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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Hall of Truth

"We're waiting for everyone we brought with us that isn't here yet, which seems like Amon and his people for the most part," Shadrak answered.

"And Greta," Reign added as he looked around.

"As for how many, there were only two guarding the door last time and she just said nothing's changed, so I assume there's only two of them still."

"I thought I told you not to assume anything about the archives," Io teased. "Oh well ..." She sat down across the isle from Simon, who was still listening in.


"The way he described them, it sounded more like they were going to be building some kind of structure," Malik explained while thinking back to the conversation. That wasn't to say a magic seal wouldn't work, but there was no way to be sure until they had another chance to ask Steinn about them.

"A magic seal is a liability until then, though," Fizza noted.

Amon overheard most of that as he approached and chimed in. "It's definitely a structure, but if it uses magic openly, a seal should have some effect, at least. We'll ask Steinn about it when we get back. For now, I want to learn what I can from the archives, so let's catch up to the others."

Not sure if I should be going in there ... this emblem stuff and these archive shenanigans have nothing to do with me, Greta mused.

Dining Hall

"You'd dare tell me what to do?!" Aaron angrily stood from the table and slammed his hands down. His guards weren't moving yet but they were ready for whatever happened next, be it a peaceful resolution or all out violence. "I take it you two aren't interested in leaving Ursium alive, are you?"

"It doesn't really matter since your king isn't inclined to let us," Steinn countered in a calm, serene tone. "That's one of the reasons I'm having such a difficult time taking either of you seriously. You're merely the first among several excuses he'll use to put us down, and the only reason I'm avoiding violence at this juncture is because any open hostilities between myself and this odd excuse for a government will only give Valdimarr the advantage."

"I don't see how keeping either of you alive aids us in the slightest at this point. I'm sure you've shared enough with Weyland for us to get by," he glanced at Weyland, both annoyed but also pleased with the conclusion. If it was true then that was just one less reason to tolerate Steinn's presence in Ursium.

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"That's true... I'd definitely feel it if we had to lug a seal around with us to attach to that thing... well, considering warping would be done with either dark or light magic, and if it's being used by the Falen, most certainly it'll be dark... it wouldn't really effect me too much if we had a specialized seal, I guess." Angelica continued with a shrug, before Amon joined the conversation openly.

"Good to see you, Amon. Atleast you've got a lead now, huh? Not that it's a particularly nice lead to follow, by the sounds of it..."


"Milord, I truly do not understand... how can a society exist where such an airheaded buffoon is anything but a lowly beggar simply waiting to be made a meal of? I didn't think it possible that something could be so confusing as to completely overtake my anger towards this fool..." Annelise asked, turning towards Steinn with a curious gaze. As much as it seemed like a jab, and would surely be taken as one, the question was in fact, entirely serious.

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"I actually prefer it this way," Amon admitted. "There isn't a doubt in my mind that we should take away Valdimarr's emblem piece." A clear and cut objective was refreshing for a change, despite how dangerous the task had now become. No need to steal fragments from friends or others in genuine need. "I just wish Raquel hadn't gotten the offer first." It's starting to feel like we're on different sides now ... "We should catch up to the others," he suggested, starting off toward the entrance. He took note of the two knights guarding it, as they looked exactly like the archive guardians from the day before.

Dining Hall

"Shut your mouth, you contemptuous little whore! The only reason you and your conniving master there aren't being dragged through the streets for a public execution right now is because there's still a slim chance you can be of help to Ursium. Our king is a reasonable man after all, but we need to know everything you know."

You should have seen the look on his face last night ... I'm sure it's all he can do to keep from taking a swing at us himself, Weyland mused.

"This society is based on currency and influence," Steinn answered. "As such, anyone clever enough can attain great wealth and power and have it all protected by petty civil rights laws. Unfortunately, people like Knox here can easily become the 'elite' in a system like this and, short of being butchered, maintain their titles and possessions for life."

"If the king is so 'reasonable', tell him to arrange a meeting," Weyland suddenly demanded, pointing a finger at Aaron. "There's no sense in letting a bias envoy like you report whatever you bloody well please after this is over and done with." It sounded like Weyland was done going along with this farce. Just as well, Steinn decided.

"The king is making a public address soon or I'm certain he would have gladly paid you a visit, Weyland," Aaron explained. "If you'd rather meet with the king in person, I'll oblige and be on my way, but you should know as well as I do that you've done nothing to improve your situation by disrespecting and turning away a servant of the king. I honestly don't know how you expect to survive this, Weyland. Your company is not immune to the king's wrath, and neither are you. Do you really want to risk everything for these savages?" Aaron nudged his head toward Steinn and Annelise.

It had little to do with them, actually, but Weyland was tired, of answering questions and of playing the king's little game.

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Jam quietly listened as the meeting quickly escalated to death threats. Fortunately, despite the force Aaron brought over, the envoy was only capable of threats. True, the dancer wasn't entirely trusting of Steinn, but she'd side with him before this lout. Besides, this Weyland was a friend to Raquel's group, who helped Greta's company (including Jam) from being incinerated by that dragon. Needless to say, the dancer knew who she was rooting for.

"I never knew diplomacy could be so dramatic," Jam thought to herself. Though she didn't want a battle to break out, the dancer really wanted Aaron to be given the boot.

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"Hmm." Jericho grunted, wondering what's exactly waiting for them at this point. If we can't assume anything, that leaves too many options, but then again, I'm going to just assume she's scoffing at the 'only two' part of that. he thought, obviously trying to figure out what was said. Well, to him it seemed a bit obvious, but then again, he wasn't dead set on this assumption and so he left it open to only himself. He wasn't even sure he was willing to deal with guards at this point, but hey, he could at least stand by... maybe.

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"Did he know you were looking for one? I mean Raquel had been working with Weyland before, right? He probably already knew she needed one, that might be why he dangled it in front of her." Angelica replied, before they apparently began to regroup towards the inside of the Cathedral.


"Such a thing feels very fickle... it feels useless to preserve such a thing... though I suppose if we simply allowed Valdimarr to wipe them out his foothold would be too great... what a bother." Annelise added with a sigh, before turning back to Aaron.

"Respect follows respect, servant of the King. For you to come here, doing nothing but spreading hate and looking down on all that you lay eyes on, and to expect to be respected, is laughable. Go, tell your King Sir Weyland's message, and be out of my sight before I can no longer contain myself and make your pampered little head a trophy on Milord's wall." The Fallen warrior concluded, any shred of patience having clearly left her. In fact, one could say they could feel the stifling thickness of her killing intent spread throughout the room... mostly because they literally could, dark flames beginning to lick the floor about her feet, as the glow in her eyes intensified.


Well this was getting heated... literally. Well, Arietta supposed it was bound to end up like this, anyway.

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Hall of Truth

"He probably didn't, but since he mentioned it to Raquel I ... I don't know ..." It reminds me of when we first met. I had the chance to take the emblem piece then, too, but I didn't. Things were different in so many ways this time but it still felt ... wrong. Speaking of wrong, those knights were more unsettling than he remembered and he was glad he probably wouldn't have to take part in this insane match up. His knife would be almost useless, he figured.

Once they were all inside the Hall of Truth, Shadrak approached Amon. "We still need your trinket to find the emblem piece if it's not in plain sight," he whispered.

"Can't Raquel sense them? Aside from receiving it afterward, isn't that why we brought her?" he asked, not bothering to whisper since his reply was vague enough to confuse most people not associated with them.

"Uh ... hmm. I guess so." I probably should have kept my notes with me. I usually look over the important stuff during trips but this time was obviously different. Oh well. At least he remembered.

Amon had one extra blonde with him which Raquel found interesting. Angelica wasn't there when they set out from the estate, was she? Reign on the other hand was trying to decide whether to let Io know they were ready to head to the 'outer chamber' now or just wait for Veronika or someone to do it.

Io, at this point had found herself in a little conversation with Simon, who had changed seats. He was now sitting next to her and was at the edge of the left isle. She was half asleep again but still capable of holding a conversation. "Yes, they're going into the archives. What for, well that's their business," she drowsily answered him.

"I see, I see. Well ... I would love the chance to take a peek in there myself ... if that would be alright. I know drawing a large crowd would be ... ridiculous at this point, but they already seem to have quite a few people involved and I doubt one extra would do any harm," Simon explained, choosing his words very carefully.

"You could always ask them ..."

"With all due respect, Priestess Io, these archives belong to Lord Truth, not these fine young people."

"Good point. I have a question for you. Do you have anything to offer? Hidden knowledge, anything no one else should know about? Anything no one else could know about?" Io asked, giving him a sleepy/inquisitive gaze. "You see, people rarely seek out the archives to offer new information, only to receive it. It would be nice if more people contributed ..."

"I see ... well I- ... I'm privy to quite a few secrets, actually," Simon smiled. This was right up his alley, really. He was a damn information broker and had connections to an international shadow organization. "If you'll allow me into the archives, I will gladly share my knowledge. However, I must ask my dear priestess that the information not be shared with just anyone in the future."

Io smiled. "Deal."

Dining Hall

"STRIKE FIRST, WHORE!!! I DARE YOU!!!" Aaron shouted. "You, your master, and Weyland will all be hanging from the gallows or drowning in your own blood within the hour!" His guards were ready now and though they didn't draw their weapons, they still stood from the table to be in a better position to react. All the while, the little note taker boy was writing down everything he could catch. It was going to be a pretty confusing transcription even if he got everything perfectly.

"Let's not turn this into a needless battle," Weyland insisted, having reached the edges of his calm.

"It wouldn't be a battle so much as a slaughter, but Weyland's right. Let's not give this debate anymore of our time or energy. It hardly warrants it. Let us simply part ways here and hope the 'king' is as reasonable as Knox here claims," Steinn added. "Then maybe we'll reach a point where we can begin focusing on the real problem again."

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"You think a petty dare will move me? As aggravating as your words are, they are just that, worthless banter. Tell me, have you anything but baseless insults to throw, diplomat? ... Urgh, it turns my stomach to use such a word to describe such a ... savage." Annelise retorted, turning back to Steinn with a sigh to deliver her feelings towards the whole situation.


"Aight, that's about enough. from everyone. You've had your fill, I trust, Envoy? Looks like this meeting's at it's end." Arietta chimed in, stepping forward.


"Well, she passed it up, and you've got your shot now, right? That's what counts." Angelica noted.

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Just as things settled down a bit at Weyland's, they threatened to bubble over into a bloodbath. Aaron's threats had the backing of his bodyguards, who rose up as he raised his voice. Jam stood up as well, peeking towards the doorway to see if things went even further. Egging the envoy was not helping matters, as big bird's bodyguard Annelise was doing. The dancer waited with baited breath to see if Aaron would accept the end of the meeting. Mostly so she could get out of the way whenever he stormed out.

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"All right that seems like everyone- I think we're ready to head into the outer chamber," Veronika said to Io.

This kinda seems like it might be a trap. She doesn't get anythin' outta us smackin' around her armored friends, so why would she be givin' up an emblem piece for that? Nadya wondered to herself, though still ready to assist.

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Hall of Truth

"Okay, then," Io stood up and adjusted her cloak slightly. "Let's be on our way, then. By the way, Simon here will be accompanying us, but don't mind him. He's just making a donation."

"A pleasure," Simon bowed his head slightly. "I believe I met some of you at last night's ball."

He was at the ball? Raquel pondered. Maybe he just recognizes me from there.

Io wasn't waiting around for the greetings to wrap up and had already started down the hall by the time Simon mentioned the ball. There was little choice but to follow at that point.

Time to see how they deal with pesky guards, Nadine mused as the group started off.

The Outer Chamber

Finally, they were back in this place. Little seemed changed from the previous day, at least as far as Shadrak could tell. The door was the same as he remembered and it was still flanked on both sides by two deceptively idle knights. What Shadrak began to worry about as they came further into the chamber was the additional knights in the area. He counted four others, but given their positions relative to each other, there were likely two he couldn't see from where he was standing, on the far side of the inner chamber.

"It's still just two knights we have to beat ... right?" he asked Io, nervousness creeping into his voice.

"A word of advice ... don't use a single person more than you need for this."

Of course ... if we swarm those two, the others will just swarm us right back. Are they really content to just sit this out as long as it's not completely one sided, though? If that's the case ... "I'll just be watching," Reign spoke up before taking a spot on the wall by the entrance and leaning there. A shame there wasn't anything to snack on.

"Same here," Amon regretfully muttered. "You know this isn't my kind of fight, after all."

Raquel frowned. She wasn't used to the group only fighting with a fraction of its numbers, but if they accidentally bit off more than they could chew, they probably wouldn't get into the archives at all. Once she moved further into the room herself, she did begin to feel something from almost directly ahead of her. It was definitely that familiar 'emblem' feeling, but should she really be getting her hopes up right now? She'd never come across an actual fake as far as she could tell and wasn't sure if they couldn't fool her senses too. The very idea seemed silly but after Io's warning about assumptions ...

"Raquel, you should probably sit this one out. One hit from these guys and you'll probably be ... well ..." he shrugged, "Just a precaution."

It certainly would be stupid if she lost her head during the fight to get her an overpowered relic to keep her from losing her head, Nadine thought to herself.

Dining Hall

"For all your talk, you're nothing more than a dog on a leash-" Aaron was suddenly cut off by an incredibly loud bang and a tiny rush of wind by his head. As a bullet buried itself in the wall on the other side of the dining hall, he knew Steinn had just taken a shot at him and his guards were in front of him ready to block the next attack in an instant. The boy taking notes grabbed everything and disappeared underneath the table.

Steinn took a moment to blow the smoke off the barrel and then calmly said, "Weyland's message to the king is to arrange a meeting in person ... at his earliest convenience, of course. My message to him is to never waste my time in this manner again. Every moment wasted here could have been spent focusing on thwarting my brother's plans and saving these civilians you're so bent out of shape about."

"Thank you for putting a fresh hole in the wall," Weyland scowled. "Not like one extra matters, but please try to find a cleaner way to make your points in the future, please."

Aaron took a few steps back and quickly composed himself. Steinn was so quick he didn't have time to figure out that he was about to draw a gun on him. He didn't even know about the gun until after there was a hole in the wall. It was definitely time to leave, but not with his tail between his legs. His pride would never allow for something so pathetic. Straightening up, he said, "No respect for authority or even the king himself, but you can still get out of this with your lives if you don't overstep your bounds in the future. I'd planned on seeing more of your people on this matter but I can tell by the state of this mansion that most of them are in hiding and those who are present are well prepared to withhold anything you don't want the king finding out about. That ... will be in my report as well."

Weyland closed his eyes, sighed rather deeply and then shrugged. "Very well. His opinion of us can't get much worse anyway, or at least I doubt it can for the time being."

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Outer Chamber

"Coming all the way here simply to watch seems like a waste, but if more of us will make this more difficult then I suppose I will have to sit out as well. I cannot cut through armor that thick," Veronika said, leaning against the wall.

"I better go in. Would be pretty hard to explain if anyone died over this," Nadya said, stepping up.

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Annelise couldn't help but smirk as her reply was delivered in full, and beyond, by Steinn. That certainly ruffled the little man's feathers.

"As you can see, this leash of mine can be quite loose when the need arises... but when reasonable, any kill of mine will of course, first be graciously offered to my Lord, to partake in as he pleases. If I am to be a dog to a master, certainly better mine than yours." The petite guard concluded, at this point no longer bothering to make her threats subtle. Taking a hold of her scythe and allowing the foreboding black flames to lick the blade, she took her place in between Steinn and Aaron's own guardsmen.


It didn't seem like Weyland would be the focus of any of this, were a fight to break out, but... just in case, Arietta moved to cover her boss.

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Eva followed along, hands behind her head without a care in the world. When they arrived in the inner chamber, she made a count of all the knights she could see, listening in on Shadrak's worry. Just two? That really doesn't seem like it'd be a challenge. They must have something about them if this Io thinks two's enough for all of us. But there wasn't much she could do aside from muse, so she simply unstrapped her claymore and yawned. "Let me know when you're ready to start this. And make sure I'm up front."

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Outer Chamber

"Alright, let's get into some formations," Shadrak suggested, pausing afterward to glance at the knights. He was regretting not going over a plan and picking specific people for roles at the estate. Doing any of that work now, and in front of the enemy just seemed silly to him. Hopefully the simplicity and straightforwardness of their approach would be enough to make up for the enemy knowing exactly what to expect. For the time being, he offered the foremost spot to Eva so she could do what she came to do, route attacks that would otherwise smash their casters.

That was when something occurred to Amon. "Aren't you going to have to do the same thing you did last time and approach the door before they do anything?"

"Not really," Io chimed in. "Koray, Tuncay," she called the two knights "They want something from the archives but haven't brought anything, themselves~" ... and the knights moved. For the first time since anyone entered the outer chamber, the knights moved. They quickly took up ready positions, Koray, the knight on the right, held his sword in a traditional fashion, with two hands and in a defensive posture. Tuncay held his blade with one hand and handled the thing as easily as a rapier. "There you go. Now you don't have to stick your neck out like last time. They'll gladly come to you, now."

"... thanks ..." Shadrak said, with all the uncertainty one would expect given what just happened.

Dining Hall

"Hmph, your master isn't long for this world if this is how he handles an official inquiry," Aaron scoffed.

<Neither is yours,> Steinn countered. better to keep it mental, but of course, Aaron caught it anyway thanks to the timing.

Instead of saying anything else, even to that mental jab of his, Aaron turned to leave and, after the boy was lured out from the table by one of his bodyguards, his group made for the exit.

Once Aaron and his group were out of earshot, Weyland looked at Steinn. "Steinn, was all that really necessary?" he grimaced. Minor burns, a bullet hole, and a damn near enraged envoy, and they were only just getting started before Knox decided to cut the meeting short.

"Quite. Your people really don't need to suffer this kind of harassment after what happened last night. A little nudging here, a little antagonizing there and he leaves without finishing his assignment."

"Your way of saying thanks?" Weyland cocked his head slightly, on the verge of smiling.

"It is," Steinn nodded.

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"Good riddance... what a foul man." Annelise chimed in, before turning towards Steinn with a bow.

"I apologize if I spoke out of line, Lord Devlinos... I simply could not endure the slander he was layering upon you."

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Outer Chamber

Zach had fallen behind the rest of the group, his thoughts were clouded a bit honestly, he was worried about Phee. Truthfully he hadn't wanted to leave the child just yet, but felt this little trip was well worth the time apart, yet the decision had clouded his mind hand left him dragging his feet, and that was something he was deeply regretting as he finally caught up, the situation was seeming... not great, to say the least. He'd let the others take charge here, he was Skotian after all, no need to piss anyone off unneededly....for now.

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"Oh, I'm in." Stepping up to slightly behind Eva, Erion grinned as he drew his knives. "There's no way I'm sitting on the sidelines for this one."

Lumi grinned. Pulling out her sword and ice tonfa, she added, "I'm in too. Seems like we've got ourselves a fight, and I know I'm up for it. Orville, you still in?"

Hoshi took a deep breath and then nodded to herself. Pulling her tome out, she faced Shadrack. "I'm willing to fight too. If you are ok with that."

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Eva shook herself awake, as, while the cathedral was quite a sight to see, she was getting bored with all the talk. When the knights sprung into action, so she did, two hands on her sword's hilt, ready to intercept any attack. "<Let's get this party started, yeah? It's what I'm here for, after all.>" I haven't had a good fight against an actual person in a while... This'll be some good practice.

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OoC: just quickly catching up people who are in this thing


Katrina had donned her usual chain and plate mail before riding with the group to the cathedral, and now that fighting was about to start she unslung her axe and took a defensive stance in the front near Eva. She laughed, and it could be described as slightly maniacal. "I'd love to see them try to get past the two of us."



The mage had to admit, this situation seemed all kinds of illegal, but after many of the things she'd been involved in with this group it hardly phased her now. The knights were certainly imposing, and her eyes widened slightly in panic as they took up fighting stances. It was really strange to see after their presence as living statues.

Synthia stood to the back of those planning to fight, with staff in hand. "I'm planning to help as well, though hopefully you won't need me," she stated.

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Orville was amazed at the interior of the cathedral having only seen the exterior a few times in passing, unfortunately never having the time to enter when he'd been in Europa before. So amazed he was that he almost got himself separated from Raquel's group, having almost missed the group heading to the outer chamber. "Oh, er, right! Of course I am," Orville replied, stumbling over his words. He'd gone and gotten himself distracted again, thinking about the knights and how formidable of foes they'd be. He'd have to work on keeping focused lest he be killed one of these days. "I did volunteer myself for this after all."

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On the wagon ride over, there hadn't been that much to do really. Theodore picked up on a few names from conversation, but it wasn't really a setting for any sort of proper introductions, so with little else to do he'd eventually struck up a bit of a conversation with the alchemist about some of the finer points of tendril magic, though again, a wagon wasn't the place for any sort of practical demonstrations or anything of the like. Plus they were soon to arrive at the destination, having to put off any more of that sort of talk for another time. Hoshi certainly seemed to be an interesting one, though, flipping from excitable and self-sure to passive and insecure at the drop of a hat.

Tagging along with the delegation as they'd made their way inside the cathedral, he hadn't felt central enough to impose in any of the dialogue with the acolyte, nor even with Priestess Io, or Simon, who he recognized and recalled from the ball. When it turned out the man would be joining them for the sake of 'making a contribution to the archives' he had to give a bit of a bemused smile. Well, a chance at the archives of Truth was certainly not to be passed up by any measure, and Farnesworth was even finding himself getting a little giddy with thoughts of what secrets may lay inside.

It seemed at this point they were in the winnowing down selection of who was actually going to fight and who was not, and well... since he'd been specially requested, now was as good a time to step forward as any wasn't it? Moving toward the front, he clapped a hand lightly on Hoshi's shoulder and said, "Alright, I pretty much promised I'll be keeping you safe in this one, and I'm confident enough to cover one more, so I guess unless you had someone else in mind, we'll just fill it in with one of these others here, huh?"

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Jumping slightly at the touch, Hoshi calmed herself when she saw it was only Theo. "Oh, uhm, yes. I didn't have anyone in mind but... perhaps one of the healers? I feel like keeping one of them safe should be a priority. We don't want to, uhm, have any accidents here. Especially not after last night." Her throat tightened slightly at the thought of the people they had lost the previous night. She closed her eyes for a second and then opened them. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about that.

Erion meanwhile just raised an eyebrow as Kat jumped in the front as well. "Huh, never would've imagined I would have two lovely ladies protecting me. Well, hopefully I will not need your aid, especially since if I had to actually guess, at least one of you will be more busy protecting others than me. There are probably more important people to protect. Ah well."

Lumi grinned at Orville. "Oh come on. It'll be fun. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Worst case, I'll protect you. I promise."

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"<Yeah, I never took you for a frontliner, Kat. Can't say I'm disappointed, though!>" Erion made some expected comments, and Eva simply laughed. Not something one should be doing whilst getting ready for a battle, but he was most amusing. "Don't make me have to save your ass. If I have to, you'll get punished when we're done here. Better show me what you can do, Erion."

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"Oh it's not that, you just... surprised me is all. I get lost in thought sometimes and well, that tends to happen whenever I'm suddenly brought out of them," Orville explained. "Though I do wonder just how strong these knights are," he said looking at the two knights. "They appear highly skilled, but if you think it'll be fun I'll take your word for it. It's sure to be most difficult battle I've fought up to this point in my life at least," he said as he pulled out his tome. "At the very least it'll be interesting."

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