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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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"Thank you," Axel responded to Lumi, before addressing everyone. "Alright, let's get into our combat teams! Arietta and the Kigenese knight are with me. Everyone else, form teams as you please."

Veronika and company hadn't returned yet. That wasn't a good sign...

Meanwhile, Pete approached Lumi and Axel, his bow still strung.

"Are we still in business?" he asked, jokingly.


OOC: This takes place before the Victory post.

And then, the demons arrived as the cavalry escaped. Wonderful. Blake definitely wasn't going to be able to deal with them with just his sword, so he opted to quickly find some suitable armor and another weapon, before he engaged. As the battle raged around him, the man searched and search for these items, and, eventually, he found a discarded chestplate and a spear with its' head bitten off. They'd have to do. He quickly donned the armor, picked up the spear, and made his way over to Raquel, as what seemed to be the first wave of demons was wiped out.

Before he could get to her, though, Blake noticed a disabled hellcat that was about to get up. That wouldn't do. With two slashes from his blade, the swordsman beheaded the beast, before continuing on his way.

Blake activates Valiant Stance! HP -3, MT/HIT/AS + 2! DEF + 1! Now 12/15 11/13//10/7.
Bard boost activates! MT +1. MT is now 12.
Hellcat is stunned.
2,1,3 = hit! 13-7 = 6 points of damage! Hellcat D 12/18
4,3,3 = critical hit! 2(15-7)= 16 points of damage! Hellcat D is defeated!

Hellcat D 0/18
Blake 12/15
Team BER gains 5 points.


OOC: After victory post.

The rest of the fiends had been shortly dispatched, and Raquel, luckily, seemed to be unharmed. The swordman quickly finished his trek over to her, then turned to Fury, who was about to summon another wave of demons it seemed.

...Or not, as a man with a scythe sliced off the Fallen's left arm. Was this the pseudo-cavalry? Upon further inspection, it was the armored man from Danton- Burke, was it?-, only this time he was apparently on their side. Which, given how easily he wounded the enemy, Blake was glad for.

"Let's just leave it to him for now," Blake said, before turning around. "Raquel, are you injured?"

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Veronika's side was bleeding from the claw wound from earlier which hindered her from any attempt to chase the demon summoner. He seems impervious to our weapons anyway- our time may be better spent reinforcing the people we left back at Weyland's...

Estate Front Entrance

Nadya watched carefully into the fog outside Weyland's estate. Can't see well through this... Eventually, she could make out several large dark shapes moving through the mist, quickly approaching the group gathered at the front of the estate. The first shape to emerge was an enormous demonic bear covered in spikes. It roared ferociously, its fangs dripping a strange purple liquid as it charged along with several others.

Mercy help us. Or Truth or Nature or Wrath...I ain't picky, Nadya thought to herself, holding her staff tightly.

Bereskarn (Erratic) 39/39
Tiger A (Aggressive) 27/27
Great Bear A (Aggressive) 30/30
Garuda A (Aggressive) 18/18
Dire Wolf A (Aggressive) 15/15
Hellcat A (Aggressive) 18/18
Hellcat B (Aggressive) 18/18
Hellbear A (Aggressive) 24/24
Hellbear B (Aggressive) 24/24
Garuda B (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18
Dire Wolf B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15
Dire Wolf C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15
Garuda C (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18
Hellbear C (Passive-Aggressive) 24/24
Hellbear D (Passive-Aggressive) 24/24


Garuda D (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18

Tiger B (Passive- Aggressive) 27/27

Dire Wolf D (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Great Bear B (Passive-Aggressive) 30/30

Hellcat C (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18

Hellcat D (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18

Class: Level 3 (Third Tier)
Raw Stats HP: 13 STR: 12 MAG: 0 SKL: 10 SPD: 6 LCK: 1 DEF: 8 RES: 8
Simplified Stats HP: 39 MT: 12 Hit: 12 Evade: 7 AS: 6 Defense: 8 Resistance: 8
Weapon 1: Bite
Weapon 2: Claw
Special Weapon:
Special Item:
Overall Stats
HP: 39 MT: 12 Hit: 12 Evade: 7 AS: 6 Defense: 8 Resistance: 8
(Plague Bite: Weapon triangle Neutral. Deals 30% of enemies' health (rounded up) in damage each round for 3 rounds.)
(Claw: Weapon triangle Neutral. These act as Brave Weapons.)
Traits: [Demon]-Regains three points of hp every turn.

Class: Level 5 (Second Tier)
Raw Stats HP: 9 STR: 10 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 10 RES: 6
Simplified Stats HP: 27 MT: 10 Hit: 8 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 10 Resistance: 6
Weapon 1: Sabertooth
Weapon 2: Claw
Overall Stats
HP: 27 MT: 10(+1~ if St) Hit: 8 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 10 Resistance: 6
(Sabertooth: Weapon triangle Neutral. For every 2 points of simplified defense a target has, mt increases by 1 point.)
(Claw: Weapon triangle Neutral. These act as Brave Weapons.)
Traits: [Demon]-Regains three points of hp every turn.

Great Bear
Class: Level 3 (Second Tier)
Raw Stats HP: 10 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 5 RES: 5
Simplified Stats HP: 30 MT: 9 Hit: 10 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 5
Weapon 1: Bite
Weapon 2: Claw
Overall Stats
HP: 30 MT: 9 Hit: 10 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 5
(Poison Bite: Weapon triangle Neutral. Deals 20% of enemies' health (rounded up) in damage each round for 3 rounds.)
(Claw: Weapon triangle Neutral. These act as Brave Weapons.)
Traits: [Demon]-Regains three points of hp every turn.

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)
Raw Stats
HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 3 LCK: 1 DEF: 7 RES: 4
Simplified Stats
HP: 18 MT: 6 Hit: 6 Evade: 4 AS: 3 Defense: 7 Resistance: 4
Weapon 1: Sabertooth
Weapon 2: Claw
Overall Stats
HP: 18 MT: 6(+1~ if St) Hit: 6 Evade: 4 AS: 3 Defense: 7 Resistance: 4
(Sabertooth: Weapon triangle Neutral. For every 2 points of simplified defense a target has, mt increases by 1 point.)
(Claw: Weapon triangle Neutral. These act as Brave Weapons.)
Traits: [Demon]-Regains three points of hp every turn.

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)
Raw Stats
HP: 8 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 3 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 4
Simplified Stats
HP: 24 MT: 7 Hit: 6 Evade: 4 AS: 3 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4
Weapon 1: Bite
Weapon 2: Claw
Overall Stats
HP: 24 MT: 7 Hit: 6 Evade: 4 AS: 3 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4
(Poison Bite: Weapon triangle Neutral. Deals 20% of enemies' health (rounded up) in damage each round for 3 rounds.)
(Claw: Weapon triangle Neutral. These act as Brave Weapons.)
Traits: [Demon]-Regains three points of hp every turn.

Class: Level 3 (Second Tier)
Raw Stats
HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 6 SKL: 12 SPD: 12 LCK: 0 DEF: 3 RES: 3
Simplified Stats
HP: 18 MT: 6/6 Hit: 15 Evade: 12 AS: 12 Defense: 3 Resistance: 3
Weapon 1: Talon
Weapon 2: Whirlwind (Wind Magic Attack)
Overall Stats
HP: 18 MT: 6/6 Hit: 15 Evade: 12 AS: 12 Defense: 3 Resistance: 3
(Talon: Weapon Triangle Neutral. They act as Brave Weapons. Critical hits prevent counters, and lethal hits stun for one turn.)
(Whirlwind: A strong Wind Magic Attack. May Target an entire combat team at once. Can counter at any range, but does not counter entire teams. If a member on a combat team is doubled, an additional roll is made that only affects those members.)
Traits: [Demon]-Regains three points of hp every turn.

Dire Wolf
Class: Level 3 (Second Tier)
Raw Stats
HP: 5 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 10 LCK: 2 DEF: 5 RES: 5
Simplified Stats
HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 10 Evade: 12 AS: 10 Defense: 5 Resistance: 5
Weapon 1: Fang
Weapon 2: Claw
Overall Stats
HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 10 Evade: 12 AS: 10 Defense: 5 Resistance: 5
((Fang: Weapon triangle Neutral. When an attack lands, the target is grappled, and the user and target's evasion to become 0. While grappled, neither units can use items, defend others, or attack any target outside the grapple. Every turn an opponent is grappled, the user may make on additional attack as a free action, but crits and lethals are nullified. The grappling effect lasts until the user dies or
lets go. Releasing its victim is a free action.))
(Claw: Weapon triangle Neutral. These act as Brave Weapons.)
Traits: [Demon]-Regains three points of hp every turn.

Primary Objective: Rout all enemies
10 points
Hint: Prioritize the most dangerous targets

Secondary objective: Rout all enemies within 6 turns
10 points
Hint: Focus enemies to prevent regeneration

Battlepost limit: 10

Begin Player Phase 1!

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Eli was taken by surprise when one of the hellcats latched onto Tia. He managed to kick the beast away, but the damage was done. The young mage was badly wounded. She was sitting right in front of him, but Eli still couldn't defend her from the vicious attack.

"Tia, stay with me," Eli said, wrapping an arm around her to keep her from falling off his pegasus. With his other hand, the rider waved his healing staff over her injuries. While the wounds were too deep to heal completely, the act did stop the bleeding, which would keep Tia alive until a more powerful healer was available. Still, Eli was quite rattled by what happened, though he did his best to keep a straight face.

Not long after, the enemy was routed. Eli was amazed at how the mercenaries brought a swift end to the battle. After all, not even the city guard was successful in defeating the demons. His greater concern was to get Tia a proper healer. He urged Betty to land close to the group and trotted over to someone who could help.

"Hey, I need a healer over here!"

((I'll wait on Jam until battle plans are finalized))

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A soft whimper came from Tia as she held on tightly to Eli as best she could manage. The wound had been bad, bad enough to force her to stop casting and focus upon keeping herself safe. In, quite possibly the luckiest of strikes possible the beast had managed to inflict deep gouges upon her side, and while the quick and easily, done healing, would probably keep her alive, it was obvious that Tia would almost certainly have a scar for the ordeal, never mind that her robes had been very badly damaged, possibly beyond repair.

"Eli." she said, her voice a bit weak and light from bloodloss, but nowhere near 'deathly'. "Don't worry. I don't plan on going anywhere. If Death tries to come for me, I... I might know a spell." she said, trying to smile and laugh. Obviously she didn't know such a thing, and she felt certain Eli would see through the lie, but that wasn't the point. She wasn't going to die just yet! There were too many books left unread for her to just up and die right now!

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Jam watched as the creatures exited the shadows; all hell was about to literally break loose. As the enemy revealed their forms, she couldn't help but be a bit disappointed. The dancer was expecting way more hellfire and less zoo animals. The enemy had fallen well below her expectations, which only bolstered Jam's confidence.

"That's it?" Jam said with surprise. She smirked at Alphonse. "What are we waiting for, Alphy? Let's get the one with the bad hairdo. I'll cover you."

With her newfound bravery, Jam decided to share her courage with the others. The dancer jumped into the air, twirled in midair, and punched the ground upon landing. With the strength to match the demons, the group was ready to defend the mansion. Jam ran alongside Al, hoping to deflect whatever blow comes to him.

Jam dances! MT +2

Jam defends Al!

HP: 12/15

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Well whatever just happened, that sure didn't look pretty. Sinbad fished out a fresh wad of chew, carefully tucked it in his lip, then lined up a shot, taking careful aim. The slug travelled true, entering straight below the jaw and blasting the cervical vertebra to tiny shards.

Well, that was one monstrously spiky, purple-saliva drooling, Fallen-hellspawn that wasn't about to bother any other cute young fillies. If only he'd been quicker on the draw, he mused.


roll [5,5,1]

Sinbad stims: skill->16.5, might 22->27.5

Hit: 16 + 5 = 21 > Evade 7. Hit!

Damage: 27 + 5 - 8 = 24!

Sinbad: 21/21

Bereskarn: -3/29

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While Alphonse took to stabbing at the Bereskarn, Jam moved to distract the beast. With a hint of light magic, she blinded the creature to Al's position, leading the Bereskarn to think that Jam caused it so much pain. The full fury of the beast was directed towards the dancer. It was a brilliant plan: she would distract the lumbering enemy while Al finished off the beast with masteful sword techniques.

Jam vastly underestimated the wrath of the Invisible Castle the endurance of the Bereskarn.

The Bereskarn lunged forward and chomped down on Jam's torso. A yelp of surprise escaped the girl before she was thrown into the ground. The Bereskarn left Jam unconscious and face down in the grass.


Eventually, a healer came by and tended to Tia's wounds. Eli would have to thank that person for helping the girl.

"Looks like you'll have to fight Death another time," Eli replied, looking around to see if the battle was truly done. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry I couldn't get out of the way in time. Who knew demon cats could jump that high?" Though he disguised his guilt as a joke, Eli still felt pretty bad that she was attacked in the first place.

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Things seemed to get off to a pretty nasty start, even if it wasn't on her end or her fault. Taking a defensive stance, Mushirah was hopefully ready for whatever was needed of her this time around.

(Mushirah Defends Shadrak!)

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The Southern Front

"Huh?! We got the leader already?" Shadrak exclaimed. He had just assumed the biggest one was the leader, but things certainly were changing around here if he was right. Usually the enemy leaders got away or died randomly in the middle of the fighting. Despite what happened to Jamilla, he took this as a good sign. She had at least gotten off without being torn apart and Nadya or someone could probably get over there and heal her soon, but first they needed a clear path, something he hoped to help out with.

"Mushirah, let's take this thing out!" With that, Shadrak prepared a death sphere; he had to be potent to tear into this bear demon, that was for certain. There was short exchange, but the bear didn't die. Shadrak came to regret that with every fiber of his being when it retaliated and tore into Mushirah. He wasn't even sure if armor could have prevented that kind of injury. It only got worse as the bear ripped away from her and took her arm with him. Without thinking he rushed in to try and shield her from anymore attacks. Please don't let this be happening-please don't let this be happening-please don't let this be happening-please-please-please-

Shadrak attacks Great Bear A and rolls 4,4,3


HIT! -14 hp

GBA counters! Mushirah intercepts. The bastard (GBA) rolls 4,6,3


HIT! -9 HP and Poisons status

Mushirah counters, rolling 4,6,1


HIT! -9 hp

GBA hp 7/30

Mushirah hp 15/24

The War Still Rages Within ... Literally

The other defensive fronts were being assailed just like the front; it seemed the fallen had decided to attack from all sides, if only to keep units from rallying together and making it that much harder to breach the building. That wouldn't do much to stall Valdimarr, however. He came straight at the eastern front where Ernesta and Suzume were defending backed up by a lot of garuda demons and a few fallen warriors. The archers, mages and gunmen didn't wait for the order and just started unloading on the enemy force.

<"Sigrid! Runa! Grab on, we're goin' in now!"> Valdimarr called out his order as he flew out in front of the pack. With the first volley soaked up by the demons, Valdimarr was free to rush inside and he planned to take a few with him to form a strike team. Once they latched on, along with a few others hoping to back Valdimarr up, the small strike team vanished.

"Oh hell," Ernesta muttered, realizing they were definitely inside. She couldn't do much about that without abandoning the front. Hopefully Steinn had his plan together or this was going to be a pathetic operation on their part.

Just inside the hallway of the right wing on the first floor, Valdimarr and his team appeared and Valdimarr came out of the warp in a full sprint. <"Grrrrrr-I'm coming for you Steinn! Set off any traps you want, you won't stop me!">

"Go down, you," yelled one of Weyland's guards as he rounded the corner with a rifle in his hand. Whether the shot connected or not, he'd follow up with his sword. As he fired, Valdimarr warped straight to him and ripped away the rifle. He then kicked the man in the stomach before he could reach for his sword and kept on running.

<"Is it just me or is he being more reckless than usual ...?"> Runa asked the small group as she picked herself up. Unlike Valdimarr, she hadn't landed on feet.

<"Doesn't matter; Lord Valdimarr is invincible. He proved this during the Slaughter of Siblings,"> one of the others noted.

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Hoshi's nerves were shoved to the side when she saw one of the younger girls in the group get knocked down by one of the enemies. Concentrating, she muttered to herself, "Right, seems like organic arcana made... Best option is attacking the spine... Dark Shot. That's the best option." Carefully forming a dark projectile, she sent it flying at the bear who had just ripped the arm off of one of her fellow fighters. She needed to end it before it did any more damage. It slammed into the back of the monster, leaving the remains of it falling towards the ground.




18+4-5=17 damage.

Dear Great Bear

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The demons showed up shortly afterwards, and the battle quickly began, with two of their own getting injured already. This was going to be a long night. Pete quickly spotted a bird-man-thing and decided that it deserved to die. He fired his bow, and appeared to severely wound the monster, but it still trooped on. Ooh, so close.


Hit! 15-3 = 12 points of damage!

Garuda A 4/18

Pete 21/21

Team APC gains 1 point.


One woman was face down on the ground, and another was missing an arm. That was perhaps a sign that they were fighting too aggressively, just like at the fortress,

"You three, fall back!" Axel ordered, as the offending bear demon was slain. They were not in any state to be fighting on the front lines, anymore. And neither was the Kigenese man, who was the soldier's next addresse. "You as well. Take your friend and get back here."

Edited by Snike
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A solid blast from her partner, Mushirah made absolutely sure that the beast's attention was on her as she hurled her own sphere at the creature. It didn't seem to kill it, which wasn't good for her but it still served its purpose all the same. Bracing herself for one thing, she completely underestimated the monster's speed and all around blood lust, forgetting for an unfortunate moment that it was a result of demonic work although she had no experience with ferocious animals in the wild anyway... so the outcome might have been the same regardless. The bear charged in, obviously hurt as she could see it stumbling but that only served to throw her off as it managed to pierce its fangs deep into her right arm with an angry snarling, snapping the bones and managing to rip it from the shoulder with a none too clean yank of its head.

Shrieking from the sheer surprise and the burning twinge of pain, it was only because the thing was so battered and hurt for the moment that she had managed to actually force it away in her panicked state, though the pain seemed to keep on surging through her. Gripping where her arm used to be, she grew extremely weak, the world around her nothing more than faint sounds and unidentifiable objects buzzing about as she tried her damndest to focus on not fainting out of shock. Wincing and crying, she tried to call out for someone, anyone, but all that came out was whimpering and some hysterics.

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It took the demons long enough to show up... the tension building from not knowing was always worse than actually fighting, and seeing concrete numbers in front of them eased Faatina's nerves. But it wasn't time for reflecting, it was time for fighting... seeing the alchemist girl beside her, steel her resolve despite her shaking and fell one of the beasts, only riled the paladin further.

Beginning her charge, aiming for one of the wolves, Faatina noticed one of the birdmen falling from the sky after taking an arrow, careening directly into her path. It was simple enough to finish off, a quick thrust through the throat severing it's head from it's shoulders as it crumpled fully to the ground, giving the charging knight just enough time to right her lance and stab it through the wolf's midsection, holding it in place long enough for Sharif's hoof to come down on it's relatively soft skull, ending it's short life.

With the beast's limp body still being held down by a hoof, Faatina yanked her lance free, and doubled back towards the alchemist.

"You're doing pretty good for someone visibly shaken by all this... don't worry, we're gonna make it out of this, okay?"

Faatina prepares a desert special, Garuda shishkabob. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4351468/


Looks like things just got dire for the direwolf... I think I made that joke already. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4351470/

Hoshi/Tina +10

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Dealing with Dismemberment

The dancer went out in front and Nadya figured that the bear attack probably killed her off. She decided to focus on the more immediate concern of Mushirah getting her arm ripped off by a giant bear. Ugh, I don't have time to be findin' it and tryin' to reattach that in the middle of a fight. And if she bleeds out because that ain't healed, that'll be bad for her, me, and Shadrak. Making a quick decision, she trotted Luca over and applied her staff to Mushirah's stump, mending the flesh and closing it back up.

"Sorry," was all she said briefly, noting that the skin around the stump was discolored and purple. Who the hell comes up with this shit? she wondered to herself.

Nadya heals Mushirah! +18 HP +2 Nadya, Shadrak, Mushirah -1 arm

Taking Notes

A winged figure observed the battle from back in the fog, far behind any of the demons. One hand was scribbling down notations of how the demons were performing as he mumbled to himself.

<"Months of work, ended by a single shot, such a shame...I'll need to reinforce the spine in the future. Jaw strength of creations appears to be at adequate level..." > he noted as one of the humans was now missing a limb. <"This certainly is more informative compared to watching the demons tear through unarmed humans, though they are decreasing my numbers at an alarming rate hmm hmm, yes although I wonder if the venomous modifications will prove their undoing...">

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Spying Pete attacking one of the demons, Lumi quickly moved in front of him. Concentrating on her tonfa, she quickly transformed it into an ice shield, using water from her water bottle. Placing herself so that she was settled into a defensive stance, she called out to him, "Hey, be careful, ok?"

Lumi full shifts Str into Mag, making her def 5. Lumi defends Pete.

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The tiger lept at the horsemen with the loud metal thing that shot their leader, tearing into him with his claws.

(2,6,5)= Hit! 16-1= 15 damage Sinbad 9/24

(6,5,5)= Critical Hit! 15-1= 14 x2= 28 damage Sinbad 0/24

One of the hellcats lept for the dark magic user trying to help a wounded ally.

(4,6,2)= Hit! 12-1= 11 damage! Shadrak 10/21

(6,5,1)= Hit! 11-1= 10 damage! Shadrak 0/21

The other hellcat went for the archer, but was blocked by a woman it clawed instead.

(3,2,1)= Miss!

(6,3,5)= Hit! 9-5= 4 damage! Lumi 14/18

One of the bears attempted to avenge its larger cousin by clawing a magic user.

(1,4,1)= Autohit! 11-5= 6 damage!

(2,1,5)= Hit! 8-5= 3 damage! Hoshi 9/18

The last bear attempted to end the lancer's rampage with a bite.

(4,2,6)= Hit! 9-7= 2 damage and poison!

Jamila takes plague damage but is KO'd

Mushirah takes 5 poison damage Mushirah 19/24

Faatina takes 4 poison damage Faatina 12/18

Bereskarn (Erratic) 0/39
Tiger A (Aggressive- Claw) 27/27
Great Bear A (Aggressive)0/30
Garuda A (Aggressive) 0/18
Dire Wolf A (Aggressive) 0/15
Hellcat A (Aggressive-Claw) 18/18
Hellcat B (Aggressive-Claw) 18/18
Hellbear A (Aggressive-Claw) 24/24
Hellbear B (Aggressive-Bite) 24/24
Garuda B (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18
Dire Wolf B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15
Dire Wolf C (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15
Garuda C (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18
Hellbear C (Passive-Aggressive) 24/24
Hellbear D (Passive-Aggressive) 24/24


Garuda D (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18

Tiger B (Passive- Aggressive) 27/27

Dire Wolf D (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15


Great Bear B (Passive-Aggressive) 30/30

Hellcat C (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18

Hellcat D (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18

Begin Player Phase 2!

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The demons were a lot bigger and more ferocious than Norbert remembered them. All the fog made things hard to get a good read on, too, and he knew it probably wouldn't be any clearer from the air. Somewhat to his surprise, some of the others charged first. It was impossible to tell what was going on exactly and specifically with all of them in this weather and light, but before racing in, the pegasus rider took a moment to try to get a feel for the battle's ebb and flow. He may have been reckless, but he wasn't as stupid as some might label him.

The first wave seemed like it was cut down pretty well, but the cries of his allies (where he couldn't see them) told him that it'd hit hard. I'll just hit them harder. One of the demons -- one he hadn't seen in Kigen -- looked remarkably like a bear. Actually, there were a couple of them, along with some sort of vicious cat-like creature. As one of the bears separated some from the other two, he deemed the time for inaction over and took his chance. With a stark cry, a shift of his weight and a kick to Rizen's sides, Norbert and his pegasus sped at the bear. Rizen had just leaped into the air and begun her flight at it when it raised its self up onto its hind paws and roared at them. Rizen reared mid-air, whinnying shrilly in a sort of surprised aggression. Her rider, meanwhile, was a little less than happy with the situation, having been thrown off-balance. He couldn't get at the bear demon where he was. Really, it was all he could do to keep on his pegasus' back. And, of course, there was the fact that he was more or less on the front line now: not a good place to stall out.

Norbert very indirectly defends Amon!


Gytha had stayed back at first while others rushed forward to meet the monsters in the night, deciding that she'd help as needed. It wasn't good to exhaust all hands all at once, after all, and she was more prone to keeping an eye on Synthia and Amon. Neither were in any immediate danger, but relatively nearby, one of the larger feline demons had torn Sinbad right off of his horse. "Sinbad!!"

The cry was angrier than it was fearful and soon the man and the big cat were right at her feet. She kicked the demon cat hard in the face until she finally kicked it off of Sinbad and then hurriedly slid her arms under his and began pulling him back away from the battle as quickly as she could. "HOY!! Sinbad needs help!"

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Ugh, that attack took a lot out of me. Time to use Nosferatu I think... Concentrating, Hoshi pointed at one of the nearby cat like creatures and covered it in dark units. As the life force flowed back into her, she breathed a sigh of relief. Her wounds were all but gone now and the demon was nothing more than a lifeless husk. It seemed she'd gone a bit overboard, but it didn't really matter.


Hoshi attacks Hellcat *B* as via plan, ignore my 4 AM derp in the rolls.


Hoshi hits.

(18+5-1)*2=38 damage

Hellcat B is very much dead.

Hoshi regains 9 HP

Hoshi: 18/18

Hellcat B: -20/18

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Southern Front

Shadrak was so focused on shielding Mushirah from attack while Nadya treated her, that he didn't even realize that Hoshi had already destroyed the thing, and worse yet, with his back to the action, he was easy prey for a hellcat, which pounced on him before he even realized the demon he had been worrying about was already dead. As his face hit the dirt, he covered his neck with his hands. There wouldn't be anything Nadya could do for him if his neck bones were torn out. Still, he didn't think he was going to make it out of this alive ...

Urgh, no ... why does it have to end like this?! Why?! All worrisome thoughts left the druid when the hellcat bit deep into his left shoulder and began jerking it around. "ARRRRRRGH-Get offfff-GET OFF OF MEEEEE!!!" The hellcat did eventually back off, but not until Shadrak had become desperate and began to send his entire aura into oscillations. The hellcat was being damaged just by being near Shadrak at that point and decided to back off. Shadrak had injured himself even further by doing this, and his clothing had started to give off smoke by the time he dispersed his aura-wide spell, but he was still alive. He was in more pain now than ever ... "Hrg ... Mushirah, I'm sorry ...." he struggled to get out before beginning to fade. He wasn't sure if he was dying or simply losing consciousness.

Amon had some trouble with demons as well. "Bert?!" Oh no, he's going to get torn apart! Amon gave chase at full speed, hoping to at least get there in time to attack the bear before it attacked Bert. Maybe if Bert recovered in time he could distract it long enough for Amon to deal a lethal blow.

What happened instead was far more interesting. He saw an opportunity to actually flank the bear rather than charge it directly, so he began to circle around as fast as he could, and just as Bert was coming into range, he stabbed the demonic bear in what was probably its kidney, demanding its attention if nothing else. The demon then turned to face him only to be intercepted by Bert. He's looking after me now, huh? Just don't get killed, okay? There wasn't much point making a request like that in his head, but for all he knew, he'd said it aloud.

Bert countered the bear's attack by smashing its jaw which to Amon meant that he at least wouldn't be getting bitten. Swatted with a massive paw was another matter, but he could at least know what to expect when he attacked the bear again. This time, he aimed higher, stabbing the bear through its ribcage. He couldn't reach its heart, but he would deal whatever damage he could and hope Bert could finish the job, otherwise, Amon felt he'd have to go for a head shot next.

Bert did finish the job, though. All Amon saw was another blow to the bear's head but it was done fighting after that and began to lose its footing. Amon was relieved these things weren't as tough as they looked, at least not against Bert and him.

Amon attacks Hellbear B and rolls 4,3,1


HIT! -7 hp

Bear counters! Bert intercepts! The bear rolls 4,1,3


HIT! -3 hp

Bert counters! Rolls 3,1,2


HIT! -5 hp

Amon doubles this guy and rolls 1,1,4


HIT! -5 hp

Bert doubles! Rolls 2,3,5


HIT! -7 hp Bear is pretty much dead now ...

Amon/Bert gain 8 points (5 for the KO and 3 for the defend) and some inexplicable applause.

Eastern Front

Suzume had only ever heard of people doing battle with the demons and their lesser counterparts, but now she was caught up in the same sort of epic struggle with them. There was nothing like going to a completely foreign country to get in touch with your roots .... Suzume launched as many thunder spells as she could manage, trusting those nearby to watch her back. Ernesta meanwhile coordinated the attacks, the gun volleys specifically. Letting the men continue to fire randomly wasn't as effective as an inexperienced eye would think and a synchronized volley of bullets was much more effective at scattering the formation. Of course, the survivors seemed to only be toying with them, as they would circle around and form up again and then come at them head on despite the heavy losses.

Halls of Destruction

There was only one direction for the strike team to head in at first, but by the time an intersection had come up, Valdimarr, playing the daring vanguard of the group, had already beaten down or crippled half a dozen guards. He'd also triggered a few rune based traps and gotten himself burned, shocked, and nearly crushed, but nothing seemed to be slowing him down. Runa was just wondering why he was plowing through people rather than taking the time to kill them. Was he leaving them leftovers? That was sweet, but she was a huntress and so didn't much appreciate handouts, even from the sovereign.

When an explosion sounded and white smoke rushed toward them, Runa knew that Valdimarr had triggered yet another trap. Sighing, she said, <"I'm not sure if Lord Valdimarr is just being reckless now or arrogant but I hope he doesn't miss any of those traps or we could be in trouble."> She wasn't really concerned for the sovereign's safety after the first few he'd shrugged off ....

Edited by Phoenix
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Things seemed to be getting worse- now another demon got up and started clawing Shadrak when he tried to help Mushirah. She decided to remedy the situation by quickly applying her staff to his wounds, which looked pretty severe. She considered saying something about protecting Siv to motivate him but she wasn't sure she could say that in any seriousness. She opted for a simple "Hang in there!" instead.

Nadya revives Shadrak! Shadrak 15/21 +3 Nadya, Mushirah, Shadrak


Sigrid wasted little time in shooting the rifleman that Valdimarr disarmed, the arrow piercing the man's throat before his body hit the ground. No need to spare the slaves this 'Weyland' surrounds himself with, they are pawns made for sacrifice.

<"I would suspect an imposter if Lord Valdimarr were not at least a bit arrogant,"> Sigrid answered Runa with a wry smile. <"But he has little to fear from these humans- though they are more prepared than we had anticipated. Steinn must have planned the defense of this estate- and he is someone even Lord Valdimarr should be wary of. A cornered animal will do anything it can to survive,"> she said, scanning around as she trailed a fair distance behind her emperor.

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Rizen pawed at the air while Norbert's eyes darted from the bear roaring at them to the area about him, hoping he could block any attacks that came while Rizen was more or less upright. Suddenly, though, the tone of the bear's roar changed and it stopped sounding like it was going to swipe them out of the air. The roar, for a moment, whined and weakened some before blasting in full force again. This time, though, aimed at its own side. At first, the rider wasn't entirely sure why it was acting up, but then he saw him: Amon. He hadn't even noticed the Rexian hurry by, but now the bear's gaping jaws were shooting right for him. Rizen's instincts to fight for herself had calmed down enough that he had control again, but he would've commanded the pegasus either way, just out of impulse.

The pair slipped into the relatively narrow space between Amon and the bear in a short, effective dive and landed with Rizen's flanks facing the man on one side and the bear on the other. Norbert himself held a mace in its defensive position -- running along his forearm with its head at his elbow -- and thrust his arm up and into the bear's incoming jaws. The bear bit down, but its teeth couldn't get past his enforced gloves or his mace. The impact had strained his shoulder a bit, but it was easy to ignore the pain: he was too angry and too focused to notice it. With his free mace, he smashed the bear's jaw, shattering it to disarm it of its ability to bite his allies. Any wild bear might've whimpered and tried to get away at this point, but not this one. It writhed a little and though it tried to pull away, Norbert could tell by its snarling that it wasn't with the intention of retreating, not that he would've allowed that anyway. Oh no you don't!

With a snarl of his own, though this one the noiseless variety, Norbert hooked the butt of his mace's grip around some remaining teeth, pulled his free mace back and smashed it into the bear's temple with a large crack and a softer, but more plentiful, assembly of crunches. Then, the bear went limp and crashed down. Rizen, of course, gave a quick, startled cry and retreated a little to get out of its way, but the bear was dead. It was too dark and foggy for him to see all the damage done very well, but he didn't much feel like sticking around this far from their own line to investigate. So, he asked Amon, "Hey, are you alright?" Then, with a quick glance around, he added, "We should probably get a bit closer to the others. Need a lift?"

Edited by Mercakete
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"Crap." whispered Alex under his breath as several of the allied mercs went down. The hell-beasts were terrifying! He thought he was just going to end up fighting some bandits, drunkards, drunkard bandits, or, at worse, snooty noblemen paying off drunken bandits to try and kill Raquel. Distinctly human enemies. Not hell-beasts! Still, he had promised and, if he did nothing a lot of people would die. Including many innocent men and women. He had to do something and he knew just what to do!

Calmly raising his staff up, he focused on one of the badly wounded soldiers, not even knowing his name, as he tried to channel as much healing energy, targeting the most sever aspects of the wound, into him.

"Come on! Get up and fight back! There are many beauties in this world you have yet to see, and seeing a demon beast maw should not be the last thing!" he called out as he focused on pulling the man back to the realm of the not-ambiguously-dead.

Alex res's Sinbad!
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Instinct no doubt saved Sinbad's life as, when he was hit by the great cat's pounce, raising his arms in front of his face had saved him from the tiger's first claw swipe tearing through his jugular, instead it simply scored deep gashes along his forearms. What was worse, though, was that in that position, and still worried about another attempted swipe in the same area, the cowboy was unable to do anything to break his fall from his trusty steed, and as the pair of combatants landed, he suffered a nasty knock to his head, sending his consciousness swimming. He felt a vague ripping sensation, and something hot in the general area of his chest, but then he thought he vaguely heard Gytha calling his name, and felt a strong pair of arms dragging him somewhere, from where they'd gripped him beneath his shoulders. He blinked several times, and then heard the thunder of hoofbeats, or was that heartbeats, pounding in his ears, as he struggled to try to focus on anything.

Ages later, moments later, it was impossible to tell whether it was an eternity or an instant, a healing sensation washed through him, quieting the pounding in his head, though he could still barely hear anything above the din of battle. Sinbad only had unsure guesses as to who his timely benefactor may have been, but there was no time to focus on unimportant details like that. Almost mechanically, his hands driven by the memory of countless practiced motions, he slipped another one of the prepared rounds, lead ball wrapped in paper and powder, into the muzzle of his pistol, then pulled the flint back from the firing pan, returning it to ready position. That demonic king of cats was certainly still around, still nearby, still a threat. Suffer not the demons nor their masters to live, for they will surely suffer not you and yours. The teachings of Kigenese culture handed down through countless generations were certainly not wrong on the nature of the hellspawn.

Pushing himself slightly erect with one arm, from his previous prone position, flat on his back, he found his target pacing low to the ground nearby. Too nearby for comfort. Sinbad aimed for the same location as had felled the gigantic master bear, but right as he was gently squeezing the trigger, the ravaged arm that he'd been using to support himself spasmed, and his shot deviated from its target. Rather than travelling straight and true to the junction of the spine and the cranium, it sped its way upward from a point near the base of the jaw, traversing the great length of the beast's head, before finally exiting the rear of the skull, in a position that would be almost suitable for a crazed fallen architect to gift its pet with an eye in the back of its head, should it desire to do so.

"Prairie pies and mountain oysters," he softly cursed, lamenting the failed endeavor. Truth be told, though, the cowboy was simply overcritical of his own performance, as the dire wound certainly agitated and enraged the demoniac cat, making it easy prey for another to land the felling blow. Still that didn't stop him from adding another choice few profanities of varying vulgarity to the list, before catching his breath, laying back down a spell to rest, and gingerly hugging his injured arms. While the healing from before had removed the bulk of the fuzz from the knock on his head, he was still fairly scraped up, after all.




Hit: Autohit

Damage: 27 + 4 - 10 = 21

Tiger 6/27

Edited by Balcerzak
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Spying someone take a shot at a tiger looking demon, Lumi quickly reformed her shield into a tonfa with a sharp edge. Charging forward, she slammed the edge into the beast's neck, completely severing the spine, leaving the demon dead.




10+6-6=10 damage

dead Tiger

Lumi: 14/18 HP

Tiger: 0/27 HP

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