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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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"It is no problem, we can just watch, or talk," Blake said, just before Hypnos extended his offer. "Well, I suppose those moves would 'come to you', like you said. Not sure if I would know them, though. Your choice, either way."

He was almost beginning to lighten up, when a green-haired man walked up, addressed Raquel, introduced himself as Alex the painter, and asked for a dance as well as a conversation, 'professionally'. The merchant cut to the point and asked what the newcomer wanted to talk about. He responded, after elaborating that he heard it from some of her that he wanted to join the mercenary band, to 'paint' women and adoring couples. Right. Oh, and he could heal, as well, allegedly. Passes at Raquel aside, that was incredibly abrupt. Especially after they had just concluded the meeting with Clover and the Head Wrathite.

"My apologies for intruding on your lovely conversation," Blake said, with a forced smile, "But who were these 'employees' you mentioned? I would like to know, for... salary purposes."

The painter had gestured, but there were a large number of people on the ballroom floor, so he wasn't sure who he was referring to.

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"They see me as a mere annoyance. I know." said Tia with a heavy sigh. "But that's the way things go. If you're an inventor everyone thinks you're a useless crackpot unless you're in some lab. Oddly, most good inventions don't come from a lab or school. Just some yokel, no offense intended towards anyone in the group, experimenting around to get something done easier and accidentally stumbling on something huge. I guarentee you, the person who invented the wheel didn't set out to revolutionize the world, just to transport several watermelons easier.

Regardless though, I know it's dangerous. I'm not an idiot. Basic Alchemy. Young mage girl combined with an axe equals a dead mage girl. I don't want to die, so I will be sticking to the backlines and offering supporting aid mainly if I go along with you. However, even if you do have enough people, even if you don't really need me, I would be selling myself horribly short if I didn't tag along and at least try to learn all I could. If there are people who know more about the emblem than me, I'm passing up a once in a lifetime opportunity. If I am the best about learning about the emblem, I'm depriving you of your capabilities on a world-changing event simply because I was afraid."

"No offense taken," Eli retorted, tapping the gauntlet he had shown Tia earlier. "Anywho, there's nothing wrong with moving watermelons. Sometimes the littlest things make the biggest changes in peoples' lives. You don't have to go on some epic journey to make a difference. I hope you realize that you have far more to contribute to the world than emblem knowledge."

"You keep mentioning me as if I'm going. Quite frankly, I haven't made that decision. I have a nice life here in the city. Chasing after what many deem a fable just doesn't seem wise, especially when far more dangerous groups believe the same tale. The only reason I'm even considering it at all is because Professor Weyland has some interest in it. Surely there's some truth to the stories."

Alphonse, like Jamilla, was captivated by all of the various foodstuffs available to choose from. All these different meats, fruits, breads, and deserts. It was absolutely overwhelming to think how much something like this would cost.

'Pff, nobles, like they would know anything about cost or going hungry.'

Grabbing himself a rather hearty share, Al waited for Jam to make her decisions.

After an all too long interview about the duck sauce, Jam opted for one of the ducks, a bowl of steamed veggies, a croissant, and two pieces of their chocolate pie. Seeing that Alphonse was ready, she too left the line with a big tray of food in her hands.

"Should we get a table, or maybe sneak into another room, one less...noisy?"

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Hoshi nodded as Kat explained how she'd joined with the group. "I sometimes wonder what it would be like to leave my desk and join a group like this but... well, it's not easy because I owe so much to Weyland and also here is safe. I always have work and new exciting projects and I get to do my own ideas as well. I can't believe that I'd have the same freedom traveling with a group."

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Tia smiled happily, a faint twinge of red upon her cheeks. "Why, thanks for the compliment. But regardless, some of the things about the emblem must, indeed, be true. Something big enough and important enough to elicit the fights we have seen so far while journeying with Raquel. I don't know what is or is not true about it, but if it's really that important, being there to at least try to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands is important. I have no problem going to study in a university or something afterwards, assuming someone can pay for me to attend, but before then... Well, there may not be a university to attend if I do nothing."


"Oh, my dear sir, your deft words and desire to protect such a lovely and beautiful thing are not lost upon me." said Alex, looking to Blake. "Nor was the pause in them. Surely, you would not wish to ruin such a night of love and merriment simply out of a desire for absolute protection and control? If you must know, especially to give them a bonus, I will tell you. But only after this evening has finished lest it be soured for at least two. Besides, do you not trust the guards? I was not allowed to even bring in my staff despite its healing uses under their strict eye after all."


Robin gave a small sigh as she scooched about in her corner, not desiring to stand up or move back into the room. Instead, she had taken to idly tying together a long string of hall-plants into a short chain. Such a thing was stupid and girly to be sure, but busy hands helped to soothe her mind, and she didn't have any stones to shape into weapons at the moment. So, instead, she wove the shrubberies together.

"<Monster. Monster. That's all I am to them. A fight-starting, hideous, monster. They were wrong. I can't have any friends. Bah. I was better off not talking to anyone.>" she mused to herself as she wove, though her words held less fire than mere annoyance, an improvement in her case.

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"Sure, I'm positive we aren't gonna be restricted to just the ball room." Alphonse replied to the dancer's question. Looking around, he managed to spot an area that seemed to lead out to other parts of the estate, and considering that there didn't seem to be any guards keeping watch there to keep guests wrangled in he was going to assume it was okay to leave.

"Seems like we can slip out over there, probably a room or something down a bit further we can use, or maybe a garden."


The Buzzed Bachelors?

That was certainly a dance Zach had never heard of before, sounded like something that had come from a tavern, rather than something that had come from a court. "I've never heard of it before, so I'll probably have to watch someone else dance first to get a feel for it. I'm sure I can piece it together though." He finished with a shrug.

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With Zach's agreement to learn the moves and follow along, the Buzzed Bachelors and Bachelorettes were formed. There was nowhere their hips couldn't take them, now, maybe. "Let's finish filling this sign up out then, and find a place to practice," Haythem suggested. "At the very least, we'll need an oud and a riq to give this routine the right sound, but more would be better."

Very close by, Shadrak beat a hasty retreat from his conversation with Simon, hoping to get back to Mushirah and keep his word. He was surprised to see that Alex was no longer around when he got back, but he had no intention of asking about that. Better to leave well enough alone, he told himself. "Sorry for the wait. I don't know for sure if they'll let me be a judge, but I guess there's a decent chance," he explained.

On the second floor, Alex explained his intentions to Raquel, and then Blake replied, almost immediately asking who the two employees were. For some reason, Alex didn't answer, which was suspicious, but Raquel wasn't left wondering for long. ... this talk of painting, I'm going to wager it's those two by the paintings down there, Hypnos chimed in. Since only Raquel could hear him most of the time, she was the only one to initially lean toward the edge of the walkway to look down and see which two were by the paintings. Shadrak and Mushirah. So that's who it was.

Is there some reason you didn't just call them by name? Raquel asked him as she began to turn back toward the conversation. You're still calling me Discovery too ... She didn't get a response, and since she had things to comment about, she decided to let the matter be ... again.

"I think it was Shadrak and Mushirah," she first said to Blake. Hypnos was probably right about that, so at least they wouldn't have to spend anymore time trying to figure that out. "Anyway, Alex, I appreciate your offer, but I don't want you to think traveling with us is actually safe. In all honesty, we end up dealing with more dangerous stuff than most people. I'll spare you the details, but I can't really offer you real protection in exchange for your healing." I can offer money but I am NOT bringing that up first. If he's willing to work for art, then that's fine by me.

Remind him there is no painting in the middle of battles~

There's no way he would do that, Raquel insisted.

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"Alright then, it's settled." Faatina replied, as she marked down all of the necessary information on the sheet. They were all set, now.


Raquel and Blake had reappeared from the room, and Raquel herself appeared to be accosted by the painter boy. Well, it might be best to go to Blake in this situation, then. Silently making her way about the blue-haired swordsman's side, Angelica fully revealed her presence once she had reached his side.

"So, how did the meeting go, stud?" She began with a giggle... hopefully he would recognize her to atleast some extent without Gar next to her, else this might not go as smoothly as she would like it to.

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"I do not particularly care if it has a name or not," Cecelia noted off-handedly. She was actually more interested -- and impressed with -- Amber's recollection. It certainly was a handy trait to have. She is odd, certainly. I keep forgetting just how astonishingly useful she is, though.

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Blake nodded, and made a note to speak to Shadrak about that the following day, but for now, there was this man to deal with.

"Do not try to read into my words or make assumptions about my intents, sir. And I do trust the guards, however experience has shown that one must be wary, nonetheless," Blake said, in a normal voice, though his smile was beginning to fade. "I do not believe there would be much time to paint, either, given our future destination."

Then, a woman- she was with Gar earlier on that night- approached him and asked about the meeting, in a.... teasing manner. Oh dear.

"It went well enough," Blake said, avoiding both eye contact and getting into specifics. He quickly changed the subject. "Where, by chance, is your companion?"

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"I wish I knew... he dissapeared not too long after the check-in, I haven't seen him since..." Angelica replied with a scowl, before leaning into Blake's ear... after all, it might be best if the new guy didn't hear this part.

"I had to pull double duty on security detail because he's slacking off... it was a real pain you know." The adept whispered so that the painter wouldn't hear.

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"While I can agree to a subject change" Jericho said, pausing to yawn for a second, "... excuse me, while I can agree to a subject change, I never sought out to change anyone's viewpoint on anything so there's that."

So he's literally just kind of out to judge everyone? Dang, I can't wait to see what he'll do to Raquel~ Aneda mused quite ok with what she supposed was going to happen. "Fair enough I guess. Yelling at each other ain't gonna make rainbows appear."

"Only a chance? Did others get there before you or something? I'm sure you'll get picked for it either way." Mushirah asked, an accidental hint of consolation in her voice.

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Tia smiled happily, a faint twinge of red upon her cheeks. "Why, thanks for the compliment. But regardless, some of the things about the emblem must, indeed, be true. Something big enough and important enough to elicit the fights we have seen so far while journeying with Raquel. I don't know what is or is not true about it, but if it's really that important, being there to at least try to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands is important. I have no problem going to study in a university or something afterwards, assuming someone can pay for me to attend, but before then... Well, there may not be a university to attend if I do nothing."

"I assure you, with what you know, money won't be an obstacle," Eli reassured Tia. Though they would have to agree to disagree on the emblem for now, at least they had an understanding on education. With nothing else to add on the subject, the rider switched gears.

"So I heard from around the mansion that you had a tour of the place. How did that go?"

"Sure, I'm positive we aren't gonna be restricted to just the ball room." Alphonse replied to the dancer's question. Looking around, he managed to spot an area that seemed to lead out to other parts of the estate, and considering that there didn't seem to be any guards keeping watch there to keep guests wrangled in he was going to assume it was okay to leave.

"Seems like we can slip out over there, probably a room or something down a bit further we can use, or maybe a garden."

And so they slipped away from the festivities, Jam walking swiftly down the hall for the first available room. The door was left wide open, presumably for security reasons. The room appeared to be made for dining, with a a single long table centered upon an ornate rug. Lit scones provided dim lighting, revealing the lack of silverware or glasses around. Though it was not prepared for guests, it seemed to be the nicest room that Jam had ever eaten in, except for lunch earlier. She sure had been living fancy today...

"Ooh, this is nice," Jam commented as she placed her food near the end of the table. As she sat down, she looked back to Alphonse.

"How lucky are we? Tomorrow is just going to feel mundane after living like this"

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"Its wonderful! I wish I had ever been in a place like this before! Having so much space, and a dedicated library instead of a tiny room barely big enough to stand in, and... well... Space! I could LIVE in this place! Like, well, I'd need food and such, but there is enough space in here for me to actually survive on my own. My parents house wasn't that big, and my tutor's was also pretty cramped, but I could fit my entire library in one of these bedrooms and still manage to sleep in it! I'm keeping quiet though as, I suspect, saying something like that might get me painted as a yokal. I know some mages tend to look down on people who couldn't go to an academy as inferior and, while they're probably none like that here, I'd rather not mention it unless it comes up. Still, this house is wonderful!"


"Then allow me to offer you as much protection as I can in return for the chance to paint such a lovely woman, and man, as best I can." he said, nodding to Blake. "It would be such a shame to have people such as yourselves die without being properly remembered. Even a simple painting of you staring upon the stars, or the sire looking out from upon a rocky crag, would be worth protecting. Indeed, if you two are a couple, then I shall paint you both, sitting upon a rocky crag while looking out upon the stars! Also, I... umm... I don't feel exactly satisfied with the painting I did of the couple before. I wasn't able to truly capture them and would like to take a second chance to paint them well. I would hope to be funded enough to replace my paints, but that is mere technicality as I am sure I can sell them for enough to replace them." said Alex with a smile and broad bow to both Raquel and Blade.

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Are you sure he wouldn't try if he knew you were about to die, Discovery?

He'd be HEALING us, not trying to capture our final moments! Stop talking about the paintings! Raquel yelled back in her head. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention people ... dying." She left her request at that since she didn't want to touch on the other bits that were bugging her. Instead she moved on to what was obviously more important, his expenses. "I guess we can get you more paint if you can't afford it at the time, but you can't have too much equipment at one time. There won't be enough room in the wagon for all of it with all of our supplies and my ... merchandise."

Downstairs by said the aforementioned paintings ... "Yeah, there were more than at least five people signed up before I showed up but they must have been expecting that," Shadrak explained. "I'll just have to put my best foot forward when they ask for us and hope they don't ask about my musical knowledge ..."

Dining Hall

"Talk about whatever you want. I wasn't actually looking to have a discussion about our mission with outsiders," Malik noted.

"I was, but alright," Fizza chimed in. She didn't see anything else to talk about unless they didn't mind sharing stories about the people they've fought and defeated. She noticed Amon just sitting there looking troubled after the argument and smiled pityingly at him. History probably would repeat itself if he stuck to his usual routine, she felt Malik was right about that much.

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"... Find him, if you can. We can probably discuss the double duty tomorrow," Blake whispered back, as the conversation continued. He then turned back to Alex, who had mostly ignored his input and had instead offered his 'protection' of Raquel. And her escort as well, though that was clearly an afterthought, and not very reassuring given his wording.

"Hold on. I thought you were searching for protection, not 'offering' it," Blake said, as he frowned. "And as I said, there is a slim chance you will have very much time to paint. Moreover, if your priority is to have us 'remembered', then you would be better off speaking to someone else, as we plan on living, and so will not have need of that."

He didn't want to be remembered, anyways.

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"You really just...?" Aneda started before cutting herself off, not wishing to pursue what was just identified as a useless endeavor. I'm an outsider when he's in my homeland? What an arrogant prick... The hell am I saying, this ain't my home either. I shouldn't be here, what the hell am I doing... One thing lead to another, Aneda not seeing this conversation getting any lighter any time soon prompted her to simply get up and leave with a simple, "Goodbye, maybe I'll see you around." When she thought she was out of earshot as she left, the knight leaned against a wall, covering her face as she let out the longest sigh she'd ever experienced. Deep down, she could feel herself getting absurdly worked up over the past events and it was getting tougher to keep it all in check and keep calm and mature, as relative as that last one was, for much longer about it.

A twinge of concern piqued Jericho, but he didn't feel there was really anything he could do about it, nor was it his responsibility to do anything for it at this point, nor could he for sure say there was anything wrong whatsoever. Maybe she needs some air? he thought, looking at the others in the room to see if there was anything interesting going on. Spotting nothing, he spoke up, dreading silence in the room for the time being. "So! I keep hearing about this 'Raquel' person, seems maybe some people have issues with her. What's she like?" he asked no one in particular.

Mushirah couldn't help but giggle at Shadrak's persistence yet lack of experience in bed with music and dancing honestly it could be the same thing. "You really just wanna do it, don't you? I guess it is somewhat in your nature. I'm sure you'll do just fine if you're picked. Besides, even if I have no real experience in saying so, I find that every judgment is biased in some form, yours is most likely just gonna be more honest and straightforward, heehee."

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"Alas, my good sir, but if I were to paint you I could not paint the halo upon your brow, for it is only your swelled head." said Alex in response with mild annoyance towards Blake. "Indeed what you say is true in that I desire protection, but I also desire to protect that which is beautiful in this world. Something to which the lovely madame here qualifies a thousand and one times over, for a thousand would not be enough. As for the time I will have to paint, let me worry about that. I am aware that my time will not be without limit, and I am sure you would love to remember spending the most lovely day with your wife ever and having a painting to show everyone long into the future when you are grey in the hair and long in the beard."

Alex then looked to Raquel. "And by your words, I assume you are at least willing to consider adding another healer to your group? If so, then tell me, where shall we meet after the ball?"

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"No you're right, I mean honestly, how can any given opinion not be biased to at least some degree when everyone's perspective is only a partial one, and on top of that we all have our own unique upbringings?" Shadrak asked, a bit rhetorically. He didn't intend to go on into a full blown sermonette on the topic, but he definitely felt some agreement between them there. "But yeah, I'll definitely be honest. You can count on that," he added with a smile.

Meanwhile upstairs, the only smile was Angel's, and she was on her way out, so to speak. Raquel was beginning to feel like she would need to keep Blake and Alex separated, more for her sake than for theirs. It was starting to sound like Alex thought they were actually a couple ... and married no less. She partially blamed herself for not clarifying sooner, but she hadn't bothered at first because she didn't mind total strangers coming to those sorts of conclusions while they were at the ball; she was just playing a role and trying not to draw too much attention to herself, after all ... but after the ball, she wanted things to go back to normal. Comments on it, no matter how good-natured, weren't something she wanted to deal with later.

Finally she said something in a weak attempt to get a grip on the situation and also answer Alex's question. "Yes, I'm more than happy to have another healer around if you really plan on helping us. You can just meet us at the main entrance. If you're still working when the ball's over then we'll wait for you. If you can't find us, then look for ... mmm ... look for Professor Weyland. He's a friend of ours and we're staying at his estate right now."

You know, back in my day, people often introduced themselves at some point during the conversation, Hypnos noted, actually reminiscing about the past.

"Err-aaand my name is Raquel ..." she awkwardly complied, her gaze darting all over the place for a moment, though she wasn't quite sure why.

Dining Hall

"She's ... trouble," Malik answered first, a little indifferent. "She's a decent person herself, but the ordinary, probability, people's sanity, and even reality itself, all seem to break down around that girl, at least from what I've heard."

Amon suspected the 'sanity' bit was a subtle shot taken at him specifically, but didn't have the energy to defend himself anymore. He still wasn't sure if Malik was wrong about him, or not, so he had to let that go. Still, he gave Malik a small glare to at least let him know that, yes, he caught that ... you bastard.

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Alphonse let out a soft whistle as he followed Jamilla into the room they'd decided on. This random room was almost as fancy as the dining hall back at Weyland's estate. Royalty really did have more money than what they knew what to do with....

"Eh, all the fancy stuff really isn't my style. I feel way too out of place in a suit. Might have to sleep in the dirt for a few nights to was the blueblood off of me." He ended with a chuckle, before placing his plate across from Jam's. Walking around to pull out the girl's chair for her. "If I would have remembered to grab drinks, here's the point where I would have made a toast about something, but I can make do without."


Well, they seemed to be signed up and everything appeared to be in order. Now it just seemed like it was just time to wait till their names were called. Standing next to Faatina, Zach was feeling kid of anxious about this. He'd never danced in front of so many people before, and it was kind of overwhelming.

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"One should tread lightly when dealing with those they know not," Blake said, as he returned to a neutral expression. After turning to Raquel he continued. "Regardless, Colonel Taylor wanted us to visit, if I recall correctly. Perhaps we should indulge him?"

He really wanted to put some distance between them and this gentleman.

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"Its wonderful! I wish I had ever been in a place like this before! Having so much space, and a dedicated library instead of a tiny room barely big enough to stand in, and... well... Space! I could LIVE in this place! Like, well, I'd need food and such, but there is enough space in here for me to actually survive on my own. My parents house wasn't that big, and my tutor's was also pretty cramped, but I could fit my entire library in one of these bedrooms and still manage to sleep in it! I'm keeping quiet though as, I suspect, saying something like that might get me painted as a yokal. I know some mages tend to look down on people who couldn't go to an academy as inferior and, while they're probably none like that here, I'd rather not mention it unless it comes up. Still, this house is wonderful!"

"Well, it is pretty big," Eli replied. "Perhaps too big. Honestly, if you need a fleet of servants just for daily chores, you might have too much space. I'd hate to have a bunch of empty rooms."

Alphonse let out a soft whistle as he followed Jamilla into the room they'd decided on. This random room was almost as fancy as the dining hall back at Weyland's estate. Royalty really did have more money than what they knew what to do with....

"Eh, all the fancy stuff really isn't my style. I feel way too out of place in a suit. Might have to sleep in the dirt for a few nights to was the blueblood off of me." He ended with a chuckle, before placing his plate across from Jam's. Walking around to pull out the girl's chair for her. "If I would have remembered to grab drinks, here's the point where I would have made a toast about something, but I can make do without."

"I don't know; I could get used to you pulling my chair out," Jam joked as she sat down. She could stand a little fancy in her life. At the mention of a toast, Jam proceeded to reach out to where a glass would have been. She raised her hand as if holding the invisible cup and held it out to Alphonse.

"To more days like this," she said, waiting for Alphy to get his own "cup" to finish the toast.

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Raquel had nearly forgotten about the Lieutenant Colonel, but now that Blake mentioned it, it seemed like a good idea to go back and pay him a visit, especially since there wasn't much else she could think of for them to do. "That's a good idea, actually. Alex, we'll see you later ... once the party's over, I guess." She nearly shrugged, but thought better of it. It still wasn't a decent farewell, but it would have to do because the two of them were on their way back to the building's main entrance.

Back over by the sign up tables, Haythem waved at Gytha, hoping she would come over, and then spoke to those already present. "The first thing we'll need to do get the instruments we'll need ... and the musicians, now that I think about ... right! Music, musicians, and then a place to practice. I'll show you the basic moves and then we'll try to piece together a routine before the competition starts. Feel free to make suggestions if you come up with anything; it's a pretty flexible dance."

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"To more days like this." Alphonse echoed Jamilla, having his "glass" ting against her's, complete with a little sound effect. "I doubt I can afford an estate to dine at, but maybe every once and a while I can treat you with a night out whenever we end up in a town." He offered the dancer, she deserved to have some fun when they could get out and make it happen.

"Kinda makes me wonder though.... what happens after this? Greta doesn't have anything left, almost all of our crew is dead or missing..... where do we go from here? Take what we have left and stick with Raquel and her group? I just don't know..." He finished with a sigh.

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"My apologies for that display," Blake said, once he and Raquel had gotten out of Alex's earshot. "I'd try to justify it, but the point of the matter is that I presumably overreacted."

He still was not pleased by the painter's joining them, but he had put Raquel in a difficult situation by his behaviour, so the Ursian was in no position to object.

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