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FE10 Generic Character/Boss Growths?

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I can't find them on the mainsite. I'm doing some hacking and I want to make sure I don't screw anything up.

Are they the same as the FE9 growths? Edit: Apparently not, I can't find the FE9 generic growths anywhere in FE10data. Maybe I should put this in ROM Hacking instead.

By the way, this isn't for Walhart!FE10 or anything *nervous laughter*

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The growths were on some random gamefaqs topic about Kezhda that I found after scrolling through a few pages of google search. Apparently they were posted by a guy named "I_eat_tables."

*Looks at Tables*

In case it matters for future reference, here they are:

80% HP, 30% STR, 15% MAG, 30% SKL, 35% SPD, 50% LUK, 30% DEF and 25% RES

Somebody should add those to the mainsite/FE10 hacking topic just in case someone else needs them.

Edit: Searched through the hex and found only one occurrence of the above hex string. Does FE10 handle generic growths differently (for instance by pointing all of them to that one string or something) than FE9?

Edit 2: Yeeeeeeah, this should probably be moved to ROM hacking now.

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Oh, him. Yeah, Kezhda just uses the generic Cat M growths. They're listed in the table in the first link.

So there ARE only class growths in FE10. Ok, never mind what I said before about those being the generic growths for all classes. I wonder if this will be a problem when I'm trying to edit the growths without affecting base stats. Hmmm... maybe I should just PM Vincent again. Although he's probably sick of me after helping me hack FE9.

Just to explain the difference for those who aren't familiar with how FE9's growths work, IIRC the enemies bases are determined by http://serenesforest.net/fe9/class_growth.html and the growths are combination of those and the generic enemy growths (bottom of this page: http://serenesforest.net/fe9/npc.htm)

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The growths were on some random gamefaqs topic about Kezhda that I found after scrolling through a few pages of google search. Apparently they were posted by a guy named "I_eat_tables."

*Looks at Tables*

In case it matters for future reference, here they are:

80% HP, 30% STR, 15% MAG, 30% SKL, 35% SPD, 50% LUK, 30% DEF and 25% RES

Somebody should add those to the mainsite/FE10 hacking topic just in case someone else needs them.

Edit: Searched through the hex and found only one occurrence of the above hex string. Does FE10 handle generic growths differently (for instance by pointing all of them to that one string or something) than FE9?

Edit 2: Yeeeeeeah, this should probably be moved to ROM hacking now.

Every time I come into a random topic and find myself being quoted, I always find it a little odd. Unfortunately it was so long ago, I no longer have any knowledge on the matter, and further I've never done any hacking (of FE10 at least) myself, so I must have gotten the information from someone/somewhere else.

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Every time I come into a random topic and find myself being quoted, I always find it a little odd.

Haha, I figured that would be your reaction. Well, at least you were being quoted in a good way!

so I must have gotten the information from someone/somewhere else.

Ok, that's no problem. It just so happens that it was exactly what I am currently searching for: the FE10 boss growths. So if you or anyone else happens to stumble across anything, it'd be really helpful if they could post it here. Otherwise, I suppose this topic is closed.

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What I remember from my Boss recruitment playthrough is this: If you have too many units (Not killing off any normal characters + Recruited bosses) you get into trouble at P4 character selection. The bosses don't show up in the route split, and the game therefore doesn't acknowledge them afterward, they kinda just vanish. Also, the boss units you get after P4 and before P4Endgame don't show up in the character selection screen if you still have loads of original characters alive. You have to manually get them back in your party.

Also, Fe10 ALWAYS hands out al least one stat point, so the best is to remove the STR cap for Mag units and the Mag cap for Physical units and give them a 100% growth in the respective stat. Means Imbue is banned, but otherwise it influences the game the least. (Since enemies don't have units like Mist & Elincia, those who use both STr and Mag, you don't need to worry about those (For them it's best to up HP I believe))

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That's interesting about the route split and whatnot.

Hopefully the stuff is coded into the army data, so you might be able to do something about it. Dunno how likely that is though...

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What I remember from my Boss recruitment playthrough is this: If you have too many units (Not killing off any normal characters + Recruited bosses) you get into trouble at P4 character selection. The bosses don't show up in the route split, and the game therefore doesn't acknowledge them afterward, they kinda just vanish. Also, the boss units you get after P4 and before P4Endgame don't show up in the character selection screen if you still have loads of original characters alive. You have to manually get them back in your party.

Also, Fe10 ALWAYS hands out al least one stat point, so the best is to remove the STR cap for Mag units and the Mag cap for Physical units and give them a 100% growth in the respective stat. Means Imbue is banned, but otherwise it influences the game the least. (Since enemies don't have units like Mist & Elincia, those who use both STr and Mag, you don't need to worry about those (For them it's best to up HP I believe))

That's interesting. I'm not worried about having an overload of units since I was able to manage that without any problems in FE9. I figured the FE10 always at least one stat thing would be a problem, and I knew there was a workaround but I hadn't thought of the strength/magic thing so thanks for that! Giving them the 100% growth in the respective stat should definitely solve that problem!

I didn't expect that the bosses would show up for the character selection route split, but hopefully if I keep the amount of generics recruited to a minimum and kill off as many player characters as possible, I won't have that problem.

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If you can send me the entire army data--it should be located in a folder named "zmap" or something, with file names like dispos.cmp--I can check to see if the route split stuff is determined there.

Sadly, I lost access to my FE10 ISO years ago and I haven't bothered finding a new one.

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If you can send me the entire army data--it should be located in a folder named "zmap" or something, with file names like dispos.cmp--I can check to see if the route split stuff is determined there.

Sadly, I lost access to my FE10 ISO years ago and I haven't bothered finding a new one.

No problem, I'm extracting it right now and I'll edit this post with a dropbox link shortly. While it'll be interesting to know how the route split works I don't think it is too big of a deal since the route split is pretty much irrelevant in the run I have planned as long as people don't start disappearing on me XD.

Edit: Here's zmap: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wdus41vl7rl3j1m/zmap.zip

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Well, what I believe last time I played with recruiting Bosses and some random druids for the heck of it, two things happened.

On the file I used them only and killed off the normal characters, they showed up, even though I could not shuffle around the portraits (since I had none), I still had the bosses show up, distributed over my teams. I think this is mostly because the game tallies the amount of units you have, so if you have more than you should, they don't get registered and don't "exist" according to the game's knowledge.

However, when you kill off your actual units, I believe they take the place of those. For example, A Volug inventory cheat i used to check if this was the case put the items I wanted (coin or w/e) in Wystan's inventory, because volugs pointers were redirected at him i guess.

Also, A very important thing: The following happens when bosses promote and take on the default third tier skin.

Pugo's Second tier is a standard warrior, his Third tier = Boyd/Nolan (Can't remember which is default)

Isayia's Second tier is a standard SM, Third tier = Stefan

Zaitan's Second tier is a normal general, third tier = Tauroneo/Gatrie

Burton's Third tier = Renning

Wystan's Third tier = Tormod

Laverton's third tier = Oscar iirc

Djur Cannot promote to a third tier. (No Sword Marshall Male)

Radmin cannot promote to a third tier. (No thunder Arch Sage Male)

Jarod (Both versions) their Third tier = Danved

Zeffren promotes to Haar (FYEAH, second HAAR)

Yeardley promotes to Tauroneo/Gatrie

Maraj promotes to Bastian

Tashoria Promotes into Stefan

Ludveck promotes to Brom

Silvano promotes to Shinon

Rommit promotes to Danved

Istvan becomes HAAR THIRD

Veyona does NOT promote (Druids do not promote to summoner =/)

Callum cannot promote

Lombroso promotes to Kieran iirc

Septimus becomes Tauroneo/Gatrie

Roark becomes Danved

Sergei cannot promote

Goran becomes Boyd/Nolan

After that the Diciples of order don't promote anymore iirc.

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Thanks, I'll check the zmap files. Although from what Vicious Sal said, you probably won't need to edit the route split.

If you wanted, you could remove the 3rd tier promotions for the classes or maybe make them promote into the Disciples of Order (with adjusted stat caps)?

Or maybe you want to see multiple Haars running around; I kind of do X D

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Thanks, I'll check the zmap files. Although from what Vicious Sal said, you probably won't need to edit the route split.

If you wanted, you could remove the 3rd tier promotions for the classes or maybe make them promote into the Disciples of Order (with adjusted stat caps)?

Or maybe you want to see multiple Haars running around; I kind of do X D

Well, considering it'll be 0 % growths, caps are the least he should have to worry about. =p

Also, one can never have enough HAAR. Danved on the other hand....

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Well, considering it'll be 0 % growths, caps are the least he should have to worry about. =p

Doh, I knew I forgot something.

Oh actually, caps wouldn't be an issue, but the promo gains might be. I'm not sure if the Disciple classes have promo gains, so you'd have to edit those in if you used them.

I'm not sure what would be more fun: having tons of Haars or a bunch of super golden characters.

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Well, I think it depends on how easily I pick this stuff up, but I'm probably not going to start reworking promotions just for a few units that can't become third tier. It is useful to know, though.

For now, I'm just gonna work on setting boss growths to zero (once I finish my FE9 run, of course).

@Vicious Sal: When you did the boss recruitment run, how did you recruit the bosses, was it just with the Gecko codes (what I'm planning to use) or do you know of a better way?

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Well, I think it depends on how easily I pick this stuff up, but I'm probably not going to start reworking promotions just for a few units that can't become third tier. It is useful to know, though.

For now, I'm just gonna work on setting boss growths to zero (once I finish my FE9 run, of course).

@Vicious Sal: When you did the boss recruitment run, how did you recruit the bosses, was it just with the Gecko codes (what I'm planning to use) or do you know of a better way?

When I did my run, I used the Turn all enemy units into allies code + the Press A+B to end chapter code. NEVER battle save of suspend while your enemies are allied, when you start up the game again they stay forever allied, which sucks, because you can't kill the boss anymore, which sucks majorly with a defeat boss objective. =p

It also means you'll need to rout every map except for the boss. otherwise you end up with a bazillion generic books that slow down your game. Or kill off the few that you do recruit the next chapter.

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When I did my run, I used the Turn all enemy units into allies code + the Press A+B to end chapter code. NEVER battle save of suspend while your enemies are allied, when you start up the game again they stay forever allied, which sucks, because you can't kill the boss anymore, which sucks majorly with a defeat boss objective. =p

It also means you'll need to rout every map except for the boss. otherwise you end up with a bazillion generic books that slow down your game. Or kill off the few that you do recruit the next chapter.

Ok, so it's similar to what I did with FE9, that's good. It's good to know about the suspend thing since it wasn't a problem in FE9. Are you able to recruit people from rout maps in FE10?

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Yes, you have to use the press A+B to end chapter code. Which sucks cause you might accidentally end the chapter early by pressing AB at the same time somewhere.

Cool, I didn't know that existed. Thanks! By the way, I invited Vincent to the PM because why not?

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  • 2 weeks later...

wait what happened to this run

I'm away on business currently, don't worry it will definitely happen starting in like a week or so. I haven't had the time to work on it much, and what time I have had has mostly been spent trying to get this code to work.

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