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How do these backup saves for digital FE13 work exactly? I haven't gotten the latest update, so I dont know how it is. Does it give you more files to save in? Or does it just backup your files and if you choose them, they overwrite the previous ones?

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I think the back up saves on the update, just copy the data for the game and puts it in a cloud, so that if you lose the system and the game you can always get it back and have the files.

Edited by YoungXehanort
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I don't think there's a cloud involved, but I haven't read up about the feature properly.

All it does, as far as I can tell, is save a "snapshot" of your current save data and store it in a specific location. If you go to the System Settings app, you can restore this snapshot, which overwrites your current save data.

According to Nintendo, it's mainly useful for when you want to delete a digital copy from your 3DS, eg. because of space issues, but want to preserve your save data.

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Aww, so I cant abuse it to have more save files for FE13?

It does, sort of, but probably not what you're looking for.

I'll just give a quick example.

I have these save files at the moment:

Normal - Vincent

Hard - Tinny

Lunatic+ - Vincent

True story.

After I backup my saves, I can then erase all three of my save files and begin 3 new save files, then make a new backup.

If I want to check my previous files (Vincent, Tinny and Vincent), I can restore the first backup I made. Then if I want to check my newer files, I can restore the second backup.

Obviously, changes made in the first backup won't have an effect on the second backup. So you can't use it to build the support library, for example. But if you don't care for that, you effectively get more save files without losing your older ones.

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