games he played despite his injury (which really did suck yeah).

And I hear you, Lord Raven. My stepdad was cheering for the Ravens too, actually. Though he only wanted them to win so the Steelers could keep their record of the most Super Bowl wins. If the Niners had won, they'd be sharing that record now. xP

Me, I wasn't sure. I don't like the Ravens at all, but a Niners win would've meant that the Steelers wouldn't be the only team with six Lombardi trophies anymore. Yeah, 'twas a tough decision that I couldn't make. But in the end, it IS nice still being the only six-time Super Bowl champs. :D

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(Insert divergent point here)

If this were the NBA, my SAAAN DIEEEGO...SUPER CHARRRGERS are headed to the lottery. We're relying on the likes of Danny Woodhead to be our #1 RB after Matthews injures himself again by week 4. Granted, our schedule looks pretty soft right now, but that can change pretty easily as we saw last year.

Prediction: 5-11, this might be the most pessimistic I've been about a Chargers season in at least a decade.

But anyways...the rest of the league looks exciting, hope we can see a fully healthy RGIII sooner rather than later.

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Chargers are winning the Super Bowl if this is anything to go by

Ana: my post's main purpose was literally nothing to do with the Steelers

Edited by Lord Raven
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Well, I still think RG3 was amazing in the games he played despite his injury (which really did suck yeah).

I'm not contesting that. :P

Chargers are winning the Super Bowl if this is anything to go by

Ana: my post's main purpose was literally nothing to do with the Steelers

This is beautiful.

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Well, I'd rather have a short career full of awesome performances than a long one with not much to be remembered.

It's only worth it if you win the super bowl. When a team drafts you with the second overall pick, you're supposed to be a cornerstone for the franchise for the next 10 years (at least). RGIII is no doubt an exciting (if not the MOST exciting) QB in the league, but his play style is dangerous. Now that he's injured his ACL, it's possible he might not be as fast as he used to be, which sucks because his speed is a big weapon for him. I'm not saying it's set in stone though, since Adrian Peterson came off an ACL injury last year...and well the rest is history. Hopefully the Redskins don't force him to run so much, but that also means that their pass protection needs to improve and their receivers need to get open more. As a result, RGIII (this year) is highly probable for a slump.

(Insert divergent point here)

If this were the NBA, my SAAAN DIEEEGO...SUPER CHARRRGERS are headed to the lottery. We're relying on the likes of Danny Woodhead to be our #1 RB after Matthews injures himself again by week 4. Granted, our schedule looks pretty soft right now, but that can change pretty easily as we saw last year.

Prediction: 5-11, this might be the most pessimistic I've been about a Chargers season in at least a decade.

But anyways...the rest of the league looks exciting, hope we can see a fully healthy RGIII sooner rather than later.

Chargers want Ryan Mathews to be THE GUY now, and claim his injuries so far have been freak accidents. He's talented, but I can't help but just assume he'll get injured by the middle of the season. Maybe he'll be a fantasy steal at least...

Chargers are winning the Super Bowl if this is anything to go by

Ana: my post's main purpose was literally nothing to do with the Steelers

LOL forgot about this. The Chargers couldn't win with LT and Brees, but they will now!

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Chargers are winning the Super Bowl if this is anything to go by

Ana: my post's main purpose was literally nothing to do with the Steelers

...Whoa, that's one hell of a coincidence. But I wouldn't put THAT much stock in it.

And so? I still had something to say to a part of your post.

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LOL forgot about this. The Chargers couldn't win with LT and Brees, but they will now!

I'm pretty sure they asked Rivers if he was good or elite or something recently. I'm on my phone so I'll check when I get home.

The stars are aligned. Chargers will go 10-6 with a slump in the middle, go through the POs on the road, and beat the [insert NFC team here because holy fuck at the conference] in the Super Bowl

To be fair Cam Cameron was the OC during the DB/LT days, and the Chargers were actually really good until a few years back... I think a lot of their issues as of late were like defense, Oline, and special teams.

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I'm pretty sure they asked Rivers if he was good or elite or something recently. I'm on my phone so I'll check when I get home.

Now Rivers just needs to have a mediocre season and then light it up in the playoffs and this really might happen.

I might be in on a Fantasy Football league.

What site do you do it on, and when will the draft be?

ESPN league, draft won't be any time soon. Need more people.

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If we get lucky enough to sneak into 9-7 land off the waves of mediocre/bad teams we play (10-11, depending on whether you rate Indy as a good or mediocre team), and the rest of the AFCWC contenders are equally mediocre, I can see us pulling out a 2011-2012 Ravens. Giant if, but as they say...lloyd-300x300.jpg

I can only hope for whatever voodoo Philly puts on the away team during their first home game to work like it has for the last four years.

Oh yeah, and Eric Weddle, whom I've called Weedle for the past few years, will be awesome and probably the highlight of this team.

And I'll join your fantasy league Helios.

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Actually, 2012 Ravens AND 2011 Giants are the precedent here. Flacco and Eli were asked questions like "do you consider yourself to be Elite/Top 5/on the same skill as Brady?" and they both said "HELL TO THE YES WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM." But Phillip Rivers was asked a slightly more modest question here, so I don't know if it hurts your chances. Stars are aligning though.

Anyone concerned with fantasy, go here. Please! Over here we can circlejerk stats. in this thread, we talk about something greater than stats

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So, the Browns finally get rid of Randy Lerner and our new owner is a criminal. Huzzah!

The only way we can get a worse owner is if Art Modell rises up from the innermost circle of Hell grave and buys the team.

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I don't think the Bills are that bad. I've seen them do some sweet stuff. LIke intercept a hailmary to win a game against a pretty tough team (I think it was the Patriots?). Not the best team, but certainly not the worst.

So, I discovered that the Steelers' first game will be on the 10th, and I'll actually be in Pittsburgh at the time! Well, close to it. XD I'm going to Pittsburgh first and then up to Mercer, which is about an hour away. It's where my grandma goes camping. But yeah, hooray for at least being in Steeler territory! Mercer has its very own Steeler Store. :D

And while we're waiting just a bit longer for the games to start, here's a question for y'all. I saw a video on Youtube about the Steelers' top ten plays. I don't exactly agree with it, but some of the plays in it I would also put in my top ten. What are your top ten favorite plays from your favorite team? Here are mine. :D

10. Any play where Ben passed the ball off to Randel El and Randel El then chucked it to Hines Ward. Those plays were always SWEET.

9. Polamalu's sack fumble on Flacco in that one Ravens game that eventually led to a Steeler victory. :D

8. Polamalu's endzone ball punch in the last play of that one Steelers vs Patriots game after Brady was forced to fumble. It also earned a Steeler victory. :3

7. Kiesel's crazy interception against the Bucks from one game.

6. Santonio Holmes's Super Bowl-winning TD catch from Super Bowl 43.

5. Polamalu's leaping interception against the Titans (might've been the same game, actually) while he was covering Kenny Britt.

4. Either of Polamalu's diving interceptions that I've seen. I know one was against the Eagles. That was some sweet maneuvering from this guy!

3. Harrison's 100 yard TD return in Super Bowl 43. That was the freaking bomb! RIGHT before half time and RIGHT as the Cardinals were SO close to scoring!

2. Immaculate Reception 2. Where Wallace, a rookie at the time, caught a game-winning TD pass against the Packers in the FINAL THREE SECONDS OF THE GAME.

1. Obviously the Immaculate Reception from the 70s! That shit was just WHOA. Probably the most famous play in NFL history too.

Yup, yup, this would be the list! I have to admit, I think Polamalu is a freaking beast and makes a lot of totally awesome plays.

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I don't think the Bills are that bad. I've seen them do some sweet stuff. LIke intercept a hailmary to win a game against a pretty tough team (I think it was the Patriots?). Not the best team, but certainly not the worst.

I could intercept a hail mary lol, it's not a hard thing to do because you literally have to pray to god for it to work most of the time

Anyways, I'd say 2011 and 2012 were very magical seasons

10. Sometime in Super Bowl XXXV we scored a touchdown. Then the Giants returned a kick for a touchdown. Then immediately after, Jermaine Lewis does the same thing, showing the Giants that they're merely roadkill, and we're the pimpled 13 year old skinning them.

9. Not one play which is why it's 9th, but this drive shows exactly why we all place our faith on Flacco

8. Chris McAllister, proving time and time again how talented the Ravens are at employing secondary

7. No matter what will be my favorite Ravens player ever

6. Who else but Ray Lewis?

5. I can't find the clip but during a 2007 Ravens-Patriots game (we almost beat them in their undefeated season despite our season ending up 5-11) Kyle Boller makes a block for the running back at the time (I really want to say it was McGahee) to keep on going and getting them a first down. Showed in my eyes that Kyle Boller played his heart out in every single game with the Ravens despite his lack of success, but the stars didn't align in the right way for him to lead us to victory. He almost led a team that beat one of the greatest teams in NFL history during their (almost) undefeated season.

3. Two of our most celebrated players

2. Sam Koch puts the team on his fuckin back

1. Flacco stepping up and throwing deep down the far sideline... CAUGHT! INTO THE ENDZONE TOUCHDOWN JACOBY JONES!

At any rate, I saw a picture of Ed Reed in a Texans uniform... :(

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Ugh, if the Texans got someone like Ed Reed, we're in trouble. The last couple of times I saw the Steelers play those guys, they got their asses handed to them. >_<

And if I recall, the Texans are on the Steelers' schedule this season. Damn.

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Texans aren't on the Steelers schedule this year (AFC North vs NFC north and AFC East, yall finished third so you're also up against the Raiders and the Titans)


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Hey, Mega-Packer fan here. Boy am I pissed at Greg Jennings. First he signs with the Vikings, now he's running his mouth about how Aaron Rodgers is a poor leader. O plz Greg Jennings. I cannot wait 'til we spank him and his band of purple pinheads in both games this season.

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