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Name: Mira Nell

Gender: Female

Age: 38

Race: Dwarf

Class: Recruit 0/1

Appearance: Mira is about 4’9 with a slender body build. Her most defining feature is her fiery red hair which she ties back with a bright blue ribbon that matches her eyes. She wear platinum colored light armor, over a black bodysuit like garment. Additionally she wears a pair of thick brown leather gloves to not only increase her grip, but as a reminder that she’s a blacksmith first, and a mercenary second. (IMAGE)

Occupation: Blacksmith

Nationality: Feaole

Personality: An enthusiastic girl that’s probably a bit too happy-go-lucky for her own good. Mira is a hard-worker, and an eager learner, but effort doesn’t necessary mean productive results, particularly in Mira’s case, it often ends up causing more trouble than anything else. To make matters worse she’s got a rather childish stubbornness that prevents her from admitting when something’s gone wrong. She's brutally honest with her opinions, but seldom does she actually intend them to be hurtful.


-Plain Axe (Hammer)

-Resistance Armor C (RES+1)



Raw Stats: HP:6 | STR:6 | SKL:3 | SPD:2 | LCK:2 | DEF:5 | RES:2

Simplified Stats: HP:18 | MT:6 | HIT:4 | AS:2 | EVD:3 | DEF:5 | RES:3

Backstory: After a petty fight with her parents, Mira left the lands of Feaole and travelled southeast to Celisa. Having spent her entire life holed up in the rocky mountains she had no one to turn to, but that didn’t stop her from trying to make a living. Trying to find work wherever she could, she eventually found a stable job at an elderly man’s forge where she spent a good few years learning about metal-smithing. Crafting an assortment of tools and tidbits used in daily living. She views her mentor as her ‘real father’ and is quick to dismiss her Feaoleian heritage as unimportant. While she holds no special attachment to Celisa or its customs, she's eternally grateful to the elderly man who took her in, she hopes to return his kindness by making a fair profit doing mercenary work so that he can retire comfortably.

Edited by Lyunn
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Uh, ok, couple things. One, does she wear her armor all the time? Cause if so... that's not really feasible if it's fully armor. You just don't do that. It's not comfortable, is super heavy, and can end up chaffing and such. Two, Feaole doesn't participate in wars, so they're usually fine in war time. They typically make a large profit and then just buy food from a country that's not involved in the war. Third, you know that dwarves age similarly to elves, right? So like... 19 is super young for a dwarf. Most dwarves will live to about 150, 200. So she could just be 19, but that'd be real young for her to have already left home.

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Armor: Well obviously she doesn't wear it when she's sleeping. xD I was thinking it'd be more important to state what she wore in-combat/traveling, opposed to what she wore when she was kicking back and relaxing.

War: Well I did read that they stay neutral in wartime, but depending on how long the war lasts I'd think the price of food would gradually go up over time as it became more scarce in other nations as well, and seeing as how Feaole doesn't really have a strong agriculture. I'm not saying that the economy would screw up overnight, I'm not even saying it "will" screw up at all. But to say that Feaole is guaranteed a good supply of imports during wartime seems a bit off? Especially seeing as how the wars apparently tend to last a while on this continent.

Age:Must have missed that... though.... isn't Rimsky (Bluedoom) 25? It's 6 years I guess, but if they live upto 200 years that's not much older. I'm happy to fix it though. I just didn't see anything about dwarves aging at the same rate as elves in the opening post. So no, I didn't know that.

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What do you mean wars last a while? Only war you know about was 100 years ago and ended in about a year.

Hmm, you're right. Sorry, I think I just forgot to mention aging in general. So Marth, this applies to you too.

Basic aging:

Humans: Average lifespan is ~80-100

Dwarves: Average lifespan is ~180-200

Elves: Average lifespan is ~240-260

Half-elf: Average lifespan is ~150-180

Half-dwarf: Average lifespan is ~140-160

Dwarf-elf: Average lifespan is ~210-230

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Yay! Discussion.

Firstly, my bad, for some reason I was under the impression that there was a 100 year war that ended 100 years ago xD

Reread it now and realized that I was letting my mind run off again.

I'll just cut out all mention of economy since that seems to be what's causing the problem.

Anyway If that's the lifespan I'll just double the age and it should be (roughly) the equivalent of what I want it to be.

God I love it when maths is this simple xD

As for forgetting to mention things, I know it happens xD
I mean it's bound to when you've got that much information, not your fault :P

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Anyway If that's the lifespan I'll just double the age and it should be (roughly) the equivalent of what I want it to be.

God I love it when maths is this simple xD

You might want to add ten or so more years onto that just because the year translation isn't exactly half at younger ages.

But I'm not sure how to calculate the age so I could be wrong.

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Mira approved.

Also, just so everyone is aware:

Combat teams will not exist until a couple of chapters from now. As such, defending doesn't exist really and healing is always "outside of combat team". However, if you have the Shield skill, you may (until combat teams exist) defend one person.

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Ok, so, info!

1) We will be starting this later this afternoon. Get excited.

2) You will have the option of either having your PC already signed up for the merc band, or getting ready to sign up. Either is fine. If you choose to be already signed up, you should make a post of some sort establishing them as existing in the inn just lounging about waiting for things to get interesting. If you choose to be getting ready to sign up, it'll be first come first served for the order in which I have my dude interact with your dudes.

3) We have an IRC channel! #BeneaththeShadows , feel free to join.

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Name: Chandra Lumia

Gender: Female

Age: 31

Race: Human

Class: 0/2 Apprentice

Appearance: Chandra is 5’6 and 130 lbs, normal proportions for a human. Her long black hair contrasts with her pale skin. She also has blue eyes and bright red lips, both of which seem to pop out a bit more against her pale skin and make her seem less of a vampire. For attire, she wears a short sleeved lilac dress, the skirt of which goes down to her ankles. Gold embroidery runs along the neck and sleeves of the dress. Over that is a dark purple robe, which includes a hood in case she needs to conceal herself (or if it’s particularly cold). Finally, she has a pair of leather sandals that go up to her ankles.

Occupation: Cook/Alchemist/Demon Hunter

Nationality: Formerly of Celisa, generally nomadic

Personality: Two words to describe would be doting mother. Her constant use of dark magic has had negative effects on her body: she is barren and thus cannot have children of her own. Thus, she treats younger members as surrogates, even if they’re not that much younger (or young at heart, as the case may be for elves and dwarves). She attempts to be the unbiased counselor and mediator among the group. If and when matters come to demons however, she is aims to kill.

Inventory: Plain Dark, Healing Staff C

Skills: Demon Slayer: Halves the Def or RES of a demonic target during attacks once every other turn.

Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 6 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF:1 RES: 3

Simplified Stats: HP: 15 MT: 7 HIT: 7 AS: 5 AVO: 6 DEF: 1 RES: 3

Backstory: Orphaned as a baby, Chandra spent her childhood in a convent. There, she learned the art of the healing staff at an early age in order to serve the citizens of Celisa. In addition, she helped cook the meals as part of her chores. It was the best part of her day, nothing made people happier than a belly full of good food. She made a few friends along the way: Chastity and Brooke. They grew up together, forming their own family of orphans.

Everything in her life was relatively normal until she turned 16, when she and her friends took a less traveled road out of town. They were far from the others when they were ambushed by a creature. It appeared as a walking corpse, a revenant. In the surprise and horror, the creature had killed Chastity and Brooke, and was about to do the same to Chandra when she screamed. That alerted the rest of the group, sending the creature away before they arrived. All Chandra could murmur in her panic was the word “monster”. The elders assumed it was a vicious brigand responsible, a monster indeed. Only Chandra knew of the truth.

After her friends were buried, Chandra was determined to find out what attacked them. She delved into the ancient texts of the library, where she learned of a great war 100 years ago. There were accounts of demonic presence throughout the land. She read about all manner of ill creatures that once haunted the lands. As she went deeper into the halls, Chandra found something she should have never come across. Hidden between shelves was a simple tome of elder magic. The girl should have simply returned it to the front, where it would have been taken to burn. But the rare sight of a dark tome had stoked her curiosity. What she found was an ancient weapon to combat an ancient foe. Chandra snuck it out and read it in private. She continued to study the text in secret for a couple months, when she tried to practice a spell. One of the girls saw her casting and was immediately reported. Knowing the consequences were severe for practicing dark magic, the elders sent Chandra on a merchant wagon bound for Feaole. She was urged to start a new life up north, never to return here with her newfound skill.

Moving to Feaole was the best thing that could have happened to her. She immediately enrolled in one of the magic universities, where she received a proper and in depth education on elder magic. Years passed as she learned the finer arts. She befriended a group of fellow shamans, one who also shared their rumored stories of demons in the shadows. With so many tales, there must have been some truth to them. And so, the group formed a mercenary group known as the Nightstalkers. They would travel across the continent, chasing down rumors of demons. Most of their leads ended with nothing, but they did encounter the occasional demon. They knew they were real, but the rest of the world wasn’t quite ready. Their activities remained secret to avoid ridicule and possible backlash. When they weren’t on secret hunts, they were friends traveling the world together. It was within that group that she met her husband Sebastian. They married on the road, with hopes of settling down to start a family.

One fateful night in the mountains, the group was tracking down rumors of walking skeletons. That was when they happened upon a horde of the creatures waiting to ambush them. Such numbers were unheard of, and the mercenaries were quickly dispatched. Chandra barely escaped with her life as she fled to Celisa’s border. She lost her advanced tomes, her friends, her husband, and whatever future they would have had.

Armed with only a dark tome (coincidentally the same she had found in the library all those years ago) in a land that would likely execute her for using it, Chandra sought asylum in a mercenary group led by Andre Harrop in exchange for her cooking prowess. He seemed to be a trustworthy individual, so she fully disclosed her other magical talents to the leader. To everyone else, she is a cook.

Points: 35

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Name: Erebus Phrice

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Race: Human

Class: Apprentice

Appearance: An unhealthy looking young man, Erebus has brown hair down to the nape of his neck and right above his eyebrows along with black eyes. Seems far too pale to be healthy, though that does fit in with what happened to him. Wears a long and heavy black and purple coat with a hood that he normally wears unless he's among those he's comfortable with or indoors were such a thing would be improper. Standing at 5'10, Erebus is fairly lanky and too skinny for his age or height.

Occupation: Mercenary, Researcher, Slayer

Nationality: Feaole

Personality: Erebus is a rather withdrawn individual, his studies having taken up most of his time since a young age the dark mage has rather poor social skills. Loyal to whoever he can consider a friend however, if he really has a person that can be called one. Wishes to one day settle down and have a family, if his condition will even allow such a thing.

Inventory: Plain Dark Tome

Skills: Demon Slayer

Raw Stats: Raw Stats: base + human(MAG + 1, SKL + 2, SPD + 1)+ 4 points (HP+1, SPD+1, MAG+2)

HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 5 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF:1 RES: 3

Simplified Stats: Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 7 HIT: 6 AS: 4 AVO: 5 DEF: 1 RES: 3

Backstory: Erebus was born into a magical household, yet despite this he wasn't actually trained by either of his parents, instead being handed off to his Uncle who was by far the most powerful practitioner of Elder Magic in the Phrice family. Never having a child of his own, Erebus' Uncle was only too happy to pass along his techniques to the next heir of the Phrice name. For years the boy studied Elder Magic, Uncle not teaching him how to actually harness the magic until he had a mastery of the rules behind it. Erebus was a rather inquisitive lad, studying all that was given to him by his Uncle, never forming a bond with other children and instead finding comfort in his books, even if they weren't of magical origin.

By the time Erebus had become a teenager he was deemed ready to begin his actual training. Quickly blossoming into a promising young mage in the time spent under his Uncle. Spending years training with the older man, never truly feeling as though his training was complete. Never actually creating a technique of his own, and instead relying on what was taught instead, by the time Erebus had grown from a shy boy into a rather... shy young man, his first and so far only original technique was ready for testing.

Requiring two shamans to even attempt, Erebus had coerced his Uncle to attempt the new move with him. Things had been seemingly going well, a large ball of pure dark energy had been formed between the two, it's purpose to be flung a ways away towards an enemy and completely greatly injure if not outright decimate him. From all the time he had spent on his notes, and planning the mechanics behind his new move, Erebus may have been a bit too excited.... he may have put a bit too much energy into the constantly growing ball of darkness.

By the time the young man even noticed what was wrong it was too late to do anything about it. The ball was too unstable, collapsing upon itself. Uncle had noticed just moments before and was telling Erebus to run as he tried to contain it. Never one to disobey an order from his Master, he disengaged his portion of the magic feeding the attack.... a very bad move. Barely moving five steps away from where he had been there was suddenly an explosion of dark energy behind the Phrice heir. Sending him crashing into the ground and the embrace of unconsciousness.

Waking almost an hour later the young man felt sick to his stomach, as though he had been poisoned and had every stomach related illness possible. Vomitting up the remains of what he had eaten that morning. Stumbling to his feet Erebus looked as to where he and his uncle had been what seemed like only a few moments before. Seeing only a small blast zone and no signs of his master anywhere. Panic filling his mind the dark mage quickly returned back to his uncle's study, he'd killed the man and he knew it. Grief permeating Erebus' mind as he realized what had really happened at the sight of the test.

Telling no one of what happened, he instead read book upon book, grimoire upon grimoire, trying to figure out what was wrong with himself. Eventually coming to the conclusion he had absorbed almost all of the dark energy from the blast, with his own natural supply of magical energy adding to the supplement he now possessed, practically poisoning his body. Unless he let off the excess buildup he now had at least once a day, he would become violently ill once again due to the effects of so much dark magic being present inside his body.

Now a year later, Erebus travels with a mercenary group. Hoping one day to find a cure for his ailment, or at least some colleague to research a possible solution to the ever present problem...

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Name: Lucielle Torges

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Race: Human

Class: Riding Novice 0/1

Appearance: Lucielle is about 5’ 11’’ with a medium build and long crimson hair. She has green eyes and a barely noticeable tan. She wears a brown leather vest along with long, green pants. The most noticeable aspect of her attire is a tribal shawl which she is almost never seen without.

Occupation: Courier

Nationality: Inthusian (Ekkoul Tribe)

Personality: High-spirited and kind-hearted, she enjoys being outdoors and becomes antsy when forced to go inside for long periods of time. She enjoys teasing others and tends to be overly dramatic during her antics. However, while making a delivery or during combat, she becomes highly focused and solemn as she attempts to complete her task or end a battle as quickly as possible.

Inventory: Plain Sword

Skills: Wrath

Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF: 3 RES: 2

Simplified Stats: HP: 15 MT: 5 HIT: 6 AS: 4 AVO: 5 DEF: 3 RES: 2

Backstory: Born Elisaadi Fletcher, she had lived on the plains along with her older brother Zanril. While growing up, she learned how to wield a bow and participated in hunts in order to hone her skills. She greatly enjoyed traveling with her tribe as well as practicing her shooting skills with her kind older brother. However, shortly after she turned 17, Zanril’s personality suddenly changed. He became jittery and distant from everyone who had once called him a friend. One fateful night, a fellow member of their tribe was murdered and her brother was the only person that was nowhere to be found; having fled shortly after the murder.

Although there was not enough evidence to prove that her brother was the killer, her fellow tribesman began to look upon Elisaadi with fear and distrust. A few of them even thought that she played a part in the murder. This led her to believe that she was an outcast among her people and had no place within the Ekkouli. In order to get a new start on life, she left the tribe, taking with her only a few supplies and her horse.

Seven years later, she started up a freelance delivery service under the name Lucielle Torges and took on a new life; going as far as forsaking her bow in favor of the sword. Although she discarded most of her old life, she still kept Mordred and a shawl that was passed down her family from the old days as a reminder of that one night seven years ago. Choosing to cast off the burden of her past, she now travels the continent to see the world while doing her duty as a courier.


Mount Name:Mordred




Appearance:A dark colored medium-sized horse with amber eyes and a white mane and tail. Just an average horse really.

Point Total: 30

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A good knock to the noggin has nudged Raelyn in the right direction. She levels up!

Her ordeal in dreamland has convinced her to gain a point of HP!

She's vowed to up her reflexes, and has gained a point of Speed!

She picked up a charm on the way out, and gained a point of Luck!

New stats

Raw stats: HP: 4 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 8 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 5 HIT: 8 AS: 8 AVO: 10 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Point balance: 2

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If I read it correctly, my total points is 30+22+17= 69 points?

Either ways, time for a level up! Rimsky really deserves it you know!

Resolve rocks, so + 2 HP

Apparently having more speed is always good, so + 1 Spd

Raw Stats: HP: 7 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES: 2

Simplified Stats: HP:21 MT:5 HIT: 4 AS: 6 AVD: 7 DEF: 3 RES: 2

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