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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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"I'll.... have to pass on that?" Alphonse said to Jamilla's offer of finding him a date, he'd rather play bodyguard for her than have to look over some other girl. The only one he'd even consider taking would have been Greta and she'd already expressed she'd prefer to stay out of it, which was more than okay with him, something was bound to go wrong at an event like this and the less people he had to watch over the better.

"I'll just play the bodyguard game for you, maybe I can sneak a dance in though eh?" Adding a wink to his words.


It hadn't taken Zachary long to find a book on the subject he was most interested in. Dragons, the rarest subspecies of Dragons at that. He'd find a way to kill that damn shadow bastard, even if it killed him to do it. As he was starting to open up his book, the sage found Tia coming over to him carrying a mountain of various things.

"I'm basically becoming a traitor to my country by trying to figure out what I'm hoping this book will shed some light on, do you really want to be involved with that, little one?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow

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Tia's head tilted to one side as she tried to read the cover of the book before putting her own books down. "Do you mean killing that big dragon thing? Zachery, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm Ursian. Researching a way to take down a Skotian Dragon isn't exactly traitorous to me. Though I suppose you could mean something else."

Then, plopping down the pile of books she had found on her own beside her, sending shockwaves through the table, Tia quickly pulled up a chair. "Sides, if that dragon attacks again and Connor, Robin, or Raquel dies, well... I won't exactly be happy. So, is my guess right? Are you trying to find a way to kill a dragon?"

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Guest Wing

"My choice?" Raquel echoed as she donned a nervous expression. I hadn't really thought about this before. I'm going there to meet this Desmond guy and then hope he doesn't try to start anything. It's hard to consider stuff like dates when we're walking into a hornet's nest, but I guess if I decide now, I won't have to worry about it later ... Before deciding, though, she wanted to make sure she knew who her options actually were. 'Sword guy' was extremely familiar, but with several around now, she couldn't be sure if it was Blake or not. And 'other guy' was an almost useless term for identifying someone. About all she knew was that it was probably a man. "Do you mean Blake? Also who's this other guy you mentioned? I can probably tell you their name with a description."


Steinn was amused by Connor's next question, since it almost forced him to imagine demons doing work he was accustomed to seeing done by the fallen themselves, or human slaves. It also reminded him that there were some 'pet demons' who were actually rather effective at keeping dwellings relatively tidy, as they would be trained from creation to seek out and devour any loose filth they could find, from dust to grime. Since fallen homes were mostly made of stone, a demonic tongue cleaning was rather effective. It was a disgusting job, but these demons were created for it. "I suppose there are a few 'cleaners', but I'll spare you the details on that."

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A Man Called Gar

"Sword-guy is the one who helped me finish off the not-dragon-head in the dream thing," Gar cleared up the first part. "Other guy is, well I'm about as blank on that as you are. He's one of the ones that came over from that other group, one of the them mentioned some other guy would want to go."

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Raquel's Room

"... well that didn't help much," Raquel openly admitted. "I'm not sure which guy from Greta's group you're talking about, either. Do I have some time to figure this out or do you need me to decide right now?" I also don't remember what happened in that fight since I was busy dealing with Hypnos at the time.

He and sword guy both attacked me at once. It was an interesting and extremely painful tactic, I must admit.

WHO in Sardius is 'sword guy'? If it's not Blake then ... it has to be Blake, right?

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A Man Called Gar

"Well, Sword-guy's Ursian too. Said he didn't want Veronika going because of her accent, and Other guy's half-ursian so whatever," Gar shrugged. "Well, you'll have to have a choice eventually probably. If you wanna sit back and think about it go ahead." Gar suddenly remembered something then! "Oh yeah, sword-guy's the one who went with you at the fort."

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Raquel's Room

"Ohhh, Blake!" Raquel reached to cover her mouth but stopped just short of her chin seeing as she had already stopped talking. That came out a little too loud as far as she was concerned. Gar was right there after all, not halfway down the hall. She wasn't sure who the other guy was, half Ursian or not, but at least now they were getting somewhere. "Well that's one down. I'm still not sure who the other is. What do they look like?" At least her choices thus far weren't bad. Both Blake and Gar were usually on their guard, and both could probably ensure her survival as long as anything less than a 'Vasilus Grade Destruction Event!' went down at the ball. So far her odds of getting out of this alive seemed decent.

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A Man Called Gar

"Well, he showed up, said he was half ursian then didn't reply when I asked him if he had anyone. I shrugged and life went on." Gar gave a quick answer. Well quick after rubbing his ear. Ouch. After that he went back to trying to think about who the guy was. "Um, I think he has red hair? I remember seeing some red. Though that may be Veronika I dunno."

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Raquel's Room

She could recall the face now, but not the name. "I think I know who you're talking about, but I don't remember his name right now. Anyway, if no one minds, I think I'll go to the ball with Blake." It seems like a good way to show him that I still trust him rather than just saying it. Hmm ... "Gar, who are you going with?" He might have had a backup plan if he left it up to me rather than just asking.

I thought I was going to be your date for the evening. Now I'm going to be a third wheel, Hypnos said. Raquel winced slightly at the voice in her head, but then promptly tuned it out.

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Raquel's Room

Raquel flinched at Gar's feigned protest and then sighed in relief when he said he was only kidding. She wondered who Gar's other option was but didn't bother to ask since Gar seemed to be on his way to other things, possibly her even. "You're welcome, Gar. Um ... see you later, I guess. I'm going to try to go back to sleep now." ... and probably fail miserably.

No one is going to ask me to the ball, are they? Oh well. Perhaps I should try to fade into the background until it ends.

Raquel shut the door to her room and as she approached the bed, said, "Do you really care about some ball?"

Oh not even a little, Discovery, hahahah!

"... urgh." She then fell back onto the bed and closed her eyes.

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"I'll.... have to pass on that?" Alphonse said to Jamilla's offer of finding him a date, he'd rather play bodyguard for her than have to look over some other girl. The only one he'd even consider taking would have been Greta and she'd already expressed she'd prefer to stay out of it, which was more than okay with him, something was bound to go wrong at an event like this and the less people he had to watch over the better.

"I'll just play the bodyguard game for you, maybe I can sneak a dance in though eh?" Adding a wink to his words.

"Well, if you say so," Jam replied, a little disappointed that she didn't get to play matchmaker. "And I'll take your word on that dance."

As they continued to walk, Jam saw a leather worker's shop. He sold all manner of belts and armor sets, but he was currently advertising straps for hidden weapons. It reminded the dancer of the possible danger with attending the ball.

"So, you guys don't think anything really is going to happen?" she asked Erion and Alphonse. "Surely no one is going to break out fighting in the middle of a royal ball, right?"

"D'aaaw, I think it looks fine on you!" Aneda said with a nudge at the kid, staring at him in the mirror, standing by him and nodding with that approving grin that just screams of sarcasm. "Though I don't think white's your color. Maybe a red, or a yellow, anything bright!"

"Great, now I know this one sucks," Eli replied to Aneda's sarcasm, quickly removing the white jacket. "Yellow on a black peg? Why don't I just put on antennae and say buzz all the time? Red however..."

With little desire to dress up as a bumblebee, he took up red wool jacket. It was a similar style to the blue one that he already owned, so the rider was quite comfortable with it. Putting it on, Eli was quite satisfied with the look.

"This would work, though," he took a good look at the clashing blue shorts he was wearing, "I think I need more than a jacket..."

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"I'd hope that nothing ends up happening, but at the same time you've gotta follow the rules of nature. If something bad has the possibility of happening, it probably will. So better safe than sorry, no?" Alphonse told Jamilla. "Besides, even if there is trouble this is the Princess, there's gonna be loads of guards around that can handle anything that might pop up. Still.... better safe than sorry."


"Oh... right.... Ursian."

Shaking his head clear Zach spoke again "I suppose I am? Really though it's just the one I'm determined to kill. Hell it's not like I've got much else to do with my life at this point. Everything I have ever loved is dead and I'm a bit dead on the inside so why not go on a quest for revenge before I die on this journey with Raquel?" He asked the young mage with a hint of depression.

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"You're magic isn't dead, is it? You still have friends too!" said Tia with a smile as she looked over Zach's shoulder. "And books! You still have books! But you wanna know how to kill a dragon then, huh? My suggestion? Focus on its breath. That stuff has to come from somewhere and it would be a lot more practical to find a way to turn it against the dragon itself than to try and find some way past its scales. Like, maybe, see if you can fill its mouth up with tar or something. That way, when the breath comes out, it explodes in the mouth if there is any sort of fire in it! Even if it doesn't, you can then follow up with a small but accurate fire spell to ignite the tar and set it on fire yourself! BOOM GOES THE DRAGON!" exclaimed Tia, throwing up her arms widely as she mimiced the sound of an explosion. "Wind would also probably work well. Something that big has got to be cumbersome on the ground, especially if it's wings are pinned. So force it to land, pin its wings, and you probably have a huge movement edge on the beasty. Either of those sound good?"

Edited by Snowy_One
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A Man Called Gar

And then Gar was in the dining room again. How little did things truly change in his journey away. "Good news whoever's left," Gar didn't even take notice of who was there. "My time away has gleamed a few more answers and now we're almost done with the fun part of organizing who wants to go with who."

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A Man Called Gar

"Well, after chasing down the egg-girl I eventually wandered over and found Raquel and informed her what I was doing. Between the choice of.... ummm..." Gar frowned. He'd just heard it. Oh well. "Between me, that B-sword-guy and some person she's never probably met she chose B-sword-guy. Yeah. So that means you and I are together. Yay and stuff." Gar shrugged.

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"I can try to... but I doubt the guards will allow any tomes inside. I certainly wont be able to bring my sword, so that's why I'm picking up a few knives to carry.." Alphonse explained to his friend.


"Not bad ideas.... but this is a shadow dragon rather than a normal elemental one. I figure that I'll have to come up with something a bit more specialized to bring a bastard like him down." Zach told the girl seated next to him.

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"Well, if it's a Shadow Dragon it's probably got some sort of weakness focused on light, though it's own magical element may also be its downfall. Dark magic has a tendency to be fairly complex. I doubt you could get a dragon to mess up easy, but if you COULD the feedback could possibly be very advantageous, especially with the amount of power such a being could wield."

Tia then jumped up onto Zach, resting her arms on his shoulder and her chin on top of his head. "Course, one could go with some of the more standard methods. Finding a way to protect against his shadow breath and such would be a huge boon, but you'd still be exposed to his claws, and I'm sure that, eventually, there will be a rock big enough to kill a dragon if you could find some way to throw it."

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"Hey, if you can afford it, maybe you should get some really badass suit for flying?" Aneda chipped in earnestly. "I mean if you're gonna replace the two biggest parts of your ensemble, I'd say go all the way, and don't worry, I'm sure we'd both love to help you find something absolutely delectable!" If he was just looking for a few pieces, boy did she miss that memo!

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