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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Connor had asked about his experiences with various tools, something Theodore was not unprepared to address. "Well, you could say that. I like to tinker with things, take them apart, see how they work, put them back together, even make my own sometimes. It's sort of a hobby. I can't claim to be... an expert with anything, but I like to make sure I'm at least generally proficient if it seems like it might come in handy. So while I'll know my way around how to use levels, chisels, spanners, saws, or whatnot, if it's something more highly specialized, you'd probably have to walk me through things. I'd probably end up hurting myself if you tossed me at an anvil or a lathe, for instance."

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Mushirah nodded, "Alright." she said, reassured in her endeavor to pry into his mind. "This'll be fun, and I promise I won't go blabbing about it. Not like I could right now, anyway..." she said, this time with a downtrodden look and tone. Keeping it at that, she resolved herself to not get more depressed about it at the moment, but rather try to just look at her situation objectively... and that didn't go so well for her, immediately realizing she's just going to be a blundering human for a while, if not due to a lack of balance then due to her lingering resentment and sorrow.

Jericho watched the proceedings and sighed. He couldn't understand why people were so upset that another person wasn't willing to be the brave hero that everyone read about in stories, but rather acted in a human fashion and deferred, at least slightly, the options to someone else. It wasn't until he registered the namedrop of Sardis that Jericho really started caring about his choice of employers. Turning to Veronika, "Sardis?" He started, quieter, "Like... greyish hair? Looks like a sniveling conniving fuck?" He used the best words he could think of to describe the guy, but ultimately went with derogatory slurs.

Aneda smiled at Lumi, at least trying to put on a face for her. She didn't need to be privy to Aneda's thoughts, nor would Aneda intentionally allow her negative attitude to accidentally spill over onto other people from now on, a promise she might not be able to keep because it's fairly impossible given her tendencies. Still, though, she was trying. "Seems people are really upset with her..." She mused more to herself than anything else. I know I disliked her, but... She's just a kid, I can't really yell at her now, can I? I was so prepared to just storm up and flaunt the fact that I was quitting, but now? Aneda was feeling a rather annoying amount of empathy for Raquel, mostly on a superficial level. Maybe I can reassure her or something. At least I know now that, even if it was something outside pushing her, she does care about the lives of others she's been throwing around.

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"I really hope we won't have any need of an anvil here, we're already behind enough as it is. It's great that you like to take things apart and put them together though, that's pretty much what we do here at Weyland Enterprises...well with a great deal more complexity involved," Connor added, trying to make sure that he wasn't equating the Dauntless with a birdhouse or something.

Dining Hall

"He does have greyish hair...the latter is more of a matter of opinion I suppose. If the Sardis you are speaking of is also a powerful dark magic user, you may be familiar with him- it is not a common name anywhere to my knowledge," Veronika remarked to Jericho.

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A Man Called Gar

"As much as you can be alone anyway," Gar randomly added unto Raquel's sentence. He could have added more, but now wasn't really the time to press any harder on some things. Though he grunted, as what he'd say if he wasn't biting his tongue was eerily close to what he'd be saying to Suzzy Q one of these days.

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Mushirah's Room

She seemed like she was still a little depressed, but Shadrak was sure his random writings would distract, if not entertain. He tried to get comfortable in his seat since he wasn't sure what else to do at the moment. He could meditate, but that would just be rude, he thought. He could say something, but he wasn't sure if she was the type who could read and have a conversation at the same time. He knew he wasn't.

Dining Hall

"I'll show you the possible locations shortly," Steinn assured Gar and Axel.

It seemed like as good a time as any to step out; no one was stopping her, though Gar did end up reminding her that she was never truly alone with Hypnos swimming around in her head somewhere. She would take what she could get, though, and Hypnos was silent most of the time anyway. She was starting for the exit when she overheard Veronika's chat with Jericho. Sardis being brought up in that context was a little weird and she sincerely doubted there was more than one Sardis running around. The need to escape the situation still outweighed her curiosity, though, and she decided to ask Veronika about it later, once she felt a little better. Blake was also back, which was a little surprising, but now she was the one leaving ... and she was also surprised that she didn't really feel like saying anything, either. Maybe he was in a bad mood before like she was now.

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When Lia was mentioned, Zach simply chewed on his pencil for a moment, trying to push those memories back down again... When Raquel left that made Veronika their defacto leader, and she was the one he needed to talk to anyways. Patting Aneda on the shoulder, he got up, moving over to where the red headed swordswoman was talking to the man that he'd teamed up with last night "When you've got a free moment Veronika, I need to talk to you about some things before any other major event comes up. I've got a couple ideas that might just help us out..."


Alphonse had to smile at the dancer's optimism "Saving the world eh? Sounds like just the job for the two of us I'd dare say. I'll see it through to the end if nothing else, though if you want to go home I'll get you there.... so long as I can come and visit? I'd rather not lose my best friend forever just because of some distance."

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The door opened and Valter was greeted by Joanna, who was looking beautiful as always. His nervousness about talking to her was starting to resurface, but he was going to follow through on the decision to check up on her anyway. “Morning,” he returned the greeting. “I’m… alright, considering the circumstances. I came to say goodbye before returning to the manor. And… to see how you were doing, after last night…” After he stopped worrying about himself, it became apparent that the Avian was preoccupied with something.


Synthia sighed. It had sure sounded like Raquel had been against helping at all. Reactionary, offended yelling wasn’t the best way to go about making points, but her reasons made more sense after the girl explained herself partially (in more reactionary, offended yelling). The mage had to admit she agreed with some of the concerns, but it was a bit too late for that now. “That probably would’ve gone better if she’d explained herself more appropriately,” she muttered.

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"Not like she's an actual fighter," Gytha quietly responded to Synthia before heaving a sigh. This morning wasn't going so well anymore -- not in the slightest. "She's just a merchant when it comes down t' it. All this" she lazily swiveled her hand around on her wrist "just sort o' fell ina 'er lap."

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"If that gate gets open, going to fight to save my family will be a suicide mission at best no matter what I do. However, my father and mother deserve at least the chance for a warning so they can go down fighting. If you ever see my brother... punch him out as hard as you can. Then lock him in the safest place you can find so he will be safe. I doubt my presence with your army will matter for much though. The ability to carve stone does not mean I will be useful for disassembling a gate."

Robin then shot a look over to Zach. This would doubtless mean that they were going to be parting ways again, but... so much had changed since she had last known him. He wasn't the Zach she had known and, somehow, she doubted he'd really care if she left at this point. She doubted anyone would.

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There was an awkward silence when Mushirah figured Shadrak was waiting for her to read it or something, in which she coughed and started casually leafing through it. "Um..." she started, not quite sure how she'd come off at first. "I was kinda hoping I could read it in private." Wide eyed, she stammered for over words until she regained her composure (slightly) "I-I mean, not that I want you to get out just that I would rather read it when I've got time to myself. I don't think I'd be very good at multitasking at the moment, so.. I'd rather save this." She ended on a good note, smiling, before her eyebrows furrowed, "Although I don't really know what else to talk about that hasn't really been said."

Bringing his fast down a bit too hard, but not enough for anything regarding structural integrity (It'll happen at some point folks, don't get too sad), Jericho gritted his teeth and spoke in a (if he had an actual physique to match it) threatening growl, "That. Bastard..." It took him a deep breath to get himself out of his seething hatred, "Look, Veronika? I know I'm already hired and I already implied I'd do my damn job but you can expect more out of this guy from now on. If anything I can do can help bring down that ass, I'm behind it, one hundred percent."

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"Well, we were planning to kill him anyway so your support is...fortuitous," Veronika responded to Jericho. Probably has something to do with his brother- I won't pry for now though. She then turned towards Zach who had requested her attention. "Now should work well enough- did you want to discuss this here or privately?" she asked him.

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Not an actual fighter, yet she chases after Sardis so doggedly, Synthia mused. “Yes she is just a merchant, but I’m just a banker’s daughter and you’re just a sailor. I don't see how that makes a difference. Despite ‘being just a merchant’, she’s decided to take on a powerful criminal organization, so, at this point, I don’t think that’s a valid excuse.

“She’s not in this alone either, and I wish she’d stop acting like it. There are several people who, for whatever reason, would be more than willing to help her deal with the situation. In addition, she just alienated Steinn, who was going to replace her emblem piece for simply delivering a message to the Neviskotians. I don’t remember him requiring her to destroy the gate herself,” Synthia explained. She held her arms out in a gesture of exasperation. “If she had taken the time to think, instead of just reacting….”

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A Man Called Gar

Gar tapped his fingers against the table as he waited for the map to arrive and things to get more annoying. Some of the others were still reacting to Raquel's outburst. Should he intervene? Ehhhh... "Ooooh? And how much of this darling little adventure has been her getting manipulated and forced into doing things?" Gar asked, halfway serious to eek out a point.

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Mushirah's Room

"Hmm," Shadrak looked intently at the window. "Just as well. I should go and see how many people are actually going to help out with this archive issue. You can read it while I'm gone or later if you don't feel like it just yet," he offered. It was a decent way to end things, but he'd wait for her answer before he started focusing on what he knew of the rune knights so far ... such as how unbelievably fast their strikes were.

Dining Hall

There was more to go over ... more context, but Steinn decided to focus on the map issue specifically for now. Fortunately, that was already being taken care of by Weyland, who had just instructed Tamara to go and get one. All he need do now was wait a minute. In the meantime ... "To clarify, the emblem piece was contingent on your group assaulting one of the gates, either directly or through proxies, though you would only need to survive, yourselves, and contribute to overall victory to receive the emblem piece as far as I'm concerned."

Raquel ended up leaving just as Tamara did, falling in line behind her, tuning out the conversations as best she could and parting ways down the hall. Rescue my father ... shut down Sardis and the rest of them ... maybe the latter is going too far, but I don't see any other way to make sure they never do anything like this again.

"If not for the emblem piece at stake, I wouldn't advise us getting involved in this, either," Malik noted. It was a response to what Gytha said but was mainly aimed at Amon and Fizza. "That was probably the right thing to do," he told Amon directly. <It will still be awhile, though ...>

"Uh oh. You know you've messed up somewhere along the way when Malik is okay with it," Fizza teased. Going into a bit of musing, herself, she muttered, "I wonder if I can take on one of those tougher fallen and win. It's never on the level, normally ... always too weak to want to bother or so strong they can kill with a glance ..."

"I'll be back soon," Amon pushed his chair back into its spot and made for the door, as well.

Joanna's Room

"Oh, I'm fine. Nothing worth complaining about," she shook her head. "Are you going to be traveling again? After you return to Mister Weyland's home, I mean." She wasn't expecting to see him for awhile if that was the case, just like before.

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"Actualla," Gytha corrected Synthia with something of a frown, "I'm a hired sword. I handle both a sailor's r'sponsabilitas and a maercenara. Me main job is t' protect a ship from pirates if they attack, but I help with th' ship work, too."

Gytha did agree that Raquel wasn't alone, but as far as she was concerned -- and according to her personal experience -- merchants always had the mindset of avoiding physical confrontation as much as they could. That was why they hired people like her. Also, Gytha had been under the impression that Raquel getting the emblem piece was dependant on her and her group actually going to the gate. Gar spoke up about then, though and the mariner found herself agreeing with him. Steinn clarified what he meant with regard to getting the emblem piece, too.

Then Malik spoke up. This was probably the first time the mariner heard him speaking without being some form of irritated. When Fizza started teasing him, she figured that his relatively good mood wouldn't last long, though. Then, Amon got up and left. Gytha watched him leave with concern. As much as she wanted to follow after him and ask what was wrong, he'd made it clear that he didn't want to talk about it. Still, she pondered the idea a little longer.

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"Either is fine with me, though if you'd prefer less.... witty comments that will no doubt come our way despite this being a very serious conversation, it might be best to talk in private. It's up to you really, but the two of us certainly need to start planning." Zach replied to the red head.

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"It might be easier to speak in private, yes. Let's just go out into the hall," Veronika suggested to Zach, getting up from her seat and exiting the dining hall, wiating for the mage with her arms crossed.

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Nodding, Zach went to grab his bag from where he'd left it on the table before following after Veronika, trying to get everything straight in his head to make this as easy as possible. "<Right... so, I'm going to be completely blunt here for a moment, I'm going to completely rely on you for this Veronika, you're a noble, one of the only noble's I've ever met that I trust. Steinn has a few points about what he's saying, but I honestly believe he's severely underestimating the power that the Dragons of our homeland hold. We need them... we need them badly, and we have to prove that to the military.>"

Stopping for a breath, Zach ran his hand through his hair, thumbing over to a previous page of his journal and sharing the contents. "<Even if the number of Dragons is incredibly small, quality over quantity has never been more relevant. One that isn't even trained is still so much more powerful than an average mage. I've met my share of them in the past, Mother took me on a few trips to talk to some old 'War Acquaintances' as she called them. I don't have any political power, all I am is the son of The Blitz, but you... Veronika you might be able to convince people to believe us.>"

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"<Well, most of the dragons I know of are in the military- there are ones outside of there of course, but I have no idea how to contact them. I can possibly get us an audience with the Conclave- if Tatiana is agreeable- but I fear that we do not have much of a case. There's the attack on Europa, and the word of a Fallen prince which will mean less than nothing,>" Veronika noted. I wasn't aware his mother was someone of influence- though maybe she's just famous around Ohka.

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"<It's a long shot but I don't see any other choice than us actually trying. I did a bit of calculations while we were back in the dining hall, and if the information I have isn't too outdated, and it might be for all I know, with the amount of firepower that Neviskotia has at it's disposal, kill zones could easily be set up, rotations of dragons and mages that are unable to continue. I've got no idea how many demons and Fallen may come through, but even a Prince shouldn't be able to stand up to the might of six dragons bearing everything they have on him.>" Zach replied.

A small smile started to break out on his face fairly quick however "<You're wondering who The Blitz is, yes? My mother joined the military at thirteen, she'd already been training for quite a while with her own magic teacher. She was a Thunder mage, like me, made it to Captain before retiring to start a family, but she'd gottten quite the name for herself by then... she taught me everything I know before she died.>" He seemed fairly nostalgic while talking about the deceased woman. Shaking his head a bit as if though to clear it "It's been a very long time though, her name may mean nothing anymore, and the only proof I even have of being her son are the spells that she created and passed to me.>"

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<"Well if demons and Fallen are already coming through, it should be easy to convince the Emperor or the Conclave to act...but it might be too late by then. Military units are not supposed to act without the approval of the Empire- the Guardian Corps are exempt from this restriction in times of great need, but their identities are hidden...for the most part,"> Veronika responded to Zach. <"Do you know how to find these old friends of your mother?">

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Zach had to pause for a moment "<I... think I should be able to find them, it's doubtful they've moved around very much. Who knows how long it may take though, they're not incredibly far away from where we're going, but I doubt Raquel is going to be in the mood for any detours, so I may have to go on my own unless we can make contact with Kit and she's willing to help.>"

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<"Considering that even I'm not sure exactly where we're going, we may not be very close to them at all. I think we should try to find General Peter Bosconovitch- he doesn't have the reputation for being the most friendly, but I trust him more than some...fox woman thing. I am fairly certain he is a Guardian Corps member so we will just have to convince him- which should be easier than dealing with the entire Conclave."> Besides, there are other matters to discuss with the good general as well.

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