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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Starting at the voice, Lumi whirled around, automatically grabbing for her tonfa. Seeing the guard, she relaxed. "Oh, sorry. Yes, I'm fine. I just needed to get away for a bit. I enjoy high spaces, I'm sorry. If I'm not allowed up here I can go though. I'm one of Raquel's group."

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The only time Norbert had anything against explosives, really, was when they were doing him harm, whether directly or indirectly, but that line of discussion was dead as far as he was concerned. Learning the meal times was far more important in his opinion, so he committed those to memory. Not being able to cook certainly effected how often he was able to eat in the past so he focused on that bit a little more than it really needed. To be honest, he was grateful for whatever free (more or less; it's not like he wasn't working) food he was offered, but he began to consider talking to the cooks about specific orders. After all, he was well aware of the effects one's diet (or lack there of) had on one's training and over all combat ability. That is, the specifics of just what would be the best for him, he didn't know, but he knew it definitely had an impact. Unsure on the details of that, he asked, "So, could I go into the kitchen and ask for a specific diet or do I have to wait for a server and ask for a specific meal?"

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Le Hallway

"Goodness, am I the only man here with a date tonight?" Weyland spoke up when he noticed Chie was the only woman present in the group.

"T'would seem so. My wife had to leave early and Darius and Daniel here are still bachelors and apparently loving every minute of it," David explained. "Though pardon my manners, I shouldn't be speaking for Mister Eberhardt."


Raquel had been in a thoughtless hurry until Blake mentioned stopping by the estate first. For one, she wanted to get to the prison as soon as possible before Bert got himself a year long sentence. Still, she realized that about all she could do for him once she got there was give advice. Going back to the estate to change her clothes wouldn't help and as for Blake's weapon, she wasn't sure if that would really be necessary. If weapons did become necessary, well Nadine was intent on escorting her anyway from the looks of it. "Well, I don't think we'll need weapons. It's not a jailbreak or anything."

"I should certainly hope not," Nadine spoke up with heavy emphasis on her words.

"What else did you need to get?" she quickly asked him.

Dining Hall

"You can go straight to cooks if you want, but don't take up too much of their time during eating hours. They'll chase you out if you do, heehee," Anna answered.

Suzume also had a question. "Shouldn't there be more people in here right now? I know it's slightly after nine, but this place is nearly deserted."

"Good observation. Well, like I said, there are two kitchens, one on the right wing, and one in the central area not far from the conference room. Most of the staff has been eating in there as a whole because that's where most of the reconstruction was taking place. Since both dining areas are big enough to accommodate every person living here, it tends to be one or the other depending on what needs doing where, but people come and go throughout the day just picking up snacks and the like." She then did a short bit of musing and said, "Though, you're right ... it is a little lonelier in here than usual ..." and placed a finger on her chin.


"It's fine, D.W. does it all the time. Just be sure to let us know if you spot anything amiss. That's all we ask of anyone coming up here," the guardsman explained. "While you're up here, you're on duty like the rest of us, heheheh."

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"No, but we may have to deal with some unwanted guests on the way too or from the prison," Blake said, thinly veiling the reference to the organization. "Though, I digress. I have everything else I need, however, so it is your decision."

Well, his crest might actually be of some use, again. Perhaps bringing it along was a better decision than he had thought.

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After Anna's answer, Norbert began to think of other options that might make things easier. He gave up after figuring writing a note for all the cooks and leaving it in the kitchen would be kind of snobbish and probably ineffective anyway and just decided to talk with them near but not during one of the meal times. "About when do the cooks get into the kitchen?" I could just catch one as they're heading in; that's probably the best way to handle it.

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Le Hallway

"I see. Well then, I suppose you are the only one here with a date tonight, Weyland. I find that a bit odd, but also intriguing," David explained. "Where did you meet Miss Chie exactly?"

"I came to him. My apprentice has been working for one of his affiliates for quite some time, and that made me curious. After I learned more about him for myself, I realized that we could help each other immensely," she explained.

"And what exactly is it you do, Miss Chie? What's your ... field of expertise?"

"Mind control," she answered with a grin. Weyland frowned at that, feeling like she was trying to have more fun at his expense.

"Goodness, Weyland, watch yourself, hahahah. She may have ulterior motives for coming here with you tonight," Darius teased the man.


"If there's trouble, I'll handle it," Nadine said. She wasn't armed at the moment, but quickly noted, "I'll get my things on the way out."

Raquel trusted that Nadine had kept to her training, even in everyone's absence, especially now that she was in the military. "Alright then. Let's hurry. I want to make sure Bert doesn't do anything to make matters worse. It's not like before where he was being wrongfully held ..."

Dining Hall

"It varies, but they try to get in early enough to have the first waves of food ready in time, so about twenty minutes ahead of time on average. We have more cooks than we actually need, though, enough to fill both kitchens, so they don't all come in everyday. You might want to have them make a note of your preferences, so any who don't know what you like yet won't have to hear it directly from you. There's actually a ton of notes in both kitchens already, so one more won't hurt."

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Well, it seemed like his other idea might actually be the more viable one. To what Anna said, he just gave a small nod and a "Hm." His questions had been answered for now and he made a mental note to make a physical one later.

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'Very well," Blake said, as their protection was to be handled by Nadine. "Let us hope his temper holds up well enough."

It probably wouldn't, but there was little point in saying that.

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Tia hummed softly as she entered into the dining room of the manor again. She had just been outside, reading out in the field by starlight. Not exactly the best idea, which is why she hadn't done anything strenuous, but very relaxing. Yet, as she entered in, she looked over to the gathered employees. Weyland... Employees? Like the ones that Connor was a part of?

"Excuse me, but... Is this for new employees or something? If so, I'd like to volunteer to become a new one!" she said, chirping up with a happy and excited tone.

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Le Hallway

"Exactly how does one go about controlling the minds of others?" Darius asked. Frankly, that sort of thing was several different kinds of illegal when in reference to magic, but he made few assumptions, and so did his colleagues. After all, she likely wasn't absentminded enough to speak of such things openly, was she? If it was really about controlling people with dark magic, Weyland would have certainly reacted when she mentioned it. That's what they each figured, individually.

"That's my personal secret," Chie replied. Darius immediately closed his eyes and nodded, having felt silly for not expecting that answer. Perhaps she was dabbling in some illegal magic and had the confidence to mention it publicly. She did go on to give them an important clue, though. "People are manipulated easily enough ... I'm more interested in wildlife ... predators in particular."

"I see ..."

"Do things one step at a time, exercise patience, and eventually, the mightiest beasts will yield."

Weyland tried to look well informed about this, but the truth was, this was the first he was hearing of Chie's pursuits in this level of detail. He knew she had a plethora of subdued creatures. some of which she brought with her, and he knew she was adept at wielding dark magic, but to what end? He was getting a clearer picture now and was beginning to wonder if this didn't have something to do with the fallen. She always seemed especially interested in them.

Before that conversation could go any further, Raquel, Blake, and Nadine came out into view, clearly heading for the main entrance in a hurry. It was all Raquel could do to keep from running. "Raquel, where are you off to? Is something wrong?"

"Bert's been arrested and I need to make sure he's alright. I'm heading into town," she explained as she passed.

Raising his hand to try and motion her back he said, "Now wait one minute. You shouldn't be wandering off into town at this hour. Second, what in Sardius did the man do to get himself arrested?"

"Assaulted an officer and used a pegasus as a war mount without certification," Nadine answered. She sounded as if she was reading straight from an official report.

"Uuuurgh ..."

Weyland's groan was what finally stopped Raquel in her tracks. She feared that it was a sign that Weyland wasn't going to help this time around. "Umm ... Professor Weyland?" She spoke up after slowly and fearfully turning around.

"You needn't say anything. Just tell me where he's being held and I'll stop by later. For now, if you feel you need to go, take one of the carriages and for gods' sake, take some more people with you; whomever you can find. You can't go around town at an hour like this unprepared." I don't like doing these sorts of things, but this man clearly means a great deal to her. ... she's going to need Anna for this one, I'm afraid.

"Thank you," Raquel excitedly replied before resuming her course. Now there was hope and not just frantic walking. Good for her, but she forgot to tell him, so that left it to Nadine ...

With a sigh, she said, "Fort Dailey if I heard that right. If not I doubt we'll even find the right place, so ..." With that, she began jogging to catch up with Raquel.

Main Entrance

Once outside the mansion, Nadine returned to Amber and picked up her tome, pistol, and other gear. She wasn't expecting real trouble, but she liked to be prepared. While she put on the belt that held her things together and in place, Raquel began trying to figure out who else to bring. Arietta seemed like a good option since she was already armed and ready to go. As much as she wanted to have a word with Cecelia about her handling of Bert, she didn't want to get caught up in a debate and waste even more time, so she began approaching Arietta. "Hey, I ... uh ... Weyland told me to bring more people along, so I'd like you to come along since you're ready to go already." She wasn't mentioning Bert until someone asked since Cecelia wasn't far.

"This is really stupid," Nadine muttered.

"She's going to visit a friend in jail, huh? There's nothing stupid about that," Amber countered while smiling and helping Nadine with the belt. "Too bad you couldn't talk her out of it, though. Look on the bright side. You get to take a tour of the town just like the captain did earlier."

"I could care less about this city ... not much, though."

Dining Hall

"Hm? Tia, was it? Have a seat. You'll have to hear the rest later since I don't feel like repeating myself," Anna replied, gesturing toward Bert and Suzume's side of the table.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Hmm, boss did?" Arietta replied, as she was approached by Raquel, who was apparently leaving the party early for... something.

"Well, sounds urgent, aye? I'll get the details from y'on the way." The woman concluded, as she waved one of their carriages over.


Finally, something seemed to be happening... it wasn't Lord Devlinos, unfortunately, but it was one of the humans that had been along with him in his base of operations... the head of one of the groups, if she recalled correctly. She took a moment to think over leaving, but considering the strength and volume of the guardsmen... there were several she doubted her own ability to take in a head-on fight, which wasn't the most common of occurrences in of itself... Steinn was as safe with her gone as with her here, and he had wanted her to adjust to human ways.

"You appear to be in a bit of a situation, Miss Valcyn. Perhaps I could offer my assistance?" Annelise came forward to the woman, having finally decided on a course of action. This too, would be assisting Lord Devlinos in it's own way.


"Sounds like you've gotten yourself into quite the mess, Seth. Who might that young lady be, hmm?" Seris chided as the events unfolded before them.

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"It's not very interesting," Blake mentioned, as the incident was vaguely brought up by Arietta. "But you were there, when Samael did his thing. It'd be best to be safe rather than sorry."

Then a woman - A fallen. judging by her wings. Maybe one of the other one's attendants? - approached and offered to help Raquel out as well. Though he was unsure of whether or not that was an honest offer, the Ursian man decided to wait for Raquel's response, before commenting.

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Le Hallway

Sighing heavily, Weyland replied, "Raquel Valcyn. She's the one Chie's apprentice has been working under. Indecisive at times but her heart's in the right place."

"Is she some sort of business woman?" David asked.

"She has a long way to go but she's trying to keep the shop her father started going. She tests a few civilian transport prototypes for me on the side."

Main Entrance

"Well Weyland did say to bring whoever I could find, so come along, I guess," Raquel replied, wondering if there was enough room in the carriage. She supposed someone might sit beside the driver if necessary. That would give them room to seat five people comfortably, at least. She didn't like the idea of someone riding on the roof, but she wouldn't put it past the feather folk to just fly or ride topside if the seats ran out.

"You really should consider waiting for Weyland, Raquel," Nadine noted as she came over.

"I need to make sure Bert doesn't punch a guard or insult the judge or something. Besides, Any chance of really enjoying this party was gone once we went to talk with Desmond."

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"Looks like quite a handful, that one." Seris noted, before he continued walking.


"Security, huh? Well, can't say I'll be much if another one a'those aureola things gets lobbed at us, but I'll tag along with ya." Arietta replied, as Blake said his piece, before looking over the others.

"So who's th'military girl, anyway?" She questioned, as the unfamiliar face came into her field of view. Before she could get a response, she heard something about Norbert... that irate pegasus rider if she recalled correctly, punching guardsmen and spitting at judges... well atleast she had an idea of what they were going out to do, now.


"Are there any other preparations to be taken before we depart?" Annelise asked flatly, spreading her wings out, mostly to stretch them. In doing so, her scythe swung a bit from it's place, a miniature pendulum that would have been deadly to any who stood about the level of her knees, were any such people present at the moment. Cold steel glistening in the moonlight for a moment, before Annelise reigned her weapon on, stroking the shaft lovingly as she did so. It seemed to be ever so hungry, having gone so long without spilling life to the floor.

'Perhaps, if this goes as badly as this woman seems to project, you shall quench that ravenous thirst of yours...'

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The Avian or Fallen was accepted to the group, and the swordsman realized that the weapon she carried was a scythe. That was... interesting, but none of his business. Unlike aureolas.

"I don't think we'll be that bad," Blake said, to Arietta, before turning back to Raquel and Nadine. "Pretty sure he would've already done that, by now. It seems like it is damage control we're looking for. And, I'm sorry I suggested the meeting so early. Perhaps we should've waited a bit."

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Le Hallway

"Oh she'd be fine if not for all the trouble she finds herself in," Weyland explained.

"The worst luck, that one," Chie commented pityingly.

Main Entrance

"That's Nadine, a close friend of mine, though you couldn't tell just by listening, heheh," Raquel answered Arietta. While waiting for the carriage, Blake apologized for the meeting happening so early, or at least for making the suggestion, but Raquel shook her head and said, "Sooner, later, it wouldn't really have mattered ... these kinds of parties just aren't for me. It would have been the difference between finding someplace to wait around before the meeting or afterward."

"Why don't you just do that instead of running off to a prison, dressed for a funeral?" Nadine inquired irritably.

The carriage soon pulled up and the driver hopped down to open the door for those who were going.

Dining Hall

"Now as for you two, tomorrow, you'll be going over some files and picking some starter positions. Rather than testing you first or just shoving you somewhere, we'd prefer for you to try your preferred job or jobs, first. People are more motivated if they do what they love, and we support that here," she explained with a smile. "If we can't get you performing to par doing what you'd rather do, then we'll move you around until we find the perfect fit, the balance between productivity and motivation. Sound good?"

"Do you people need an extra assassin?" Fizza chimed in from the other table. "I'll be out of work after this emblem business but I don't plan to retire just yet."

<"What is wrong with you?"> Malik muttered.

"We'll see~"

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"One of those, huh? Well, good luck, Seth." Seris replied, with a somewhat sympathetic look.


As the carriage arrived, and Raquel answered her inquiry, Arietta smirked slightly. Of course, it would seem that this so-called close friend was not appreciative of her going... or being dragged along, Arietta wasn't quite sure which.

"C'mon now, Nadine. Myself've only known Raquel a little while and even I know that despite how timid she can get, once'er minds set on something, yer shit outta luck to stop 'er, aye?" Arietta noted boisterously, patting Raquel on the back.

"If y'were that decisive more of'en, we might actually get somewhere, heh." She concluded, before stepping up into the carriage and offering her hand to pull up whoever wanted to come second with her.


Annelise didn't find much merit in the ongoing conversation... it was just one human whining about the other humans going to bail out some other other human. She had already picked up the prudent details, and as such, when the carriage arrived, she daintily flew up and plopped herself on the roof. Thing would be too damn cramped for her to even sit in, let alone allow her wings to be anything but squeezed together like sardines in a can.

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Then Anna explained just how they were going to be assigned. Norbert didn't actually admit it, but liked at least the way they did the job-assigning in this corporation: it really let the individual's abilities be put to use rather than forcing them to do something they weren't good at. The actual job-picking would happen the next day, however. To be honest, he would have rather handled right then and there, but thinking it over, it was probably best this way. He had more time to take in the manse its self and going over the other basic knowledge, not to mention beginning to get used to it. Besides that, he also now had the time to do some other things for himself (like going to have that chat with Robin) rather than worrying about official assignments. "So, will these files be brought to us or are we supposed to meet somewhere?"

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"Fair enough, I suppose. I am not the fondest of those events either," Blake said, as he stepped right beside the carriage, ready to help Raquel and Nadine up. "And besides, Miss Nadine, even if our friend wasn't in dire straits. I am a terrible bore. Regardless after the two of you."

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Main Entrance

"Normally I would threaten her but that isn't very practical here," Nadine noted.

Raquel glanced at Nadine and Arietta with in annoyance and then accepted Blake's help into the carriage. Once inside, she sighed and began mulling over what to do about Bert. She didn't expect he'd be happy to see her, trying to cut ties, getting arrested almost immediately after doing so, and then having her show up to keep him in line until they could spring him somehow.

Nadine got inside, next, reluctantly accepting Blake's help to do so. As she sat down inside, she said, "This must be some friend."

"I doubt he would think so, but he's risked his life for us so many times ... I couldn't forgive myself if I just stayed here at this party while he sits in jail, especially after what happened to him the last time."

"The last time? ... do I even want to know ...?"

Dining Hall

"They'll be brought to you first thing in the morning. You'll learn more of the ins and outs of this place after you've got some more experience. Now then, If you're not hungry, the next thing to decide on is what rooms you'll be staying in. Now do you two want to save us some space and room together for awhile or sleep separately?" Anna teased.

Suzume's shoulder's flinched when she realized what Anna was doing and she quickly spoke for the both of them. "Separate rooms, please." She glanced at Bert for barely a split second and then returned her now annoyed gaze to Anna.

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And with Blake extending the same offer to help up, it would seem that Arietta had been entirely ignored in her efforts. And people wonder why she didn't bother being courteous towards anyone. Regardless, sitting down inside the carriage and placing her maul at her side, she noticed the driver looking at them when they were all in place... probably wanted a destination.

"Aye, Raquel. Driver wants t'know where we're headed." Arietta noted to the merchant, before turning back to Nadine.

"Aye, what with the whole Princess' engagement party and all, threats ain't somethin' very appreciated 'round here right now, eh? Well, s'all fer the best, I am supposed to be guardin' er, so I'd 'ave to step in if y'threatened 'er... wouldn't that be a way to sour a meetin'?" She noted to the soldier with a laugh, as her eyes turned towards the roof.

"I mean, I know they're built for flyin' and all that but I still don't get how someone'd choose to go right up on the top of the damn thing."

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Norbert was idly taking in the information and when Anna switched the subject to where they'd be sleeping, he began to quickly think over his own lodging options until she asked her question. That snapped him out of his thoughts and snapped his attention to Zero-One, surprised, confused, embarrassed and largely annoyed all at once. For a moment, he wondered if men and women rooming together was a normal thing around here, but Anna's earlier talk of couples staying together though the rooms were meant for one person each quickly came back to mind. That was when all confusion left and all that remained was the irritation and a bit of embarrassment. Suzume had spoken up quite quickly, so he didn't have to say a word regarding that. So, he didn't, instead letting his frown and his glare speak for him.

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