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Opinions on pairings?

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I recently bought FE:A and I have been absolutely loving it. I just finished my Normal and Hard playthroughs and tried to theorycraft for optimal teams.

Since I am considering to make a new file for Lunatic or the Apotheosis DLC, I want to make sure my decisions will work out in a good way. As I've seen great replies on these forums, I decided to make a thread to ask your opinions. :)

I just have some limitations in mind:

-Characters have to be in an end-class that somewhat fits them thematically (so no Noire that does not use bows, Owain that does not use swords, Kjelle without armor etc.)

-Morgan will not be a Manakete Morgan (I did this on my Hard playthrough and I just did not like it.)

As for my current thought about pairings, I have the following in mind:

Chrom x Olivia (Or Sumia)

MyUnit (M) x Lucina (Aether Morgan)

Vaike x Cherche (That STR!)

Libra x Lissa (Dread Fighter Owain)

Lon'Qu x Cordelia

Gaius x Tharja

Donnel x Nowi

Virion x Olivia (in case Chrom marries Sumia)

Henry x Sumia (In case Chrom marries Olivia)

Gregor x Panne

? x Maribelle

? x Sully

My main doubt is about the partners for Chrom and MyUnit (M/F). I would love to hear your recommendations for these two units. I also am in doubt about the fathers for Brady and Kjelle. I used Donnel for Kjelle in my last playthrough, but then I'd have no idea who to use for Nowi.

Thanks in advance!

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Was going to consult my Uniform Luna+Galeforce assasin team until I realised you wanted to keep character flavour. I'm down with that, so let's take a look.

I'm a big fan of Lon'qu!Brady. He gives Brady the speed that he needs, as well as Vantage assist with Brady's general squishiness. Brady otherwise has everything that needs from Maribelle. Lonk has a Magic neutral cap too, which is neato.

The extra bonus is that Maribelle's ending with Lonqu is terrifying. She ends up rewriting the laws and customs of Regna Ferox.

Stahl is also an amazing parent for Severa (you'll need a change of pants when you see available skills and cap modifiers) You haven't used him yet either, despite him being one of the best dads. Double bonus is that Severa will be really happy to have such a scatterbrained, ordinary dad.

Kjelle's more difficult. Vaike and Donnel are my top picks, but you have someone for both. I suppose you could free up Donny with FrederickxNowi (Pavise AND Aegis on a Manakete, ho ho ho!) but Nah's speed is bad enough. The other alternative is to marry Sully yourself, and patch her up with avatar god genes.

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Your choices aren't terrible but a lot of your pairings leave your kids with pretty narrow skill sets and missing key skills.

Lucina!Morgan isn't my favorite, but I'll just assume that one is set in stone because it's easy to switch later.

Chrom makes the best Hero Inigo.

Olivia is fine for Lucina; she mostly wants Galeforce and this pairing provides Vantage too.

Stahl makes the best Hero Severa (Lon'qu is overkill speed and doesn't provide Luna).

Gaius gives Galeforce and Assassin (better bow class) to Noire.

Donnel gives an amazing class set to Kjelle.

Vaike is probably the best non-Avatar father for Manakete Nah, giving her Pavise, DG+, and Sol.

Lon'qu gives Vantage and some really great mods to Brady.

Libra is probably the best physical or mixed Owain outside of the Avatar.

Henry is usually given to Cynthia since her other fathers are better elsewhere, and gives the best Mag mod for Dark Flier (and she doesn't need skills).

Frederick!Gerome for mods and tanky skill set.

Kellam!Yarne for Luna/DG+.

Gregor!Laurent makes a fantastic Sorcerer, but he can take Ricken instead if you want a Sage. Gregor should probably go to Gerome/Yarne if you do.

Edited by Meteor
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Thanks for the replies!

I have never heard about Vaike!Nah before, so I'll look into it. Lucina!Morgan isn't set in stone yet, I just like the pairing and I have no idea who to marry the MU to otherwise.

Stahl!Severa seems to be a great pick then, since I want to use Severa as a Hero. That would open up Lon'Qu as father for Brady, which removes one of my doubts. Moving Vaike to Nah would open up Donnel for Kjelle. Cherche can just settle with Frederique then. :)

Also, I am a bit confused about Gregor as a parent for Laurent? Is that due to the skill-set mainly? Most information I've seen pointed out Gregor worked great for Panne for additional classes for Yarne. I thought Ricken!Laurent would be good due to the magic cap.

Thanks for the replies again though, I've seen some new arguments that I'll try to look into.

EDIT: As a final question...who would be the best option for the MU to marry? I know Lucina is not optimal (since it only benefits Morgan where it could benefit two children), but I am really doubting what to do with him.

I could also use a Female MU if that would present better options.

Edited by SimplyAlive
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Lucina!Morgan isn't set in stone yet, I just like the pairing and I have no idea who to marry the MU to otherwise.

Lucina!Morgan just isn't that good. Aether isn't worth giving up better mods from other second gen parents and 3rd gen Morgan is already subpar.

The point of pairing Avatar is to benefit the other children imo... Morgan is good regardless.

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I recently bought FE:A and I have been absolutely loving it. I just finished my Normal and Hard playthroughs and tried to theorycraft for optimal teams.

Since I am considering to make a new file for Lunatic or the Apotheosis DLC, I want to make sure my decisions will work out in a good way. As I've seen great replies on these forums, I decided to make a thread to ask your opinions. :)

I just have some limitations in mind:

-Characters have to be in an end-class that somewhat fits them thematically (so no Noire that does not use bows, Owain that does not use swords, Kjelle without armor etc.)

-Morgan will not be a Manakete Morgan (I did this on my Hard playthrough and I just did not like it.)

As for my current thought about pairings, I have the following in mind:

Chrom x Olivia (Or Sumia) -Solid

MyUnit (M) x Lucina (Aether Morgan) -Solid

Vaike x Cherche (That STR!) -Solid (Use Gerome strictly as Support)

Libra x Lissa (Dread Fighter Owain)- Solid (although, Sage with Vantage/Vengeance > Dread Fighter, but anything with tomes works)

Lon'Qu x Cordelia - Solid, Breakers Severa

Gaius x Tharja - Solid

Donnel x Nowi - Meh. Use someone else for Nah. Kellam for a brick. Gregor if you're wanting a Meta unit with Vantage (not as Manakete, Dark Knight).

Virion x Olivia (in case Chrom marries Sumia) - No

Henry x Sumia (In case Chrom marries Olivia) - Good.

Gregor x Panne - Good, but try Fred.

? x Maribelle - Brady only needs Mods (Ricken?) He's pre-equipped as Galeforce Boy "support"

? x Sully - Donnel. Seriously.

My main doubt is about the partners for Chrom and MyUnit (M/F). I would love to hear your recommendations for these two units. I also am in doubt about the fathers for Brady and Kjelle. I used Donnel for Kjelle in my last playthrough, but then I'd have no idea who to use for Nowi.

Thanks in advance!

So damn close to my layout it's like... wow.

Also, Stahl/Miriel? That's pretty damn good. Laurent only wants Vantage anyway.

Lucina!Morgan just isn't that good. Aether isn't worth giving up better mods from other second gen parents and 3rd gen Morgan is already subpar.

The point of pairing Avatar is to benefit the other children imo... Morgan is good regardless.

Morgan Focus is hell of a lot better than Other Child Focus.

Aether is easily worth the "loss" with this layout.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Morgan Focus is hell of a lot better than Other Child Focus.

Aether is easily worth the loss with this layout.

Morgan is literally the best child no matter what you do elsewhere. Why would you try to improve him over someone mediocre like Nah (just an example)?

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Morgan is literally the best child no matter what you do elsewhere. Why would you try to improve him over someone mediocre like Nah (just an example)?

It's because Morgan is the best child that Morgan gets focus.

Because making the best unit better is gonna go a lot farther than diminishing that "best" unit to slightly bring someone else up. (Also as far it stands, Kellam!Nah still exists and is hardly mediocre)

It always has been and always will be better.

Like Stat Boosters in previous FEs that didn't have infinite levels: those either all go on the Est or all on to my best units.

Or hell, Stat Boosters in no-grind. (They all go to MU).

Another thing: Marrying Second Gen puts another S-rank on the field for the kids anyway. Considering they're better than any Gen 1s, that's important.

Edited by Airship Canon
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As for who male Avatar should marry, Tharja and Nowi are probably the best options, because their kids don't just get Galeforce, but also so much more out of the deal. Noire gets access to Vantage and Armsthrift, both key skills for a Sorcerer, while Nah gets Pavise/Aegis/Sol for tanking purposes. Out of the two though, I'd say that Nah can get away with less without Avatar. Manaketes are naturally bulky, so she can just run something like Sol and she'll be fine. Since you say that you're working with canon classes, Noire can probably get away with getting Gaius instead since she gets Galeforce and Myrmidon for Assassin access and he can also pass Counter if you really want it. Vantage/Sol is also nice for a Sorcerer, in case you decide to do that instead.

As for Gregor!Laurent, it's great if you're making him a Sorcerer, since he likes getting Vantage and Armsthrift to abuse different kinds of magic with. If you're making him a Sage, though, Ricken isn't a bad option. I personally prefer Kellam or Lon'qu for Sage Laurent, though. Doing that can still let you free up Gregor for Yarne for Vantage/Armsthrift/Sol.

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As for who male Avatar should marry, Tharja and Nowi are probably the best options, because their kids don't just get Galeforce, but also so much more out of the deal. Noire gets access to Vantage and Armsthrift, both key skills for a Sorcerer, while Nah gets Pavise/Aegis/Sol for tanking purposes. Out of the two though, I'd say that Nah can get away with less without Avatar. Manaketes are naturally bulky, so she can just run something like Sol and she'll be fine. Since you say that you're working with canon classes, Noire can probably get away with getting Gaius instead since she gets Galeforce and Myrmidon for Assassin access and he can also pass Counter if you really want it. Vantage/Sol is also nice for a Sorcerer, in case you decide to do that instead.

As for Gregor!Laurent, it's great if you're making him a Sorcerer, since he likes getting Vantage and Armsthrift to abuse different kinds of magic with. If you're making him a Sage, though, Ricken isn't a bad option. I personally prefer Kellam or Lon'qu for Sage Laurent, though. Doing that can still let you free up Gregor for Yarne for Vantage/Armsthrift/Sol.

So much Sol, not enough Luna.

Luna matters. Sol... sucks and is hyped up too much.

AT is a terrible skill. Noire gets Vantage and everything she really needs from Gaius.

Nah is a freaking brick either way you look at it, with Kellam followed by Fred as her best possible fathers as a Manakete, and does not need MU.

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As for Gregor!Laurent, it's great if you're making him a Sorcerer, since he likes getting Vantage and Armsthrift to abuse different kinds of magic with. If you're making him a Sage, though, Ricken isn't a bad option. I personally prefer Kellam or Lon'qu for Sage Laurent, though. Doing that can still let you free up Gregor for Yarne for Vantage/Armsthrift/Sol.

I see. Thanks for the explanation.

I intend to use Laurent as any form of Magic user and I am leaning towards sorcerer. I'm still debating whether to use Yarne or not, so I'd rather prioritize Laurent in this case.

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Yarne's stats are actually absurdly high... ...as anything but taguel. Sol is important for Apo because you can never have enough healers for everyone, and it heals off minor damage. No matter who her mother is, Lucina!Morgan is actually a fantastic combination. Morgan can destroy everything as a dark flier or grandmaster or sorcerer. Dark flier is my personal favorite out of the bunch.

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Yarne's stats are actually absurdly high... ...as anything but taguel. Sol is important for Apo because you can never have enough healers for everyone, and it heals off minor damage. No matter who her mother is, Lucina!Morgan is actually a fantastic combination. Morgan can destroy everything as a dark flier or grandmaster or sorcerer. Dark flier is my personal favorite out of the bunch.

Not for Apo. Not for Apo.

Things hit for 40+ in there with ease. Not easy is it, to walk off the 78 damage hit from the 'zerker boss.

Sol doesn't boost offense, and Leads face shields and the dragonskin, so they cannot reliably heal from their Sol procs.

Luna is important for Apo, and Sol hurts it.

Also 2 staffbots is enough to top everyone off. Really. Fortify exists. Use it.

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