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The Hubby Club

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That's right, the Hubby Club! All this talk of "waifus" that the men have been doing is drowning us female players/fans out! So here's a thread for us girls (and guys that play female Avatars) to hang out in and chat about our files and give our chosen husbands for our female Avatars some attention. :D

Yes, I'm aware that a majority of female players have married their Avatars to Chrom. I think any Awakening player that goes here should know that by now. But there are still some who marry their Avatars to other males instead, such as myself, and some more that choose different males every playthrough, not just Chrom. I also won't add a husband poll, because we all know what that would look like. xP

Of course, just about everyone knows who my Avatar's hubby is, so I won't rant about that again. lol

So yeah, a thread that's basically devoted to the male characters and whomever female Avatars they've married! :)

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm trying to fill out the support log right now, so Silvia's worked her way through a lot of husbands. So far I've married Chrom, Henry, Owain, Inigo and Frederick and Laurent's next, and I mean, I think I've also ranted quite a bit on my favorites as well - I'm sure half the Serenes Forest community can figure it out. ;)

And considering that there's another thread discussing the 3rd generation Morgans, I'll add this little tidbit: I have no problem marrying the second-generation characters, and it makes my favorite DLC map Hot Spring Scramble just that much more special. Their support conversations are impossibly sweet, and I like having a super-godly Morgan. Henry!Owain!Morgan killed EVERYTHING with fire and Chrom!Inigo!Morgan Luna'd the color off of any enemy in sight. So absolutely no problem whatsoever.

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I'm doing a harem run next playthrough for my female avatar just to make sure, but I'm pretty sure I'll stick with Chrom because I like the story more with them paired AND it makes more sense with the backstory my female avatar has (which will take far too long to explain). ...And also because, while I'll admit their supports aren't exactly the best, I find them hilarious and the better Chrom supports (namely Sully, Maribelle, and Olivia)... well, Sully and Chrom always struck me as just friends (long story), I prefer Maribelle with others, and Olivia's... makes no sense story wise. Neither does Maiden. So, process of elimination also plays a part in this. ^^; (before anyone says anything, I find Sumia's supports with Chrom to be worse than F!Avatar, which automatically rules it out.)

However, I will note that I very much enjoyed Priam's confession (and the A and S) and that he shall ultimately become the husband of my harem run.

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I'm doing a harem run next playthrough for my female avatar just to make sure, but I'm pretty sure I'll stick with Chrom because I like the story more with them paired AND it makes more sense with the backstory my female avatar has (which will take far too long to explain). ...And also because, while I'll admit their supports aren't exactly the best, I find them hilarious and the better Chrom supports (namely Sully, Maribelle, and Olivia)... well, Sully and Chrom always struck me as just friends (long story), I prefer Maribelle with others, and Olivia's... makes no sense story wise. Neither does Maiden. So, process of elimination also plays a part in this. ^^; (before anyone says anything, I find Sumia's supports with Chrom to be worse than F!Avatar, which automatically rules it out.)

However, I will note that I very much enjoyed Priam's confession (and the A and S) and that he shall ultimately become the husband of my harem run.

Harem run...? Do elaborate!

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Yeah, I don't know what a harem run is either. o.O

I don't care about filling the support log, but I might get as many Frederick supports as possible (aside from S supports unless I do a male Avatar run since you know why, hehe) just cause I love him so much. lol

I wrote a whole story based around a FrederickxFemale Avatar pairing, I'm such a fangirl. XD

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Yeah, I don't know what a harem run is either. o.O

I don't care about filling the support log, but I might get as many Frederick supports as possible (aside from S supports unless I do a male Avatar run since you know why, hehe) just cause I love him so much. lol

I wrote a whole story based around a FrederickxFemale Avatar pairing, I'm such a fangirl. XD

I finally finished my obsessive pre-planning process for Grima's Truth, which is basically a retelling of Awakening with a serious emphasis on Plegia and Grima and a Chrom x Silvia x Henry love triangle. Prologue almost done and it's going on both Fanfiction and Archive Of Our Own.

I'd finish it tonight, but I'm kind of brain-dead tired right now.

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Heh, I posted my fic on here, fanfiction.net, and Deviantart. It went up on the second one first though. lol

It's a wedding ceremony and reception. It ends with the departure for the honeymoon. The honeymoon itself will be the sequel fic if the wedding is well-received enough. :3

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I know I have no place here, but I started filling the supports with FEMU, and so far, Virion OTP.

I really like Virion as a character, why does he have to be so bad on combat, and why do I play so much Lunatic?

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Everyone already knows who I married (and will never deviate from), but I hope I can still join in even though I'm just another ChromxAvatar shipper.

Its actually sorta funny; outside of the internet, I never seem to meet anyone who marries Chrom often. And even here on SF, there are alot of people who aren't married to Chrom and even the people who are tend to also marry other characters. My point is, its not all across the board, which is the way it should be; as much as I love Chrom and hope others like him somewhat too, it'd be boring if everyone married Chrom.

And as for fanfics, I'm joining the bandwagon of stories depicting the Avatar's backstory (or in my case, her parents and grandparents story that lead into my version of Awakening...). Dunno when it'll be finished though...

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Heh, I posted my fic on here, fanfiction.net, and Deviantart. It went up on the second one first though. lol

It's a wedding ceremony and reception. It ends with the departure for the honeymoon. The honeymoon itself will be the sequel fic if the wedding is well-received enough. :3

Is that what I got email notifications about on Fanfiction? Because you posted two chapters of something...

I know I have no place here, but I started filling the supports with FEMU, and so far, Virion OTP.

I really like Virion as a character, why does he have to be so bad on combat, and why do I play so much Lunatic?

Virion is definitely one of the most well-written characters in the entire game, natch. I don't blame you within the SLIGHTEST for liking him, I do myself. He's amazing.

Everyone already knows who I married (and will never deviate from), but I hope I can still join in even though I'm just another ChromxAvatar shipper.

Its actually sorta funny; outside of the internet, I never seem to meet anyone who marries Chrom often. And even here on SF, there are alot of people who aren't married to Chrom and even the people who are tend to also marry other characters. My point is, its not all across the board, which is the way it should be; as much as I love Chrom and hope others like him somewhat too, it'd be boring if everyone married Chrom.

And as for fanfics, I'm joining the bandwagon of stories depicting the Avatar's backstory (or in my case, her parents and grandparents story that lead into my version of Awakening...). Dunno when it'll be finished though...

It would be, very much so. I see the appeal, definitely, and even though it was an accident, I did marry Chrom on my first playthrough. :)

So I get it, because I definitely enjoyed my first playthrough with him as my husband.

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Oh yeah, I forgot that the guys sometimes play female Avatars too. Oopsie. XD

I normally play as FeMU because she's better than MaMU for gameplay.

Which should make it obvious I marry Chrom.

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To be honest, I don't actually see the appeal. I agree Chrom is rather hot, but I don't choose based on design (and I find Frederick and Inigo to be hotter anyway). I don't see that much of a difference in the story as far as I've seen (using videos) and I find Chrom to be a blah character. But this is just my opinion. xP

It seems to me though, that 95% of all female players marry Chrom while those who prefer to marry other males make up the teeny 5%. And it DOES rather irritate me. I don't want almost every single Female Avatar pairing art I find to be with Chrom. I'd like to see her more with other men too! Not even just Frederick, any other guy.

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I got a bunch of streetpass teams (like, 50+) a couple weeks back from a con and I think at least 90% of the teams I got with female avatars were married to Chrom lmao. I guess it could be because ~*~eugenics~*~ but who knows.

I did have my avatar marry Chrom in my first playthrough too since I heard it made the story better or something. After doing my "Marry ALL the boys" run though, I think Priam is my preferred guy for Robin. Older hobo man of my heart~~~~

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I think I may have an answer though.

For new players or just some players (like in my case, myself), they would marry the first character that appears of the opposite sex. On my first run, I married Lissa, because it was the first character I saw (And I liked her as a character, she is fun).

So maybe new Female players or female avatar users married Chrom for being the first male character that appeared or maybe.... they wanted to marry the protag.

I had played FE4 before this so yes I knew about pairings and stuff, but I still just like to marry the first person that appeared, and pair others with those that I see fit.

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It seems to me though, that 95% of all female players marry Chrom

at least 90% of the teams I got with female avatars were married to Chrom lmao. I guess it could be because ~*~eugenics~*~ but who knows.

And my point is proven. xP

I'm also aware that Frederick is an unpopular choice (probably because some people go "ew, Jagen, better not use him!" and stuff), but I don't care. More Freddy Bear for me. <3

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To be honest, I don't actually see the appeal. I agree Chrom is rather hot, but I don't choose based on design (and I find Frederick and Inigo to be hotter anyway). I don't see that much of a difference in the story as far as I've seen (using videos) and I find Chrom to be a blah character. But this is just my opinion. xP

It seems to me though, that 95% of all female players marry Chrom while those who prefer to marry other males make up the teeny 5%. And it DOES rather irritate me. I don't want almost every single Female Avatar pairing art I find to be with Chrom. I'd like to see her more with other men too! Not even just Frederick, any other guy.

Try finding Fem!Avatar x Henry. That's a pain, and plus Silvia's usual default appearance perks do NOT kick in for this one. -_-

It's mostly because a lot of people play on Hard/Lunatic and the pairing's conveintent and VERY overpowered, I don't think a lt of that is personal preference. I mean, if you sift through the amount of those who pair their Avatar with Chrom because of eugenics and optimisation over actually LIKING Chrom as a husband, that percentage of yours Ana will shrink drastically.

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To be honest, I don't actually see the appeal. I agree Chrom is rather hot, but I don't choose based on design (and I find Frederick and Inigo to be hotter anyway). I don't see that much of a difference in the story as far as I've seen (using videos) and I find Chrom to be a blah character. But this is just my opinion. xP

It seems to me though, that 95% of all female players marry Chrom while those who prefer to marry other males make up the teeny 5%. And it DOES rather irritate me. I don't want almost every single Female Avatar pairing art I find to be with Chrom. I'd like to see her more with other men too! Not even just Frederick, any other guy.

I don't like his character either. It's pretty boring...

Not as bad Lucina though...

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Harem run...? Do elaborate!

Basically going and getting all the S-supports for Female Avatar in a single playthrough through the magic of multiple saves. Yes, including second generation (I personally shy from it because I am not a huge friend of time-traveler romances, but I will admit that the supports are great/hilarious). I told a friend I was doing that and she immediately dubbed it a "harem run", so now I use it.

Eh, I'm not surprised Chrom's the more popular option. Wish fulfillment and all that (a LOT of girls dream of being a princess). But it can get rather boring to see JUST that pairing.

Virion is awesome... but I didn't really like his confession. A little too over the top for my tastes (I'm a (somewhat) practical and logical sort of person more often than not).

Optimization is probably also a key factor for the pairing of Chrom and Avatar. People seem to REALLY like Lucina, so making her as strong as possible is a priority for some (I like her, but she's not my fav. Severa [soft spot for tsunderes], Laurent [good mix of spock-speak and humor], and Inigo [hilarious and kind] have her beat).

Then again, I see a LOT of really good pixiv pics for ChromxAvatar and... I think I've seen only a handful for any other of their pairings (which I find amusing for some reason).

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...But isn't the female Avatar technically a princess already because her father becomes the king of Plegia? xP

Oh, and let me jump on the Virion boat! I think he's awesome too. :D

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Oh, and let me jump on the Virion boat! I think he's awesome too. :D

I went back to look at his supports with FeMU and I have to say they were pretty good.

Not my favorite but I liked the flow.

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I make up a different avatar to marry each character in the game. My main avatar, the one who I send over for streetpass and use for everything, is male and named Robin. My default female avatar is Iona, although I played as a different feMU when I first played as one.

Although my favorite Awakening guy is Henry and he's Iona's husband, the first male character I actually married was Chrom. Because since I want all supports I'll have to marry him anyway and at the time I couldn't figure out which guys I liked the most to marry at the time. There's a difference between marrying the guy because you like him a lot and marrying him because "fukkit I dunno who I want to marry". Chrom just happens to be the "default" guy, being the main character and the lord.

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Is that what I got email notifications about on Fanfiction? Because you posted two chapters of something...

Oh snap, I missed this by accident. xP

And I recently did put up two for that wedding fic, so probably. I never would've guessed that you were the single follower it has though. XD

(but despite that, it's gotten several great reviews)

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...But isn't the female Avatar technically a princess already because her father becomes the king of Plegia? xP

No, because that doesn't happen until AFTER she's already married Chrom. >_>

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