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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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When they had first arrived at Weyland’s manor, Katrina had been enthralled with the size of it. By the evening however, her feelings had quickly turned to annoyance. How on Sardius could anyone find their way in this mess? Dressed in casual attire rather than her battle gear, she had left for a bit to pick up a few things in the city. On her return to the manor she had managed to locate the general area of her room, but…That was as far as she had gotten. As she walked down the hallway looking at doors, she soon was pretty sure her room was nearby. Katarina began knocking on doors, before waiting a moment and opening them to check if her things were inside. During this whole process it hadn’t yet occurred to her that she could’ve just asked one of the maids half an hour ago. She wasn’t quite used to the idea of having servants in the first place.

OoC: I'll write for other characters later when I can figure out how to do it properly. Synthia was not coming to me.

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Hoshi had been sitting at her desk, working on the calculations Weyland had asked her for when suddenly the door to her room opened. Without turning around at first, Hoshi called out, "Isn't it a bit late for maids to be coming by? Also, I thought I told you," she continued as she turned to face the door, "That I didn't... Oh. Uhm, you're not a maid. I'm sorry, I just don't usually get many visitors. Uh, are you lost? Or did you need an alchemist for some reason?"

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“Oh, I’m so sorry! I knocked and no one answered, so I opened the door, and…” The slightly embarrassed Katrina trailed off as she realized that didn’t really explain anything. She sighed and tried again. “I was trying to find my room. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. You would be one of Weyland’s guests, though, right? I think that means I’m at least on the right hall…”

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"Oh, sorry, I didn't hear you knocking. I sometimes just get so caught up in my work that... well... yeah. And, well, I'm actually working for Weyland. But if you're looking for the other guests, the dining room would probably be the best bet for those who didn't go to the ball. Uhm, I was about to head there myself to try and get some food. If you wanted to come with me, maybe they would be able to help you find your room? If not, you could always ask a maid."

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Ideally Katrina would have wanted to drop her satchel off in her room before heading down to dinner, but that would require finding the room first which she was already having trouble with. Hoshi’s mention of asking a maid left Kat feeling a bit dumb and she blushed slightly in embarrassment. “Damn, forgot about the servants,” she mumbled. Then, more loudly, “If that’s an invitation to join you, I’ll take it. Sorry about the awkward meeting. I’m Katrina,” she offered sheepisly.

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Hoshi smiled gently as the woman blushed. "It's ok. It took me forever to get used to this place. And yes, it was an invitation. My name is Hoshi," she added as she pushed herself away from her desk. With a few stretches, she stood and nodded. "Alright. Shall we?" She started to head down the hallway, assuming the other woman would follow.

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"I'm not stupid. I've already been helping Raquel, even on the battlefield if you recall my using my stim-mists to help you guys out. If whoever is after the emblem really wants Raquel dead and is willing to kill her people, especially indiscriminately, and had also seen a rare form of magic being practiced by a young mage girl with red hair and who just happens to be alone at the moment, what do you think will happen? I'll be lucky to escape with just a bit of roughing up if I can't beat them up! Besides, I'm sure you wouldn't want a loose end who not only could potentially learn a lot about the Emblem now that she is involved going off on her own, especially since things like torture exist. I don't know how long or if I can resist, but do you really want to risk that? No. I'm safer with you guys even if it puts me right in the line of fire. At least this way I have some allies who can help me out and don't have to depend on whoever is after Raquel not to notice that one of her allies is suddenly unprotected." said Tia before trying to smile as best she could despite the gravity of the situation. "Besides, I want to learn alchemy and having more bookworms around to help with any research would be useful. Right?"

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Raquel practically dragged Blake out of the meeting and into the hallway, where she asked him what just went on. Time for some explanations.

"Formerly, yes, I was a Wrathite. Stopped attending about three years ago, when I left my hometown. Though, this link means that I suppose you could consider me one, now," Blake said quietly, as he avoided eye contact. "Regardless, I did what I had to do. Hopefully that will be enough, for the time being."

He didn't feel any different, which made sense given what Desmond had said, but who knew what the link entailed. With that in mind, it was hard to reassure his employer that he was alright.

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Three years ago .... I wonder why he left his hometown. "Well ... I really wish you hadn't done that, but I know we'd be fighting the wrathites sometime soon if you hadn't, so ..."

At least it's just him. If Desmond had managed to get a hold of both of you, this might have been the beginning of the end for you, Discovery. Just the same, though, try not to do too much hugging. I can definitely see Wrath's spirit on him.

"Spirit?" Urgh, have to stop doing that. Spirit, Hypnos?

Your Seeker companion could probably explain it better than I could ... then again, she might end up making you even more confused. Try to imagine it like a scent. It's like a lingering scent ... though this one won't be going away anytime soon, I'm afraid ....

Meanwhile, downstairs, <"Gah, you too?"> Haythem replied in shock. <"I ... guess we'll have to get some help from the man at the front, won't we? I didn't see this coming, but I feel like I should have. Still, it's surprising; I thought you had common mastered, heheh ...">

Dining Hall

"... I ... I didn't even ... catch most of that," Amon replied. He was frustrated that he couldn't find an opening to interrupt Tia. She was talking for way too long and so nearly her entire response was lost on him.

Somehow or other, Malik caught all of it and began to go on a long-winded rant of his own. "No, we don't fully recall you and your magic because we weren't all there. I don't see anything so special about you, so I doubt they would even bother with you if you were 'alone'. Besides, loose ends are likely all over the place thanks to people like Fizza who keep telling random people about the emblem at every blasted turn. You are safer on your own, because there won't be organized criminals, dragons, and the like trying to kill you for just happening to be around. As for alchemy ... tch, you should try learning that kind of stuff off the battlefield, not on it. You must be stupid if you can't see that."

Listening to Malik's response helped Amon figure out what Tia was on about. Now that he had a better picture, he added, "Tia, it's not really 'safer' just because the group is together. I really doubt anyone is going to come after you just for having fought with Raquel a few times, at least not now since they already have what they wanted, her emblem piece. In the end, it's up to Raquel if you go with her or not, but ... that wasn't really ... the best sell."

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"... Well, having you be linked was not an option, considering who we have met," Blake said, shrugging. "I am sorry for not consulting you, but that was the only way we would be leaving that room without inciting the full ire of Lord Wrath."

As he waited for a response, Raquel suddenly asked, "Spirits?". It seemed Hypnos was speaking to her, again.

"... I take it your guest knows a bit about my condition," the Ursian man said, as he looked away. "If you don't mind, could you tell him I'm sorry if it inconveniences him?"

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Before Zach could reply, however, a conversation in Rexian caught Faatina's ear, and turning towards the source, it was Nadya and her date, Haythem.

<"If you want, I can write it in common for you. Just tell me what you want taken down?"> The paladin noted to the pair... may as well offer what help she could.

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“Nice to meet you,” a smiling Katrina replied, before moving out of the doorway. When Hoshi left, she followed. “After you.” The wyvern rider didn’t exactly know where the dining room was either, to be honest. It would be much better to let the one who did lead. As they walked and Kat attempted to memorize the layout of the place, she decided to attempt some small talk. She’d picked up on something Hoshi had said earlier and wanted to ask about it. “So, you’re an alchemist I take it? That’s pretty cool. I knew a guy back home trying to get into that sorta thing.”

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"Hmm? Oh, yes. I'd been studying it some back home but my father... well, lets just say I didn't get very far. But then I cam here and Mr. Weyland has just been so wonderful to me. I've learned so much, am still learning so much, and I get to work on so many cool projects. Why, just earlier I was able to help redesign one of your party's knives to make them better for throwing. And I'm working on a project right now that will hopefully make weapons that can hit harder and last longer. But... I can't really talk too much about the details of it. But what about you? How did you get to be a part of this group? Also, what exactly is this group? I know that they're important but that's about it..."

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<"We don't do that much readin' and writin' and when we do it's in Rexian. Learnin' a whole new set of letters would take a lotta time,"> she explained to Haythem before Faatina offered. "I'm surprised ya know how to write Common yourself, but sure that'd be appreciated," she replied to Faatina's offer, switching languages so Zach wouldn't be terribly confused.

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"Hmm? My brother taught me... like most things, I suppose. He learned it while he was in the Sancturan military." Faatina replied... was it really so strange? Perhaps she had taken for granted just how much he had done for her...

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"Ah, I see," Gytha replied. That was when she remembered to hide her accent again and continued, "What's the name of your ship? Maybe it's one I've had the pleasure of sailing on before."


"I don't see why you're so upset about that," Cecelia replied to Miguel, having regained her usual, unreadable calm for the most part, "If he can gauge the Colonel's feelings towards him tonight, then he can surmise the best next course of action: either putting this behind him or feeling a peace about reciprocated feelings. Either should help him have a more focused mind in whatever task he is put to, no longer being distracted by this never-ending wondering."

A bit more deadpan, she added, "And if someone does launch an attack, he will not be particularly useful, no longer being dressed for combat. I certainly wouldn't want to be in his position right now: exposed and unable to provide any useful means of assistance in case of an emergency."

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"Common is a useful language, so it's good for a second and plenty of Sancturans know it, but reading and writing is for the traders, so ... I never bothered getting too involved in those studies even though I occasionally went with them as part of the escort," Haythem explained. "Faatina was it? Who was your brother, exactly? I'm curious."

Meanwhile very close by ... "Savantia, named for a very old kingdom. She's quite beautiful if I do say so myself," the man answered Gytha.


"He doesn't sound inconvenienced, but he's even taking this whole near death thing in stride, so I really don't know," Raquel answered honestly. "He said it's like a lingering scent from Wrath or something like that. I'm only getting more confused, so ..."

Oh no, what have I done? Hypnos feigned remorse, causing Raquel to glare at nothing for a moment before continuing.

"I'm also not sure what to do now that we're out of there. I can't help but want to focus on how to get rid of that thing. It doesn't feel like we can avoid a fight with the wrathites in the long run, so once we're out of reach, there's no reason to humor them anymore."

Oh I sincerely hope the avatar isn't tuned in right now ...

Main Entrance

"That's good for him but I'd also like to change and take the night off but we were told earlier that the chances of that happening were ... and I quote 'zero'. Besides, all I'd need in an emergency is a sword and I could just borrow one. Fletcher needs his own tailored bow, and his gloves to be as good as he normally is."

"Pretty sure you'd need your light brand," Nadine contradicted him. "You can't do that hot slicing thing with just any old sword."

"Oh whatever ... the point is, I'm missing a big event and Fletcher isn't," Miguel concluded.

"I'm happy with guard duty, but you could find the colonel and ask to have the night off too," Amber reluctantly suggested.

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"You're worried that, because I'm young and a girl, I'll get hurt out there on the battle-field, aren't you? That, despite my staying on the back lines-" snapped back Tia, catching herself in a flustered tone of speech before stopping and starting again.

"You want me to stop because you think I'm... I don't... uggg!-"

"No. Maybe I anno- Gah!"

"Well I don't c- No."

"I just want to do some good in this world and helping yo-... No. Why does it have to be so hard to defend myself? Why do I even have to defend myself? I'm a fully capable mage and... Let me guess? You all have some personal stake in this, some immense debt or something and you find my presence as what is basically a tag-along kid annoying and disruptive and want to get me to quit or shove me off to the side in the back with some books and pretend like I don't exist, right?" she said in a clearly annoyed tone.

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Dining Hall

"I don't have a personal stake in this; I was just trying to get out of Rex-Avaz before Aisha levels the place. All the travel is starting to get boring, though, I'll admit. I could use some goals," Fizza chimed in.

<"Would you please shut up?"> Malik quietly said while glaring at her. To Tia, he said, "I just think that you should find better reasons to risk your life. This could eventually turn into a full fledged ... emblem war. If you're going to involve yourself in that, you should make sure you're not just doing it out of pride. We do have a personal stake in this; our queen asked us to fulfill an important task for her and we aim to do it, at any cost."

Given what Malik said to him earlier, about compromising the mission for Raquel's sake, Amon looked away slightly and grimaced. He couldn't help but wonder if the mission was ultimately going to end in failure thanks to his priorities.

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"Might be fair to let the others have their fair shot at winning eh Jam?" Alphonse replied with a smirk. "You're a pro and I didn't step all over your feet or throw off the rhythm, wouldn't even be a contest if we joined in." The swordsman joked with his friend.
"Plus I'd rather just spend the night with you having fun, this seems like it might wind up too high strung for my taste."

“On a brighter note, it gets us time to get something to eat,” Jam added in. It seemed like an eternity since lunch, to her stomach at least. “How do you think this works? Do the waiters bring stuff or is there a buffet line I’m missing.”


Back in the dining hall, Eli kept silent for the most part as the others partook in conversation about the emblem. He seemed to be on the same level of understanding as Jericho, which was a little sad considering he’d been with the group just a little longer. Honestly, this legendary artifact was a bit above him. Things heated up when Tia entered the room; an argument ensued about the girl helping the group with obtaining this artifact. Eli didn’t publically admit it, but he was siding with Amon and co. on the issue. If Tia wanted to come simply to learn, she could easily do that in the university in town without being in mortal danger. The mage wasn’t stupid; she had a brilliant mind, one he felt would be wasted on the battlefield.

Eli stood up from his chair and walked towards Tia to see if he could calm the situation.

“Tia, could I have a word in private?”

Edited by Toogee
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"Hmm? My brother was Adala... Adala Bahar." Faatina replied, somewhat surprised that Haythem was asking... although with them supposedly being sent by Aisha for an Emblem piece, it wasn't all that unlikely he had some sort of military connection, she supposed.

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"Huh. Sure." said Tia before turning around to leave the room to give them some privacy.


Robin sighed as she looked down at the ground. This sucked. She was a complete monster and she knew it now. Standing up, she wasn't sure what to do. Retreating to her room would keep her safe, but she had spent all day there already. Maybe a quick walk? And risk another fight? She wasn't certain.

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"So I am probably connected to Wrath, then," Blake said, calmly. "Good to know. What we are going to do now, however, is try and enjoy the ball, if that is possible. Tomorrow we can resume working on defeating the organization. There is no need to worry about the link, so do not focus on it."

He had a sneaking suspicious there was little Raquel or anyone could do about the link, anyways, so worrying about it wouldn't accomplish anything.

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Zach was going to reply to Faatina, saying that he'd like to stay as her partner for the dancing, but something in Rexian evidently came up. It took the sage a few moments, but he eventually managed to pick up the conversation, living in a port city with so many Rexians in it due to the proximity of the main land would tend to end up with you picking up the language.

"<I'll go along as your partner Tina, if that's okay.>" He chimed in, breaking out the woman's native language. He'd probably get a laugh out of the reactions to that.


"Seems like there's a buffet near the back over there." Alphonse pointed out. "A few waiters going about with drinks and appetizers as well." The thought of all the various types of food that would no doubt be present made the man chuckle "Think we can even go back to commoner food after the stuff we'll find here?" He joked

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