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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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"Hey, I want you to send for as many instruments as they can scrounge up. Also, someone get the woman with the amplifying spells. I have an announcement to make," Athena instructed. Two of her guards broke off, somewhat reluctantly, to handle those tasks. After that, she began quickly jotting down a few more things and then stood up from the table.

"It's not too late to let this just be another normal party," Terrel casually noted.

"Well it certainly will be, soon." Athena countered. "I've got absolutely no interest in a standard celebration for my engagement.

"Fair enough. I suppose that was a little thoughtless of me." He glanced at Ethan and shrugged. The princess was having this party her way, and perhaps rightly so.

Meanwhile on the dance floor, Gytha approached the Nomad and the Sancturan, asking if she could join in the dance. Haythem had mixed feelings about the idea, but felt the worst at this party had already passed just coming out to do their own thing while everyone else stayed more in rhythm with the music. "Uh-sure! Why not ...?" <Ohhhh they're going to think we're all deaf soon.>


Once again, Clover stepped in, figuratively speaking, to address Blake's comments about the war. "There's no more time for that, and we're already doing what we can on that front. Many wrathites are already on the battlefield, hoping to turn this invasion around. If we truly had more of our own to spare, Raquel would never have defeated Sir Alastor in the first place."

Raquel wasn't sure if that was true or not; she highly doubted they were that stretched for manpower, but she had no intention of bringing up things like Callisto, now or ever. Clover then went on to add, "The Avatar of Wrath has to see to the emblem, and requires some assistance in this. This is our focus right now."

"More to the point, If Valcyn were to submit completely to Lord Wrath, the emblem might not even be required to address whatever this condition is. Still, if it was, I would consider it ... but as things stand, leaving even a single fragment in her care would be wholly irresponsible on my part. Wasn't yours just recently stolen? I doubt you're in any position to prevent it from happening again," Desmond explained.

Ugh ... he sounds like Lilith, right now, Raquel angrily noted to herself.

This also sounds kind of like the offer Sardis made, doesn't it? Hypnos inquired. Raquel was beginning to agree the more she thought about it ... ... people were trying to use them again. History wasn't taking long to repeat itself these days.

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"Ooh, now this is gettin' to be a party. Show her the steps Haythem, ya are the expert on this," Nadya said, still dancing away.

Erica and Jacobs

As new guards filtered in the hall, Captain Erica watched them closely along with the guests. She thought she saw someone familiar enter...squinting her eyes for more vision seemed to confirm this.

"Cecelia? I haven't seen her in years..." she said quietly to herself.

"Hmm? Is this another one of your siblings from back in the orphanage? How many of you kids were there anyway?" Jacobs asked.

"More than you think...wonder how she's been. She must still be in the military judging by how she's armed..." Erica noted.

"Go talk to her then," Jacobs suggested.

"Abandoning my post would be a dereliction of duty..."

"Oh for Mercy's sake, I can watch this myself for a few minutes. You don't know when you're going to get another chance so just do it," Jacobs responded. Erica considered reprimanding him for his lack of respect, but after considering it merely nodded and headed over towards the woman she thought may be her sister.

"Cecelia?" Erica asked tentatively. "Uh, hi," she said simply.

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Cecelia stopped when addressed and curiously turned around to see who it was talking to her. It took her a moment, but soon she recognized the woman speaking with her. "Erica, wasn't it?"

It sure had been a long time since she'd met with this particular sister. For a moment, she considered the task she had to go relieve Miguel, but then figured he could wait a short while. It wasn't as though his relief was urgent. So, she gave her sister a nod and continued as she adjusted her posture, "You look well. It seems you've achieved the rank of captain, by your uniform. Congratulations. About how long ago was that, if you don't mind my asking?" If she's here in uniform, she probably has somewhere she's supposed to be, too. I'll try to keep this brief...though it is nice to see one of my sisters again. One it's been so long since the last time we've met, no less. When was it last? Was it all the way back at the orphanage?

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As Alphonse lead his friend on to the dance floor, something was feeling off. It was the fact that he and Jamilla were friends, at the very least, he considered them to be close. "So, how about no more of this formal stuff for a while. Can I try to make the night up to my best friend by dancing her worries away? I'm a little rusty though, so you might have to bear with me for a few steps." He chuckled.

"I'd like that," Jam replied. "Just don't step on my toes. I need those."

The two twirled with the the other couples, swaying to the tune of the music. It wasn't too elaborate, but it was better to start off simple, similar to stretching before doing something strenuous.

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"I will take your word for it, Disciple Bradford. And either way, you would have to entrust it to Miss Valcyn for at least a short while, given that she would be responsible for retrieving the fragments," Blake said, glancing to Raquel for a moment. "That is, unless you have some sort of suggestion with regards to that. I am sure you are aware that asking Raquel to submit completely to Wrath at this point in time, could prove disasterous. Especially considering who has returned to the world, from what I have gathered."

This offer was sounding incredibly similar to the offer at the fortress, but if that resemblance continued, he'd probably have to ask for a moment, to make sure things wouldn't escalate.


"Oh well, I suppose you have the rest of the night to make up for it, sir," Ethan said, as he stretched. The show wouldn't be long, now.

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After he was finished taking in the sites of the place, and realizing just how insignificant the previous events he'd been to with Kerrigan were in comparison, Zach shook his head clear.

"Oh uh, sure Tina. I got distracted too, the whole place is pretty overwhelming..." The sage trailed off.

"Anyways, would you like to dance? I may be a country boy but Kerrigan had me learn how to dance, something about how his protegee couldn't be a hick or yadda yadda." Zach joked, holding out his hand to the woman.


As they continued to dance, Alphonse could feel the steps coming back to him. It had certainly been a while since he'd done this, but maybe it was like riding a horse, you never really forgot how. "I've gotta say Jam, it's much better seeing you dance up close than back in a crowd. You're wonderful at it." He told the girl with a soft smile.

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Haythem had suddenly received the task of teaching Gytha some of the moves he'd taught Haythem, and was about to do so when the music began to fade to a stop. The various couples stopped dancing and many looked over to the band, which was now standing at attention and facing the staircase, where Princess Athena stood. <"Oh boy, what's up, now?">

"I've got a tiny announcement to make, everyone," she began, sounding as cheerful as everyone hoped she would be at her own engagement party. "I've decided that we'll be holding a little dancing competition here shortly. Right now we're gathering some more instruments for the occasion. Anyone interested in participating should come over to Sir Bartolomeo's table and sign up there. To keep things nice neat and organized, we'll be limiting any dancing groups to a maximum of seven members with some possible exceptions if it's really necessary. You'll also need to provide some information on the kind of music you want played and see the band and other players about it in advance. We'll be recruiting a team of judges a bit whimsically as well. No more than five, though. This is all in good fun, after all. Now then, we'll be starting in half an hour. Until then, get some practice in and enjoy the party." Like Timothy, Athena's voice was amplified by the woman using wind magic. The whole ballroom could hear that announcement. "Ohhh Morgana, come here, please," she said before stepping away from the woman and her spell.

Morgana sighed and came over to the staircase, weaving through the couples on the dance floor to do so. She knew she was about to get dragged kicking and screaming into this dance competition. "Before you say anything ..." Morgana raised her hand trying to gently halt Athena's approach and urge her not to suggest what she was about to suggest. It didn't work.

"We're performing a duet!"

"Please no ..."

"It's okay, just relax. We're not going to be dancing like a couple, even though that would be wonderful with how you're dressed right now."

"You're engaged and this is the party to celebrate that fact," Morgana reminded her with somewhat blank stare attached.

"Ehhhright ... anyway, it won't be that kind of dancing. I was thinking we could do some Sanctis jigging since that's your favorite," she suggested, after nearly shrugging off the engagement comment.

Morgana had to do some thinking now, because as much as she hated being in situations like these, she would look silly doing the Sanctis jig at almost any other time. "... I would agree, but I didn't bring my shoes; I wasn't expecting this."

"We've got half an hour, I'll send someone to pick them up for you."

Morgana began to smile, though she was resisting the urge to do so as she glanced away. "Well alright, then. If you insist, Princess."

Haythem couldn't help but smile at this sudden turn of events. <"We should enter this thing. It's the perfect chance to show them how to dance and have fun doing it. I just hope these people can find an oud or this won't be easy.">

Meanwhile, Shadrak, stuck in an adorable pose with Mushirah, glanced toward the staircase during the announcement. "That sounds interesting. I'm not a good dancer myself, but being a judge seems like it would be fun."

"You look the part, guy. Too bad you'll never get there in time. Those five spots are bound to be full by the time we're finished, heheh," Charlie pointed out.

Truthdammit! He's right. Can't this guy paint any faster? Urgh, no, be patient. This will all be for nothing if it doesn't turn out good and Mushirah doesn't like it. Shadrak didn't say anything else right away, but the wince on his face let Charlie and everyone else know that he was a little annoyed at the revelation.


"There won't be any suggestions, only instructions. I will be gathering the emblem fragments myself with minor assistance from those I choose, and this will begin once this inner eye of mine finally opens. You'll either follow my exact instructions, or pray to our Lord, that he spares you for your insolence in the end. As for the grand return of Lilith, she poses no real threat to us," Desmond stated as a matter of fact. "Submit yourselves, and she'll be no threat to you, as well. No mere vasilus will."

"Lilith is outright opposing Wrath and you thi-" "Lord Wrath," Clover interrupted Raquel in order to stress titles. "Back off," Raquel snapped at her, raising her voice quite a bit in the process. "Lilith is fighting against him, and you don't think she's a threat to your emblem hunt? That doesn't make any sense."

I'm not so certain of that, Discovery. You may want to ask her more about this when you get the chance.

"I don't care if you can make sense of this or not, Valcyn; it is the truth of the matter."

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Aneda sighed, eating a bit more of her chocolate, the supply of which was dwindling. The tension in the air seemed pretty thick, enough so that you could probably cut it if you had a tension cutting knife or something, but despite that, Aneda wanted to get something a bit more cheerier, hopefully, going. "So! Amon. Haven't seen you in a bit, what brings you lot up here round these parts? Sorry if you mentioned it earlier or something, I was... distracted, let's say."

Mushirah kept on smiling, completely ok with that response. She didn't want to say much due to the other man's advice, or maybe it was a warning or something. Last thing I want to be is controlling so... that's good. she thought, just trying to be positive about the whole thing which, all things considered, wasn't too difficult to do on her end.

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"Awww... Such a shame that. I wish I could join in, but alas, unless my assistant wishes to dance the mens duet, I cannot do so. We're about half-way done though, so you can go soon." said Alex as he looked over the edge of his easel at the pair before looking back to the painting. He had taken a few 'artistic liberties' for the couple, mostly by reducing the size of Mushira's bust just a bit as, after several failed stencilings, he just couldn't get the curve right for some reason and opted for it to be smaller. Shadrak had also lost an inch, but it was for the better as it brought the couple more into line and allowed an easier transition from one to the other. There were a few other changes as well, but none really of note. "And yes, I am hurrying as fast as I can. Where is a damned water mage when I need one?"


Tia slumped face down, her head crashing into the nearest book before looking up at Dafne. "Great. Just great. All this information and I have to wait for someone at a ball to return to ask her questions about it. What am I supposed to do for fun now? Bug Connor? Try and develop some new spell? I don't know what to do at all! It's so annoying. I can't even do something as stupid as find out if the emblem has magical properties that make crops grow and look over grain count records for unusual spikes. Would be stupid, but would at least be something."

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Gytha didn't look surprised at all about the announcement, but she was still a bit giddy. She also didn't understand what Haythem was saying, but he seemed happy about something. "Heheharr, ye plannin' on joinin' in?" she asked, abandoning her efforts to hide her accent for the time being.

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"Yeah, let's do it!" Nadya responded to Haythem, sticking to Common for Gytha's sake. "What's an oud anyway?" she asked out of curiosity.


"That's me," Erica confirmed Cecelia's guess with a nod. "I got promoted to Captain about a year ago after the Battle of Sedgemoor. We won, but Patches got shot down by a ballista...anyway now I'm serving under the church of Wrath. What have you been doing with yourself?" she asked.

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"Ah," Cecelia responded quietly with a couple nods as Erica relayed her tale. Then, answering her question, she replied, "Of course, after I left the orphanage I went right into the military with Snowshard. I'm sorry to hear about Patches. Well, anyway, I am a captain in Colonel Langley's battalion now. We're here to provide extra security, posted at various entrances, though some of my pegasus knights are keeping an eye on things from the outside. I was just on my way to relieve my superior, Lieutenant Colonel Tailor. So, seeing as you are serving the Wrathites, are you here to serve as a guard for Head Wrathite Langley tonight?"

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Lumi shrugged off the others asking her questions and stared at her hands. Glancing around, she noticed there was a glass of water left over on the table. Picking it up, she placed it in front of herself and started to concentrate hard on the water. "I'm fine." Looking at Robin, she shook her head, "Your face does not lie. You were sickened by what I was doing. I have no interest in having a fake ball with you or anyone else." Turning her gaze back to the water, she started to pour it out of the cup and started muttering under her breath. With a gesture, the ice froze into a lump as it fell out of the cup. She started shaping the ice, moving her hands around it in the shape she desired, while using her magic to force the ice to fit that shape. With a final nod, she pulled her hands away from the ice. A small replica of Star Hunter stood there, perfectly formed. She continued staring at the statue, her eyes almost as cold as the miniature ice pegasus.

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Just after Zachary made his offer for a dance, a rather... interesting announcement was made. It seemed there would be a competition held, soon enough.

"A dance competition, huh? Sounds kind of fun, don't you think? Though... I guess it depends what kind of dance that guy taught you... famous as Sancturan dancers are... we aren't much for a ballroom waltz. I may not be a professional, but this sort of thing is still practically in my blood, you know." Faatina noted to the sage with a grin. This could end up quite the interesting affair...


'A dance-off... sounds like a riot, but...' Much to Angelica's chagrin, Gar was nowhere to be seen. She didn't know where the man had gotten off too, but she supposed he always did work better from the shadows...

'Wonder if I can jack someone else's date for this... or maybe they'll accept singles... I suppose I could just join up with one of the group forming, they didn't limit it to couples...'

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So about fifteen minutes left? I ... I guess I might still make it. Though this would be a lot easier if someone would sign up on my behalf and then I could take the spot once we're done here. That could be asking a lot though. What if other people want to be judges ...? First come, first serve I guess, though that's why I'm in this spot in the first place and running out of time.

"No thanks," Charlie said rather quickly after the men's duet was mentioned.

Meanwhile, on the dance floor ... "It's a stringed instrument, like a ... a um ... a guitar, but it sounds better if I do say so myself," Haythem explained, remembering to say it in common, though trying to remember the word for guitar in that language noticeably slowed his explanation. "It's a pretty common instrument, but I'm worried they still won't have one."

"Nonsense," a woman very close by spoke up as she came closer to her dance partner. The music was starting up again, and so rather than stay put and give a lengthy explanation, she simply said, "My sister has one of those 'ood' things you mentioned. It looks somewhat like a guitar, yes? I'm certain there's one around here as well." After that, she began dancing away from them with her partner.

<"Really ...?> This should work out, then," he replied, but he was mostly speaking to himself at that point.


She's only doing this for fun? I thought she was trying to ... oh it doesn't really matter. "I don't see anything 'stupid' about better crop yields, myself. Anyway, there are some people who didn't attend the ball. You could ask them for information in the meantime and see if that lines up with Raquel's information later, once the ball is over and she and the others return here," Dafne suggested.

Dining Hall

"Searching for leads on the Fire Emblem," Fizza answered for Amon, causing him to give her a strange look. He wasn't upset, but a little annoyed with her doing stuff like that. Malik on the other hand was getting sick and tired of her inserting herself into situations like these and giving away valuable information.

"Yeah, that's right," Amon confirmed as he shrugged at Aneda. "Same as before, really, but I'm not specifically protecting Raquel this time.

<"We'll see how long that lasts,"> Malik muttered in rexian.

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"So, will you still show me the dance?" Gytha asked Haythem, "I'm going to be dancing a sailor's jig myself." She wanted confirmation on this before actually going to sign up. Plus, the lady having come up and talked with Haythem reminded her that she shouldn't be slacking in hiding her accent just because she was talking to fellow group members.

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"I believe that there are more than 'mere' vasili at play, Head Wrathite," Blake said, closing his eyes. "And the fact remains, that there is a good chance that some of the organization's fragments may well be in Neviskotia, from what I understand. Those fragments would be too dangerous and time-consuming for you to collect personally, which may be why Miss Valcyn's group would be needed for those. If you were to have the entire band submit, our goals and presence would become flagrantly obvious to our enemies I would rather leave them to their own devices initially, instead of actively inviting them to catch the mercenaries by surprise.Especially considering how if, despite your reassurances, Miss Valcyn were to fall, the organization's motivation to reveal themselves would fall, too. That very issue is why I would not recommend having her submit either, as she is the leader of the group. It would complicate things. Instead, I would send a loyal member of the Church to accompany Miss Valcyn, as they would not immediately alert His enemies to His presence, and be undoubtedly more effective than empowering one's former enemies. Besides, in your own words, Lord Wrath would protect them, would he not? There would be little to worry about. "

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"Looks like I don't really have a choice then. Either talk to people, or spend the rest of the day milling on a mystery I can't answer. Ah well... Some sugar, then off I go to, hopefully, not fall flat on my face and learn something more. I swear, when Raquel gets back, I'm going to corner her and not let her go until I've learned all I can!" said Tia firmly.


Robin said nothing as Lumi spoke, though if Lumi could read her eyes well enough to see Robin's disgust, one look at her mouth could easily reveal the bitten tongue she was holding back.

"<No Robin. Don't say anything. Don't say anything. You're looking for friends, not a fight. You blew it bad and shouldn't have said or done anything. Staying in your room would have been better than this, but you made your offer and at least tried. If she can't accept you for who you are simply because you don't find what she finds appealing appealing and thusly can't accept you, you don't need to rub it in her face. Be the bigger man. Just get up, keep quiet, and walk away.>"

"I think it would be best if I left this room then." said Robin as she started to head for the nearest door. She didn't care if it was to a hallway or even just a pantry door. She needed to get away before she ended up sticking her foot even deeper in her own mouth.

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"Submission to the will of Lord Wrath, at least in this instance, requires only a solemn vow, and nothing more, though I understand the various reasons why she would avoid this. Still, I'm disinclined to allow her too much autonomy, and just who would you suggest I send with you to ensure all goes as planned?"

Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, Clover didn't volunteer, and instead put in a conscious effort not to be noticed until the issue had passed.

Raquel was beginning to worry due to the direction the conversation seemed to be heading in. The only things that stopped her from chiming in in protest were curiosity and the fear of screwing up some unsaid plan Blake had. Is Blake actually suggesting we take a wrathite with us? I guess we can handle one if things get out of hand, but I don't want to have to look over my shoulder all of the time.

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"Wish we had a little more practice time, but we gotta make do with what we have." Wonder if there's a gold prize for winnin' this competition? "Do ya know what music to have this oud person play or are we just gonna improvise to whatever they come up with?" she asked Haythem.


"In a sense yes, although we are mostly watching the ball in general rather than attending to the Head Wrathite directly. Wrath himself watches over Head Wrathite Langley, so there is little need for me to guard him as well," she explained to Cecelia. That sounded a little fanatical, but explaining the Head Wrathite's powers would be rather tricky since I barely understand it myself.

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"Well, Alastor is out of the question, and Disciple Bradford is too vital to our work to send with them," Blake said, contemplating his options as he spoke. "...Why not myself, as you've been implying that I'd be going along with Miss Valcyn's group, anyways? There's no risk to yourself, and, since I came up with the suggestion, I'd may as well be responsible for it."


Aaand, the girl rejected Robin's attempt to make up, said she was fine, and made an ice sculpture of a pegasus. Right, then. Axel decided to end the conversation, seeing as the ice mage was in no mood to speak.

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Cecelia nodded as she listened to Erica's answer. "Then I suppose I should let you get back to your task and return to my own. It was good seeing you again, sister. Maybe after this ball is over we will have time to speak again," she replied with a light smile.

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"Oh we'll definitely want them playing a certain way. Maybe I should go look into that while there's still time." Turning to Gytha, he added, "And then I can teach you how this dance works if you want to join in with us. From the sound of things there's still three spots left and this really is more of a group dance." <Honestly, I'd rather it just be Nadya and me, but this is for a competition, not just for fun, and besides, it's more impressive the more people are doing it, so maybe we can win this way.>


Raquel gawked as soon as Blake offered to supervise, but said nothing until after he got a response. She knew she was only going to get a clear answer if Desmond or Clover knew what the hell Blake was actually saying, here, so she waited in silent shock. Seeeee~? I doubt you have much to fear from him, but it just goes to show that things aren't always as they seem, doesn't it, Discovery? It makes me wonder what others aren't being forthcoming about, Hypnos mused. Raquel could barely hear him though, with her focus on Desmond and Clover.

"I sincerely doubt your goals are perfectly in line with ours, Frode. Despite this, I believe this arrangement, however little has actually changed, is suitable for now," Desmond replied. That wasn't clear enough for Raquel, but he went on to add, "Both of you offer your hands."

"W-what ...?"

"Just do it," Clover spoke up, urging them to hurry.

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Blake had a rebuttal prepared, but decided against angering the Head Wrathite further, given that he had agreed to the arrangement.

"Very well," he said instead, offering his hands to Desmond. Now all that was left was for Raquel to follow suit, and hopefully they would have this settled.

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"A'right! I'll go sign up," she informed, though she meant specifically for the jig she intended to dance, and then she was off to the appointed table.

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