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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Alphonse openly scowled at Erion once Jamilla had left, he didn't care for the man's games, and certainly wasn't going to be a player in them. Leaning forward he spoke quietly "I don't know what your problem is with me, I don't care. Just know this thief, if you dare to ever harm that girl.... well, I'll just let you figure the last part out, you can think of something, can't you." Having said his piece Alphonse stood up from the table, and began to walk towards another part.

Calming down as he walked, Al managed to overhear the last part of Veronika and Blake's conversation. "If you wouldn't mind me interjecting? If you need more Ursians, or at least half Ursians to go with you, I wouldn't mind tagging along. Assuming that's fine with you?" He asked, looking to his fellow redhead.

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"You can come along if you wish, Weyland's invitation extended to you as well," Veronika answered noncommittally. Not sure how much Greta's group could vouch on our behalf- I don't think they've been briefed on the intricacies of our situation...

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Erion's grin widened even further as Al started berating him. As the man walked away, he called out, "If you even think I'd hurt her, you don't know a thing about me. You're more likely to hurt her than I am." Well that was interesting. He really is scared about me taking his place with her. Ah well. This should be fun for future knowledge. Standing up, he stretched, walked up to Al, "Oh, by the way, I won't be going into town with you. You two can have your free time." Glancing around the room, he spied the Skotian archer he'd noticed a couple of days ago sitting with a young child who he seemed to remember was a mage in the group. With a shrug and a slight smile, he wandered over to the women. He spun a chair around and sat down across the table from her. <"So. You're a Skotian archer I hear. I've been thinking about picking archery back up myself. Need to get a good bow though. So what's your name? Always interested to meet another Skotian, especially around these parts, you know? Been a while since I've been home."> He grinned and leaned forward, doing his best to appear as if he was deeply interested in her answers.

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A Man Called Gar

List-making was never done. Some new guy was all "hey I can go" which was kinda annoying since he'd just gotten done for now but whatever. Maybe he should just wait until everyone had gathered together in one spot and--hahaha like that was gonna happen. His song was only interrupted by the beats of laughter. So whatever, he walked over closer to Veronika and new guy and said. "You have a plus one?"

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Taking a seat himself, Steinn crossed his leg over his right and leaned back, allowing his arms to each take a place on the seat's rests. His wings meanwhile spread out just enough to avoid having their feathers mashed and rested on the outside of the chair. It almost looked like he owned the place ... "Your common is impressive. I'd like to know who tutored you in this human language."

Dining Hall

"Did you say Schwartz?" Tamara asked, a bit rhetorically at that. Still, she looked genuinely surprised. As much as she wanted to inquire about the malevolent giant's activities, they had arrived at the dining hall. "Hmm, well here we are. Master Weyland is still here, too. That's good."

Malik grunted, nearly growled even, at Gytha's suggestion. He didn't want to be involved at all, or he would have made light of his condition or made a suggestion he actually liked. Rather than being direct first and foremost this time, he tried to answer her question, saying, "Sanctuary isn't so foreign that we have a completely different mindset toward entertainment. Use your imagination."

"That's some answer. Malik, keep in mind, Gytha's more used to a seafaring culture, so even some of what's normal in these parts isn't actually familiar to her. It's a legitimate question," Amon explained. Best to answer the question himself, "It's true, we're not all that different, but I guess some common ones are dice games."

"Settlers gamble a lot too," Fizza noted, referring to others living in the rexian desert, essentially anyone who wasn't from Sanctuary.

"Card games are pretty popular too, but we use a different theme. Let's see .... Oh, and for more physically oriented games, there's sports. I might have gotten into urban racing if I didn't end up living in the palace."

"There's also betting on who will be shot down in flames by one of the maidens next," Malik tossed in with a scowl on his face.

"Are you serious?" Fizza asked. Not waiting for an answer, she turned to Amon. "Is he serious ...?" Amon simply shrugged. He had no idea, but was beginning to suspect that some people actually did do that. Nothing was stopping them after all, and Sanctuary wasn't a true utopia. It had its fair share of ... jerks.

Finally, the lasagna orders started coming.


"Oh, it's nothing, really. Are you enjoying yourselves?" Langley asked.

Amber perked up again for some reason. "Yeah, I really like it out here. It's pretty, bright and sunny, and everyone smells nice."

"Oh yeah ... we're ... just fine, here." Miguel said before stealthily glancing over at Cain to see if he was still sulking at the table. He seemed to be slowly emerging to face the colonel. Good man. Don't let her see you a miserable shipwreck. Try as he did, Cain couldn't force a convincing smile.

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"My mother was fairly well versed, and thought it a good idea to pass her knowledge on to me, Lord Devlinos. Between teaching me directly and attaining whatever reference materials she could manage, it would seem she succeeded." Annelise replied, impressed at just how... relaxed Steinn seemed... he was in the middle of foreign territory after all... though he had been there a while... and he didn't have someone like himself to share the room with...

Perhaps it was just her.

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Malik seemed to be a bit cranky, even when he wasn't misunderstanding a good-natured challenge as an attempt on an ally's life in Sanctuary. She couldn't help but smile with a sense of relief and a warmed heart when Amon spoke up against the red-haired Rexian on her behalf. I've missed that. True a friend as they come. It was interesting to hear that in spite of their differences, their games weren't all so different either. They had dice games and card games, from the sound of things, and hearing about urban racing was exciting. Out at sea there was a severe lack of buildings and when in port, the sailors seemed to generally prefer other forms of recreation, so it was unfamiliar.

Then Malik mentioned another game that even took Fizza by surprise. Amon himself didn't even seem sure whether Malik was serious or not. Hmm... I'm gettin' th' sense that he realla doesn't want t' come along... Gytha thought with a frown. Then, she told Malik, "Well...yer welcome t' join us if ye want. If ye realla would rather be left alone, though, at least I won't be botherin' ye. Just didn't want t' be inconsiderate o' yer condition. Thought maybe playin' somethin' familiar t' ye would cheer ye up, too."

Frown shifting to a tentative smile, Gytha went on more to those she'd been talking to as a whole, "Tryin' out somethin' new would be fun. Mostla what we do fer entertainment is fightin', gamblin', singin', dancin', arm-wrestlin' n' tellin' tales. There're others, but they're not worth mentionin'. Onla ones I like doin're singin', dancin', exchangin' stories -- true 'r untrue -- n' sparrin'. Not entirela fond o' serious fightin' unless it's t' protect meself 'r me allies. Racin' can be fun, too, n' there're a lot o' sorts fer that. Actualla, there're a lot o' ways t' compete, thinkin' on it. Name a skill n' there's a game fer it, I bet."

Norbert, meanwhile, had finished up his meal. It'd been an interesting one, that was for sure. It was almost like a stew, filled with chunks of meat, cut up vegetables and stock, but also several raw, but chopped, herbs were mixed in. It'd smelled...very odd. A mix between the dried herbs -- which smelled earthy and even a bit flowery -- and the savory smell of the stew-like mixture's familiar ingredients. The taste was unusual too. Of course the more normal ingredients tasted good and hearty but the chopped mix of fresh and dried herbs -- some leaves, some roots, some stems -- added some strong, bitter notes at times. However, sometimes, it caused the stew to taste almost sweet rather than bitter. All in all it was a confusing dish, but the pegasus rider figured it was probably exactly what he'd ordered. That didn't mean he wasn't uncertain about what he'd just eaten, though. I...think I just ate tree bark...


"It is a fine location," Cecelia replied to the colonel, "though we were only going to stay here until we'd finished our soup. There is a job to be done, after all." Her eyes shifted over to Cain "And it appears as though the Lieutenant here could use some rest while there is time before the ball."

She then asked him directly, masterfully feigning inquiry, "Did you eat something that disagreed with you earlier or did you simply not get enough rest?" She could only hope that Amber wouldn't blab about the true reason for Fletcher's condition.

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"I see. In hindsight, she made the right call. You're going to need those communication skills and others in order to assist me; we can't afford to be bogged down with language barriers and translation while dealing with these people. We're almost out of time."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Hey, Steinn? Whatever food you ordered is here, but uh ..." He slowly opened the door to let the servant carrying the tray in. He would have waited for permission to enter, but there was a problem that ended up changing his priorities. Steinn saw for himself when the door opened. Siv was standing beside the servant, reaching up to steal pieces of horse meat from one of the two plates. Tried as the servant did to keep the tray out of her reach without dropping it, she still managed to steal about ten pieces by the time they entered the room.

"I'm truly sorry. She's quite tenacious," the servant said as he approached.

Siv stopped where she was when she noticed Annelise and stared while the servant delivered the food.

"That's too bad. Siv, you really should order for yourself and then give them time to prepare it. You won't starve waiting for a little while," Steinn said to the girl. Then to the servant, he said, "Annelise can have the untouched portion," and grabbed the nearly finished plate Siv had been stealing from.

The servant smiled sadly and said, "Very well. I'm truly sorry about all this."

Dining Hall

"If you want to cheer me up, find us a lead on that emblem so we can get a move on," Malik replied.

Hmm ... right ... what was I thinking? We can't stay with them forever. We only linked up to get to Europa safely, but we have a mission of our own and despite the circumstances, our objectives are still pretty different. We need an emblem piece for Lady Aisha. Taking down that organization has nothing to do with me anymore ... Amon gloomily mused.

"Why don't you simply take back the emblem piece that girl took from Raquel? Isn't that the one you're after?" Weyland asked, which made Malik realize that once again they were being mistaken for one big group tending to Raquel's interests, which was so far from the truth it made him want to slam his head on the table. "Or perhaps you've your own interest in the emblem ...?" Weyland added. It was rather timely and kept Malik from snapping at him.

"I shouldn't have said anything, but yes, we've got nothing to do with Raquel. Even Amon isn't involved with her battles anymore. This is our own mission and we can't get involved in this organization business unless there's a new emblem piece that we can use for ourselves," he explained.

"Hah, I was kind of hoping we could all go after the same piece and make a bit of a game out of it. First come, first served," Fizza chimed in.

Amon shook his head. "No, that's the last thing we want."

"It could still come to that," Reign spoke up while mixing his food together a bit more thoroughly. He didn't expect Faatina to do the same since it was little more than preference for him.. "If those people went to ground after getting what they really wanted from Raquel, we'll have to go after another piece ourselves, so the first new one we learn about might become a target for both our groups. I'm sure Raquel won't have a preference in the end, not since she's trying to save her 'dream guy'. Pun somewhat intended." That put a smile on Fizza's face, but Amon and Malik both winced. They really hoped Reign was wrong on that point.


"Maybe. It sure feels like I did," Cain deceptively answered Cecelia. He was depressed as he'd ever been, but still had the sense to cover up.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Lieutenant," Langley replied with a small frown. Her apparent concern managed to cheer Cain up some and he smiled weakly at her, receiving a smile in return.

Next, before those two could create a positive feedback loop, Nadine returned and took a seat. She stared at her soup for a moment, wondering at something until Miguel said, "No worries, no bugs or other unsavory surprises found their way to your lunch, Warrant Officer."

"Noted ..."

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Robin looked up from the small egg as the strange man, one of the newcomers as best she could tell, started to approach her. She was delighted to hear him speak to him in Skotian too! Taking a quick glance about to make sure it would be okay she leaned in a bit closer, making sure the egg was firmly in her grip.

"<Hello. My name is Robin Hawkdancer, and yes, it is good to meet a fellow Skotian as well. And you are wrong, but only in the most technical of ways. I grew up in Ohka, hunting wild deer with bow, knife, and traps, not training myself in archery by any official means. Technically I am little more than a civilian who happens to be skilled with the bow. Raquel saved my life though and I have sworn to protect her out of gratitude.>"

"Hey! You two speak the same language! Cool!" said Tia with a smile. "Mister, my name is Tia, and if you don't mind, I think Robin could really use some friends right now."

Robin shot Tia a glare that could turn a medusa to stone, only to be greeted back by a happy smile and a soft nudge from the girl. With a small sigh, Robin looked back to Erion. "<May I have your name? Where are you from? And, if I don't ask she will chat my ear off, is there anything, PLEASE ANYTHING, we can do together?>"

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Lookin' for other pieces sounds dangerous...but maybe not as dangerous as whatever Raquel has gotten herself into. "Y'all lookin' for any help on this emblem findin' mission? Not that I'm especially eager to leave Raquel, but I could be persuaded for the right price. A healer would awfully handy on your quest and I'm a damn good cook too," she advertised to Amon and the other Rexians.

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The mariner frowned at Malik's reply. It was pretty scathing, but she wasn't about to comment on it. There was nothing for it, after all. Instead, she just went on eating her soup while she listened to the chatting. Typically, a good, delicious meal like this would lift her spirits, but all the talk of the inevitable split between Raquel's and Amon's forces was strongly counteracting the good effect of the food. Gytha frowned a bit at Nadya's offer, but in the end, she supposed it wasn't really that bad. Raquel would be down a little help, but that help was going to Amon and his allies if they accepted.

Norbert, meanwhile, had no reason to stay where he was. From the sound of things he wasn't the only one who was considering leaving Raquel's team. For Nadya, though, the reasons were monetary. His only thoughts on that were as follows: If money was the only factor for me, I'd be staying. Best pay I've ever had. It was just another reason he wanted to stay. I can't think about that.

The pegasus rider got up and walked out of the dining hall. He couldn't put it off for much longer without risking his resolve. As wary as he was of the maids, they were also the most likely to know where the pink-haired merchant was. It was a little strange for him, walking through the grand halls of Weyland's estate. As he idly looked for a maid, Norbert's memory began to drift. It was in this manse's halls that he officially took on his first job as a mercenary under Raquel's employment. It was a little odd to him that this was also where he was ending their contract.

I was a real jerk to Raquel for a while. I was just so mad at the circumstances and it was easy to blame Raquel for not getting my maces back. Really, I just didn't have the money to pay her price... It's the fault of that blacksmith, but I guess it doesn't really matter now. I have Splinter and Crunch back, enough gold to last me a long time and... Well, "friends" is going a bit far, I guess. But I've met some really good people. I wouldn't have survived half the stuff we went through if I'd been with anyone else, I bet. Heh... They looked out for me for some reason. Well, I can't understand why they did, but I'm grateful. Hmm... I can't see how any phase in my life can get any better than this one's been. Well, guess it's just back to a man, his maces and his pegasus. Not letting go of these memories.

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Veronika appeared to have listened to his advice and decided not to go to the ball. Instead, she voluntold Blake to go in her stead. Well, that settled the question of his attendance, and saddled the swordsman with an imminent headache.

"Yes, I guess I will go," Blake said, massaging his temples. This was going to be a long day...


"You know me. I don't need 'smuch company as anyone would think. Don't let me decide what you want to do," Pete responded, right as the black-haired woman left for her desk or whatever. Strange girl. Anyways, Lumi's friend wanted to have a 'private' ball with her, which meant something entirely different than what the girl was thinking it meant, as per usual. The warrior kept his silence, but glared at the younger man.


Evelynn shot the princess a look, before returning to the conversation.

"If it was to unsettle the people, it worked. There has been enough of a decline in the confidence of our military, even with the pegasus trio, to have certain citizens voicing their concerns in public avenues," she said, returning to a neutral expression. "Now I suppose the army has to go on the offensive, to try and save face. Hopefully that will not be playing right into their hands."

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Dining Hall

Reign suddenly stopped mixing his pasta when Nadya offered to help Amon's group for the right price and stared off into the distance before noting, "Welp, there goes the chef."

"Hahahahah, they think we've got money," Fizza spoke up. Amon wasn't sure if she was making fun of Nadya and Reign, them, or everyone involved.

"We aren't completely coinless, though I don't think we can afford to hire anyone either," Malik explained. "We could definitely use a healer though, especially considering what happened to us the last time we got into a fight. We didn't come here expecting to be fighting dragons for the Ursians."

Fighting dragons for the Ursians ... that's an interesting way to look at it. I doubt that confrontation really did Ursium any favors, Reign mused. Though, maybe it did. Would Schwartz have gone to the capital instead of somewhere closer if we hadn't ever gotten involved?


"Excuse me," came a voice from behind. Ambush ...? "Is there anywhere in particular you're looking to get to?" asked a maid who had shown up behind Bert and for the moment was walking behind him at his seven o'clock.


"I wish Weyland or Hammer would just make some kind of enormous rune bomb. This war would be over in a fortnight," Athena griped momentarily. She seemed to have made the comment offhandedly, since the next thing she said was on a completely different subject and not aimed at the royal guards at all. "Areee his eeeeyes blue?"

"No, and enough about that," Morgana answered.


"Hmm, I wonder how long it would take for the skotians to reverse engineer a weapon such as that and level the playing field again," one of the guardsmen mused aloud.

"One does not simply reverse engineer a 'bomb' that's already gone off," Eugene noted. "They would either have to steal one, intact, or figure out a similar design on their own. A working one might be stolen overnight should we be so unfortunate. Meanwhile, developing one of their own could also be done relatively quickly, given it is a high enough priority. Still, I don't see big bombs ending a war all on their own."

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And that was how Norbert's relative peace was shattered. He'd been looking for a maid, yes, and he'd gotten lost in thought. Really, he could only blame himself for the surprise, but that wasn't his initial thought when she'd spoken up. In fact, his first thought wasn't coherent. Bert barely managed to stifle a yelp and he jumped pretty badly as he twisted to his left to find a maid quietly and innocently following him.

"Would you stop that?!" he near immediately demanded as he whirled about to face the maid more directly. He grimaced right after that, though, and amended, "Er, sorry. You just surprised me... Anyway, yeah, I'm looking for Raquel."

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<"Well... you use a bow. So that sure looks like an archer to me."> As the small child started to speak, he raised an eyebrow. She sure seemed... something. "Yeah, we're both from Skotia, so makes sense we speak the same language, no?" He grinned slightly, /"Either you two speak Kigen?"/ Looking at their two faces, he chuckled, "Guess not." Turning back to Robin, he shrugged. <"Name's Erion. From a small town, you've probably never heard of it. Haven't lived there in years. Spent a good chunk of my teenage years in Kigen, so that's how I know that language. As for doing stuff..."> he shrugged. <"I'd been about to go into town with some of the other folks from my group, but I think it's best I don't do that. Dunno what else there is to do around here. Though I've been meaning to speak to someone about getting a bow. Any idea who I could ask about that?">


"Well, I'm not really planning on going anywhere, so we may as well all spend time together!" Seeing Pete glare at Eli, Lumi frowned slightly. She didn't know why he was upset with her old friend, but she'd have to look into that later.

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"<Well, I made my own bow, and I'm sure I could make one for you if you wanted me to and didn't mind wood. I can also make a quiver full of arrows as well for you, if you're fine using stone arrowheads at least. I use Obsidian ones myself, but I'm all out now, though I suspect normal glass could work just as well. As for stuff to do around here, I can't say. I don't know much about big houses like this, but we could probably find something to do if we really tried.>"

Tia looked oddly at Erion when his language changed. She didn't know Kigan, but she could tell it wasn't skotian... And it was most likely Kigan if it wasn't either of the other two. "Did you live in Kigan?"

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<"Well... Making a bow takes a while unless you have a bow stave already. If I wanted, I could make myself a bow, but to make sure that it's properly made and doesn't get all bent out of shape or break... takes a year for the wood to season. At least. I was mostly just hoping to buy a bow. Doesn't Raquel have a bunch of weapons? I've been meaning to buy one from her, but she's gone and I don't know who else to ask."> Turning to Tia, he nodded. "Lived there for most of my teenage years. Had to pick up the language quick or I never would've made it."

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"<Veronika would probably be the best person to ask then. I, myself, don't buy much from her. I made all my weapons myself and, aside from the chain shirt I bought recently because of how badly I kept getting wounded, I've been keeping mostly to myself. I'm... not exactly easy to get along with it seems.>"

"Wow! Cool! Tell me, did... Right. Sorry. I'll wait until you're done talking with Robin." said Tia with a smile before hopping up and starting to walk away to leave Robin and Erion to themselves. Sides, she wanted to head up to the library and see what books such a wealthy and smart man like Weyland had!

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"<Odd, but nice. She's always curious and trying to learn, but I don't think she understands people at all. Not that I'm any expert to judge by. She likes to talk a lot though. I think she's just lonely and enjoys having someone to talk to. I wouldn't mind so much, but I'm nowhere near the talker she is. So, Erion, if you want I can help you relearn the bow and make you some arrows. Or... or... Something else. I don't know.>"

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"Good- hopefully this will be end of all that Wrathite business so we can focus on other issues," she said to Blake. I wonder if getting a ship or going overland is more dangerous overall...


"Yeah, sounds like y'all don't have enough to pay me- I'd want a rate comparable to what Raquel is givin' me and that's become quite a bit by this point. Ya might have trouble pickin' up a healer without gold...though Raquel seems to attract people who don't need paid somehow," she said, shrugging.

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Dining Hall

"We shouldn't have to fight as much as you people do; we aren't after some secret armed group," Malik noted.

"We're just as likely to have to deal with some big bad emblem hogging organization to get one as we are to find one just lying around in the middle of the road and make it back without a single scuffle, so best to be prepared and get a healer, even if it's not her." That was Fizza's suggestion, and it came with a smug expression and a big shrug, just the elements necessary to get on Malik's nerves even more.

"Right then," Weyland spoke up. He also stood up from his seat at the table looking pretty resolute about something. "Connor, you're coming too. After we take a look at her project, I'll need to tend to the Dauntless. Merely fixing it isn't going to help these people much."


"I'm sorry?" the maid reflexively replied. Bert at least answered her question, but that was when she began to doubt she would be much help. 'Raquel' was no particular place in the manse which meant they were looking for a person and she could be in one of several places if not out in the halls. She sighed for a moment, and then said, "Do you have any idea where she might be? If not, we may have to do a bit of asking around."

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Great... Wandering the halls of a giant manse looking for someone wasn't Norbert's idea of fun. Actually, it was more similar to a nightmare considering how unusual the maids of the manse were. It had to be done, though, if he had any hope of locating the merchant before the ball it seemed.

"No," he grumpily sighed, crossing his arms and looking off to the side while he went over possible locations in his head. "She wasn't in the dining hall and we just got here..." What sort of things do I want to do when I get to someplace like this after a long road? Hmm she's probably stressed, too... Well, she didn't eat -- at least not with the rest of us -- so that's out. Uhh... The next thing that came to mind was a bit embarrassing and it showed on the pegasus rider's face: he got a somewhat awkward look and blushed a bit. Oh Merz, I hope she didn't decide to go take some extravagant bath... That was probably the worst-case scenario. He shook off that about as quickly as he could. "She didn't go with the horses, so... Aw, Merz, how am I supposed to know?!"

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"We can always hope," Blake said, as Weyland began to make his exit. Well, since the impromptu meeting had come to an end, time for him to go and get ready for the evening. The swordsman rose from the table.

"Right, well I'll be off," the swordsman said, as he began to head out of the dining hall. "See you later."


"Could we please not talk about mass murder so nonchalantly?" Evelyn asked, grimacing at the idea of a runic bomb. "There are already more than enough innocents being harmed by this war. Introducing deadlier weapons will only make things worse."

Though, speaking of Weyland, the royal guard would have to go over to the professor's estate at some point, to give him an update on the battlestaff. It would probably have to wait until the next day, what with what was left to deal with today.

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"Is she another who still wishes for your triumph, Lord Devlinos?" Annelise asked, as the other fallen girl began to give her an interesting gaze... she supposed that it wasn't strange for her to be confused, fallen weren't exactly common in these parts. Though the distinct distrust in her gaze said that might not be exactly the lot of it.

"Or a concubine, perhaps? She seems distraught to see you conversing with another woman."


Ooh, talk of the Emblem, just her favourite subject as far as this group was concerned. Nothing she hadn't managed to piece together with what Gar had told her, but if they were willing to speak of it, all the better. Soon afterward, the man of the hour took his leave, for now. Angelica wondered where conversation would drift next.


Eating the food that had been brought out, Faatina gave a quick smile.

"Seems like following you was a good choice again, Reign." She noted to the man.


As Weyland looked ready to leave, Arietta let out a sigh... she supposed the thing to do was at least follow after him to give him a report...

"Excuse me, Mr. Weyland? I would like to report that, aside from a complication at a formerly abandoned fort involving the Organization, which you seem to have been abruptly informed about already, there were no real complications. I will have a written report prepared for you shortly, what would you wish of me next?" She stated, far more formally than anyone who had spent time with her since she had joined up would have believed.

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