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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Robin loaded an arrow into her bow and took careful aim at one of the demonic mutts. In her mind, the image of Siv's face slowly started to appear upon the dogs face and... *TWANG!* The arrow shot forwards, hitting the dire wolf right in the eye. Quietly Robin hoped it had been a female dog so that the Siv image could be complete.


5, 4, 4. Robin deals 16 ((8+1+4-5)X2=16) damage to Dire Wolf A 1HKOing it!

Meanwhile, Tia was readying herself for her own attack and took a deep breath as she concentrated the water into a forced blast to shoot at the demonic cat. If Tia had her way, that hellcat would have torn up his last sofa leg! Not liking being shot with a blast of water, the cat tried to leap at Tia to maul her, only for a second blast of water to send him flying back to the ground leaving Tia safe and unharmed on Betty.

Tia attacks Hellcat B with Fortune Tome! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4347023/

2, 5, 6! Hit! Tia deals (6+1+5-3=9) 9 damage to the bad kitty!

Evil kitty counters, but misses! 6, 3, 1.

Tia doubles with a 5, 1, 4 for (6+1+1-3=5) 5 damage!

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Katrina to C2

As much as she hated to admit it, Raquel was starting to see what Hypnos meant earlier; she felt like a chess player shrunken and dropped onto the board, forced to make decisions from a terrible vantage point. None of the demons were closing in on Reign, Nadine, or Erion, but others were in still in danger. Katrina, having just gotten knocked off of her wyvern looked like she would be the first to go if Raquel didn't move her out of the way. Regrettably, she hadn't thought to move Volga as well and was simply trying to save Katrina from being attacked again before she could get back on her feet. Only after Katrina was whisked to a safe distance in an orb of golden light did Raquel remember Katrina probably wanted her wyvern with her.

Despite how hit or miss her powers were in these situations, it was a big improvement from the days where she could do almost nothing to help the others in battle. Unfortunately for Raquel, her brand of magic had finally caught Fury's eye and his focus shifted from Joanna to her ....

Raquel uses Rescue on Katrina and moves her to siege distance. (BP part 2)

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The Hellcat attacked by the wyvern rider saw its prey jump away somehow and decided to pursue her, teeth bared.

Hellcat A closes in on Katrina!

The other cat hit by the water attempted to claw the mage who seemed to be the source of said water with its claws, but missed.

(1,6,4)= Miss!

(3,6,5)= Miss!

One of the tigers leapt into action across the dead bodies of its demon allies, its claws striking at the archer.

(6,2,5)= Hit! 12-5= 7 damage! Robin 8/15

(3.1,6)= Miss!

Another hellcat leapt towards the mounted bowman with its claws, tearing into him.

(3,3,6) = Hit! 9-0= 9 damage. Erion 0/21

The bear that appeared attempted to claw the man with the knife.

(3,2,3)= Autohit! 9-5= 4 damage Gar 5/9

(3,2,1)= Miss!

Cerberus(Erratic) 0/27
Tiger A (Aggressive) 0/27
Great Bear A (Aggressive- Claw) 0/30
Hellcat A(Aggressive- Sabertooth- closed in on Katrina) 12/18
Hellbear A (Aggressive) 0/24
Hellbear B (Aggressive) 0/24
Garuda A (Passive-Aggressive) 0/18
Dire Wolf A (Passive-Aggressive) 0/15
Hellcat B (Aggressive-Claw) 7/18
Tiger B (Aggressive-Claw) 27/27
Hellcat C (Aggressive-Claw) 18/18
Hellbear C (Aggressive-Claw) 24/24
Garuda B (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18

Dire Wolf B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15
Hellcat D (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18

Player Phase 3 begin!

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Katrina to C5

Just as the hellcat moved in to attack Katrina, Raquel whisked her away again and the hellcat ended up pouncing at the air. Another benefit of the move was that Katrina was back near her wyvern and could mount up easily now. Raquel was only just one person, though, and she couldn't help everyone at once. As a result, Erion, Gar and Robin all got attacked. As Erion went down, Raquel used her power again and whisked him to her. She wasn't much of a healer and so she didn't know what to do other than save herself some trouble by keeping him with her until help arrived.

<"Golden light ... and not the light element ... ... where ... where? Where is this power coming from?"> Fury mused aloud.

Joanna quickly went into action and took off from behind Valter. As she approached Raquel to try and help Erion, Fury loosed a dark sphere in her direction. She tumbled back narrowly avoiding it, but it was obvious by the speed of the projectile that Fury wasn't trying very hard to hit her ... yet.

Raquel uses Rescue on Katrina, bringing her back to normal range.

Raquel uses the Bard ability (Mt +1).

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As Eli flew over the battlefield, he could see plenty of people in need of his aid. One guy was tossed off his horse after just being revived. There was no use in healing him, but his eyes did spot the girl he had healed earlier. She was about to face down one of those demon cats. The least he could do was get her in fighting shape. Eli focused his helaing energies on Kat...only to have her disappear in a flash of golden light.

"What?" Eli said in shock. "Did I do that?" in his best Steve Urkel impersonation

Eventually, the rider spotted Kat some distance away and applied his healing magic accordingly. He was still very much confused as to what just happened.

Versatile: Eli shifts 3 STR to MAG---> 8 MAG

Eli uses Physic staff and heals for 0.75*8= 6 HP. Kat: 18/24 (not sure if bard ability factors into this)

+2? points, Eli is in siege distance

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After some sligthly extended sprinting towards the direction of the light-show, Theodore arrived at the sight of what appeared to be a hugely disorganized melee between civilians and demons. At least, he assumed they were civilians, not wearing any of the guard livery. Despite his frame, the man kept in the habit of exercise, and wasn't yet winded, so could still easily shout out to the two closest to him, trying to get some sort of organization going, and hopefully save lives. "You two, on me. I should be able to help keep you safe, just don't do anything too rash!" he informed the pair, one of which was a slightly below average height male with red hair and a bandana, and the other was a very tall (especially in comparison) man with quite dark color hair and heavy robes. "We can work out the details of just what's going on, but the prince and his guards are working to secure the area, though I got separated from the detachment a ways back. Kind of silly of me, in hindsight, but at the time..."

Theodore defends combat team: sheer coincidental proximity

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Tia tried her best to focus as Betty was flying about, pulling together what water she could as she opened up another vial of stimulants to help the team out. However, between the misting and trying not to fall off, her next attack, a wide-spread wave, didn't have the impact she wanted it to. She'd need to concentrate harder next time! One of the tigers tried to swipe at her, but now in the air, it wasn't exactly effective.

Tia bards for +mt.

Tia attacks Tiger B's team with the Force... tome. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4348199/ 5, 1, 2

Tia deals 3 damage to Tiger B, 5 damage to Hellcat C, and 5 damage to Hellbear C

Tiger B counters for http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4348201/ 4, 4, 6. MISS!

Tiger B bravely swipes at the air! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4348203/ 2, 1, 5. MISS!

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"Katrina!" Zach yelled as he saw his friend take a nasty hit, close to rushing after her and making sure she was okay before the light of a warp covered her. He'd have to thank Raquel later for her quick reflexes on that.

Charging up another spell of the less flashy variety, his target searching was interrupted by someone he really hadn't expected to see again. One of the judges from the dancing competition seemed to be their back up, bringing news that the prince was out and about with a party to help with the fighting. "Good... I was starting to wonder if every noble I'd meet would be useless, glad to see at least one is out and helping. Name is Zach, nice to meet MOVE!" He suddenly shouted, shoving Theodore slightly to the side to send a bolt of lightning into the face of one of the flying demons that had been diving at the man.

[spoiler= Combat]


23:41 scorri 18+2+1 min -3 res =18 hp

+5 points for Zach Theo Jeri

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Well, this was quite the spectacle... Angelica supposed her original excuse was to keep Raquel out of trouble, but really now? Regardless of the ludicrous circumstances, she could see Erion on the ground in not the best of shapes, with one of the sabretoothed cats staring with the obvious intention to pounce, and Raquel nearby, moving to begin tending to him, the faint glow about him suggesting she had pulled him over mere moments before. For the love of...

Swooping down from the rooftop she had used as vantage point, Angelica closed on the demonic cat, a wind enforced axe kick splitting the demon's skull open upon impact. Unfortunately, for bad news, Erion looked even worse up close... he'd simply owe her from saving him from becoming cat food, she supposed. Seeing a knife on the ground near his person and picking it up, it seemed the adept had just received her first down payment.

"Didn't take you long to get into trouble, did it, Raquel?" Angelica finally teased, trying to ignore the massive power emanating from the fallen mage above them... figures the summoner was some high-class bastard.

Angel Arcwinds Hellcat B, Hellcat B fails it's existence check. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4348225/

+5 Angel/Gar/Robin

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A bit of a wry grin was starting to creep across Theodore's face, apparently this man hadn't had much in the way of pleasant experiences with the upper crust. But hardly sooner than the internal monologue had reached its conclusion, a light push from the sage knocked him off-balance, and out of the way of grasping talons of some hellbird, swooping low overhead. "...Right, I have to remember there's some of these that can fly. There were enough archers earlier that I was more or less free to worry about the ground troops. That oversight won't happen again. Feels a bit odds to be saying this so soon after promising to keep you safe, but I think I owe you one there."

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"Not a problem, gotta work together in this kinds of situations if we're gonna all make it out alive." Zach told the older man "I'm sure you'll pay me back before this whole thing is over with."

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Veronika set her sights upon the lone remaining bear, quickly cutting it to pieces.

(1,4,4)= Critical hit! 15-4= 11x2= 22 damage!

(6,6,2)= Hit! 17-4= 13 damage!

(3,5,5)= Critical Hit! 16-4= 12 x2= 24 damage! Hellbear C dead Veronika, Tia, Eli +5

The hellcat made a whining noise as the wyvern disappeared again, forcing the cat to go back towards the melee.

Hellcat A moves back to normal range!

The cat hit by the wave did not appreciate getting wet and decided to attempt to tear the offending mage limb from limb.

(4,3,4)= Hit! 9-1= 8 damage!

(6,2,6)= Hit! 8-1= 7 damage! Tia 0/18

The wolf attempted to claw the swordswoman who was cutting up bears, scratching her with a claw.

(4,5,1)= Hit! 12-1= 11 damage!

(1,5,4)= Miss!

Veronika 4/15

The last cat attempted to avenge its packmate by clawing the windy mage to death.

(6.1.4)= Hit! 7-2= 5 damage! Angelica 16/21

Monk skill: (2,3,2)= Stun!

Cerberus(Erratic) 0/27
Tiger A (Aggressive) 0/27
Great Bear A (Aggressive- Claw) 0/30
Hellcat A(Aggressive- Sabertooth) 15/18
Hellbear A (Aggressive) 0/24
Hellbear B (Aggressive) 0/24
Garuda A (Passive-Aggressive) 0/18
Dire Wolf A (Passive-Aggressive) 0/15
Hellcat B (Aggressive-Claw) 0/18
Tiger B (Aggressive-Claw) 17/27
Hellcat C (Aggressive-Claw) 16/18
Hellbear C (Aggressive-Claw) 0/24
Garuda B (Passive-Aggressive) 0/18

Dire Wolf B (Aggressive- Claws) 15/15
Hellcat D (Aggressive-Claws- Stunned) 18/18

Player Phase 4 begin!

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Disregard Fury and Regard Erion

"Wait ... where have you been ...?" Raquel asked. She wished she hadn't, as every second counted right now and she knew she shouldn't be pulling anyone into casual exchanges right now. The attacks on Tia and Veronika drove the point home for her, and then Angelica herself was attacked which caused Raquel to stumble back while trying to keep Erion steady. She ended up on the ground for her efforts, but they appeared safe for the moment. Angelica stunned her attacker easily and bought them all some time to recover from the ambush.

Meanwhile, Joanna made another attempt to reach Erion from the air. Instead of going back to avoid Fury's attack, she dove under the next one and used that dive to swoop down to her target, a move Fury was a bit perturbed by. The more healers these people had, the more likely the demons were to be wiped out at this rate.

As Joanna reached them, she began to tend to Erion's more serious wounds, using just her hands to guide her healing. Raquel was a little surprised to see Joanna again, especially in the middle of a battle. No one else from the church seemed to be around ...

Joanna uses Raise on Erion!

Resuming Player Phase 4.

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Kat swore she saw her life flash before her eyes as she stared into bared fangs, when suddenly everything flashed gold and she was somewhere else entirely. She sat up and looked around, confused to see her attacker several yards away and running to close the distance. With the time bought, Kat took the opportunity to stand back up and ready her axe to defend herself, but again, before she could do anything, the same golden glow appeared and she suddenly she was standing next to Volga. “…Whaaaat was that.”

Volga merely licked her face, glad not to have her rider flashing around everywhere anymore.


As they had ridden through the city, Valter wasn’t surprised by what they saw. The demons were extremely thorough in their destruction, and he couldn’t imagine Joanna was taking it well. After a while, he was regretting bringing her out there in the first place. Then there was a flash of light ahead of them, and a definite direction to head towards. When they arrived, he was a bit surprised to find Raquel’s group rather than the military, and equally surprised that they were holding out so well. Apart from the beasts swarming the ground, there was someone looking down from a nearby building, and once the horseman caught sight of his wings, he was pretty sure it was one of the fallen responsible for the demon incursion.

Valter briefly considered his options. He could either join the fighting on the ground, where the group was doing well for themselves already, or attempt to shoot down the demons' origin. Not having been around for the earlier attempts at attacking Fury, it seemed like a reasonable course of action. When Joanna left to help and was nearly struck by a dark sphere, the decision was easily made for him. While Fury was seemingly distracted, he nocked an arrow and aimed for his head.

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"Heh, no doubt," Theodore replied before the shorter man he was guarding sprung into action, launching a stream of fire at the biggest cat demon he could find. "Oh holy... I said don't do anything rash, looks like you've just pissed it off now. Well this will be interesting." Its attention now firmly drawn, the helltiger stalked its way in their direction, slowly weaving a bit back and forth along the way. Then suddenly, it pounced, but Farnesworth was ready for it. He'd been preparing a spell for just such occasion, surrounding his right forearm in out-phase dark particles, essentially making a dark sphere localized around his body, and he thrust it into the tiger's gaping maw, the repulsive effects of the magic combining with the sturdy pillar of bone to keep the big-cat's mouth locked in the open position. Then, twisting at the hips, he swiveled his left fist to deliver a small ball of oscillating units to cause some damage before setting them to the lock-phase, temporarily stunning the beast. While he was confident in his work, he nevertheless quickly extracted his arm from the nest of fangs it had been occupying, and dispelled the protective sphere before taking a step back and admiring his handiwork. Aside from some superificial tears in his shirt and perhaps some minor abrasions underneath that, wholly unscathed. He wasn't sure he'd done much of any actual damage to the beast, but he'd certainly caught it off-guard—much like a dog who's bitten you and doesn't expect you to push further into its mouth, the tiger certainly hadn't seen his move coming—and kept it out of action for at least the near future.

"Right, while I admire your spunk, let's try not to bite off more than we can chew."

Whether the pithy one-liner was intended for Jericho, or the tiger, nobody could be entirely certain.

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Casus Belli

Fury hadn't been expecting anyone to try and shoot him with an arrow again. It seemed word hadn't gotten to Valter just yet. Fury was still struck by the attack; raising his hand to take the hit wasn't as effective as he'd hoped, if only because he reacted too slowly. The arrow slipped right between his fingers and ended up striking him in the neck, and as painful as it must have been, he forcefully removed it. The bleeding was profuse at first but stopped entirely within a few seconds. The wound lingered, but Fury didn't appear to be in danger of dying from it. "Again you try this? You must truly want me to be the one to kill you. Understandable. Eventually these weapons will overwhelm you. You'll all die like dogs if not by my hand."

No ... we WON'T! Raquel assured herself.

Raquel uses the Bard ability to spite Fury apparently (Mt +1)! (BP part 1)

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Struggling to lift himself to his feet, Erion nodded in thanks to the Avian who had apparently saved him. Pulling up his bow, he pulled together the last bits of strength he had in him, aimed carefully and shot the last direwolf, dropping the beast where it stood.

[spoiler=combat stuff]



13+1+6+6-5=21 damage

dead Direwolf

Erion/Blake/Raquel: +5

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"The only dogs dying here today are yours." said Robin as she quickly placed two arrows in the side of one of the hellcat that had hurt Tia so badly. That thing... Was going DOWN if she had any say in it!

Robin attacks Hellcat C! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4349053/ 3, 4, 5! Hit! Deals (8+1+4-7=6) 6 damage!

Robin doubles! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4349054/ 5, 2, 6! Hit! Deals (8+1+2-7=4) 4 Damage!

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When the first cat lunged at her, it had been simple enough to fend it off with a well timed snare... she had taken a light blow before the spell had been completed, but it was nothing to fret over, really. With their current surroundings more clear, the adept turned to reply to Raquel.

"Well, I was gallivanting about with Prince Athrun... though I suppose keeping you out of trouble was the excuse I gave to have him bring me along, so I can't complain, really." She replied, as with all luck, Erion was brought back up by a helpful Avian, one of his first actions shooting a demon wolf dead in a single arrow.

"Not bad at all, Erion... you still owe me for keeping your little corpse from being cat food though, hear me?" Angelica chided, before firing off a spell towards one of the demons

As if in sync, the wind spear impaled the beast mere moments after Robin's arrows embedded themselves in it's flank, the high-velocity spear shooting into it's gaping maw, impaling it clean through in a single burst... if it had survived the arrows, it certainly hadn't survived that...

Angel sets up Hellcat C for a nice spitroasting... it wasn't pretty. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4349057/

Angel/Gar/Robin +5

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A Man Called Gar

One of the big stupid bears tried to claw him, but the armor managed to ward off most of the blow. Helpful that. Before Gar could evicerate the fool, Veronika did so. Bleh, whatver. He went and experimented with actually throwing the knives on some cat creature.

The Experiment was a success. Oh did it die.

Gar attacks Hellcat A with range. Gar Vantages, Gar Triples, Gar has +1 MT.

Gar does

9+1+3-7=6 damage.

9+1+2-7=5 damage.

9+1+5-7=8 damage.

Gar does 19 damage. Hellcat A is dead.



Angel/Gar/Robin +5(31)

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Erion groaned, patting himself down. Raising an eyebrow, he placed a hand on the empty sheath at his waist. "Well, it seems like you've already started to work on that price. And besides, if I'm remembering correctly, Raquel had... pulled me over here somehow. At least, I'm assuming it was her since the gold light is the same..."

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"As much as it'd be nice if there was a safe spot to be out cold on a battlefield, there really isn't." Angelica replied with a smirk, twirling the knife about as it was brought up.

"Just don't feel right without one handy... I'll get it back to you intact, don't you worry."

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Memento Mori

Sure enough, Robin and the others took down all the dogs ... and the cats ... and the birds ... and the bears. Every demon that had shown up, whether from the shadows or from Fury's summoning had been brutally cut down. <"Hmph ... no matter."> Fury held out his hand to the side just as he'd done before. "I hope you don't believe you've actually won."

Erion had already been knocked down twice and Raquel didn't want him to draw anymore attention to himself now that more demons were on the way, so she said, "Okay you've done enough now, just lie low, okay?" and without giving him a word in, she whisked him over to the transport. He came out of the golden light in the seat she'd rode over on. that just left Reign and Tia to tend to.

Raquel uses Rescue on Erion! (BP part 2)

As a new dark sphere formed near Fury, he began to smirk. They were good fighters, but another wave would be the end of them, and he planned to join in this time to make sure of it. Someone close by, however, had other plans. Fury noticed a presence closing in on him fast, but when that presence disappeared entirely, his eyes widened in surprise. Whoever this dark presence was had just warped to another location, but where? That was when it happened; he felt the intense sting of a blade slicing into him. As his left arm began to fall from him, he saw that his attacker was carrying a large two-headed scythe.

About all Fury could do in response was abandon his attempt to summon more demons and leap to a safer distance. "You're a bold one, attacking me ..."

"Oh look, it can talk. I'm more interested in the fact that it bleeds, though, heheheheh. There are no rules against killing crows, so I'm going to enjoy this~" Burke mocked Fury while pointing his weapon at him.

"Is that ...?" Raquel wasn't even sure if the thought was worth finishing, really.


Average for the battle: 49

New Total: 693

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