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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Synthia had just been finishing healing what she could of Sinbad’s wounds when the wolf-like demon managed to dart around Gytha and leap towards them. The mage had realized the attack in time to react if she did so immediately, but at the crucial moment she hesitated. She lacked precision with her wind magic, and feared that with the beast’s proximity she might injure Sinbad further. Instead, due to her inaction, the wolf managed to claw into him rather badly, though its attempts at biting were stopped first by the horseman’s gun and then by the mage smacking its head away with her staff. Gytha arrived almost immediately to chase the beast off, but the damage was done and Synthia knew she could’ve prevented it in the first place. All she could do now was patch him up again and hope for the best.

“I think so,” Synthia replied. The man had just lost consciousness, and she was much more worried about whether he’d wake up again than whatever he’d been saying a moment ago. “We can’t leave him alone in the open like this, though, or anyone else who’s injured. The demons aren’t very picky about their targets… If we can move him to the manor steps, it should be safer. I doubt the beasts will make it that far.”

They were already pretty far back, but Gytha nodded seriously, agreeing with Synthia. "I'll keep an eye on 'im fer now, too," she replied before again hooking her arms under his shoulders and dragging him back further.

Synthia trusted the mariner to deal with that while she went to help others. “I’m going to see who else needs help. I’ll try to have casualties brought there,” she called, before running off. The first patient she ran across was Tina, to whom she gave a once over with her staff before spotting others through the fog in more critical need of attention. A man she had seen but didn’t know looked pretty banged up, though he was still managing to take shots at the enemy. Wordlessly, she applied her staff to the wounds she could see before running off to find someone else in need of healing.

Pete becomes a victim of a heal and run

Overcast: -4 skl +4 mag

+19 HP to Pete

Pete’s HP: 21/21

Synthia’s HP: 15/15

+2 points GSS
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"Well, ain't no time to be worryin' about that stuff now, aye?" Arietta shot back, before engaging one of the demonic cats. A shot to the midsection and the legs from Arietta had the cat limping slowly away, hacking up blood every few breaths, while Arietta came out much better for it, receiving only a light scratch on her arm.

Arietta and Hellcat A duke it out, Hellcat A takes 12 damage and is poisoned, Arietta takes 1 damage.

Axel/Arietta/Itsuki +1


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Seeing Pete attacking another one of the demons, Lumi limped over to him, favoring her right leg. Sighing slightly in relief from the healing, she formed an ice shield yet again. "Be careful. We need to get out of this alive, ok? Both of us." She was still injured, but she'd do whatever she could to make sure they all made it out alive.

Lumi shifts 5 points from STR to MAG, DEF is now 5. Lumi defends Pete.

Hoshi blinked. Someone was using dark magic... Glancing around she didn't see anyone attacking the demons with dark magic. Looking more, she saw instead what appeared to be one of their own attacking one of his allies. Cringing, she hoped that he wouldn't come at her.

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Well Shadrak was down again and...using Amon to restore his life force? "Hey, stop that! Amon ain't some pigeon, if ya need healin' that's what I'm here for," she chided Shadrak irritably. "Cover me while I keep people from dyin'," she instructed Mushirah, healing her before turning attention onto stabilizing Shadrak.

Nadya heals Mushirah for 18! Mushirah 9/24-> 24/24 +2 Nadya, Mushirah, Shadrak


<"Oh hmm, it seems like my improvements to the intelligence of these demons appears to have some practical impacts in battle,"> he muttered, noting the hellcat sneakily taking down the dark magic user. <"I wonder if these demons are smarter than the average human- I'll have to run some tests once this business is all dealt with.">


Sigrid followed Valdimarr up to a room near the main staircase of the building. However, the door was closed and locked and there was no sign of the emperor. <"Haldor, get that door open,"> she instructed. The fallen warrior obliged, beginning to hack into the door with his axe, breaking the wood. Sigrid thought she could hear talking on the other side which wasn't a particularly good sign- if Valdimarr were winning then she doubted he would spend much time talking.

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When Synthia told her that she was going to see who else needed help and that she would bring them over, Gytha replied with a nod. "Aye, aye." She trusted Synthia's judgement. It was typically pretty sound and she had no qualms with watching after those who needed it most.


Up ahead, Norbert could hear yelling and screaming, but it mingled with the roars and yowls of the demons, too. It was hard to tell how close they were to their allies and not just due to the fog or the darkness. He was having trouble focusing again. He thought wryly about how familiar he was becoming with the effects of blood loss. Blood half-blinded him as it flowed from the wound on his face into his right eye, but that wasn't the primary reason he was having trouble seeing. He didn't know how bad he looked, either, but he was soaked from his neck wound and the tears in his arms and legs. His sleeves were more or less ruined and there were some large holes in his pantlegs now. His range of perception was becoming smaller and smaller, steadily shrinking. Everything outside of it was a haze. It won't be long, now. He'd forgotten that his hand was clamped over the wound in his neck. He was quickly becoming only aware of what was right in front of his eyes. I'm tired... Slowly, he slumped forward, leaning heavily on the back of Rizen's neck to try to keep himself balanced. How much farther? Riz, keep moving... I..I can't..stay awake... And with that thought, he blacked out.

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Though barely conscious, Jam awoke to being carried off by Alphonse. Her eyes weren't opening, but the dancer could still hear the clashing of weapons, the growls of their enemies, and the cries and commands of her fellow fighters. The battle was still raging. She also heard Alphonse talking to her and telling the others to get out of his way. Though she failed to cover him for the battle, he still came through for her.

Though the poison within her had run its course, Jam still felt weak. She could only respond to Alphy in a moan.

Jam sits right where she is

+10000 points

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Taking her sweet time, Aneda finished off the bear, first deflecting one of its attacks with a powerful swipe followed by a precise strike straight through the thing's chest. Yanking her spear out with a primal grunt, she let the dead monster fall, spitting on it in a fit of bad sportsmanship.


Aneda: 15/18

Hellbear C: 0/24 dead

+5 points to Aneda/Pete/Calumeina)

The burning in her arm subsided but she still couldn't focus entirely. She heard a vague command to help out. Sweating from the shock of it all, Mushirah stood herself up, finding it difficult to balance for a small while before she decided to simply take a wider stance.

(Mushirah Defends Nadya)

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The hellcat was now bleeding badly and clawing this human was distinctly less fun than clawing through the unarmored people. So it decided to bite her instead.

(5,4,1)= Hit! 13-7= 6 damage Arietta 12/27

The swordsman ran away from the dire wolf so it decided to claw one of the enemy magic users with a glowy stick instead.

(2,3,2)= Autohit! Synthia takes 10-1= 9 damage! Synthia 6/15

(1,1,3)= Miss!

The remaining garuda focused her wind on the enemy swordsman and an enemy healer.

(5,4,2)= Hit! Alphonse takes 10-1= 9 damage! Alphonse 0/12 Alex takes 12-7= 5 damage Alex 16/21

(5,4,3)= Hit! Alex takes 12-7= 5 damage! Alex 11/21

The tiger lept forward and clawed at the enemy magic users killing the garudas.

(4,3,2)= Hit! 13-5= 8 damage! Hoshi 10/18

(4.2.4)= Autohit! 12-5= 7 damage! Hoshi 3/18

The last dire wolf tried to claw the remaining pegasus knight.

(4.6,5)= Hit! 13-5= 8 damage Aneda 7/18

(6.6.2)= Hit! 13-5= 8 damage! Aneda uses Miracle! Aneda 1/18

Hellcat A regens 3 Hellcat A 9/18

Dire Wolf C regens 3 Dire Wolf C 13/15

Faatina takes 4 due to poison! Faatina 5/18

Hoshi takes 4 due to poison! Hoshi 0/18

Axel takes 4 due to poison! Axel 6/18

Hellcat A takes 4 due to poison! Hellcat A 5/18

Bereskarn (Erratic) 0/39
Tiger A (Aggressive- Claw) 0/27
Great Bear A (Aggressive)0/30
Garuda A (Aggressive) 0/18
Dire Wolf A (Aggressive) 0/15
Hellcat A (Aggressive-Sabertooth) 5/18
Hellcat B (Aggressive-Claw) 0/18
Hellbear A (Aggressive-Bite) 0/24
Hellbear B (Aggressive-Bite) 0/24
Garuda B (Aggressive- Whirlwind) 0/18
Dire Wolf B (Aggressive-Claws) 0/15
Dire Wolf C (Aggressive-Claws) 13/15
Garuda C (Aggressive-Whirlwind) 0/18
Hellbear C (Aggressive-Bite) 0/24
Hellbear D (Aggressive-Bite) 0/24


Garuda D (Aggressive-Whirlwind) 18/18

Tiger B (Aggressive-Claws) 27/27

Dire Wolf D (Aggressive-Claws) 15/15


Great Bear B (Passive-Aggressive) 30/30

Hellcat C (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18

Hellcat D (Passive-Aggressive) 18/18

Begin Player Phase 5!

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Alex watched as Alphy-boy went down from the Guardia attack, weathering it himself fairly well. Then, looking down at the man, he gave a very annoyed sigh. "Awww hell no! I just finished pulling one of you guys up and helping the lady out and more of you go down? Come on!" he said, trying to get close to Alph and pull him away from the hell-beasts for better healing later.

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"Damn... that thing's bite hurts a bit more than it's claws..." Arietta swore, as she batted the hellcat away after taking a sizeable wound to her side from the enxtended fangs.

"C'mon Axel, let's show that big'n over there what for, aye?" She called out, pointing out the large bear at the back which had begun to lumber forward.

Arietta defends Axel
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After attending to Shadrak's wounds, Nadya's attention turned towards the unconscious Bert nearby. Making sure he wouldn't bleed out or anything, she turned back to the battlefield. If it ain't one thing, it's another, she thought to herself, noting that the dark magic user she healed earlier seemed to be down. If we kill 'em, they can't kill us. She rode over and channeled her energy into her staff before applying it to the wounded woman. All this magic is makin' me tired, I can't do much more of this...

Nadya revives Hoshi! Hoshi 0/18-->13/18 Nadya, Shadrak, Mushirah +3

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Once Amon was safely away from the demons for the moment, Alex turned around and quickly hurried over to the next of the fallen people he could see. Shadrak. Quite annoyed, especially after getting blown about by the Guardia, he wasn't exactly in a happy mood at the fallen man. Still, the more up, the better, so he quickly started to focus on healing Shadrak's wounds, knitting the flesh back together to get the blood flowing properly and dull the pain as he ensured no vital organs were damaged and then quickly tried to get the rest back together so Shadrak could fight again.

"Come on! Get up and keep fighting! It's only a flesh wound after all!"

Alex resses Shaddy-boy!
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"...Got it," Axel said, as he advanced on the target. The lanceman, despite the poison, was moving at a faster pace now, and easily landed the first blow on the giant bear. Arietta, on the other hand, didn't look too good once the monster bit her, but even still, she managed to land a mighty blow on the foe. Her superior finished the job, then turned around.

"Fall back, now," he said, ignoring his own poisoned wound. "You need to get that bite treated."


6,2,4 = Autohit! 13-5 = 8 points of damage! Great Bear B 22/30

1,5,4 = Hit! 14-7 = 7 points of damage! Arietta 5/27 Poisoned!

5,4,4 = critical hit! 2(14-5) = 18 points of damage! Great Bear B 4/30

1,1,6 = Hit! 12-5 = 7 points of damage! Great Bear B is defeated!

Team AAI gains 8 points (Kill + defend)

Axel 6/18

Arietta 5/27

Great Bear B 0/30


"May as well stay near the back then. I'm in better shape than you are right now," Pete said, glancing over to where the medic who had patched him up ran off to. "I think we almost have this wave down, anyways. "

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She still stood, that much was good for Mushirah. she saw what appeared to be more injured teammates which wasn't exactly a new thing to be experiencing but it would never be something she'd ever get used to. Taking a few rhythmic breaths, the magician mentally prepared herself as best she could to actively help out despite her set back.

(Mushirah Defends Shadrak)

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Though he wasn't awake to appreciate it, Norbert's deeper wounds did shallow with Nadya's healing. Rizen had stopped moving for this when she realized that this human could heal. She was only there for a moment, though, and Rizen herself wasn't feeling any better. Somewhat offended at that and determined to get herself and her rider back into top form, Rizen followed Nadya and neighed in complaint.

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Once More

"Only ... a FLESH WOUND?!!!" Shadrak glared murderously at Alex as he began to pick himself up all of the bloody and withered grass. "Just look after Amon," he muttered as he staggered away from the scene, trying to return to Mushirah. He only gone after that hellcat because it had assaulted him while he was looking after her, but now it was gone. Maybe it would come back and try again ... that's what he was hoping for at least. Then he could kill it and be done with this nightmare. On his way over to Mushirah, his thoughts were plaguing him, though. If I had just kept my mouth shut and hung back for a little while, she wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place. Why are these demons so much stronger than what we dealt with in Kigen?

When he finally saw Mushirah, she was back on her feet, though this outright terrified him; what if something else flanked her? That'd certainly happened to him a number of times this battle. Hoping to grab her and fall back while they still could, he rushed over to her. "Come on, let's get inside while we still can, Mushirah! I don't want anything else to h-" He cut himself off and his gaze darted to the direction of a demon even larger than the hellcat that had been hounding him. "Damn!" Figuring they couldn't outrun the thing, he turned to fight it and guard Mushirah, but like before, she ended up protecting him and being injured once again for her efforts. The tiger didn't get off lightly, but they weren't doing enough damage to finish it off and Shadrak didn't have enough time to get off another spell in time to save her, so he latched onto the demon with his bare hands and began trying to pry it off of her. No not again ... I can't let this happen again! NO!!! "Leave her alone, you bastard! Argh! Someone HELP!!!"

Shadrak attacks Tiger B! Rolls 6,2,5


Hit! -11 hp

Tiger B counters! Mushirah intercepts! Tiger rolls 3,6,6


Hit! -20 hp

Mushirah counters! Rolls 4,4,5


Hit! -6 hp

Tiger B doubles! Rolls 1,6,4


Hit! KO! (>_<)

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With everyone she’d run across either not in direcondition, healed, or in the vicinity of another healer, Synthia had been on the lookout for the more serious cases around when she was blindsided by one of the wolf creatures running around (damn those things were fast). The beast knocked her over and clawed into her arms and torso, but was almost immediately blown off by a wind wall while the mage tried to right herself and escape. With more warning, Synthia was able to dodge out of the way of the beast’s second attempt to taker her down and run towards other allies in the fog closer to the manse.

What she had thought to be strength in numbers turned out to be Nadya and an unconscious Bert on his injured pegasus. It looked like the man’s wounds had some healing done to them, but nothing to help Rizen. The troubadour had begun to ride away with the pegasus following. Synthia hesitated for a moment, remembering what Bert had told her about his mount the last time he’d been badly injured. It was not entirely relevant in this situation, was it? Jogging around the pegasus carefully as to not startle it, she held out her staff in an attempt to heal its torn wings. That was when she heard a loud roar and looked over to see some others of their group, it looked to be Shadrak and Mushirah, getting mauled by one of the largest demons she had seen that night. She wasn’t about to let that just happen, but injured state or not there was no way she could do anything about the large monster attacking them. She was pretty sure she wasn’t too far from where she’d asked Gytha to take Sinbad, so there was at least one person around that could help. “Gytha!”

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"Alright... think I'll take you up on that, this time." Arietta replied, staggering slightly as she walked... the wound itself wasn't so bad... it was bad, mind you, but the far more concerning thing was that it was quickly beginning to fester.

"Does every bloody thing you guys fight pack poison?" She asked, her steps growing less coordinated... she would likely collapse soon.


With the hard hitting dark mage back up and back to cleanly blasting demons to bit in a single shot, it seemed prudent to keep her standing, so as to increase their chances of making it through this alive.

"I've got you covered... you'll be alright..." Faatina noted to the druid, though her voice was growing ragged... the venomous bites of the bears were taking their toll on the paladin, and her grip on her lance and shield was slipping.

Faatina defends Hoshi
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The human on the horse had incorrect priorities, clearly, as she still wasn't healed and her rider was still unconscious. Rizen's attention shifted, though, as another human with a heal stick came up to them. The pegasus stopped, watching as she came towards them. She was being cautious and holding the stick, so she was likely an ally. Rizen took a careful step towards her. Now, this human had her priorities straight. That was proven for certain as Rizen felt the pain in her wings subsiding and strength returning to them. Unfortunately -- and much to Rizen's frustration -- that didn't last very long. Sure the relatively nearby roar startled her, but she had hoped that the human with the heal stick would keep healing her -- at least her leg and her wings a bit more. The damaged feathers would have to regrow, but her wing shoulders still hurt. Instead, the human turned back to where the other humans were and yelled something.

Gytha had been watching the fight a bit anxiously. Synthia had been attacked and there were a lot of other confrontations transpiring in view, out of view and in partial view. One called for help -- it sounded like Shadrak -- and she almost left her position. She remembered, though, that there were others closer to the cry who could probably do a better job at rescuing him. She could see almost the entire battle from where she stood atop the steps. People were defending one another, others were dismembering other demons... Besides that, she'd been told to guard the injured on the steps and really, they couldn't defend themselves. This was an important position, and her troubles regarding Shadrak were eased at the sight of all the other fighters. Then, soon after the first cry, however, she heard Synthia distinctly call her name. Though it wasn't a specific order -- and indeed, she almost didn't budge -- it was a clear enough sign that she was needed below. So, hoping she was guessing right in that she was to help fend off the tiger, Gytha dashed forward, leaving Jamilla and Sinbad behind as she drew her pistol. She wouldn't arrive at the fight in time to use her sword against the tiger. The time to use her bullet was now!

Gytha activates Heroic Stance and attacks Tiger B! -4HP, MT = 15 (Pistol), HIT = 10

(10+1)-6 = 5 = hit!

(15+5)-10 = 10 damage!

Even as she hurried towards the scene, Gytha fired her pistol. The tiger shuddered and fell lifeless when the bullet hit it. She'd only made it about halfway across the distance between where she'd stood and where the tiger had been attacking Shadrak and Muchirah (which she could see more clearly now) and now was wondering if she should return to her post or continue along to help the two get to the stairs. She glanced over to Synthia, uncertain.

Tiger B 0/27

Gytha 20/24

+10pts Gytha, Synthia, Sinbad

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The dire wolf decided to take a few swipes at the lancer who defeated the bear.

(1,6,1)= Autohit! 13-4= 9 damage Axel 0/18

(6,3,6)= Autohit! 10-4= 6 damage

The other dire wolf decided to claw at the defeater of the mighty hellcat.

(4,6,1)= Hit! 13-5= 8 damage! Lumi 7/18

(2,1,1)= Critical Hit! 8-5= 3x2= 6 damage! Lumi 1/18

The hellcat went for the dark magic user, but crunched down on a lancer instead.

(5,6,1)= Hit! 15-7= 8 damage! Faatina 0/18

The last hellcat was drawn to the sound of the loud metal thing and clawed the offender.

(3,2,3)= Autohit! 8-4= 4 damage Gytha 16/24

(2,4,3)= Hit! 10-4= 6 damage Gytha 10/24

Dire Wolf C regen 3 Dire Wolf C 15/15

Arietta takes 5 damage due to poison! Arietta 0/27

Bereskarn (Erratic) 0/39
Tiger A (Aggressive- Claw) 0/27
Great Bear A (Aggressive)0/30
Garuda A (Aggressive) 0/18
Dire Wolf A (Aggressive) 0/15
Hellcat A (Aggressive-Sabertooth) 0/18
Hellcat B (Aggressive-Claw) 0/18
Hellbear A (Aggressive-Bite) 0/24
Hellbear B (Aggressive-Bite) 0/24
Garuda B (Aggressive- Whirlwind) 0/18
Dire Wolf B (Aggressive-Claws) 0/15
Dire Wolf C (Aggressive-Claws) 15/15
Garuda C (Aggressive-Whirlwind) 0/18
Hellbear C (Aggressive-Bite) 0/24
Hellbear D (Aggressive-Bite) 0/24


Garuda D (Aggressive-Whirlwind) 0/18

Tiger B (Aggressive-Claws) 0/27

Dire Wolf D (Aggressive-Claws) 15/15


Great Bear B (Aggressive) 0/30

Hellcat C (Aggressive-Sabertooth) 18/18

Hellcat D (Aggressive-Claws) 18/18

Begin Player Phase 6!

More of their allies were going down. All right, let's finish this, Nadya decided, taking out her light magic tome and blasting the cat who bit Faatina.

(2,2,5)= Hit! 11-4= 7 damage!

(1,3,2)= Miss!

(1,3,6)= Hit! 12-4= 8 damage! Hellcat C 3/18 +1 Nadya, Shadrak, Mushirah

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"I'll be ok, but what about--" Hoshi's response was cut off as a demon knocked Tina down, possibly leaving her dead. "No, no no no NO!" Crying out in rage, Hoshi threw a powerful Nosferatu spell at wolf demon, covering it and sucking it dry of life in a few seconds. Grabbing Tina, she gently placed her behind herself and stood guard, hoping that the battle would end soon.



10+2-12=0, hit

18+6-5=19 damage

Direwolf C: 0/15

Hoshi: 18/18

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The battle was finally drawing to a close as the number of hellish beasts thinned out. There were plenty wounded on the battlefield and plenty who would need help. Alex didn't even wait for the battle to officially end before starting to head closer to Arietta whom he had seen fall due to poison. All the wounds were sever, but poison was easily one of the most potentially lethal. So long as someone didn't move too much or got some first aid they wouldn't bleed out due to a flesh wound, but that wasn't the case with poison.

As he approached her though, one of the cats, doubtless seeing that Alex, someone unarmored and unprotected, was exposed, tried to leap at him. As it sprung through the air, Alex quickly rolled about and raised his staff up, catching the beast full-on before pushing it off to the side. Then a sudden blast of light struck down towards the beast, hitting it hard and ripping right through its body.

"There are many wounded who need care. I'm afraid you will have to wait your turn." said Alex calmly as he walked over to Arietta and knelt down beside her. Raising his staff up he tried to focus on healing just a bit of the poison damage, trying to get her into a more stable state. "Hold still miss. I'll try to get you stabilized from the poison from now so that, at the least, you won't die."

Alex attacks Hellcat C. 5, 5, 5. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4356036/ Lethal hit. Do I even need to post damage?
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