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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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"Keep the threats to a minimum, please, Miss Nadine. As for prior to this, let's just say that some of your comrades in arms went a little power-mad, after the dragon incident," Blake said, as he began to enter the carriage. Then, he stopped, as Arietta brought up their destination. "That's a good question. Do we know where he's being held, or should I go ask the good captain?"


"... Your matchmaking skills need work, Anna," Axel responded, after the two recruits immediately declined sleeping in the same room. "Now your record's 2 for 11, at least, while I've been around."

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"By all means, feel free to step in when I start tickling her to death or spilling her darkest secrets," Nadine replied, alluding to what her threats usually amounted to.

Raquel still gave a listless frown at the thought before focusing on the other thing Arietta mentioned, the fallen on the roof. That brought Amon, Gytha, and Gar to mind. "Well ... they aren't the only ones that like to ride on the roof," she noted, alluding to them.

"Dragon incident ... you mean in Ursaea?" Before getting back to that, Nadine spoke to the driver and then Blake. "Fort Dailey ... but just wait right here for a moment; I'll go do it." With that, she got back out of the carriage, approached Cecelia and asked, "Do you remember the street Dailey's on?"

"It's kind of weird," Raquel said, on the brink of a whisper. "Not long ago Reign was here ... now Nadine. I just feel bad I can't mention that he's with us right now ..." Suddenly she was glad they didn't decide to head back to the estate first. There was a chance they would run into Reign there. She personally liked the idea of reuniting her friends, but with one being duty bound to capture or violently put down the other, that seemed like a relatively bad idea.

Dining Hall

"Yeah yeah," Anna said, glaring half seriously at Axel. "Just because they never see it doesn't mean I can't," she countered, though that too was only half serious.

"Okay, now it's your turn, Tia. Suzume already went through this verbal questionnaire and Bert's got a debt to work off so it doesn't really matter in his case. What's your story? Why do you want to work for Weyland Enterprises? What could you potentially be offering us?" Before Tia could start, Anna smirked and added, "See how silly it'd be if I asked Bert these kinds of questions? Hahahah-"

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"Well, I might 'ave to stop 'yer ticklin' before it get to death, aye?" Arietta replied with a chuckle. Atleast this one wasn't quite as uptight as military could tend to be.

"That's true, eh? I dunno, just don't get it, m'self." She concluded, as the officer stepped out, presumably to get more directions.

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"Your friend has an interesting taste in threats," Blake said, once Nadine exited the carriage. "... Got it. I won't mention him, by name. I'm guessing we probably shouldn't talk too much about the organization, either, right?"


"There you go. Make some sort of goggles that let people see things as you do, and you'll make a bundle," Axel said, smirking under his visor. "And a lot of happy couples. It'll be great for morale."

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Cecelia was watching Raquel's little group prepare to leave in silence from the main entry when Nadine returned. At first, this garnered an eyebrow-raise from the captain, but when the woman made her query, her face returned to its impassive norm. "Harrison Road," Cecelia answered Nadine. She considered adding something else on, but dismissed it and simply finished, "As well as you can, try to enjoy this time with your old friend. This opportunity does not seem to present its self often."


Norbert rolled his eyes as his debt was brought up again, still a bit grumpy about that. He had to admit, though, Anna was right about the questions she was asking: they wouldn't do much good if asked of him and if he didn't have that debt. He still answered them in his head, though he didn't take the questions too seriously. "What's your story?" Irrelevant. "Why do you want to work for Weyland Enterprises?" I don't. "What could you potentially be offering us?" A headache.

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"All that's easy! My name is Tia Fisher and I'm a water mage who met up with Raquel and the group a while back! One of your people named Connor was interesting to me, so I tagged along and helped him, Raquel, and the rest out. I want to work here because I LOVE magic and innovation in general and am really hoping to learn more about Alchemy, especially if I get to work under Connor! As for what I can offer, I've spent most of my life studying and learning magic, water magic especially, and have already proven my capabilities in combat, especially in the aspect of controlling mist with stimulants laced in to bolster our group. I've got a lot of enthusiasm and a desire to improve myself as much as possible to become the best magic user ever!" said Tia, grinning widely and with a very broad smile and happy bounce as she finished with an arm flourish. "So yea, I wanna become Connor's assistant so I can learn alchemy and spend more time with him as well as get access to a lot more books to master magic. That's why I wanna join."

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Hoshi was walking with Kat and turned into the dining room just in time to hear Tia's speech. With a raised eyebrow, she walked over to the group. "Anna, if you don't mind, I have a question for her." Turning to Tia, she glanced her over and then frowned slightly. "You say you want to learn alchemy. What type of magic do you know? Any base in dark magic at all?"

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Tia looked up at Hoshi for a moment, a bit confused. "I know a bit of the form and theory, but I'm... well... I was a kid most of my life and I'm only old enough now to have mastered water. I haven't had the time to try and learn anything about dark magic beyond what my research has taught me. I was kind of hoping to learn a bit by studying under Connor myself if Alchemy required that though, of course. Why? You interested in seeing what I've learned about it? If so, all you have to do is ask! I'd be more than glad to help!"

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"Do you know anything about alchemy? If you did, you would know that it requires dark magic. This isn't something that you can just go into on a whim." She shook her head. "Focus on water magic. Learn that, master that. Then maybe consider learning dark magic."

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"Okay. Sure. Even if I become Connor's assistant I'm sure he'll probably have me spend a lot of time just making sure ingredients are properly stored and papers in the right books anyways. Plenty of time for me to do both!" she said with a smile, clearly missing the degritory comment in Hoshi's words. "Wait, do you know anything about Dark Magic? If so, having a personal tutor would be great as well! That way I can learn a lot faster about becoming a competent alchemist without having to take up Connor's time!"

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Raising an eyebrow, Hoshi's expression tightened. "I am Hoshi Nakamura. I am an employed alchemist with Weyland Enterprises. I started studying dark magic when I was barely more than a child in Kigen. By the time I moved here, I already had a solid base knowledge in dark magic. From there it's been a process of six years to get me to the stage of alchemy proficiency that I am at now. You come waltzing in here, expecting people to just drop their projects and set aside time to work with you so that you can develop dark magic as a secondary magic. Unless you plan on completely dropping water magic, you'll never be as strong in dark magic as you would be in water magic. And if that's what you wish, why continue studying water magic now? Alchemy isn't a side project. It's a life study. As for me being your personal tutor, you say that as if I don't have my own things to do. You say that as if my time isn't worth anything compared to yours or Connor's. Perhaps you should learn some manners before you try this again."

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"Why are you so hostile to me on this? I think what you're doing is cool and awesome and I want to learn it too. I've got skill and talent with magic, sure, but I'm not looking to push you aside. I just want to become a bit more like you. I don't care so much if it means just learning the basics and nothing more or needing to become a master first. All I want to do is my best! I started to study water magic to be the best mage every, but I would have failed and been sent back to gutting fish for a living if my teacher didn't help me and I admire him a lot because of it. I'm sorry if I offended you, but all I want to do is learn and make the world as awesome and great a place as I can!" said Tia, her tone a bit more subdued. She caught that she had, somehow, hurt Hoshi but she didn't want things to end up like last time, with Robin bursting in to punch Hoshi in the face as she had done Rook.

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Main Entrance

"I had kind of assumed it was because there wasn't always enough room in the Dauntless but maybe there's something to it?" Raquel mused aloud. She was starting to wonder what it was actually like atop the Dauntless. In all her time with the vehicle, she'd never actually done much more than peek up there.

"Harrison Road, got it," Nadine replied to Cecelia before turning back toward the carriage. Once she returned, she relayed the critical piece of information to the driver, he nodded in acknowledgement, she stepped inside, and he closed the door behind her before climbing up to his seat.

Dining Hall

Oh you ... "Yes, it will be great for morale. Just you wait, I'm going through this idea, Axel," she replied. That was when Tia's answers began to spring forth. Anna listened, nodding occasionally if not tilting her head at some of the more interesting lines. A real user isn't she? Heheh, Anna mused to herself as she listened to Tia's explanation. Before long, Hoshi arrived and commented, which started yet another interesting exchange. It didn't seem to be going anywhere after a time, though, so Anna chimed in, saying, "You can't have it both ways, you know. If you want to be Connor's assistant, you'll have to go with him, and as far as I know, we're not sending any of the other alchemists with him." Makes sense given where these people usually wind up ... "Anyway, focus. This isn't a social call, it's an interview, however informal it might look," she added, her expression becoming serious.

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Concentrating on forming a tendril, Hoshi replied, "I'm 'hostile' as you put it because you come in here with no idea of what you're asking for, wanting to do this on a whim because it seems 'cool' and because you want to change the world, but have no idea what that would require. And because you insult me regardless of intention by implying that I have nothing better to do with my time than to tutor you and by saying that you're so skilled in magic that I'm apparently afraid of you pushing me to the side." Thicker, it needs to be visible. Concentrating slightly harder on the tendril, Hoshi paused for a second in her rant to make sure that her result would be able to be seen. The whole process would be a waste otherwise. "You come in and just assume that you're so much better than other people that they should just do whatever you require of them so that you can learn what you want to learn because it's cool. That you're so skilled in magic that you should just be hired and allowed to do whatever you want regardless of how it would affect others. I'm being hostile because you're being arrogant and assuming." At the end of her speech, she had produced around a four inch tendril of dark magic. "When you can do something like this, as quickly as I just did, then maybe we can talk about you learning some alchemy." Belatedly, Hoshi realized that Anna's comment to Tia about focusing was probably meant for her as well. With a slight blush, she bowed to Anna. "I apologize. I will remain silent from here." Closing her fist, she undid the tendril since she had others she could call on if needed.

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"To answer your prior question, about Ursaea, yes, it was there. There was a mixup after the incident and he was detained, where, as I said, the soldiers interrogating him went on a power trip," Blake said, as Nadine returned. "We got him out, there, but, depending on how badly he reacted this time around, that might not be possible without Weyland's help."


"Good. Lemme know if you need a tester, if I'm around. Barely anyone knows what I look like without the armor, so they won't be able to trace it back," Axel said, just after Tia and Hoshi began their back and forth. The lancer didn't really have a very good impression of the water mage to begin with, but the condescension did not help. Eventually, Zero-One tried to put an end to the argument. "Glad to see we're all getting along so well. Anyways, Hoshi, was there something else you needed? Anna's a bit busy here, but I can try to help with it."

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Glancing at Axel, Hoshi shook her head. "No, uhm I was just showing Katrina where the dining hall was. Perhaps going to get a late meal myself. I was working on a project for one of the members of the visitors, making her knives stronger and lighter. It took most of my day and I lost track of time after that."

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Norbert only took minimal note of what Tia was saying, basically summarizing it in his head as her being an exuberant girl who liked to study magic and who was named Tia Fisher. That was all that really mattered to him from what she said, but someone else -- another Weyland employee -- came in and suddenly started scolding the girl. That got his attention, and though he didn't move much, he did watch. His anger steadily began to rise as the dark magic user berated the girl, who was being far more civil about this and attempting to calm things down and be polite, from where he was sitting, while the other seemed like she was just pushing her around, acting justified.

That triggered some unpleasant memories -- ones that had already been dredged up that day. He also began to wonder if this girl was a bit slow-growing in the head since she was acting a lot younger than she seemed to actually be. He was about to get involved when Anna spoke up to try to take control of the situation. Axel began talking to the woman and she suddenly went from brazen to shy. What? Only strong around people you think you can pick on? He almost asked it aloud, but for now bit his tongue and took a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to calm down. It certainly wasn't easy.

He was far from fully calm when he spoke up again, but it was quiet and aimed at Tia. "Don't listen to her; I can tell you didn't mean to insult her. She's just taking it bad. Anyway, dream as big as you want to and go for it with everything you've got. Whether you achieve it or not isn't up to anyone, so if they tell you you can't, just try and see if you can."

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Chilling out, sitting on some steps, Jericho contemplated his options, wishing he could get the night over with. Could just call it quits and go on my way, that'd be easiest, but this is such a weird offer... Like, if I don't go for it, I'll never know what I missed out on

While he was trying to think, Aneda found him sitting by himself. "Did you get lost or something?" She asked, only mildly puzzled as she made her way towards him.

"Nah, just... keeping the stairs warm, or something." Classy.

"Oh you're just dripping with sarcasm, aren't you? you nervous about something? Angry?"

"... Yes? I think that covers it." He replied after a grudging head nod.

"Well don't worry about, millions of worse things can happen, no matter what it is, i'm sure." Aneda said with all the carelessness she could muster.

"I would argue that but there's no reason. I'm just kind of waiting here, got nothing better to do and I doubt they'd let me go wherever I please in here on such short notice."

"Eh you'd be surprised... but who knows? I certainly don't." sighing and taking a seat on the steps too, "Why are you so intent on talking to her? I mean, besides the obvious."

"Well that was a shift... Um, honestly, I'm looking for someone. I'm not exactly a genius, I can't track people down, but... I dunno, talk of a legendary artifact might draw in some interesting folk." Pausing for a moment, thinking about what he just said, "Yes, I realize i'm very much in that group too."

"Uuuh huh... All I know is something about her rubs me the wrong way, but maybe it's just a problem I've got. I dunno. What I do know is that I'm probably just gonna try to leave, get that out of the way, maybe go find some other work."

"Yeah, maybe go find work. Who needs an income? Live life on the edge!" Jericho said with mock enthusiasm.

"I know, right?" Aneda replied with a much needed laugh. In truth, she seemed to be waiting for a Raquel to return soon as well. funny, that. They continued with their silly banter for a little while longer, bouncing randomly from topic to topic before Aneda was reminded that she desperately needed to write a letter to a very important person... at some point. No rush though.

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The business of judging having been mostly wrapped up, there were only the few details remaining. It sounded like one of the fellows had some misgivings about a consolation award, though the avian man seemed in favor, and Theodore couldn't quite read the reaction of the lady judge. Elaborating a bit more on his position, he explained, "I'd think that anyone who was moved by the spirit of the friendly and impromptu contest the Princess put together would be perfectly honored to be mentioned, even if they were not declared the winner. Well, I suppose I should exclude the Prince, as I'm not exactly sure how he'd react, but I wouldn't have expected him to take part in the first place. Perhaps it was the lady's idea? Speaking of... did any of you recognize her? I wasn't aware he was seeing anyone."

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While Bert had spoken quietly, since Hoshi was still standing near Tia, she couldn't help but overhear. She muttered under her breath, "Yeah, not sure how saying she's so skilled that she could easily replace me if she wanted to isn't meant as insulting."

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"Don't worry. Thanks Bert." said Tia, smiling as well as she shrugged at Hoshi's muttering. There wasn't much more she could do about it besides reminding Hoshi that, if she felt she was being insulted, all she had to do was leave the room. "If you have a dream too and I can help, I'd be glad to try and do so. We are a team after all and, even if we weren't, there is nothing to gain from denying help to you."

With that Tia looked at Anna again, trying to smile as best she could. "Any more questions then for the interview? Seeing how well I can function in a team perhaps? Or testing my magical skills?"

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"Who, her?" Shadrak spoke up. "She's just a mage we came across on the road awhile back," he explained.

"You know that woman? Angelica, was it?" Simon spoke up curiously.

"Haven't said more than two words to her, but yeah, I guess ... by association, at least."

Charis meanwhile had been carefully counting up scores to make sure there were no mistakes declaring the winner, and it seemed that Athena and Morgana had the highest score overall, making them the competition's winners. As long as no one changed their minds now, that issue was more or less settled, but Theodore had mentioned ... well ... 'mentions', and she was still curious about that. "Are you suggesting that we congratulate each of the participants as well as the winner? Perhaps offer some more insight on the decision? If so, that does seem like a good idea. They each worked hard and at the very least could use with some recognition."

Shadrak wasn't sure what he'd say to each entry group if he had to, but for now he was just hoping only a few judges would be dealing with this part.


Once the driver got the carriage moving, Nadine turned to Raquel. "Okay, so where have you been?" She felt more comfortable prying insistently now that she was the only officer around, though she was a little worried that Raquel might not fully trust her due to what Blake said before.

"Well, my father quit the military around the same time and we tried to go into business together, but that all blew up in my face a couple of months ago," Raquel began, glossing over numerous months between her quitting her training and the first battle against Sardis.

Main Hall

The area seemed deserted for some reason. Why were the maids only around once called for? Greta didn't exactly want to find one, but she found herself intimidated, wandering the halls aimlessly with a bottle in her hand until she found the main entrance. Figuring some fresh air might do her some good, she began descending the steps from the second floor. If she hadn't spotted two people conversing on the last few steps, she might have just gone straight outside, but there was Aneda, one of Raquel's people, if she remembered correctly, and an unfamiliar man. She could get his name soon enough even if he wasn't a new person, so she didn't worry about it. "Evenin'," she greeted the two of them.

Dining Hall

"Thank you," Anna replied to Hoshi. Now she could resume this strange interview, even though she was no longer the one asking the questions for some reason. "No, none of that would be particularly useful at this stage. What I really want to know is what's more important to you right now, being Connor's assistant, or an actual employee. Like with Hoshi or anyone else tutoring you, you can't have it both ways right now. If you're going to be sticking with Connor for the time being, actual employment will have to wait until his studying abroad is finished. If you'd rather seek full employment now, you'll have to stay here for the time being." Adventures and romance, or an actual paying job; those were the options Anna was offering the young water mage.

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"Nice work. I hope it went well," Axel said, just as Norbert reassured Tia that Hoshi was the one in the wrong - despite that not being the case -, the alchemist muttered, and the wannabe thanked the indentured pegasus rider for supporting her. "You'd may as well go and have your meal, since this part's going to be fairly boring. Besides, I might want to have a look at upgrading a lance."

Separating the two mages would definitely be for the best, right now. Especially since Bert would inevitably get involved if an argument developed.

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"Wait. If I'm studying under Connor and being his assistant, I won't be an actual employee?" asked Tia, a bit confused. After all, she was actively helping out one of the employees with his work, learning the craft and trade, and would be doing so as an order no less. An internship at the worst and a full-on employee otherwise.

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