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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Grand Cathedral Plaza

"I'll see what I can do," Amon shrugged at Angelica.

"Hmm," Reign mused. "Maybe I should just send bursts along the ground out front. People probably wouldn't get burned and no one further away would see it ..." He'd worked out how it would work, but it would have to be bright enough and just tall enough for people to notice it and start scurrying out of the way.

"Someone could get hurt," Amon said, shooting the idea down quickly. "Just push through the normal way."

"I wasn't asking but noted," he retorted, still considering the idea even as he began to swim through the crowd.

"Ugh ... wish I was an avian," Greta groaned, "I could just fly over this mess and land on the roof. Dang, I can even see it from here; it's not that far off."

Fizza went in after Reign and seemed to slip through people like a snake, getting past Reign and a third of the way to the wagon in a matter of seconds. If she wanted to take someone out, she could be on the other side of the plaza before the victim's body hit the floor from the looks of things. It was times like these that Amon remembered that despite her easy going nature and occasional bouts of childishness, she was a well trained assassin.

Mushirah's Room

"If your friends aren't able to, for whatever reason, I'll gladly help you regain your balance," Damiana offered.

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"I hope there will be no need for Raquel to be arrested in the first place," Veronika responded to Zach, avoiding the question itself as she did not know the answer. We seem to be getting more and more separated, hopefully no one gets lost going to the wagon.

"Be careful with the bag!" Nadya warned anxiously, trailing closely after Reign. Not that she think he would try to run with it or anything, but if it ran into a knife or sword or something and the gold came spilling out this crowd would become a mob- a mob trying to get her gold.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Liam and Rosalind? They were reasonably convincing, all things considered. Sergei wondered briefly if they had to protect themselves like this before. Whatever the case, he had found them. Now all that was left was to figure out what to do with them. The villagers had dispatched him to look for Cyrus on the pretense that he had kidnapped Gwyn, but the knight needed only look at the girl to see that she was no prisoner. Rare was the prisoner that went along with her captor's lie to cover for him. So if he hadn't kidnapped her, then the only alternative was that they had left together. There was no real reason for him to take them back...then again, they had forced him to come this far from home. Perhaps a small scare was in order.

"Charmed, er...Rosalind," he managed to stammer out, trying his best not to give away that he knew who she was. "And you're absolutely right. Forgive me, but a wayfaring knight often lets his manners grow rusty." He bowed slightly, half in politeness and half to conceal his smirk - he was doing rather well. "My name is Sergei Arbatov. No titles, please, though I've been known to answer to Sarge." He locked eyes with Cyrus as he finished his introduction. There was no firmness in his gaze; it was hard to keep this pretense up, fun though it was to try. "Rosalind, eh?" His smirk widened ever so slightly, betraying half a row of teeth. "She's a creative one, isn't she, Cyrus? I wouldn't have come up with a name that quickly."

Hopefully they had figured out by now that he meant no harm, though he didn't expect them to just laugh his little trick off. At least the area was crowded enough that a fight wasn't a viable option...

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Jam watched as Alphonse took down Aneda with ease. He seemed to be in complete control of the match. Someday, she hoped to be just as skilled. The dancer turned to find Robin entering the field.

"What was she up to?" Jam thought to herself.


Eli eventually found his way outside and into the busy streets. Unlike the others, he had no trouble navigating through the crowds. Turns out people will get out of your on their own accord, particularly if you're covered in sick. He easily found his way to the group, but was disappointed that the wagon was blocked off. At this point, they would probably be better off just walking. No one else seemed to have caught on to that, so they all just stood there.

Well, everyone except Eli.

"Hey guys," he said to anyone willing to listen to his defeated tone, "It's already been a long day. I'm headed back on foot."

Sure, there might be something important about to happen, but screw it. Eli wanted to get cleaned up. He was sure he would hear about it at some point.

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With a sudden commotion, and her vantage point allowing Faatina to see what it entailed... mostly a young girl bleeding from the mouth and what appeared from a bit of a distance to be the stirrings of a fight or argument... the Rexian paladin wondered if at times, she tried to be too damn helpful for her own good, but...

It didn't take long for Sharif to get her over to the trio, what with being trampled not being a prospect most people wanted to invite into their lives... both the rider and her steed had received some dirty looks but no more than that. Well, it was to be expected, really.

"Is something the matter, over here?" Faatina asked, just as the armoured man appeared to be delivering some sort of ultimatum, judging by the expression he wore... it's not as though she could have heard him over the crowd before now, aside from the one instance of excessive barking.


"What a pain... so not dealing with this..." Angelica let out a light complaint with a scowl, before backing a tad away from the throbbing crowd, and vaulting herself over the thrall of people and towards the wagon with a burst of wind, landing cleanly on top. Well, atleast that inconvenience was taken care of, for now.

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Enjoying her slight wait in the wagon, Eva was surprised to feel something hit it, as if someone had landed on top. But that would be impossible, wouldn't it? She hopped out the back and threw herself up, head peeking over the edge, only to find Angelica on top of the wagon. "Wh-- how'd you get up here so quickly?" It was fairly astounding. Perhaps it had been some sort of magic? How interesting...

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Well that's good to hear, thank you very much Miss!" Mushirah replied excitedly. It was nice to see something resembling a structure and a plan panning out.

"You talkin down to me, son? I'd kick your ass if I had a weapon on me!" Aneda barked at him a bit reflexively but mostly in jest. "And besides, power is simple, skill and finesse simply aren't things I was born with, and lacking skill and not power still gets me money and a livelyhood~!"

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"I'd say it'd be nice to see you again Sergei, but that would be a rather bold faced lie wouldn't it." Cyrus said, still glaring at the older man, their cover was blown out of the water at this point. "Gwyn's adapted pretty well out of our little village, and I'd rather you not knock me out and drag her back when we've done nothing wrong." This wasn't a good place for a fight, way too many people, and Cyrus was already at a disadvantage just from the fact that he didn't have a weapon. He wouldn't have killed Sergei anyways, but Cyrus really had no skills in pure hand to hand, he wasn't sure if he'd even be able to properly defend himself against the former soldier.

When another person got involved, a woman this time, he shot her a quick glance. He doubted she was working with Sergei, but there was no way to know for sure. "Nothing important Ma'am, just a small disagreement."


"Well, you might, or I could have a blade to your neck after you attacked me once and missed." Alphonse simply stated. "It's good that Power works well for you in our line of work, but Skill can be learned as well easily. Keeping up with training lets anyone end up with a proper skillset."

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Well excuuuuuuuuse me, Princess!

"Uh, hellooooooo? Person in question still here! Ugh, you're insufferable as always, Sarge," the pink-haired maestro grumbled, not only miffed that Sergei was speaking as if she wasn't there, but also couldn't stand that Cyrus spoke for her. "Improvisation is practically part of the job description for performers, doy." She rolled her eyes. "Did the blockheads back home send you or something? If they did, they probably butchered our profiles and sent you on a wild pegasus chase for no good reason." Just as she was about to prepare a spell in case Sergei was determined to enact "justice" or whatever, a tan-skinned woman about her own height practically came charging in on a horse.

"No, ma'am, everything is peachy keen," Gwyn stated flatly, keeping her eyes on Sergei. The bleeding had stopped completely at this point, and the soiled handkerchiefs were hastily stowed away in a small pack on her hip. "Though... if you could help us get to the College or help us find some mercenary work, that would be lovely." She flashed a disarming grin, determined to get out of this problematic situation as quickly as possible.

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"Hmm...? Oh, I jumped it." Angelica replied as if it was perfectly natural, gesturing to the crowd... if the wyvern rider wanted to question further, she would do it of her own accord.


"Well, alright... It looked like you were hurt, so I wanted to make sure everything was okay." Faatina noted, seeing that the bleeding had appeared to stop by this point. Adjusting Sharak slightly, the Rexian rider turned back towards the wagon.

"Well, I'm no local, so I couldn't get you to this college, but I might be able to introduce you to someone who might hire you... I'm heading over there anyway so if you follow along the wake in the crowd behind Sharif you should be fine... not that I'm too easy to lose in this crowd, like this." Faatina concluded with a bit of a sigh, as she absentmindedly fingered one of the makeshift baids in Shadrak's hair.

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"Jumped it!?" Eva asked, astounded. She slowly pulled herself onto the roof of the wagon and stood across from the woman, quite puzzled. "How'd you manage that? Some kinda magic, or something? I only know that kinda flying when you're on a wyvern..." At least it was conversation to have, as much as it was really confusing to Eva.

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Dear pesky plumbers...

As soon as he had revealed himself, the hostility came out of both of them. Good - at least they weren't running. "Oh, put the claws away, both of you," he chided, his grin widening slightly. "Truth be told, the bumpkins panicked that you - " - he gestured to Cyrus - " - had kidnapped you - " - and to Gwyn - " - and wanted to be sure justice was done. You're lucky they sent me after you, because I know what a kidnapper looks like. And you, my young friend," - he leaned forward slightly in Cyrus's direction - "didn't kidnap anyone." He almost explained further, but figured there was little need for it; all he had to do was take them off edge. "Consider yourselves missing in action. I don't much care to go report anyway."

The horsewoman's intervention was actually welcome to Sergei - someone had to defuse this, and he didn't seem terribly fit for the job. "Minor altercation," he replied almost automatically, his military instincts kicking in. "This girl was knocked into me due to some wretch in the crowd, and we were simply making sure everyone was alright." He made it a point to turn to the rider while he spoke, mostly out of courtesy, though he hoped it'd serve to take the edge off the other two.

It wasn't long before the rider offered Cyrus and Gwyn a lead on some mercenary work, which piqued Sergei's interest - it seemed like a decent use of his time. "Mind if I follow you as well?" he ventured, still keeping his eyes off the other two. "Unless this connection of yours has little use for this many more people?" With barely a half-turn towards Gwyn, he raised a hand slightly. "I know what you're thinking, but as I said, you can both consider yourselves missing." There was no real reason for him to return to that place; maybe he'd end up there sometime in the future, and then he could explain what happened. But for now, he needed something to do.

Edited by Anti-Social Meta Knight
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"I don't mind, and I don't think it would be too many... at the very least it can't hurt to ask." Faatina replied, as it appeared all three of them agreed that the prior wasn't much to make note of... if they were willing to leave it at that, so was she.

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Eva sat down on the wagon's roof. "You are? You're just full of surprises aren't you Angel-- Angelica," she said, with a quick correction, not wanting to offend through old habits. "How'd you learn that on top of being able to swing all of those knives around? I've got my hands full flying a lizard and swinging a claymore. Magic seems so... Complex."

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"It's more just getting a grasp of the basics and what you can handle, and working around that... casting a spell is only different from swinging a sword if you let it feel that way... sure it takes different skill sets but the underlying principles are the same... you hone your skill in your chosen field and work within your limits." Angelica replied, running her fingers through her hair as she pushed her bangs aside.

"As for the knife-play... well it started with hand to hand... both of them, in the most basic sense, are about zone control and threat level. You just threaten in different ways with a knife than you do with your fist." Angelica concluded, plopping herself down next to Eva.

"Besides, as complex as magic might seem to you, it's all in perspective... it's not like I could hope to lift that slab of metal you swing around."

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Eva listened intently, having always been interested in magic, though not enough to try and cast anything. Perhaps this group would get her interested enough to give it a shot. "Huh, really? I always figured you needed to have a talent for it, or something. You can just work on it until it works? I'm sure there has to be more to it than just that..." Eva gave it a hard thought, but dropped it, as she had exactly no idea how one learned how to use magic. "Well, I've gotta say, I'm a bit surprised. I figured you for just a pretty face from how you were acting at the temple, but I guess you've got both that and smarts going for you. You're pretty lucky, I'd say." Eva smiled at her, even if her compliment was a bit backhanded.

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"I mean, everyone has different latent talent... some people will be naturally gifted and all that, but... well, magic is everywhere. Atleast for humans, pretty much all of the magic we use is borrowed from the environment. While a mage gives the spell shape and directs it's path, the brunt of the actual power behind it is borrowed from the world around you... your own magic is just what limits how much of an effect you can force on the magic around you." Angelica replied, absent-mindedly whipping up a small twister in her palm as she spoke.

"I'm not much, really. My luck lies more in the people I've met, willing to pass their knowledge along, than in myself."

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"Oh, I dunno about everyone being naturally gifted..." Eva thought back to how she still barely knew how to ride Sasha, and that she didn't have any real talent or style to her sword swinging, she was just strong enough to lift it. No matter, she still listened, and leaned in incredibly close to the small twister in Angelica's hand when it was conjured. She almost went to touch it, but stopped, as it was just air, nothing would happen. It was still incredibly interesting. "Don't sell yourself short; I doubt I'd be able to remember half of what you're telling me, even if I did know how to use magic. You've got some real smarts up in there."

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"Call it that if you want, I guess. Product of how I grew up, that... took to things pretty quick." Angelica replied with a light smile, as the other woman stared with a bout of fascination at her light conjuration.

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"How'd you grow up?" Eva asked, still entirely enjoying the small wind show, eventually poking it. Her finger went through the wind, as expected, but it was still a curiosity. How does she hold the wind there? Is that part of the magic? Does natural wind effect it? It's so interesting! "So, uh... What else can you do with your magic? You can vault, you can make these little swirls, you can presumably lacerate people," she said with a straight face, "anything else interesting?"

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We're off to see the wizard!

"Thank you for your concern, but it was just a minor injury. It'll heal in a few days' time," Gwyn cordially replied to the horsewoman, finally letting her guard down ever-so-slightly. "I could guide you to the College but I fear imposing on your hospitality." She smiled wryly and continued, "Though it'd be a shame for any self-respecting mage to pass over such an opportunity to further their studies, having food in their belly and money for various other expenses take priority over education." Though she would've preferred to be able to do both, it seemed like there wouldn't be enough time in the day to accomplish everything she'd wanted to do.

Gwyn sighed when it came to the prospect of Sergei joining them. Though she didn't have nearly as many run-ins with the law as Cyrus, she just couldn't trust just anyone who suddenly turned up and happened to have been hunting them down. How could she be certain that Sergei wouldn't stab them in the back later on? "Just... don't get in our way, old man. If you somehow off yourself, I doubt that anyone would be able to notify the village of your passing. I don't know about Cyrus, but I'm not willing to personally haul your corpse around to bury you six feet under."

Edited by Sakusa
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"It's nothing too interesting... I just had to learn things quick when I was a kid... didn't have too many shots to get it wrong." The adept replied, dissipating the miniature twister.

"It really depends on what you want to call interesting... wind magic is all about using the momentum present in the air and accelerating it, manipulating the shape and structure for different purposes. Blades, spears, hammers, walls... if I can envision it in my mind, have time to practice it's composition, and it's not entirely impractical, I can pull it out... the biggest thing is that wind units quickly taper off if they aren't constantly moving." Angelica concluded, when asked about what she, as a wind mage, was capable of.


"I'm not certain how quickly we would be off, but... if there's time I'd love to take you up on that. It sounds like the sort of place you wouldn't find anywhere else." Faatina replied with a smile, which quickly faded as more... morose talk began.

"Hey now, no need to talk of death in the field... the threat looms enough as is, no need to give it undue heed."

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"Who said anything about hauling a corpse around... Glen might like a change of diet." Cyrus joked rather darkly. It seemed like he and Gwyn were in agreement about the idea of getting some more work. "I'd appreciate it if you could direct us towards some work Ma'am. After that whole fiasco last night we were trying to find something to pick up but haven't had any luck so far." As for the other person involved at the moment... "You can come I guess, better to keep an eye on you rather than just assuming I wont have a posse after me within a month."

Turning back to the woman with a sudden burst of insight. "Oh, it probably doesn't matter too much but you might as well know our skillsets. I'm a Wyvern Rider, pretty good mix of defense and offense, and my companion is a fairly talented healer, not too bad of a performer either if you need someone to handle morale... the old man hits things with an axe."

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"Well, it won't do much good to tell me what you can do, really." Faatina replied, choosing to ignore the rather dark comment for now... clearly there was history here that she was unaware of.

"When you're ready, just follow along then. I'm heading that way anyway."

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