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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Sooo we came out here, fought off all those demons, and we're still going back empty handed ... "... why can't you just come with us before something else bad happens out here?" Raquel said under her breath. She couldn't entertain the idea of lingering out here much longer, not even to help out at the tavern, but that was only because the others could be under attack right now.

The resistance she was getting from Blake made Erion's offer to join up a little odd as far as timing went, but she was never opposed to having more people to help her, and maybe, just maybe, he would actually follow her instructions if he was officially on the payroll ... not that she would be bringing up pay if he didn't first. "We've ... fought them before, but it was awhile back, and they weren't nearly this strong," she explained as she started heading for the wagon again. It would have been nice if Weyland or Steinn warned SOMEONE about all this. Sure they don't want to get into trouble but they could have stopped the guards from getting completely blindsided like this.

Now to hope he was volunteering to work gratis, or at least for spoils. "I'd be happy to have you with us ..." she paused as her expression changed to a slightly agitated one. "But you have to listen to me and not just do whatever you feel like." Except for Blake, and half a dozen other people that would take orders from a so called merchant outside of combat situation. After she said it, it felt like a waste, and she added, "Never mind ... just ... don't do what he's doing right now," and tried not to make eye contact with Blake.

When Valter explained their new and old options to her, Joanna remembered that her main objective for coming out here had been to help survivors. Finding the military might help, but she feared that she might miss a chance to help someone in the meantime and the military would have come regardless. As for heading back to Weyland's estate with the others, she didn't see any apparent need to ... unless the battle was still raging on over there. Prioritizing with so little information wasn't working as well as she'd hoped, but she had to make some decision and soon.

Since the area they were in looked secure, Joanna decided that they should see how things were at Weyland's estate with the others. If things there were fine, they could move on to figuring out where the army reserves had gotten off to. "Perhaps we should go with them to that estate for now, but only if everything here is under control." She began glancing around to make sure neither she nor the other healers had missed anyone. Angelica looked fine, but she was bleeding, and so Joanna took a step toward her while looking for any signs of pain or other indicators of a serious injury. So far, she just looked inconvenienced by it, but an injury was an injury, so Joanna wandered over. "Could I have a look, please?"


With Jamilla finally awake, and Alphonse there to look after her, Amon felt his job was more or less done and began to gently set the dancer back on her feet after smiling weakly at her; a sort of 'you're welcome', and about the only thing he could manage with the huge distraction going on nearby.

Anna approached the bottom of the steps and took aim, ready to blow up the first enemy to muscle their way past the guards. The plan was simple, but the enemy, likely Norn, wasn't making things easy for her. Every inch of their escape route was being covered as more and more black smoke came out from the front entrance. There was something incredibly unnatural about the way the smoke was spreading. It was moving like a serpent, a snake whose body spread ever outward from wherever the head had started. From afar, it looked like a living creature, marking a path for others to follow.

Figuring she could still get another kill if she just fired into the smoke the moment she confirmed something was actually there, she didn't give up. What she hadn't counted on was having to hold off on her shot, because the guards were too close to the smoke and could easily be caught up in the blast, or used like shields. It wasn't until the first guard was hauled halfway into the smokescreen and flipped outward again onto his back that Anna knew she wasn't going to be able to make a safe and accurate shot at them with the Visceral just yet and relented, stepping back a few paces and lowering her crossbow.

Isis had no idea what this foul presence slithering over the grounds was, but she didn't want anything to do with it, and began backing away from the entrance without any guidance from Haythem, which took the Sancturan by surprise. He stumbled at first but quickly righted himself and took hold of Isis' reins. <"Easy ..."> he instructed, hoping to calm her down.

Dust to Light

"What he said to me was ... off in various ways. It didn't make much sense overall, so I'm inclined to believe there's more to what he was saying than he managed to get out before he died; something important that could make sense of it all. It will be some time before I learn exactly what, unfortunately," Steinn explained to everyone present.

"So, I take it you'll be preparing to subdue the architects next?" Weyland asked, turning away from Valdimarr's smoldering remains.

"Yes ... they only have three viable options now, delay the invasion until the matter of succession is resolved, hide Valdimarr's death and continue the war without him, or grant me my title and submit. Since I'm still alive, they'll be inclined to put on a show, pretend Valdimarr is commanding them from the shadows, and try to continue with their original plan for as long as possible. That should at least keep morale thoroughly intact, but they'll likely be trying to destroy me during the chaos all the same."

Weyland shook his head a bit at that revelation, quietly noting, "So even after defeating your last remaining brother, you'll still have to defeat these architects in order to take over ... a shame."

"There ... is a time and a place for the Slaughter of Siblings ... and frankly, I wasn't there. I will never be their first choice for a sovereign. That is simply reality."

While they talked, Siv tried desperately to rationalize what had just happened. A trick, a demon copy, something, anything that would make Valdimarr's survival feasible, but having felt his power and presence first hand, she couldn't rightly fool herself into believing the man who came to rescue her and defeat Steinn wasn't the same one who was lying dead on the ground and burned beyond all recognition. <"Please come back ..."> She barely managed to say that much as she choked up again.

As Gabbie sat down near the middle of the stage to get back to keeping an eye on things, glanced back toward Siv with in her eyes. Just before she closed her eyes, she saw a tiny shining particle floating up from the front of the stage. She couldn't see Valdimarr's body from where she was sitting, but she could tell the particle had come from that very area. She would have only been curious, rather than extremely nervous, if not for the particle's apparent color.

As more and more of these golden particles began to appear and float away from Valdimarr's remains, they caught Steinn's attention as well. Steinn wasn't alarmed at first, but he noticed Gabbie looked like she was about to panic and asked, "Do you know what that is? I ... don't sense anything from it." Steinn's bit about not being able to sense the particles finally got Weyland to start thinking the way Gabbie was, and the cold distant look he'd carried with him until that point was quickly replaced by utter shock.

"Y-you can't sense it? ... okay ..." Gabbie began to stand back up and took a few careful steps toward the edge of the stage; she just needed to get a look at Valdimarr's body. If he still wasn't moving, then in all likelihood, this was just the artifact's way of confirming it. If Valdimarr had an emblem piece on him ... why didn't he use it? What's his do anyway? If it's anything like Raquel's, he could have gotten out of Steinn's traps easily, but he didn't, so what's going on here? Did he just not know how to use it and figured he could just charge in here anyway?

By the time she got to the edge of the stage and could see Valdimarr's remains, there wasn't much left of even those; the glowing particles being carried up and away seemed to be what his body was turning into. As more time passed, more and more particles appeared until the room was filled with them and there was no trace of Valdimarr left. Weyland and Steinn caught each other's glances and both knowingly said, "... another emblem." While Steinn still wanted to plan for a surprise return from Valdimarr, Weyland wanted to find that piece and remove it, so that even if Valdimarr had the potential to return, he would lose it then and there and this battle would be over with. There was just one problem with their approaches; in Steinn's case, there wasn't any practical way to deal with Valdimarr if this could keep happening after each victory; for Weyland, there didn't seem to be an emblem piece anywhere in the room for him to 'remove', nor a body to remove it from. Whatever happened next, was completely out of either's hands, and as they began to worry, Siv began to hope.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Heh, I hope I'm wrong too. Also, gotta say, I'm sorry that your first introduction to Europa is one as sorry as this, usually she's a very beautiful and well-behaved city, but I guess I might just be biased, spending most of my life here. Where do you hail from, if you don't mind my asking?" Theodore had no problems slipping into a comfortable bit of back and forth with the new woman, despite the somewhat grim surroundings, though it would perhaps seem odd looking back on things later. He'd shrugged when she mentioned she'd never heard of Hammer, it seemed a little difficult to believe, but certainly possible, and seeing as she'd already had something arranged with Weyland there was no more point pursuing that avenue at all.

The other pair in conversation addressed the hows and whys of their being at this particular location, and most of the other details, so Farnesworth saw no point in revisiting much of that, saving only the 'tied up in it' business, which he felt was worth a comment. "I wouldn't exactly say involved myself, but I guess I don't really know their story. The princess's engagement ball was disrupted tonight by the news of the attack, and a few impromptu parties formed for the sake of providing aid to the citizenry and collecting reconnaissance. Her and I," Theodore said while pointing a thumb to Angelica, "Accompanied the prince's division, but I'm still not exactly certain what is with the rest of these folk. For instance, I don't even remember seeing you at the ball," he directed to Jericho.

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Well that didn't last very long. Moments after the bleeding had been noticed, it had been wrapped by the new woman's handkerchief, and mere moments after that, a healer had made her way over.

"Sure, here." Angelica replied, holding her arm out to the Avian, allowing her to do her work. She shot Eva a quick glare at the appearance of yet another nickname... but she supposed now was not the time to blow up over something like that...

"They're acquaintances of mine... well, some of them are. There always seems to be someone new popping up and blending in so I'm not surprised to see people I don't recognize anymore..."


"The bloody hell is that?" Arietta asked no one in particular, as the odd smoke began to move. Making her way towards the frontline now that she was healed, she walked up next to Anna.

"So whadd'ya plan t'do about that thing, then?"


"Em... blem?" Annelise asked, somewhat confused. She wasn't sure what this light show was but it was making her uneasy nonetheless.

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"Well, I still need to figure out exactly what's happening with Greta and such since I was in her pay before this. But if she doesn't need me, and you're willing to pay..." The man shrugged. "Sadly I can't work for free, but I have my mother and siblings to support back in 'skotia, so you understand I'm sure. Now, if you'll excuse me for a few seconds," Walking over to Blake, he quietly asked, "I know that you feel you have to do this, but please. She came all this way, fought this battle, just to get you back to the estate. Can't you just go back with her? She needs to rest, in case you didn't notice, and I somehow doubt she'll be resting easy with you still out here."


"Well, wouldn't a good mercenary be the one that's sticking to their contract for a long time? I mean, I don't really know too much about mercenaries and the like, but that would make sense to me..." Just then a smoke snake creature burst out of the front door and she froze for a few seconds. "What is that? How do we... should we be doing something?"

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A Man Called Gar

"Yeah.... I wouldn't call them strong at all actually," Gar absently replied to Raquel. "Like, every battle we've been in since my tagging along has easily been worse." Gar shrugged. "Even that one that wasn't even real."

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And an actual healer had shown up fairly quickly. Well, should've expected that. "Hah, look at that. Guess you can keep that, though. I've got a few extra." The other man had started speaking to her again, not that she minded. "Yeah, the brochure didn't mention the demons, but they were spot on about the sights. At least I'd enjoyed my stay up until today. And where I'm from?" Oh, they seem like nice enough people, I doubt they'll care. "<Neviskotia.> Flew over on my wyvern. I left him outside the city, as I know most people here aren't too keen on the sight of one."

"My, my, seems I'll get a good story out of any of you. I'd bet you all want to sleep after such a day." Princess's ball getting interrupted and demons. Am I sure I didn't just fall asleep on Sasha? This would make for one heck of a dream. "And I get to be another one of those faces, I guess. Was pretty nice meeting you, Angie. And youuuuu...?"

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"I suppose... though I meant more of I have no idea what I'll do after Raquel is finished..." Faatina replied, before being directed to the encroaching anomaly in the smoke.

"Can't hurt to atleast check it out." She replied, mounting up on Sharif, and offering a hand to Hoshi.

"Hop on."


"Angelica... please." The adept retorted, a slight twitch of her brow becoming readily visible by this point, her red eyes giving the supposed wyvern rider a cold glare... the type you wouldn't expect to see from someone of her stature.

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Whoa, that's not a look I get often. "Uh, right, Angelica it is. Sorry." She smiled awkwardly, wondering why the nickname was bothering the woman so much. Her eyes then caught the gleam of something hanging off her neck, Eva leaning forward to get a better look. "Wow, that's a gorgeous necklace. Where'd you get it? I've sold something like that maybe once or twice, and it wasn't half the size."

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Heading over towards the doorway at a canter, Faatina called out to the gathered people.

"What's going on, over here?"


"It was a gift." Angelica replied, her expression softening with Eva's reply... and along with everything else strange that had happened that day, this was the second time the adept had another woman intently gazing at her more... intimate areas, if unintentionally. Was it a coincidence, or was it not... who can really say?

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"Theodore," the man introduced himself, with a flourish of the hand, and a very slight bow. He had been taken a little aback at the fact that the newcomer was Skotian, and seeking to buy weapons from Weyland at that. While certainly curious, it wouldn't do to be too hasty in passing judgement, and in fact, it was probably all the more reason to, if nothing else, at least keep up a polite facade. "And everybody is like as not to have stories, I'm sure you have your own fair share, now don't you. Still, as yet it looks like no rest for the weary, but I suppose we shall only see. Didn't one of the fellows here take off on pegasus to scout? I wonder if he'll make it back while people are still deciding which direction to head in, haha."

Edited by Balcerzak
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By the time the Nothing smoke had started becoming a concern, Aneda had already rounded a corner on her way to the stables, wondering how her precious Hannah was doing, as well as mister Star Hunter himself was doing. Wiping the excess blood off of her head, she had the brilliant idea to try and taste it again to see if maybe, you know, it would maybe be different this time. A few sputters and spits out of disgust later gave her the same conclusion.

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"Lovely gift. Person who gave it to you must like you a lot. Bit awkwardly placed, though. Not that I care, but y'know," she said, leaning back to her standing position. "And you, Theodore, well met." She took his hand and awkwardly attempted to bow in return. "Must be surprising to have a 'Skotian in Europa, of all places. And I would, but I doubt now's the time to regale you with how many times I crashed my lizard." A pegasus, huh? Eva thought for a moment about how different it would be to fly on a horse. "Wait, there's more of you? How many more?"

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"He's... well I suppose he's closest to my father than anything." Angelica replied, with a smirk. It seems this one had caught on a tad quicker than Hoshi did, at the very least.

"What's so awkward about it? You wear a necklace on your neck, don't you?" She asked with an innocent tone.

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"Angelica, was it? She's talking about how the necklace attracts attention to your cleavage with how it's placed. Anyway," Jericho turned to Eva, "Yeah there's a bunch of people in the group. Super diverse and... super diverse. I dunno really, I haven't talked to many of them. Played a harmonica for a few of em and got a good reception for it I guess! That's something, they're ok around music."

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"Yeah, what he said. Everyone's gonna be staring at your tits. Doesn't that bother you?" she asked, wondering if the placement had been intentional or not. "Real diverse? Good. Means you're a pretty accepting bunch and will most likely not contain any jerks. Or I'm gonna assume that. Haha." She laughed and smiled. It had been a while since she'd actually spoken to anyone sans her wyvern. Actual people were a welcome change.

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"..." Blake looked away, after he caught what Raquel had said under her breath. He didn't have the heart to respond to that. He just couldn't. Of course, that meant that someone else was going to challenge him on that. In this case, it was Erion, who was reminding the swordsman that his employer and the others had come back to retrieve him, and that she wouldn't be relatively at ease until he returned to the estate. Like he had forgotten that.

"...No, I noticed. Believe me..., I noticed," Blake said, almost painfully, as he avoided eye contact with both Raquel and the horseman. "I'd honestly rather do nothing else but go back, but I can't. I just... can't leave the survivors out here and hope for the best, with my position. Not while I can help. I... can't explain more than that, yet."


"What?" Pete exclaimed, as a smoke snake spouted from the front door. The man nocked an arrow, and aimed at the creature, looking for a weak point to shoot.

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"Hmm, why would it bother me?" Angelica replied, looking down at the necklace for a moment, before back up at Eva, a curious expression on her face, her head tilted slightly to the side as she examined the other woman's face.

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Um... Objectification? Being shallow as fuck? A tease? Desperate for attention? Maybe extremely wrong first impressions? Any of the above? Jericho mused, instead opting to remain silent and just give Angelica a knowing stare, that disproving look a father would give to his own child but wouldn't say why. He could already tell he didn't want to deal with this kind of woman.

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“Alright, that’s reasonable,” Valter replied, before the avian left to heal one of the mages.


The doors had burst open with several guards backing out and the corridor filling with a black smoke. Aside from it having something to do with the fallen, Synthia wasn’t sure what was going on, and it seemed that neither did anyone else. The snake-like tendril of smoke looked very unnatural, but the smoke following behind it looked to be behaving at least… mostly like normal. If they could just clear up the visibility issues the rest of the group could figure out how to respond.

Taking a few steps closer to the entrance, hopefully out of range of whatever was hiding in the blackness, the mage considered what the best way to do this was. She settled on forming a gust aiming down diagonally over the guard’s heads, to blow out most of the corridor. It was time to see what was hiding inside.

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Sighing, Erion rubbed a hand over his eyes. "Look, I know that you think you need to stay, and I'm sure you have reasons to stay but please. There are soldiers here, there is clearly backup coming from somewhere as shown by the two mages who appeared in the middle of the battle, the crow left. It's probably safe to leave. Plus there are those back at the estate. What if they're under attack? Don't you owe something to them to?"


As they approached the stables, Lumi frowned, noticing blood on the ground. "That's not good. We've got either an injured mount or person in the stables. Lets move quickly." Picking up the pace, Lumi rushed to the stables, entering in to find an injured Rizen and unconcious Bert. Cursing under her breath, she ran over to them to try and make sure that Bert was still breathing. "Eli, Aneda! Get in here! Bert and Rizen both need a lot of help, please!" As she was calling out to them, Star came up from behind and nudged her. "Oh good. You escaped." She said with a sigh of relief

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Eva stared blankly for a moment at Angelica, before giggling at her reaction. Her giggle eventually turned into a full on laugh, sighing as it finished. "I've missed talking to people. You're pretty great, Angelica. What's your name, anyway?" she asked, turning her attention to the man who'd side eyed Angelica moments before.

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