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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Thankfully it seemed that someone was willing to help. The same red head from earlier that seemed to share his ideals about how ridiculous it was to be fooling around in a combat situation. "Been better. Side is still messed up from the sword, give me a quick session with that staff?" Zach asked, moving his hand away to show off where he'd been hit.

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Eva felt a lovely burst of magic enter her body, closing up the wound on her arm and making the bruises on her body far more tolerable. She let Erion have his arm back and glanced around to see who it had been. Someone she didn't recognize, a rather scared looking healer. "Oh, thank you! Sorry for taking up your time there, I know there are people more hurt than I am. Nonetheless, I appreciate it." She gave him a friendly wave, glancing at the dark magic debacle going on near the door. "<So, d'you think we're done, or are there going to be more of those knights further in?>"

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"Yeah, yeah I can do that." He said, nodding and applying what healing magic he had to the wound. He almost asked what it felt like but then he realized it's a goddamn sword, what else would it feel like? "Any idea what the fuck that all was...?" He decided to actually ask, still confused on the fog and... whatever the hell those things were, and it only made him feel awkward knowing that there were still many around them.

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"Thank you much," Orville said as he took the vulnerary and began applying it to his wound. "I should probably look into restocking on these. It wouldn't do to have to constantly mooch off of you or anyone else willing to share, let alone wait for a healer. This group seems hard pressed for those." Orville shrugged at the woman's question. "I would assume so? I mean, I don't know about him, but unless I had a child I wouldn't go spouting off that I did." He chuckled at her conclusion. "No fun indeed it would seem. What a miserable life that would be."

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Letting out a sigh as he felt his wound properly heal, Zach let out a small but rather dark sounding chuckle at the question. "A few theories are swimming around in my head, none of it is good. This much dark magic in one location, powering monsters such as those things never is." Shaking his head, he continued "Sadly it seems that over the top tings such as this are the norm when you stick around Raquel." Getting off the wall, he held out the hand that wasn't covered in blood. "Thanks for the help, name's Zachary, most people call me Zach though. Feel free to choose whichever you like."

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By the time Synthia had seen Tuncay charging at her and Lumi, there wasn’t anything she could do to stop him. A moment later the armored construct had her throat in its hand, and then the world went black as she was slammed against the ground. Her reopened wound and other injuries had been healed by Nadya and Eli, but the mage was still out cold and probably would be for a while longer still.


Kat literally growled when the hunk of metal ignored her in favor of wrecking someone else’s shit. She would’ve just charged him again, if there weren’t so many people in the way and he hadn’t gone down a few moments later. When the armor exploded, however, the wyvern rider was immediately glad she hadn’t followed. It would’ve been pretty nasty to have been caught by shrapnel, and the mage that took Tuncay down was at a much safer distance than she would’ve been. The remains of the knight didn’t particularly interest her, beyond the crackling dark magic covering the ground (that she was going to get out of). All the magic runes and whatever importance they held went right over her head.

What did catch Katrina’s attention though, was Shadrak being set upon by a cloud of dark magic heading towards the archive door. Wasn’t that stuff creating sparks a minute ago? And now all of it was heading towards one area… “Shadrak, maybe you should move from the door,” she said.

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"... So that's where the source is. It seems likely that there is someone on the other side of the door powering these knights." Hoshi stood up, dusting her hands and returning the notebook to her satchel. "That makes more sense but still... The amount of magic needed to animate and control these knights... and to then have such an after-effect... Whoever was controlling them is no ordinary mage. We should, uhm, proceed with caution if we have to face them. But, uhm, with the clearing of the floor, this area should be safe to walk. No need to be scared."


"Yeah, there do seem to be more fighters than healers that's for sure. Though it doesn't help that one of them is currently knocked out..." She walked over to where Synthia was and sighed. Calling back over her shoulder though, she added to Orville, "I'll look after her. Hopefully she'll wake up soon. And yeah, I'm pretty sure that if I was Mr Thunder Cloud's kid, I would've run away from home for a completely different reason." Lumi sat down next to Synthia and quietly whispered, "I'm so sorry..."


<"Oh dear. Now you've got me worried. You'd think that you wanted to see me hurt. Why, I'm almost offended. Here I thought--"> He was cut of in surprise by the kiss and just blinked for a second or two before grinning at her. <"Wellll now. If that's what you consider punishment, I might have to be very naughty in the future. You better watch out.">

The thief had been enjoying holding Eva up, especially after that kiss, and so there was a small part of his brain that was sad to see a healer start to focus on her. He immediately mentally chided himself for that, reminding himself that her becoming healthy was more important than a nice little side hug. <"Hmm... hopefully not more knights. But something's controlling that dark magic. Hopefully whoever it is isn't looking for a fight.">

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Open Says Me

Not that it wasn't difficult to adjust his footing while the dark energy was flowing around it and into the door, but with all of it gone now, there didn't seem to be much danger anyway, not unless there really was a nasty surprise on the other side of this large door. Shadrak wasn't even sure if it was a door, anymore; there were no handles, and aside from looking different from the rest of the walls and being carved from much smoother stone. "Urrrgh ... if we're still locked out ... ... somebody needs to go and grab Io. We're pretty much stuck here."

I thought these engravings were rune originally, and that doing something to them might get this thing to open, but if they are runes, they're scaled way too big, and the amount of magic I'd need to get a response out of them is ... well it's gone now, Shadrak reviewed the situation privately. I guess anything short of structural damage is an option, but ...

"I could go find her," Raquel offered. That'd help with a couple of problems possibly, getting Io back and letting Amon get a more accurate response from his detector trinket.

"I'm pretty sure she left specifically so no one could pester her about this part," Nadine said, putting her hand on Raquel's shoulder. Having her leave now would just mean she'd miss whatever really got this door open. It'd be funny if Shadrak yelling at the thing actually--

"HEY," Shadrak yelled, "We played your little game! We defeated your knights just like Io instructed us to; we earned entry!"

"All the dark magic that came out of those knights just got sucked into the archives. It's a much smaller area than what we're in right now so it's probably a nightmare inside," Reign noted. Shaking his head, he added, "Not really sure I want to go in there just yet."

"Someone's controlling it. It'll be fine. Yeah, it's strange, this much dark energy being controlled, but there could be any number of explanations," Shadrak explained. "Listen, the Order of Truth isn't built on lies and doesn't go around deliberately misleading people! One of your priestesses put us up to this, so honor the agreement and open this door! We earned this!"

We destroyed two of their soldiers because some sleepy priestess said we could ... can't help but feel that we owe them, Reign mused.

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A Man Called Gar

"Oh please," Gar rolled his eyes. "The very name of the Order of Truth is a lie. But that's besides the point." Gar kicked himself off the wall he'd been leaning against and walked a bit closer. "If anything's gonna open that 'door' it'll be whatever's inside. That's probably why Miss-Knows-Things left because of how pleasant it won't be."

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"Uh...yeah sure," Veronika responded eloquently to Hoshi's explanation of the rune knights, understanding very little of it. "I recommend we wait for Priestess Io to open the door or for it to open itself. I don't want anyone getting obliterated by dark magic or somesuch," she stated.

Nadya focused on patching up the party members who needed healing. They'd want to be in good health no matter what was behind that door.

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Hold it together knees. Eva's plan almost backfired but she managed to keep her composure, looking towards the rather menacing door. Then looking around for the priestess that had led them down here. Guess she's gone... "<Well, whatever's behind that door isn't going to be pleasant. I've a feeling we'll be doing more fighting, as those two before, while they were pretty tough, against all of us they didn't seem like they'd pose too much trouble...>" Maybe she just wanted to fight more, but she had a feeling that the magic was going towards something, and she wanted her guard up in case that something was trouble.

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Frowning, Hoshi walked up to the door. "Hmm, I don't see any hinges. Do you think dark magic could activate it? Or perhaps... Hmm could Raquel use her emblem magic to phase through the door? That dark magic is basically all gone now so I don't..." She paused, and then tapped on the door.


<"Well... maybe let some other people take the front line at the start this time, ok? You're not exactly at one hundred percent right now, so be safe, ok? You can still have fun while being safe, I promise."> He grinned, and put his arm back around her, both for reasons of support and also for reasons of he liked having his arm around her.


Glancing up, Lumi realized that Synthia was sort of in the middle of everything. Slowly and carefully, she dragged the taller girl over to one of the pillars and propped her up against it. "Right. You stay there. ... Not that you're really going anywhere." She sighed and stood up, stretching carefully. Walking back over to Orville, she grinned at him. "So, do you think we're going to have another fight? Could be fun if we do. Getting to beat up some more knights. Maybe you could get another kill."

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"Most of what you say is beside the point," Shadrak fired back, "so why don't you do something useful for a change and help look for a way to open this door? We didn't come here and beat down these knight things just to get stopped by a stupid door."

"Apparently you did. Though ... maybe try knocking ... 'no assumptions' or something, that's what that Io woman said, right?" Nadine offered. She'd have done it herself but she wasn't anywhere near that door and planned to keep it that way for the time being. "If that doesn't work, I'll just go and look for her, I guess."

"I don't think I could get through it," Raquel shook her head a few times when the theory came up. "It's dangerous enough just moving around indoors, but trying to get directly through something is bound to go horribly wrong ..."

If you'd just trained even a little on the way back to Ursium that probably wouldn't be the case now, Shadrak thought to himself before slamming the bottom of his fist into the door. "Urgh!"

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"<Whoa, hey tiger, slow down,>" Eva joked as Erion's arm found itself around her again. "<There'll be plenty of time for that when we're done killing the church's dark magic puppets. And, don't think so. You said you'd've been knocked into the wall from one blow, and I took three before I even needed healing. I think I'll stay up front.>" She cocked an eye and smirked at him, wondering if he'd actually have any retort to that. "<Unless you...want to get knocked into wall? I never took you for a masochist, Erion...>" She wasn't paying too much attention to the drama surrounding Shadrak and the door, as she knew nothing of magic, and had no suggestions for getting past it.

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A Man Called Gar

"Remember when you thought breaking the door was a bad idea Shade Drake? Good times," Gar caressed his chin and stared into the not-so distance of the ceiling. But he resettled his sights back on the door. He cleared his throat with a cough and shouted. "Hello person/vasili/fire emblem piece/some type of spirit haunting the emblem! We would very much like this door opened so if you would please!" Because yep.

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<"Hmmph, I'm just trying to make sure you don't make a fool of yourself and fall on your butt in front of everyone again. As for getting thrown into the walls... No, I'll avoid that. Note I never said that *I* would be the one jumping into the front lines. I'll stay back here and make sure you don't collapse. We'll let someone else take the hits."> He smirked right back at her. <"That is unless you object to me staying right here...?">

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Well, that exchange had ended. Stalking her way over to Erion and Eva, who were at this point basically just helping eachother stay off the floor, the adept gave the pair a light smirk.

"So as soon as you've got the go ahead to say you're alive, you start getting frisky, huh? Erion, you make me worry for all the times I was asleep in that crowded little wagon." Angelica chided.

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Erion smirked right back at Angel. "Aw, is someone just a bit jealous here? And I'm hurt that you'd think I'd try anything when you were asleep. Trust me. I've seen all those knives you carry. I wouldn't come within ten feet of you without your permission. Not that I'd do that something like you're implying even if you weren't armed like you are, but especially not with those knives."

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"<Geez, this is definitely not the place for all this flirting...>" Eva whispered with a laugh, though she was obviously also at fault. When Angelica made her way over to comment on them, she felt a small wave of embarrassment wash over her and put about a foot between herself and Erion. Perhaps she'd forgotten that there were others there. "W-Well, it's not like we can do much until that door's open, and I don't have any ideas..." Erion's comments made Eva wonder, just how much of a gentleman he said he was. Not that she'd ever give anyone the opportunity to test something like that, that would just be foolish. "Knives?" she asked, instead.

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<"Geeze, I was just trying to help..."> Erion muttered under his breath as Eva jumped away from him. <"You know I would never do anything inappropriate, right?"> He frowned slightly, hoping that Angel's teasings hadn't been taken seriously.

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"Is that right... well I suppose I'll just have to take your word for it, lover boy." Angelica replied with a light shrug and a smile, before turning her attention towards Eva.

"Well, you've already exploded two sentinel dolls... something tells me 'bust it down' is gonna come up real soon..." Angelica noted, before bringing her hand down beneath her skirt and pulling out one of the multiple sharp objects stored near the hem of the fabric.

"If I had to wager a guess, he means these." The adept concluded, pointing the blade towards Eva in an obviously non-threatening way, before withdrawing it. She would wait a moment to see if they were going to continue in Skotian to reveal she still knew what they were saying.

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"<Of course, of course,>" Eva responded to Erion, walking back over to his side. "<Sorry about that, just... I was worried we were making the others in the room feel awkward, and it made me sort of, embarrassed. I didn't mind, really. I kind of liked it.>" Her face was a bit red, though that left when Angel started talking about her knives. "Oh, geez, I didn't even notice. Guess I have to stare at thighs more often," she said with a bit of a blank tone. I'll never get where they hide all of these things. Honestly, I've got my hands full with a claymore, I couldn't imagine needing so many blades on my person. Though she did have a knife in the back of her boot, just in case.

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<"Ok. Good. Still, I'll back off for now. Didn't mean to overstep something. Just met you after all. Friends."> He said with a half-smile, before grinning about the knife conversation. "Yeah, she's a bit more obvious about her knives than I am. Well.. about some of her knives. Knowing her, she probably has twice as many again hidden elsewhere on her body. Wouldn't know from experience of course, just guessing if she's anything like me."

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"Honestly, those aren't the ones people even notice, most of all." Angelica replied, as she strapped the small blade back in place, before bringing her arm up, the tailor-made sheath stitched into the side of her glove being the new object of focus, as she pulled the much larger blade out. With the ones on her legs being designed to be easy to throw, and land small blows with, this dagger, along with it's twin on her other arm, were clearly designed to take the fight up close and personal.

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"<N-No, really, it's fine.>" <Shoot, now you've scared him off. Good going.> "<You do whatever you feel comfortable doing, I'll let you know if it bothers me. There was no overstepping, I assure you.>" She gave him a smile and thought for a moment. "<Heh, wouldn't it be awkward if Angelica could understand all of this? I think I'd get more embarrassed than I've ever been.>" Knives seemed to be the topic of conversation now, and a few rather large ones were being displayed. "Are you sure that's still a knife? Looks like a small sword to me..."

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