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Inside Jokes or Traditions Regarding Smash Bros.


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Are there any inside jokes or any traditions you have with your friends when playing Smash Bros?

The inside joke I'm most famous for is when I lose the AI partner when playing Ice Climbers, I scream out "I'm single!!!" It hasn't really caught on since no one else I know says that, but people have come to expect me to say that when I lose the AI Ice Climber.

Although I don't really mention this particular inside joke often, there's the "farting Fox" joke that I make in SSB64. Basically, Fox's up B in SSB64 when it's done diagonally upward looks like he's farting fire which propels him upward, due to him being in a sitting position and him clenching his fists like he's constipated. I'm suprised no one else makes that joke.

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My friends always called pink Captain Falcon Micheal Jakcson because of his ^B.

Real mature, I know.

Alos, we had this thing called "Jay's Law" which was: if something can explode, it WILL explode. Because one of my friends got a lot of items to explode a bunch.

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Having not known who many of the characters were, me and my friends would judge the ones we didn't know by appearance. Lucas/Ness was always the joke CPU we would gang up on and take his stock before we actually fought each other. We also called Roy a girl, and Game & Watch we thought was the ultimate character since he was the last to unlock. Back when we bought Brawl, the whole group of my friends would make "claims" on characters that no one else could use in multiplayer without the owners permission. Even though the game was a present for myself, I for some reason did not have first dibs, and I ended up with Bowser, Yoshi, and Marth. That ended as we matured, thank goodness.

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My friends always called pink Captain Falcon Micheal Jakcson because of his ^B.

Real mature, I know.

The guy I often play with IRL keeps calling him Captain Fabulous. He also took the nicknames of Old Manondorf and Pimp Dedede (purple one) that I randomly brought and keeps using them.

On my side I really enjoy crouching with King Dedede as a taunt.

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We joke when playing Brawl that we're playing the better game.

and that the Ice Climbers are homosexual when they 0-death one of us.

both of these are lame, booooooo

(I troll my buddies by setting up the greatest tent ever with Toon Link)

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My brother and cousin have a few of these things, and I also contribute some. From the ones I remember, these include:

* They nicknamed Jigglypuff "The Legged Coffin" due to how easy it is to KO her.

* They also nicknamed Pikachu "Tarzan" from one of our grandparent's dogs. No idea of this one.

* Since my cousin mains Sonic, my brother and I would always belittle him, saying how all Sonic does is to "Curl into a Ball", since his B moves save Up-B has him, well, curl into a ball.

* Whenever Jeff appears when using an Assist Trophy, they would always shout "Mexican Party!". I think it's due to the Bottle Rockets making it look like being fireworks, but no idea on the Mexican half.

* Whenever Starfy appears when using an Assist Trophy, one would say to the other "I scammed you with Starfy!". This is since in Spanish, Scam is Estafa, and in that sentence it's used as Estafe, which when pronounced fast enough, sound similar to Starfy.

* Commenting that Luigi is high when using Negative Zone.

* Whenever playing in Wario Ware, if only one character got the Starman effect when winning on the micro-games, we'd go "S/He has the Total Drama Immunity!", in reference to the Total Drama series.

I think that's all that I remember. Yeah, they don't look like much, but it was quite a long time ago, when they were younger, and still show no signs of stop using them.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Ever since SSB64, once my brothers and I would get bored of free-for-all, we would do "random team battles."

Which was basically turn on teams and jam A to change our color without looking at the screen until someone hit start.

Never gets old.

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