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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Dining Hall Alpha

"Oh dear, the limelight ... that's not exactly what I was hopin' for when I came in here," Greta commented when Veronika explained her and her people.

Meanwhile, Reign was surprised to have his mouth covered. Must be real embarrassing, that.

Commenting on Gar's mention of the Wrathites ignoring or never hearing about priestess Io's assessment of the emblem, Gabbie said, "I get the feeling that the Wrathoites just figured out what we assumed from the beginning, that the damn thing was real. I mean why listen to some priestess from the shady church? Maybe they've got some credible goon on their soide confirming all of this crap for them. You know, koind of like how Lilith and every other vasilus we've run into has treated Raquel's emblem loike the real thing."

Gar also made the incredible (good, bad, who knows) decision to bring up Obelisk by another name, specifically asking Steinn whether or not the guy was still around. There went Greta's limelight in about half a second, but she wasn't complaining. Steinn raised an eyebrow at the question and answered with another question. Three actually. "From where did you learn of that name? Why ask me about it, and what makes you think I would know anything about it?"

"C'mooon, you're a prince, you've got to know something," Gabbie insisted.

"I have never met him, I've only been told of his existence, so I cannot confirm either way. The commoners know nothing of his continued existence here. Simply too much time has past since the days of his ... relevance. I suppose the Massacre of Night may have been the beginning of the end of the people's faith in their deity. Still, I'm curious as to where you heard that name. Most of my kind don't know it."

What's the 'Massacre of Night'? It sounds like a lot of fallen were killed, Shadrak pondered.


"I appreciate the offer, but frankly, re-purposed farm tools scare the shit out of me, heheh. Let's just leave it at that, shall we?" the man nervously replied.

Dining Hall Beta

"Talk about what exactly?" Nadine asked, sounding disinterested already.

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"All ships seem pretty small to me- not much freedom when you're stuck on one thing. I guess I didn't mind it as much as the horses did though. It ain't natural for a horse to be holed up in a little space, Nature gave 'em long legs to run around for a reason," she said to Gytha.


"The Wrathites probably figured a criminal organization putting so much effort into getting the emblem piece meant that it wasn't a fake. I don't know how much use this order of Truth will be if they couldn't tell a fake emblem piece from a real one," she noted, avoiding the conversation about Erebus and the Massacre of Night or whatever. It was something she knew nothing about and didn't seem very related to what they were doing.


"What people's faith in a deity are you talking about, Prince Steinn?" Connor inquired. "I didn't think the Fallen ever worshiped any of the gods...and Ursium always has to some degree as far as I know."

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For the most part, Norbert had been largely disinterested in the goings-on of the dining hall. Steinn said he was going to get something and leave, basically, which was good enough for him. He wanted to deal with the prince like he wanted to deal with the flu at the moment. Gar's question was only mildly interesting as sounded like he knew someone in some place he'd never heard of, but what really garnered his attention was Steinn's reaction: he was actually effected on an emotional level by that question.

Not only did that draw Norbert's ears, but he wound up turning his head to watch the spectacle. From the sound of things, whoever this Erebus guy was, he was a Fallen deity. Plus, the use of that specific name was apparently unheard of, even among the Fallen. How in Truth's name did Gar learn about that? Yeah. He definitely knows more than he lets on. I wonder if this is the same god that the guy in Raquel's emblem was talking about... Hmm I think I remember something about that, actually... Did the guy from the emblem say that name? I remember he was loyal to the one named Obelisk... Grr I can't remember it very clearly. Though maybe he was right about him not being so bad if the Fallen aren't following him. Connor's question also sounded like it might yield interesting answers, so Norbert paid close attention to what Steinn was about to say.

"Hmm I guess ships 'r more like wagons n' the wind's th' horses n' th' sea's the land," Gytha explained, "But since horses weren't meant t' ride wagons fer long amounts o' time, I'd say yer right on that count."


"Has something been bothering you?" Cecelia asked point blank as they reached the line of people awaiting soup. The line was pretty short, so she wound up getting her soup fairly quickly.

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A Man Called Gar

If he hadn't admitted to it the defensive line of questioning would have put bounty on Gar's suspicions. But as it was, he sang a jaunty tune as he answered. "I learned it from my jackass of a teacher," Gar blatantly lied in the face of everyone who would actually know where he'd gotten it from. Not that he cared. "Never had the chance to even ask if it was feasible since y'know." He shrugged at the obvious lead on that.

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"Things that we probably shouldn't be involved in Jam.... things that could shake the very foundation of the world depending on how they play out...." Alphonse quietly answered his friend.


Zach surpressed a groan as the main informed him that Weyland would be with the rest of his group. He'd avoid them for now, but there didn't seem to be around going to the dinning room and asking the master of the house face to face for his permission to access the library. Letting out a small sigh, Zach fell in line behind the maid, unable to stop himself from making a comment though

"You know, you're much more interesting than the other maids I've encountered in my life, much more fun."

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"Very well." The woman replied, blankly, as her arm fell to her side.


A prince, huh? Well that was certainly unexpected... but for a fallen prince to leave Corvus... most likely, succession was taking place, and this one was not coming out on top.

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"Is that so?" the woman asked, glancing back over her shoulder. She was on the verge of smiling at that when she said, "It seems like you've done some traveling. I wonder if you're from Ursium."

Dining Hall One

"... well, I certainly believe he exists within the deepest reaches of the capital, but again, I cannot confirm it." Connor then asked him a question as well. "Many no longer see Obelisk as our guardian. 'Deity of Protection' is another way to word it. Deities are whatever one says they are. My people do not worship even one of those four 'gods' because there is no reason or need for it. Offering up praises and dedicated service to them and reforming our society around various modern principles has no apparent benefit to us, and for all we know, as a more recent race, we exist outside of their plans."

"You might get along with humans better if you did~" Gabbie teased. "That's a benefit, roight?"

Shaking his head twice, he said, "Doubtful. Humans would also have to tolerate our use of human laborers ... slaves, for any real peace to come about. That or fight us to try and force a reform ... and of course we would welcome such a fight. Conflict with humans has strengthened us, kept our numbers in check, fueled magical and technological innovations, and shaped us as a people. Even now, conflict is still useful to us, and until we no longer have a use for it, wars are necessary for our kind to grow."

"Well, that was contrary. I'm gonna go have a seat now," Gabbie remarked before sitting down at the table right next to Chie.

Greta took a long hard look at Steinn as he spoke. Once Gabbie came over to sit down, she stopped looking and turned back to face forward. So that's one of those 'fallen' the kigenese fight, huh? They look and act like aristocratic avians, or at least this one does, but he's so pro-war, I've gotta wonder if he fights and how ... or maybe he's just one of those pretentious asses that sends other people out to die while he reaps the benefits. Seems more like that kind, but who knows. Maybe he's just elegant or something.

Amon sighed, having been reminded of the fact that the fallen were technically he's neighbors too. In fact, Corvus was the closest bordering nation to Rex-Avaz, but only because an enormous mountain range separated Kigen from Rex-Avaz.

The fallen stuff was mildly interesting, but Weyland wasn't in the mood for discussing it at the moment. With that in mind, he turned to Veronika and said, "Ignoring their credibility for the moment, any documentation on the emblem they have could be useful. Given what Raquel has gone through, you may be able to confirm or disprove some of their findings and theories, if not for them, then for yourselves. Until you're ready to go after the organization, it's at least something for you to do if you aren't set on spending your time recuperating."

Dining Hall Two

"Not really," she replied while waiting in line. Miguel ended up getting her soup for her for some reason and handed her the bowl once it was full. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." As much as Miguel wanted to pry and fix whatever had Nadine acting slightly (only slightly) more aloof than usual, he didn't think his meddling would actually help in the end.

"Hmm, I wonder if the Colonel's going to be accompanying anyone to the party," Cain mused aloud as he got his food.

"I'm sure he'll be a big handsome nobleman or something," said Amber. She was unknowingly putting painful images in the Lieutenant's head. "He'll probably have long wavy hair, an expensive suit, oh and a white horse, too. I'm sure it's all been planned out already. The Langley's are important people, so I'm sure they went the extra mile."

"This is the princess' party, not the Colonel's, remember?" Miguel noted, hoping to gently shut her up before Cain took anymore damage.

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"Things that we probably shouldn't be involved in Jam.... things that could shake the very foundation of the world depending on how they play out...." Alphonse quietly answered his friend.

"We were nearly killed by a giant black dragon in the middle of Ursium, we're eating in the middle of war room discussions, and Big Bird made a special guest appearance. I think we're already involved Alphy."

Jam too kept her voice down so as to not upset their host and fellow guests. Still, she wasn't happy that her request for more information was met with shrugs. It would seem that Raquel's group planned on parting ways soon after leaving the estate. The dancer figured that they didn't want to leave the refugees (aka Greta's group) with any more information than they already gathered.

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As Steinn talked about the Fallen's uses for humans -- both slave and free, the latter by use of war -- his glare steadily intensified as his anger rose. It's like no matter what we do we can't win! Giving up just isn't an option against these monsters, but fighting them's almost just as bad! The freaks actually take advantage of these wars! That was when Norbert began brainstorming ways that the humans might be able to come out on top, however implausible. Strategy wasn't a particular strength of his, but it was better to think about this for him than to think about how much a lose-lose situation this was for mankind.


Cecelia waited while the other members got their soup. As she did, she nodded and added on to Miguel's note, "That's right. We're all here only because of the necessary high-security. Otherwise we would likely be out helping the others fighting the Neviskotians or relocating civilians." Personally, I'd prefer the former, but the latter is just as important. She wasn't entirely happy with where they'd been stationed, but it was an important job and she had every intention of treating it as such.

She continued, this time to Nadine specifically, "We need to remain alert, so if there's something on your mind, we can talk about it if you'd like."

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"Good thing horses don't depend on the wind," Nadya said smiling, before hearing talk of the Fallen. She sighed at the sight of Steinn standing near the table. "Not to insult our gracious host here, but what's with invitin' one of those Fallen over to his house and to his table? Seems like a recipe for trouble if you ask me," she said quietly to those around her.

Connor and Veronika

Connor was about to question Steinn's claims of conflict improving their lives when he remembered his conversation with Tia the other day. Weyland Enterprises probably wouldn't even exist without the war with Neviskotia...kind of sad to think about but a lot of human technology has been built upon conflict too. I'm not sure if we seek conflict as much as the Fallen do- Mercinics seem to say otherwise at least, he pondered.

"There might be something of use there, although I've had my fill of emblems and vasili and magical mumbo jumbo- someone else can do that if they wish. Seems like we need to get to Neviskotia soon and that's no easy task," Veronika said, frowning.

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Erion mostly shrugged in response to Jam. He didn't really have much of an opinion one way or the other. He was just looking for ways to get paid. Hmm, though... "We should at some point ask about how we are getting outfits fit for a ball. The only clothes I have are far from fit, and you seemed to be implying earlier that you would need a dress. Hopefully we'll be able to find things on such short notice..."


After having stopped to ask a servant for directions, Lumi and co. finally arrived at the dining hall. Coming in, Lumi saw Pete sitting by a small black haired woman and waved. Walking over, she sat down next to him and asked, "So are you going to this ball tonight?"


Hoshi nearly nodded in response to Pete's thanks before lapsing back into her thoughts. Pulling out the small diamond that she had been using earlier, she quietly wove a few dark magic tendrils before slowly probing at the diamond with the tendrils. She sighed. Nothing new. She still felt like she knew exactly the same things about diamond as she had a month ago. She stuffed the diamond back into her pocket as a servant approached with her meal.

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A Man Called Gar

Gar laughed bitterly. "Human nations keep slaves too. They're just taught into thinking they're not because they're called citizens. It's almost crueler in its ways than Fallen slavery, at least that's honest." Gar shook his head. "Whatever." He sighed after that. "Nevoskotia huh? Best avoid any routes that the dragon could be camped near." Well, if Ornstein's still in Nevoskotia... Gar quickly stopped and went back to singing.

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Zach gave a nod to the woman leading him. "My former... master I suppose you could say, had a decent amount of servants. They were always quiet though, never managed to have a conversation with them."

He was about to continue, and reveal where he was born, but the sage held his tongue. Just saying you were born in Neviskotia was probably a bad idea around these parts, so he'd be a bit vague "I was born near the border, my mother was in the military before she retired to have me."


"Even so, just because we're already involved doesn't mean that we should be..." Alphonse replied, before catching onto what Erion had said. "Dress? What, are you two going to that ball together or something?" He asked. The swordsman would be lying if he said he wasn't a tad... jealous... if that was the truth.

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"Oh he's with the organization all right," Blake said, almost to himself. "Jethro mentioned a Cygnus at the fortress. He's Sardis's superior at least, if not the outright leader of the organization. It could be a coincidence, but I doubt it." He made a mental note about the information from the Order of Truth, but decided to wait before thanking Weyland for that.


There was Lumi. Excellent, it would distract him from the Fallen that was here for some reason. Unfortunately, she immediately brought up the royal ball, which Pete had not interest in.

"No. I don't have the tact for events like those, not to mention it might involve seeing my old comrades, which would suck," Pete said, scowling at a nearby wall. "Besides, I'm getting bad vibes from this group. Especially after what happened with the Wrathites."

The mercenary turned to his friend and lightened his expression a bit. "That shouldn' stop you from goin', if you really want to, Lumi."


"Oh dear," Evelyn responded, sighing a bit as Athena began to float."I suppose it can't be helped. Tonight is the engagement party, after all. Speaking of which, preparations are coming along smoothly. Any issues over here?"

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"Were any of those servants from Neviskotia? I was born near the border as well, Ilya to be specific," the woman replied as they walked. It seemed she too was a 'skotian', at least initially.

Dining Hall Containing Two Weylands

On the subject of the Truthian investigation, Shadrak spoke up saying, "I wouldn't mind looking into it a little later myself actually. I'd like to eat lunch first and get settled, though."

"Fair enough," Weyland replied to Veronika and Shadrak. To Blake, he said, "I doubt it's a coincidence, either, so I'll look into that name as well, but in the meantime, that's all I have for you directly related to the organization. Hopefully something new comes in soon." Seeing this as a good opportunity to look into Hoshi's project, he said, "Ahem, so then, what was this problem you were having? If the project's for the company, you don't have to go into the details. I'm simply seeing if we can figure this out here or if we'll need to have a closer look first."

"No details? Awww, why not? We've already discussed so many other incredibly sensitive topics in front of complete 'randoms'," Gabbie facetiously chimed in.

"Oh, be quiet," Weyland shot back.

To Gar, Steinn said, "Well when half the population naturally develops the ability to interpret surface thoughts, and the other half eventually develops it with a little help from the former, there's often little point in being deceptive in our daily lives. Someone somewhere is going to hear the truth. Some try to be clever regardless, but intentions always come out before their time ... and It's rather amusing to watch the ensuing chaos."

"Fallen politics ... fascinating," Chie remarked, though it wasn't clear whether she was being sarcastic or not.

Amon meanwhile shrugged at Nadya's question since he had no idea why Steinn was still here. Plans must not have panned out quite right. Then Steinn spoke up again and said, "I was just leaving actually. There's a matter to attend to. As for why our host would have me here to begin with, consider it a matter of national security and international stability."

Yes, that's nice and cryptic, crow, Malik mentally scoffed.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be on my way for now ..."

Garden of the Princess

"There haven't been any issues on our end, though we are expecting some visits from Terrel and a few other people whose names I just can't be bothered to remember," one of the royal guards explained.

Eugene followed up with, "The princess has yet to even picked out a dress for the evening. We might need to get a consultant ... again."

"We should just hire one on permanently, but she's never taken kindly to 'constant pestering' as she puts it, so we may have to come up with something ourselves."

Meanwhile, over by the floating princess ... "He's kind of handsome, but if that's all someone has going for them, then ..."

"Oh you're just being too harsh on the man," Morgana countered.

"Coming from you, that's just funny. He fences ... but that's about all we have in common. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm out of his league in that area. What is there for me to like, more importantly, fall for?"

"Marriage is a partnership, nothing more. I rarely meet couples that are actually in love," Morgana noted with a grimace. "You might want to consider finding happiness elsewhere."

"No thanks," Athena quickly replied with a teasing smile. "I'm my father's daughter; I should at least be able to derive some kind of happiness from a 'partnership' like this. I'm getting my happy ending ... somehow. I'll come up with something, even if I have to reform Terrel into something else entirely."

Morgana grimaced even more at that. It all ends in death. There's no such thing as a happy ending, Athena. There's just no such thing.

Dining Hall Containing No Weylands

"Thanks but no thanks," Nadine replied. She glanced down at her soup and almost sighed at it. "If we're eating outside, then let's go."

Cain and Amber had started taking small bites the moment they got their soup since the group was still just standing around for the moment. That made Miguel give them a slightly wry look before saying, "Alright, time to move out, people."

Escaping the dining hall wasn't as easy as getting in with the traffic coming through, but once they were out, they had to navigate the halls to the nearest exit. Miguel led the group around looking for one, cringing inside as Cain and Amber ate along the way. Soon, though, he found an exit, though it didn't lead to the courtyard. That meant they were a little lost at this point, but he didn't much mind for the moment since there were various people scattered about the area and tables and chairs all over the place. "Now this is more like it~"

"Should we be eating around these people?" Nadine quietly asked, noticing that they were the only uniformed soldiers anywhere in this small outdoor section of the estate.

"Dunno, but until they kick us out ..."

"Hey, is that the Colonel?!" Cain spoke up a bit more loudly than intended. It was the colonel, not dressed for the ball just yet, but not dressed for her job as an officer, either. What she wore instead was a modest looking white dress. She was more or less surrounded by people and talking with them.

"Nice spot, Lieutenant."

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A Man Called Gar

"I suppose I could call you one of the clever ones then?" Gar asked but already assumed it was true. This time he didn't slip on his singing. Well he didn't have any reason to delay the guy so he didn't keep on any questions. Look at him, being all not-killy with a Fallen who could have ever dreamed of that day?

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Gytha was considering her reply to Nadya when Steinn spoke up for himself. Apparently he'd heard Nadya, whether through her thoughts or words and chose to answer her. Well, there they had it: it was because of national and international reasons.

Steinn's reminder that the Fallen could read minds stopped Norbert's brainstorming in its tracks, at first a little started but then just moving on to mild contempt. Blasted mind-readers. Guess that means if he was paying attention... Urgh. None of them were even that good... How would we get any sort of flaming cannonball that big to drop on them? Or flood them? They have wings anyway, so... He sighed. I'll just leave this sort of thing to the professionals in Kigen.

The prince sounded like he was about to leave, so Norbert didn't bother following that line of thought. It sounded like Veronika's conversation with Weyland was over, so there was that to consider. Maybe I should eat something before bothering with my resignation. Or should I take care of it now? Should I talk to Veronika about it or go directly to Raquel? I don't see her around... Maybe she's resting or something.


"Well, we came out here to eat in some peace, so that is what will be my first priority, at least," Cecelia informed the others as she took a seat at one of the nearby tables and began to eat her lunch. After the first bite was swallowed, she added, "Should we even be bothering the Colonel right now? She could probably use a break from military personnel."

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Tia gave a small gulp as the conversation between Shadrak and the rest continued. The scent of knowledge to be learned was so tempting, but with people like this around... Damnit.

"E-excuse me, but the fallen and these strange abilities you're talking about, I'd like to know more, but I'm afraid I don't know too much about them in the first place. Would you mind explaining it to me a bit better?"

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Sleep with a snake, ya are gonna wake up with fangs in your ass. If negotiatin' with the Fallen were possible that woulda been done years ago, Nadya thought, keeping thoughts to herself this time.


Maybe we should wait here for a while for new information- it'll take quite some time to arrange a ship for this many people anyway, especially one crossing into Neviskotian waters.


Connor considered answering Tia's question, but figured Prince Steinn was as much an expert on the Fallen as there ever was in Ursium. "Uncle, do I have to go to the engagement ball?" he asked. There are more productive things to be doing with my time I think, but Weyland Enterprises probably should be represented somehow.

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In the end Norbert got the attention of a waiter and asked him to get him something nutritious, specifically including some sort of hearty meat and good for building muscle strength. He didn't know how long that'd take -- their group was pretty big and everyone was probably hungry -- but a free, healthy meal was an opportunity he wasn't about to pass up. As he waited, the pegasus rider thought a bit more about telling Veronika or just going directly to Raquel. After a bit of thinking, he decided he'd rather just keep it as quiet as he could. I'll just tell Raquel myself after I've eaten something. That'll make things easier, I think.

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Giving a shrug to the woman, Zach replied "A few could have been for all I know, but I doubt there were many Neviskotians where I was in Rex Avez. It's somewhat hard to tell the difference between a Skotian and Ursian at first glance though, especially us born near the border. Men up in northern Skotia are a right hairy bunch though, suppose it helps with the cold at least."

"I'm Zachary, or Zach, what's your name if you don't mind me asking?"

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"Tamara," the maid answered while laughing a little at the thought of a bunch of overgrown beards. "Hmm, I had assumed your master lived near the border as well, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Rex-Avaz is a long way from here. You have most definitely done some traveling."

Dining Hall

"I suppose you could," Steinn replied to Gar. He was just about to leave when Tia finally spoke up. While still standing partially turned to leave, he explained further. "The kestrelii race, or 'fallen', are your enemies ... the antithesis of avians ... warriors of every kind ... masters of every art. That's all there is to that, really. And as for these 'abilities', they simply are. Everyone here has a mind of their own and thinks, and those thoughts are sent out just like a loud noise. My kind simply have the ears to hear. This isn't well known, but it is the truth of the matter. That's why I find it amusing when I hear of avians or even kestrelii not interpreting another's thoughts without permission. Many still believe we are in people's minds when we interpret their thoughts, but it is more accurate to say that they are in our minds, constantly bombarding us with their mental ramblings, 'songs', and fantasies." Steinn certainly looked amused right there. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to see to my guest."

I'm confused. We send our thoughts to them? Involuntarily ...? Hmm. Shadrak would need some time to process that one.

Weyland took a moment to address Connor, giving Hoshi a moment to compile whatever information she was going to share. "Only if you want to. I received several invitations, some in person, one from a courier, and while I'd rather not waste time on a gathering like this, once Steinn schemed his way in, I felt I had little choice in the matter. I need to keep an eye on him when he's outside the estate."

"By the way, I'm going to the ball with Steoinn. Gonna need that deceptive dress. Hope you don't mind," Gabbie quickly chimed in.

"Oh for the love of ..." Weyland buried his face in his palm at that news. "J- ... just ... don't make the situation any worse."


"We don't have to say anything to her really. I'm sure she'll come say hello--among other things like, 'what the hell are you doing here?'--when she's done socializing over there," Miguel replied.

"So elegant," Amber commented before sitting down beside Cecelia. Nadine followed suit.

"Yeah, it's times like these I forget she's an officer and not just another noble," he added to that. "So, Lieutenant, what do you think of the outfit, hm? Almost reminds you of a wedding dress, am I right?"

"Please don't say wedding dress, Lieutenant Colonel," Cain miserably grumbled before sluggishly taking a seat at the table Cecelia had claimed for them. Looking at his soup, he said, "I hope we're back on duty, soon. It's tough to see the Colonel talking it up with random nobles while there's real work to be done." And that dress ... Cain began eating his soup quickly in the hopes his blush would fade with him distracted.

Miguel sat down next and sighed. "Now that, we can agree on, though I wouldn't mind if she kept the dress if it weren't so blasted impractical in the field." Ah well. At least Nadine's still got us covered.

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"They had better stay out of my head. I like keeping my thoughts in order and not having them being an open read."

"If they read your mind, Tia, they would probably go insane." said Robin with a quick quip as she cradled the egg from earlier. Something felt a bit off about it, the weight having... shifted maybe? She didn't care. All she needed to do is not drop it for now.

Tia shot Robin a dirty look before pushing it aside. "Anyways, so, why are they our enemies anyways? They're the antithesis of the Avian, but why... Wait. It has to be something unique to us and this group, likely dealing with one of the leaders or higher-ups... Ummm... Hmmmm... Some sort of artifact or technology then? Wait. Is it Raquel's funny medallion? Might be perfectly ordinary but if there was some kind of relic or something that would cause them to single us out enough to be mentioned, a medallion would be a perfect disguise for it."

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"I'd rather stay here in the estate then- I need to look up some things for my new projects." He then turned to Hoshi, ready to hear the explanation of her project. Maybe I might be able to offer some assistance...


Nadya rolled her eyes and sighed as Tia asked why the Fallen were their enemies. "Either that kid's dumber than a bag of hammers or Ursian schools don't teach the important stuff anymore. People in Rex-Avaz know the Fallen kill people on sight right?" she asked the Rexians around her.

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"Well, I can't speak for the outside, but about Sanctuary it was simply said that they were no issue... Lady Aisha would prevent any threat they might make to her people." Faatina replied, when prompted by Nadya.

"Either way, I don't see why the Fallen are considered the enemies of humans on principle... such a blanket statement only makes the gap grow wider, and makes it more difficult for those who have no want for conflict to live as they are. Whether one is considered a villain or monster, hero or saint... it should be based on their own personal merits and actions, not on their species or race."

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