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Beneath the Shadows Prologue: With a Single Step


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Caslan let out a breath of relief after signing his contract. Caslan did the usual amateur mistake of glancing through the contract so he might as well have signed over his soul for all he knew, before going off.

Picking a corner that was on the opposite end of the dwarf that seemed to give him the evil eye the entire time, Caslan started surveying the people at the inn with his ears perking up to see if he can listen in on nay of the conversation. He was new, and he would need to know what sort of people he is about to spend the next few years with.

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Mira let out an exaggerated sigh as Rayil began pointing things out to her, her head shaking from side to side as if to indicate she pitied Rayil’s lack of insight into the matter. She didn’t really know if an elf had a dark gooey heart or not, someone like Adari or one of the more senior members might have first hand experience, but Mira hadn’t gotten to the stage where she’d killed an elf and ripped out his heart to check, not yet at least anyway.

“I was speaking meta…chronically?” she stated matter of factly, not really knowing is she’d used the right word, it sounded close enough though, and she wasn’t one to stop and squabble over a lost word or two anyway. “And it can’t be helped that you think that way” she stated lifting her hand and tapping the side of her head.

“You’re thinking like a human, they have better acting skills that make professional actors look bad. Probably have an internal switch which lets them switch between their fake and real selves. They only let their real selves during dark nights when they go out to hunt innocent children and defenseless maidens….. Vampires! Yeah those things! That’s what an elf really looks like when they reveal their true colors!” she stated loud enough for others to hear. Forgetting to keep her voice down as her excitement gradually rose.

It'd been awhile since anyone cared enough to question her..... well.... there was cyclops lady, but that hadn't ended too well.

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"Uh, ah, yes of course," he said as he took a seat in the chair that Caslan had been sitting in moments before. Complying with the woman's request, he placed his coat on his lap and flattened it out in the places he could so it wouldn't take up too much space. It still looked unwieldy in his lap, but he wasn't about to let the wrapped contents out of his sight. Not even for a moment.

Zeff looked at the woman in the eye but quickly dropped it down slightly below her eye level. It was a trick he had picked up while he worked for his father as a merchant. If you wanted to say something slightly less than truthful, this was the easiest way to make it pass. It was psychologically alleviating for Zeff and helped him focus without having to worry about his facade being seen through. Though, at this moment there was no customer to shortchange, he just wanted to say his piece without getting choked up. Customers were one thing, mercenary leaders were another.

Deep breath, and here we go. "My name is Zeff Falassion, and I come from Senia. I used to work with my father as a merchant, so I'd probably be able to haggle here and there when we need to buy supplies." He averted his eyes before speaking again, "A-also I'm pretty good with a sword so...," returning his eyes to where they were before, "I'd like it if you could hire me." Crap. I screwed that one up didn't I?

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"That would be great. If I want to succeed, training both my body and my mind is crucial," Jacob said as he accepted the deck from Sayina. As he shuffled, the recruit checked the deck to make sure it wasn't marked, either. While he did trust Sayina to some extent, he'd be a fool not to at least verify his words, especially after the last game of cards. Once he was satisfied, the Celisan began to deal, first a hand to his elven comrade, then one for himself.

"Best of three?" Jacob asked, maintaining a straight face.

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Raelyn was pretty sure that the loudmouth in the inn was addressing her. She had more important things to do, so she ignored him, and continued her observations.

Lifting stains from clothing. I wonder if he'd be willing to work in the tavern back home? The others look like they'll get along, but the dwarves may be trouble, especially if that one doesn't shut up soon. Adari said she'd step in, so I'll have to play dumb and passive for now.

Hmmm, the quiet elf can write, if the Chatswood chap can be trusted. This may come in handy later.

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"Guess yeh don' like talkin'. Suit yerself." Rimsky muttered to himself. He figured it not worth wasting time trying to make someone to talk, that would be boring.

He turned around to see the young dwarf girl from earlier talking nonsense about the elves. Who was this kid and who taught her such madness? She was clearly delusional.

Rimsky decided to talk to the little dwarf. Would probably be a better timekiller than waiting for something special to happen.

"Oi lassie!" he called out to her, he wasn't that far away from where she and another man were sitting, "who taught yer dese things? Elves ain't vampires! But dey're darn good a' magic, yer see!"

he said with enthusiasm. He then turned towards Rayil, whom he had seen earlier several times over the past week, but whom he had not spoken to much. Now was probably time for chit-chat.

"Haven't seen yer 'round 'ere. Yer must be a noo recruit! Who might yer be?" Rimsky asked.

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No real response to why it was that we were carrying along this not only airheaded and idiotic dwarf, but also apparently racist and bigoted... what a wonderful combination.

Letting out a sigh, Aina outright downed the new mug as it came to her, keeping watch over where people were going. Eventually, her eye came to one of the elves, said he was a water mage... that might be handy. Making her way over to the man, she stopped a few feet from him.

"Aye, you said you were a water mage, eh? I was wonderin' if you could give me a hand... dwarf wench decided it'd be fun to throw ale all over my chest... y'said you were good at removin' stains from clothes, weren't ya?" The woman began, before realizing she hadn't even caught the man's name.

"Name's Aina. Aina Balke, what's yours?" She concluded, holding her hand out to the elf in the case they partook in handshakes... she wasn't really sure, to be honest.

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Mira sighed sadly as her explanation didn’t seem to be getting through to the young human. What’s more a fellow dwarven kin, an older man by the looks of him had made his way over to refute her claims. She couldn’t deny that they were good at magic, and in all honesty she’d only thought up the vampire theory on the spot a few seconds ago, but elf lover group she’d apparently joined disheartened her all the more. She thought it was strange how more humans seemed to be getting upset than elves at her comments, standing up for one another would be a nice way to say things, but seeing as how they all just stood back telling her to shut up with their eyes, even that possible trail of thought was shattered

Seeing that her conversation with Rayil had been cut short, she let out a short huff. “They’re only good at magic because they’re good at trickery.” He stated, Mira wasn’t all that fond of magic in the first place, so the connection made didn’t really help in improving her view of the bloodsucking pointy ears.

Not wanting to face that reality that the only other dwarf in the group was against her, followed by several hostile glares she was getting…. Mainly all from humans. She decided her view was outnumbered and unwelcome. But they’d see eventually that she was in the right. She didn’t blame them though, she herself had been fooled by those gangly tricksters once, twice or several times in the past, and she assumed it wouldn’t take long for the multiple elves to start revealing their true colors. It was… just hard to accept that she was the only one ‘smart’ enough to know the truth.

Making her way over towards the only human group in the room that seemingly wasn’t staring daggers at her, she plopped down nearby Erebus, glancing at Chandra before sullenly asking “Is there any bread left?” A hint of depression and loneliness etched into her face. She wasn’t used to receiving so many hostile glares, and her papa was too far away to comfort her now. Without any friends or people sharing her views, it was bad enough without having everyone glaring her way. Everyone seemed to be forgetting that elves themselves were the ones that refused to openly join human society. But no one seemed to care. Apparently everyone here was just as fake as the elves Mira had come across in the past. Too busy trying to seem friendly and likeable to reveal their true colors. It didn’t take much for her to imagine everyone around her wearing blanks white masks. “Stupid formal tea party” she mumbled under her breath.

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Erebus could feel his mouth practically watering as Chandra brought out a bowl of stew for him, he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen something that looked so tasty. "Thanks again, it looks delicious!" Giving his thanks to the cook before eating a spoonful of the food "Tastes as good as it looks too!"

When she asked about his condition though, the dark mage gave a small sigh. Pulling off his hood to talk to the woman "Much more than an illness, about a year ago I tried to invent a new technique, to put it simply it went very badly and now I'm basically a container for more magic than should be possible for human limits. Sounds useful right? Not really, my body isn't able to handle something like this, unless I regularly expel the extra magic contained in me I'll become violently ill until I do something about it."

Making his already rather quiet voice even softer he leaned in close to the other mage "It's affected me in other ways too... I used to have green eyes for one.... and I can practically "smell" you, Elder magic, you're pretty strong Chandra."

"As are you, Erebus," Chandra replied and smiled.. She deduced that if he could sense shamans around him, it made since that he was a dark mage himself. "But our fellow mercenaries may not be as welcoming to this revelation. The last thing we need is someone warning the locals. How long can you hold up?"

The mage quickly silenced herself as Mira came up to their table. "Of course, Mira," she replied, offering up the tray of bread. "And please, do mind your manners. You wouldn't want anyone saying nasty things about you, would you? So please get along with the others, yes, even the elves. You might learn something new."

Even though Chandra was speaking to Erebus, she couldn't ignore the rants Mira was giving about their elvish cohorts. It was fortunate that the elves were kind fellows and not prone to lose their temper. Chandra did not want to see how far their patience would last however.

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Relieved that at least one person in the room wasn’t giving her the evils, she reached out a hand hovering her hand towards the bread when Chandra began lecturing and telling her off in a soft but unwelcome way. Her hand freezing in mid-air, as she avoided looking the shamaness in the eyes. “Too late for that” she mumbled under her breath, Mira had hoped to get away from all the elf loving by distracting herself with food, but even food seemed to have turned against her. “Not hungry anymore….” She muttered, withdrawing her hand, glaring at Chandra with disgust, she hadn’t really come here expecting to be comforted, but her sudden dislike towards the woman skyrocket, well above any other human in the room, and nearly reaching the point of elfship. To Mira her words were insensitive and insulting, Mira had her reasons for not liking elves, and being told to get along with them so irresponsibly made it sound like she was hating on them for no good reason. In that sense it was much easier to like the people glaring at her as they only wanted her to shut up or disappear.

“I already know too much, don’t want anything to do with no backstabbing elf” she grimaced, trying to get rid of the foul taste that had begun spreading through her mouth. Part of her had always wanted to just forget about everything and go running back home. But less than a day after her recruitment she was already starting to wonder if she’d made a bad choice. The band of mercenaries had gotten much larger than she’d expected, and while Adari had never been specific about how much of the share she and the leader intended to take, Mira couldn’t imagine that much profit being shared amongst this many people. Perhaps there was more to be gained from a smaller band doing smaller jobs? Probably less dangerous too.

Not wanting to explain herself, or continue arguing for the time being she uttered a “Sorry for interrupting” before parting ways with the two dark mages and making her way back to her original spot. Her enthusiasm and excitement completely deflated after only a few quick minutes. She let out another sigh before hugging her only ally in the room to herself, the cold steel of her weapon was somewhat refreshing, and reminded her of home. But being reminded of home at this point was a double edged sword.

“Maybe I should open up my own forge….?” She mumbled, no longer too keen on the idea of staying with the band. Obviously she didn’t have the connections or the gold to set up anything like that, but she couldn’t help but wonder how much easier it’d be. It wasn’t like she wanted to go to distant lands, or experience life threatening situations anyway.

Glancing at Adari who was still dealing with recruitment, she wondered if Adari would get mad is she said she wanted to cancel her contract? Probably not, there seemed to be enough people around anyway and it wasn’t like any of the recent additions had proven their worth yet.

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"Oh, yes, I'm a water mage," Caslan replied to Aina before shaking her hands saying, "My name is Caslan Song, a pleasure to meet you."

Pushing himself back to stand up, since he was more comfortable with casting magic while standing in deep concentration, Caslan did the proper gestures and incantations to lift the ale off Aina. Holding the hovering ale between his hands, Caslan asked, "So, do you still want these or do I get rid of them? In the desert people hate to waste precious water."

Man, that eyepatch, there must be an interesting story behind it. I can't imagine living with only one eye.

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Leon took a notice at the mage levitating the water in mid air. "Hey that's a pretty neat trick. I'm sure you could do something cool with it. The most I learned in the circus was fire breathing." He took a moment to inspect the man before speaking again. He was talking to Aina, whom Leon had met a few days ago when he joined. "That dwarf is a real piece of work. That ring thing she does? Takes 5 minutes. One of the oldest tricks in the book. Got a magician to show me how it's down. Though I'm kind of curious why she joined us if she hates elves since you can't walk a single step without bumping elbows with one."

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Rayil watched Mira walk off and sighed slightly. So much for that. Turning back to the other dwarf who was talking to him now, he mumbled, "My name's Rayil. Just joined up. Had kinda been hoping for a chance to catch a few seconds of sleep. Didn't get much last night since I was trying to find this place. You are?"

Adari raised an eyebrow and grinned in a non-comforting way. "Good with a sword, eh? Well then. Lets see iffen ya can live up ta that." Standing up, she drew her sword and pointed it at Zeff. "Care ta prove those words?"

Toqua scoffed at the sight of Adari drawing her sword. "Tryin to scare the new recruits, eh? Ah well, should be interesting." Just then, he noticed the dwarf girl from earlier wandering about, clutching her hammer to her chest. "Oi, lass, what's the matter? You look like ya took yer hammer to yer jaw. Where's the smile I saw earlier? Here, sit down and talk to me."

Sayina merely sighed at Adari's challenge. "I'm sorry Jacob, but I may need to cut our game short if she actually decides to take this joke further than it is now. She sometimes forgets what restraint means. Until then... hmm. I'll raise." He tossed two wooden chips into the center.

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"Do something cool with it? I know how to maintain it spread around a body, keeps the body moist and all. Desert people love it, well the kids and some of the womenfolk anyway," Caslan said, letting the ale dissipate into the air.

"The names Caslan by the way," Caslan introduced himself to Leon, first displaying his palm that it was clean of ale before offering his hand to shake, "You said something about rings of the dwarf? I haven't heard of that. We elves in the desert have very little to work with."

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"The name's Rimsky. I used ter be a mount breeder; ter be specific, horses; but business in Celisa din' pay well unlike in Antar. So I just join'd dis bunch a week ago. I've learnt a bit o' archery, so it ain't all that difficult, adjusting!" Rimsky replied, glad he was able to strike a conversation with someone after two failed attempts today. That dwarf girl was nothing but trouble, she'd probably cause havoc in the mercenary company frequently.

"Where are yeh from, Rayil? Yer seem to have capable hands yerself! I don' think ye'll get naptime soon, the company'll want yeh to mingle with da folk o'er here and see yer skillset in action! Hope Adari doesn't pick on yeh!" Rimsky replied, smiling.

Noticing Adari drawing her sword at the last applicant, Rimsky chuckled. "Guess she wants ter fight and pick on that poor lad." he mumbled.

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"Ah well it's just a little trick. If I could borrow them some time, I'd show ya. Name's Leon by the way." Leon shakes his hand in greeting, tipping his head, and goes back over to the card game in progress. "Deal me in on the next one. I feel like losing some more."

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"Considering she dropped her dingy ring and stuck her grubby hands in it, I'm not inclined to drink it anymore... if ya want it yourself, by all means." Aina replied, before hearing the conversation shift to why the dwarf would join a group filled with elves if she hated elves.

"She doesn't strike me as the bright sort."

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Zeff froze as he not only heard the words being spoken out of his employer's mouth, but saw her taking action following those words. The sight of her sword sent a chill up his spine, and his heart started beating just as fast as before. Think Zeff, think! Arrgghh damn! Why the hell did I say that in the first place?! The truth of the matter was that Zeff, was far from proficient with any type of weapon. He hadn't even ever sparred with a real person before. The most "training" he'd ever gotten was the practice air-slicing he did in his free time, and mental imagining as he read books on swordplay.

To make matters worse, any tricks and illusions he could pull out and put up wouldn't last very long. He simply didn't have the energy to do it. Truthfully, he never had the energy to begin with. There was a reason he became a merchant like his father, instead of a mercenary from the start. He just wasn't cut out for being a mercenary. He tired far too quickly. He did have a trump card though, something that had gotten him this far, and something that had given him enough hope to show up in the first place.

He looked at his coat and what was hidden inside, besides, if I have to wear this every time I want to prove myself to somebody, I'll never get anywhere. He got up from his chair and placed his coat down. He moved over to a position where he'd have optimal clearance, and full vision of Adari and any parties that might decide to join in uninvited. Just in case. He held his head up and looked the woman in the eyes, or rather, right underneath as he usually did at times like these. "Alright then, that's fine by me. I wouldn't mind a quick round or two," he said with a false smile on his face. He reached back and unsheathed his sword, a tiny and pathetic looking thing compared to a regular sword, but it was all Zeff could manage to hold.

As he held his blade in his hand, his steadfast resolve began to melt away. He tried to remember the variety of stances he had learned in his reading but his mind was drawing a blank, and that scared him even more. His hands began to tremble, and his knees felt like they would buckle at any second. Though, looking at his face, nobody would suspect anything was the matter, the same stupid smile was still plastered there. He took a deep breath. "Well, I'm ready when you are..." Oh divines, if ever I would need your help, now would be it.

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Adari burst out laughing and sheathed her sword. "Well, ya've got guts, if nothin else. Siddown, yer in. I was just messin with ya. And ya passed that's fer sure. Not many of these mercs wouldda had the guts ta stand up against me on their first day. Usual deal. Boss and I get first cut, then it's even split. Iffen ya agree, just sign there. Hope ya do stay. We need guts."

Rayil watched in amazement as first the new recruit was brave enough to draw his sword and then as the second in command just laughed and sat back down. "I guess she was just testing him. I'm sure glad I didn't need to do that though..."

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Shaking his head Caslan suggested, "Someone ought to teach her not to hate elves if she wants to stick with us. Did one of the elves in the band pull a prank on her or something?"

"Although I am curious about those rings Leon spoke off. Sixty five years and I haven't heard about it. Is it perhaps a dwarven thing? Maybe I'll go ask that dwarf what's her problem myself. Feel free to tag along."

OOC: To Ether

Yes, let's bring the two things the dwarf dislikes to her whooo~

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It took Zeff a little while before he comprehended what was going on. He couldn't help but laugh alongside her, though not without a couple tears mixed in here and there. Crisis averted...he thought as he let out the breath he had been holding in. Taking his seat once more he grabbed the contract he was offered and gave it a read. Too often people would attempt to swindle him by selling him garbage they touted as treasures. He knew full well the deceit people were capable of and he didn't want to be caught off guard. After judging that nothing suspicious was going on, he signed his name at the bottom taking care to curve the "n" at the bottom--he thought it looked better this way.

He handed the paper back to the woman. "By the way, I didn't quite catch your name ma'am," he said with a grin on his face. This time, the smile was genuine.

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"That boy's got guts, I'll say. I'd ne'er go against somethin' I know I can't handle. Unless yer know, he's skilled!" Rimsky said with a big grin.

"How capable are yeh in combat? I'm sure ye'd do ok for a recruit, Rayil. No need ter be so serious!" he said, chuckling.

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Hmm, so the loudmouth wanted a conversation? He is TERRIBLE at starting them. Perhaps he has no idea how to approach the desert folk. Being loud is not how to do it, for one. Raelyn continued to scan the room. Adari's laughter caught her attention. She arched an eyebrow at the newcomer's sword and stance. Both could use improvement. Worse comes to worse, he'd do as a portable meatshield.

Note to self, observe him in battle.

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Undecided on whether she should approach Adari or not, she’d been plodding towards the woman to discuss cancelling her contract when she came across Adari and some white haired new guy that looked vaguely familiar pointing swords at eachother. For a moment she thought that the white haired man was a deserter or something, her face going pale at the mere thought of going up against Adari, she was so afraid she didn’t even recognized Zeff as the elf germ man from earlier. Afraid of being threatened at sword point. She hated elves, but she’d probably hate death even more.

Wandering where to hide, her attention was quickly drawn by a rather cheerful yet gruff tone. Her eyes snapping towards the man, fear evident in her eyes, she couldn’t imagine why her intentions had been caught on to so quickly, but after staring fearfully at Toqua for a few seconds, she relaxed slightly, trying to force a smile, but failing miserably, her entire body trembling as she held the sledgehammer closer to herself. “Uhh, hello Mister… Toqua?” she mumbled trying to sound as polite as possible. She wasn’t entirely sure what the man’s name was, but she was sure that’s what Adari had called him yesterday. “I’m fine…. I wasn’t planning on deserting or anything, promise” she blurted, backing away, refusing to take a seat. She’d never been one to think deeply, but the chair sort of looked like an execution platform to her at the moment.

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"Losing is part of life, but I can understand why some people want to avoid it." said Si'andol, tilting her head to one side. "Back home, in the desert, we could never hope to win against the sun. There is little shade and so much sunlight and sand makes it so hard to withstand just the daily light. I guess you could say we're always losing against the sun. But we learned to cope and have fun regardless. My clothes, they keep the sunlight from striking me full-on during the day and keep the heat of the sand away so it doesn't hurt as much. At night we sing, dance, and play together though. I'm sure that, soon, you will realize what you have left behind."

But there was nothing to leave behind. Well, other than my family history, Ernce wanted to say but kept it to himself. He figured that if he said it out loud he'd come off as stubborn or maybe even ungrateful. "Yeah I suppose your right." Ernce frowned. "You never know what you have until it's gone..." he said more to himself then Si'andol. "Although I'm still glad I got out when I did. War's been brewin' for a while now and I don't want to die in some war I don't care about. 'Course that could happen anyway if the boss decides to let one of the counties hire 'im."

After he said that Ernce looked around the inn. It seemed he'd missed the recruitments of the other desert elf and the white haired guy. Everyone was actually talking to each other, even the deluded female dwarf was talking with someone. "So what do ya think of that dwarf girl?" Ernce asked without thinking; he was glad she was currently occupied with someone else because that hammer looked like it'd hurt a lot if she hit him with it. "I mean I wouldn't want someone talkin' like that about me or givin' me death glares all the time. Then again, that's just me; don't know about you though."

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