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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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"Pff, you honestly think that'll work?" Shadrak scoffed.

Gar's word choice gave Raquel an idea. Umm, Hypnos? Do you have any idea how this door works?

It doesn't. Well ... yes, it is a door, but it's a pair of 'sliding' doors built into the inner chamber ... far too heavy for humans to move. The archives are effectively sealed until something strong enough to budge the doors does so. At that point, the way will be open.

"So basically we should have brought some earth mages," Raquel concluded aloud. Forgetting that she was thinking out loud again, she went onto the next question. "Do you know what the source is Io mentioned?"

I'm not sure, but ...

"... but ...?"

But I'm looking forward to finding out. There are only a couple of possibilities given the circumstances and one of those possibilities is wonderful~

"Urgh ... well, at least he's not quite as vague as he used to be. Shadrak ..." She meant to call Hoshi too but suddenly forgot her name and hesitated to make a guess. To recover, she simply focused on Shadrak. "That door isn't going to open on its own after all. It has to be moved by something really strong."

While Raquel relayed that bit of information to the door team, Reign wandered over to Synthia, who still looked to be out cold. For some inexplicable reason, Simon had lost interest in the door and beat him to her. "Poor dear, attacked not once but twice. Are we certain she'll be alright?" Now Reign was beginning to wonder if he should just go back to that spot on the wall while it was still warm. This seemed more than handled.

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"People have differing opinions... I use it like a dagger so I consider it one." Angelica replied with a smirk, before giving Eva the slightest little grin, the mischief so entirely obvious in her eyes that it was almost unsettling compared to how subtle she usually was about that sort of thing.

<"Well, this just got awkward, didn't it?"> The adept noted to the wyvern rider, in what could only be described as fluent Neviskotian.

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"<Yeah, seriously, if she could...>" but it wasn't Erion that had just spoken, it was very clearly Angelica, causing Eva to shut down and fluster her gaze at the floor, face quite boldly turning red. If anyone had ever want to see her shut down, now was the perfect moment.

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"I'm noticing that all too much in the single day I've been near her..." Jericho admitted, sounding a little defeated. "Zach, got it. The name's Jericho. Honestly... you can call me whatever, just so long as it isn't some form of derogatory slur towards me specifically. Beyond that, I'm good." Looking over at the door, he frowned, still not sure what he was even supposed or allowed to do at this rate, "Man... I don't even fucking get magic half the time. What even the hell is it? Just... What."

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<"Ah... right. I'd forgotten that one. But it's fine. Seriously, Eva, look at me. It doesn't matter. Not really, does it?"> He lifted her chin with two fingers and smiled at her. <"No need to be embarrassed. Just look at me. It's ok."> His gentle smile was hopefully conveying the fact that he didn't care about being overheard and nor should she. <"I would have been saying all of this in Common except I know you like talking in our native tongue. I don't see a need to hide what I'm saying. I'm not ashamed of it.">


"Hmm... So like earth magic? Or something else maybe... Perhaps the dark magic user on the other side of the door can open it. Or maybe... Could a group of us working together open it perhaps? Maybe... uhm, Shadrack? Right? Maybe you and I working together could open it?" Hoshi took a step back from the door to get a better look at it. Hopefully all of this fighting hadn't been for nothing.

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"Man, she took that worse than I thought she would." Angelica replied, clicking her tongue slightly as she backed off a short distance, giving Erion a wink as she did so... the man was quick on the uptake, she had to give him that.

<"I'd like to think I'm pretty lax about this sort of thing... atleast more than most. The only thing I might get on you about is that you had the nerve to kiss him straighy out, and not even offer one to me as well."> Angelica concluded, with a light grin. Couldn't just completely let off the throttle, after all. That'd be far too humanitarian

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"It would be rather embarrassing to go through all this just to be defeated by a door," Veronika remarked. This seemed like a magical matter where her advice would be of little use unfortunately.

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Eva mustered up her courage as Erion raised her face and told her it was all fine, nodding with a slightly awkward smile. "<O-Of course! Why would that bother me? Ahahaha...>" Ohhhh, that was a brave face if I've ever seen one. Her face was still red but she was doing her best to not be embarrassed, going along with Angelica's jokes as best as she could. "<You still want one, then? Smooches for all, why not?>" Her voice was quite obviously uneasy, but she held a smile, hopefully letting on that she was doing her best to play along.

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<"Ooh, quite brave of you for how flustered you were a moment ago... but you should be careful what you sign up for."> Angelica replied with a giggle, as she closed the distance between herself and the wyvern rider, cupping the other woman's face gently, an absolutely devilish grin on her own as she lingered, her lips nearly grazing against Eva's as she held position, gazing directly up into the taller woman's green eyes with her own scarlet ones, expression a mix of sultry expectation and a dare to act, whatever that action might be.

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"We're not going to give up now," Shadrak angrily assured Veronika before taking a step back from the door as well. As he crossed his arms, he began to look around for anything that might prove useful. There were Koray and Tuncay's swords. They could use those to give themselves more leverage if they tried to physically pry the thing open ... "Huh?" Shadrak also noticed Angelica trying to kiss Evangeline and his eye twitched. "What are you DOING?! This is SO not the place!"

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"<Sign up? Sign up for whhh...>" And then Angelica got awkwardly close, Eva freezing as her face was held, the other woman's only inches from hers. She gulped. "<W-W-W-Well, th-then...>" She could either continue to put on a brave face, as it seemed this woman wasn't backing down, or fold. From how she'd acted earlier, it didn't exactly surprise her, but was she really brave enough to hold the line like this? Sure you are, it's just a kiss, what's the harm in that? You just stared almost certain death in the face and beat it back, this is no big deal. Rationalizing this was giving her enough courage to speak up. "<G-Go ahead, then. I'm w-waiting.>" It's not like this was any harder than flying, so she had to have some backbone. Shadrak made some sort of protest, but Eva was sure that if Angelica was serious, it wouldn't stop her.

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A stutter? How positively adorable. One of the dark mages gave a verbal protest, not that Angelica much cared about that, and as Eva opened her mouth with brave words, the adept decided the time had come to stop teasing the rider... not that backing down was an option at this point, of course.

And not that the sly little woman had any intention of backing down, even if it were one. A short lunge was all it took to close the distance and take advantage of Evangeline's still opened mouth. The question still remained though, just how brave was the rider willing to be? A worthy investigative pursuit, to be certain.

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Hahhh... See? She's not doing anything. This is just a big test of courage at my expen--mmmph! No it wasn't. Eva quickly pried her face away from the embrace and coughed for a moment, having forgotten to breathe in the tense situation. Though she was absolutely upset at Angelica, a wry smile popped onto her face. "<Wooooow, wow, I can't believe you actually went through with that. I... Nope, no words, no sassy come back, just complete and utter astonishment.>" She wiped her lips and gave a rather worried look at Erion for a moment, wondering if that had actually bothered him. It had certainly bothered her.

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<"If you were so against it, you could have said so... I'm kind of hurt that you seem so appalled, to be honest."> Angelica replied with a pout, as the dam broke, and she was pushed away from the rider with haste.

"Bravery will only get you so far, you know. You have to know when to yield, else you'll end up taking one hit too many... you seem to be quite the enthused fighter... next time it might not be something so harmless as all that." Angelica noted, her expression having grown somewhat stern.

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Erion had been watching with a raised eyebrow, curious to see how far Eva would let things go. He suspected from the time he'd spent with Angel just how far she'd go and he hoped that Eva wasn't getting in over her head. Which it quickly became apparent she was. Stepping forward, he wrapped an arm around her waist again and pulled her into a tight side hug. Raising an eyebrow at Angel, he shook his head. <"Maybe she didn't expect you to take it from joking to so serious so quickly. You ok Eva?">

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Orville watched as Lumi took care of Synthia, becoming surprised when the woman mentioned that'd she'd run away from home. "Well, why did you run away in the first place?" Orville asked without thinking, only realizing it may be a touchy subject after he'd asked. Oops. "Oh, only answer that if you want to." Orville noticed there seemed to be something that upset Shadrak enough to get him to yell across the hall but he wasn't sure what. "Is he always like that? Angry I mean." Orville paused to think about his odds of survival in another fight. "Hmm, it's certainly possible, but I don't think it'd be more knights that'd we would be fighting. Unless there's more beyond the door."

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Once again with the hugging, but she wasn't against that. It was quite reassuring. "<I'm not appalled... Just shocked. The kiss was...pretty good, honestly. But you can't expect people to not get surprised. Guess I should take you more seriously on that sort of stuff.>" Any feelings of embarrassment had disappeared as she was sure that nothing could get more embarrassing than what had already happened. When you plateau a feeling it starts to impact you less. "<Hah... Fighting and romance are two different beasts for me, so I'm not sure what to say there. Next time, at least buy me dinner first. I promise I won't egg you on.>" She managed a smile, wondering what had brought on the stern expression.

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"I'm always serious... except when I'm not." Angelica replied, somehow managing to out such a ludicrous line with a flat, completely serious tone, before her lips curled into a grin once again.

<"Hmm... you really think so? But I didn't even get to the fun part... I guess it's great that you still thought it was good, but it feels like a hollow victory..."> The adept continued with a pout, before giving Eva that same mischievous grin, if only for a moment.

<"You want me to buy you dinner now, huh? Well, not that I really mind, but if you really want to progress it that far past teasing you'd best be prepared to put out more than just a kiss... can't have you jumping ship midway if I'm going to start investing in you."> She concluded with a wink, that hopefully would be properly read as to meaning that much was intended as a joke.

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Seeing her reaction, Erion nodded and let go of her waist and stepped a bit away from her. <"Well then. I guess I'll just be left here all alone while you two are off to dinner."> He placed a hand on his chest and adopted a hurt expression. <"Whatever shall I do, having been abandoned by two such lovely ladies."> He sighed dramatically for effect.


"I ran away to save my pegasus from having to be an army pegasus. He shouldn't have to fight human battles." She shook her head. "Hmm? Which one? The dark magic user or Thunder Cloud? No idea really. I haven't been around long enough to know. Hopefully we get the door open soon though. I can't wait to see what's behind." Kneeling down next to Synthia, she formed a small pad of ice and placed it on the woman's forehead. Gently taking her by the shoulder, she called out to her and gently squeezed her shoulder, "Hey, you ok? I hope you wake up soon. You hit your head pretty hard and... Well, I'm not going to worry, I'll just wait here til you wake up I guess."


Ignoring whatever was going on behind her, Hoshi frowned. Forming a ball of dark energy, she lobbed it at the door, making sure it didn't hit anyone around her. Perhaps that would have some result.

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If not for the wink, Eva would've taken her seriously, from the situation at hand. Luckily she didn't. "Yeah, not that quickly. I like to take things slow, more than a kiss after one dinner? I'm sure you can find someone else more your speed." Erion let her go, but she wasn't having that, not this time. This time, she gave him her own side hug, hand around his waist. "<You won't be abandoned, not that easily. I'll have you know that one kiss isn't enough to sway me.>"

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"I'd say you get used to it, but that's a lie, so I won't bother. Nice to properly meet you though Jericho." Zach replied with a nod "Too right on the not understanding magic part. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, you end up with something like these Dark Knights. I wasn't aware something like this was even possible honestly, dark magic can really be a scary thing at times..." Trailing off, he noticed the antics between a small group that seemed to be taking the situation far, far less serious than they should be.

"Ever feel like you're the last sane one left? Because I'm starting to think that's us in this instance, at least relatively speaking."

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"Scary is definitely a word i'd use. I honestly hate the hell out of it but in recent years I've dialed it back because, well, what the fuck can one guy do to friggin nature?" The answer was probably a lot, especially if he was in an area with flammable objects but those details weren't really relevant to his point. "As far as my sanity goes, I think everyone snaps at some point in life. Like you say, relatively speaking, I enjoy that sort of honesty among anyone really." Jericho was still staring at the door, a mere glance over towards Angelica and gang for a moment before he returned his gaze towards the door. "Only so much one can do, but hey, a single person can still make ripples, and if more people ripple, we can eventually make some changes."

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Nadine waited and waited but about as close as anyone came to trying her suggestion was a tap on the door and Shadrak's subsequent fist slam, so she made her way toward the door just as Shadrak realized neither Evangeline nor Angelica cared about what he had to say.

"HEY!!!" Shadrak yelled, "this is the Grand Cathedral for gods' sake! Consummate your relationship somewhere else!" If they'd been any closer to each other, he might have forced them apart with a spell, but as they were currently, it wasn't worth the effort.

Reaching the door shortly after Shadrak's outburst, Nadine tightened her fist and knocked on the door, trying to produce the high pitched patter of a traditional knock without hurting herself, or at least without drawing blood. She managed the latter but not the former. "Stupid if this works, but even more stupid that I had to be the one to do this with several people already over here," she muttered. She waited a moment but nothing happened. "Ugh ...."

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Eva was slightly surprised by Shadrak's outburst, but she didn't let it rattle her. "Chill out, Shaddy. We're just waiting for something to happen. Speaking of," she said, looking at the knight's swords, "Raquel mentioned the doors needing some incredibly strength to move them. Maybe I'm naive about how strong, but d'you think we could jam something in between then and pry it open? And, and Hoshi said she could work with you to move it, maybe if we got people prying it and some others trying to move it with magic all at once? Seems worth a shot, I guess."

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