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Beneath the Shadows Prologue: With a Single Step


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vs. Bandit Blaster B
HP: 9 MT: 5 Hit: 9 AS: 3 EVD: 4 DEF:1 RES: 3
Chandra has type advantage: 0+2 to MT
[4,2,5]=HIT! 7 damage!
Enemy Counters
[1,1,1]=Critical! (glad there's no lethals here)

Type disadvantage: -2 MT

4-3=1 Crit= 2 damage
Chandra: 10/12
Bandit Blaster B: 2/9
+1 point

Soon the bandits showed up from the north, just as was reported. Luckily, the mercenaries were the first to strike. While the others took out the leader, Chandra eyed one of the mages. With so many physical units on her side, they would likely become an issue. She eyed the one anima user.

Chandra rushed forward, her dark magic taking the form of claws upon her fingertips. She slashed, causing severe damage to the enemy mage. He wasn't out yet though; he countered with his own elemental magic. However, not even his perfect casting (read: critical) was enough to cause anything more than superficial damage to Chandra.

"Oh sweetie, you should go back to school."

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Enemy Phase

Angered by the loss of their leader, the bandits struck back.

One shot Christopher's killer in the arm with an arrow.



-10 HP!

Rimsky 5/15

Another swung at the wench who had stabbed their beloved chief. Do unto others as they do unto your boss, after all.



-4 HP

Aina 3/18

With those murderers handled for the time being, the other bandits went to work on the fresher foes. The bandit with the pitchfork poked the archer who had shot his partner in crime.



-6 HP

Malachi 6/12

An axeman decided to go after the mounted healer, since he seemed to be the leader. An eye for an eye.



-4 HP

Sayina 14/18

His healing buddy, in the meanwhile, went over to heal his fellow bandit fire mage.

+4 HP

Bandit Blaster Max(B) 6/9

The former monk immediately recognized Chandra's magic as dark magic. And so, like any dutiful priest-turned bandit, he smote the heathen.



-8 HP

Chandra 2/12

His friend, the shaman's apprentice, happily followed up the attack on Sayina. Unfortunately, he missed and blasted a nearby tree to bits.



Sayina 14/18

Lastly, the injured bandit mage, seeing that his attacker was being handled, threw a fireball at the guy on the ground just in case he tried to be sneaky.



-3 HP

Erebus 2/12

Meanwhile, the other bandits were starting to turn away from thievery and focus on this new threat. They wouldn't engage just yet, but they got ready just in case worse came to worst.

Bandit A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) (Sword)

Bandit B 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive)(Axe)


Bandit C 9/9 (Aggressive) (Bow)

Bandit Rider A 12/12 (Aggressive) (Sword)


Bandit Rider B 12/12 (Passive-Aggressive) (Lance)

Bandit Rider C 12/12(Passive-Aggressive) (Bow)


Ruffian A 0/15(Aggressive) (Rust)

Ruffian B 12/12 (Aggressive) (Lance)


Ruffian C 18/18 (Aggressive) (Axe)

Bandit Caster A 9/9(Aggressive) (N/A)


Bandit Caster B 9/9 (Aggressive) (Light)


Bandit Blaster A 9/9 (Aggressive) (Dark)

Bandit Blaster B 6/9 (Aggressive) (Anima)


Christopher 0/18 (Erratic) (Quiver)

Other Phase

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Sayina simply frowned at the axeman. "To attack a defenseless person is cowardly. To attack a healer goes beyond that. Your group clearly has no honor, and we shall therefore treat you as such." Ignoring the magic blast that barely missed him, he nudged Snowflake over to Aina. With a slight tsk, he cleared his mind and then muttered a few words while lightly touching her worst injuries with his staff. They rapidly knit up as his light magic created replacement cells and repaired the damaged ones. With a nod, he simply said "Try to be careful out there," before riding to seek out others who were more wounded.

Aina: 18/18 HP

Adari meanwhile found herself surrounded by seven bandits. They circled her, grinning. "Aw, little sweetie, are you the best this village could muster up? How 'bout you just get down from that there horse and forget about trying to prote---" His words were cut off by the arrows that sprouted from his mouth and eye. Pulling out another arrow, Adari grinned. "Ya were sayin? Yee boys best be runnin now. Not that it'll do ya any good."

Toqua frowned as Charlie blasted one right off the bat. Whistling to Serath, the pair dove down and with a swing of his axe, sent half of a bandit flying through the air. Circling around, he started a second dive.

Player Phase

Bandit A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) (Sword)
Bandit B 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive)(Axe)
Bandit C 9/9 (Aggressive) (Bow)
Bandit Rider A 12/12 (Aggressive) (Sword)
Bandit Rider B 12/12 (Passive-Aggressive) (Lance)
Bandit Rider C 12/12(Passive-Aggressive) (Bow)
Ruffian A 0/15(Aggressive) (Rust)
Ruffian B 12/12 (Aggressive) (Lance)
Ruffian C 18/18 (Aggressive) (Axe)
Bandit Caster A 9/9(Aggressive) (N/A)
Bandit Caster B 9/9 (Aggressive) (Light)
Bandit Blaster A 9/9 (Aggressive) (Dark)
Bandit Blaster B 6/9 (Aggressive) (Anima)
Christopher 0/18 (Erratic) (Quiver)

Aina 18/18
Caslan 12/12
Chandra 2/12
Erebus 2/12
Ernce 15/15
Jacob 15/15
Leon 12/12
Malachi 6/12
Mira 18/18
Raelyn 9/9
Rayil 12/12
Rimsky 5/15
Zeff 15/15
Sayina 14/18 (Erratic)

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As the leader hefted his axe in an attempt to strike her down, Aina smiled. He was projecting too much, and the swordswoman could easily block the hit and lop his head clean off... or she would have, had an arrow not struck the man down where he stood.

"Damn... I wanted that one." Aina muttered, as another bandit landed a light blow on her and fled, followed by a healing from Sayina.

"Will you fuckers stop runnin' away from me?!" Aina shouted, thrusting her sword at the nearest bandit, who happened to be a mage of some sort, her blade skewering the man, ironically enough, through his right eye. Of course, in his case, it was also out the back of his skull, so...

"Wouldja look at that... we match. How cute." The woman growled, giving her sword another swing, sending the corpse careening into a nearby bandit.

"Anyone else want some?!"

Aina(4,4,4) AUTOCRIT! 10 Mt - 1 def, 18 damage!

Blaster B -12/9

Aina 18/18


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"Ready ourselves?" Ernce asked with a smirk. "Please, when it comes to killing bandits I'm always ready." Ernce's grip on his lance tightened with anticipation as he stared at the approaching bandits. Finally he'd get to take some of them out with his own hands. He surveyed some of the charging bandits looking for someone who wasn't paying attention. Ernce's gaze landed on one of the enemy horsemen who was talking with his comrade. Ernce charged the rider and managed to stab the man's leg and for the most part managed to dodge his retaliation; the rider's sword nicked him on the arm but it wasn't even close to serious.

Ernce attacks Bandit Rider A http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4155732/ (6,4,5)

6+5+2 = 13-5 = 8>0 Hit!

4+5-3 = 6 Damage dealt!

Bandit Rider A Counters! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4155767/ (3,1,6)

3+7-2 = 8-4= 4>0 Hit!

1+4 = 5-4 = 1 Damage Dealt.

+1 point

Ernce 14/15

Bandit Rider A 6/12

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As the battle started Erebus wasted no time in picking out a target, eyeing one of the archers that were nearby. Forming a dark ball in his hand, with enough power packed into it to splatter the man's guts across the field. However his foe had already spotted the dark mage and knocked an arrow. Firing it off and catching Erebus in the shoulder before he could even finish forming his spell.

Sending the dark mage crashing into the ground, writing in pain

As soon as Chandra was done with attacking the fire mage, she turned to find Erebus on the ground in pain. In his state, the arrow could do more damage than normal. He didn't seem in any condition to continue fighting, so letting off more of his magic wasn't really an option. Before she could ask him if he was alright, Chandra caught a blast of light magic right in the back. She cried out as the attack sent her on her hands and knees.

"So...that's what light magic feels like," Chandra commented, wincing from the sting as she struggled to keep herself up. She then turned to Erebus, only to shield her eyes as a blast of fire magic blasted her fellow dark mage. When she looked back, Chandra was relieved that he was still holding on.

"You look like how I feel."

Needless to say, if her condition didn't improve, Chandra was sitting out the rest of the battle.

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A fellow lanceman- one of the newer recruits, Jacob guessed - had stabbed at one of the riders, which gave him an opening. The recruit charged over and stabbed his lance at the bandit, hoping to at least hit his horse. What he hit instead was the enemy himself, with his spearhead piercing their chest. After removing his weapon from the dead man, the Celisan turned to his fellow mercenary.

"Nice work," he said, before returning to the fray.


3,6,3 = Autohit!

12-3 = 9 points of damage! Bandit Rider A is defeated!

Jacob gains 5 points.

Jacob 15/15

Bandit Rider A 0/12

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Rimsky aimed once more, trying to snipe off an enemy who was wielding an axe. His shot wasn't so powerful as the last one, but it still got the axeman wounded.


Rimsky(1,1,6)- With resolve activated, 6HIT, 7-2 MT= 5 MT

Bandit doesn't counter.

Ruffian C- 13/18

Rimsky- 5/15

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Seeing his fellow mercs attacking and getting attacked, Rayil charged in after seeing one ruffian get hit by an arrow from one of the dwarves. He quickly cut two deep cuts into the bandit's arms, causing the man's attempt to separate Rayil's head from his body to fail miserably.



Rayil always hits,

4+2-2=4 damage


(6+2-2-8)<0, miss


4+5-2=7 damage

Rayil: 12/12 HP

Ruffian C: 2/18 HP

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Leon was a bit astounded by all the loud yelling going on. He had some people run right by him, then another bandit threw an axe over his head! They were coming from everywhere, but it seemed that his allies were winning. One bandit dived at his feet, making him jump. Leon ran, jumping and then sliding past Aina as she cleaved a bandit. One mage looked particularly hurt, and yet was still trying to fight. He didn't seem to have met him before the fighting began, but he gave his staff a quick throw in the air, catching it spinning, then healing shut his wounds.

Leon heals Rimsky for 3 HP

Rimsky 5/15 +3 = 8/15

Leon runs back through the crowd of bandits looking for someone else to help. He doesn't see anyone, and heads over to the barrels filled with water by the houses, crouching and waiting for someone to get hurt.

Leon uses Sneak

1/2 uses remaining this battle

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Enemy Phase

As two more of their number fell, the bandits began to worry. This was supposed to be easy pickings. Despite their misgivings, they began to strike at the Harriers once more.

The archer shot an arrow at his dwarven enemy once more, this time, aiming for the chest. Unfortunately for him, he struck his shoulder, instead.

-4 HP
Rimsky 4/15

The bandit with the pitchfork took up his comrade's place and managed to hit the one-eyed wench's side with a thrust.

-6 HP
Aina 12/18

The wounded bandit, infuriated by the humiliation of missing, tried to cleave the nimble swordsman with another swing. Naturally, he missed and nearly fell flat on his face.
Rayil 12/12

His partner the healer decided that letting his friend bleed out was probably not the best idea. So he healed him a bit.
+4 HP
Ruffian C 6/18

The holy bandit decided to try frying the lance wielder who took down their rider. He only managed to burn his arm, though. Tough luck.
-5 HP
Jacob 10/15

The dark bandit,on the other hand, decided to blindside the idiot who was spouting about honor. While he did nail the elf, it didn't seem to do much, to his frustration

Auto hit!
-4 HP
Sayina 10/18

All of a sudden, two of the unmounted bandits arrived to the action, ready to go. The mounted bandits were still a ways away, but that wouldn't be the case for long.

Bandit A 9/9 (Aggressive) (Sword)
Bandit B 18/18 (Aggressive)(Axe)

Bandit C 9/9 (Aggressive) (Bow)
Bandit Rider A 0/12 (Aggressive) (Stuck)
Bandit Rider B 12/12 (Passive-Aggressive) (Lance)
Bandit Rider C 12/12(Passive-Aggressive) (Bow)
Ruffian A 0/15(Aggressive) (Rust)
Ruffian B 12/12 (Aggressive) (Lance)
Ruffian C 6/18 (Aggressive) (Axe)
Bandit Caster A 9/9(Aggressive) (N/A)
Bandit Caster B 9/9 (Aggressive) (Light)
Bandit Blaster A 9/9 (Aggressive) (Dark)
Bandit Blaster B 0/9 (Aggressive) (Minced)
Christopher 0/18 (Erratic) (Quiver)

Other Phase

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Rushing over to the female dark mage, Sayina knelt down, shaking off the magic blast that had slammed him. With a frown, he quickly muttered under his breath and touched the gaping wound. Seeing them knit up, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Stay safe." Then, he stood up and muttered a few more words. A shimmering barrier of light appeared around him, and suddenly he appeared to have disappeared.

Sayina heals Chandra.

Chandra: 12/12

Sayina uses Sneak.

Bandit A 9/9 (Aggressive) (Sword)
Bandit B 18/18 (Aggressive)(Axe)

Bandit C 9/9 (Aggressive) (Bow)
Bandit Rider A 0/12 (Aggressive) (Stuck)
Bandit Rider B 12/12 (Passive-Aggressive) (Lance)
Bandit Rider C 12/12(Passive-Aggressive) (Bow)
Ruffian A 0/15(Aggressive) (Rust)
Ruffian B 12/12 (Aggressive) (Lance)
Ruffian C 6/18 (Aggressive) (Axe)
Bandit Caster A 9/9(Aggressive) (N/A)
Bandit Caster B 9/9 (Aggressive) (Light)
Bandit Blaster A 9/9 (Aggressive) (Dark)
Bandit Blaster B 0/9 (Aggressive) (Minced)
Christopher 0/18 (Erratic) (Quiver)

Aina 12/18
Caslan 12/12
Chandra 12/12
Erebus 2/12
Ernce 14/15
Jacob 10/15
Leon 12/12
Malachi 6/12
Mira 18/18
Raelyn 9/9
Rayil 12/12
Rimsky 4/15
Zeff 15/15
Sayina 10/18 (Erratic)

Player Phase #3

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Rimsky was smug as he was determined to snipe off the caster from a distace. The guy was too Slow for him.

Rimsky has resolve activated, Raw stats: 6MT, 5 HIT, 6 AS>Bandit's 3 AS, he doubles. Also 5 HIT>4 AS, autohit.

Rimsky(2,1,2)- Rimsky does (6+1-3)= 4 Damage

Rimsky(2,2,2)- AUTOCRIT! Rimsky does (6+2-3)*2= 10 damage.

Total damage- 14 > 9 HP

Rimsky- 4/15 HP

Bandit Blaster A- 0/9 HP

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Raelyn attacks Ruffian C!


"Hey, asshole." The bandit turned, just in time to see Raelyn's blade headed for his throat. He managed to avoid a fatal blow, but she couldn't help but smile at the trail of blood that ran down his shirt. He tried to retaliate, but she easily sidestepped his clumsy attempt, and quickly ended his life. It was more than he was worth, but better safe than sorry.

Ruffian C is dead

(OC: I'm feeling horrible, so do the math yourselves. . .sorry)

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The battle had already begun, and Zeff found himself shaken a midst all the chaos. His allies were falling. The enemy was falling. It seemed like one whole bloody mess, and it wasn't something Zeff had mentally prepared for. He had gone unnoticed by the enemy thus far, and he hoped to keep it that way. He comrades were fighting with such bravado, it amazed him that he thought he could be on their level. Still, he was a mercenary now, and Adari had made a note of his apparent bravery. It wouldn't do him well to throw away what little he had going for him. Pressing on into the battlefield, he spotted a healer nearby aiding the enemy team. He was unarmed and yet, no I can't think about that right now! It's either him or me and I have better things to do than day on my first day! He unsheathed his sword and plunged it into the unsuspecting cleric. The attack was spot on, but the poor make of his sword caused him to miss a vital spot. Blast! The healer was still alive, but just barely.



HIT: 6+3=9(Zeff) - 6(Caster) = Attack Land!
Damage: 5+3=8(Zeff) -1(Caster) = 7 Damage!
Double: None

Caster A - 2HP
Zeff - +1 PT

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"Thanks you're pretty good too," Ernce called out to the fellow lancer as they both went their separate ways on the battlefield. Ernce had trouble spotting another foe to slay as he ran around the battlefield with how fast their foes were falling. That is, until he saw a lone bandit preparing to attack his allies. Without so much of a thought, Ernce charged directly at the bandit and ran him through. The poor bandit died instantly. "Feh," Ernce spat as he swung the corpse off his lance, "scum like you deserve far worse than a quick death." That done, Ernce returned his attention to the battle, there were still plenty of bandits left to kill.

Ernce attacks Bandit A! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4156077/ (6,5,3)

6+5+2 = 13-9 = 4>0 Hit!

5+5-1 = 9 Damage dealt!

You dead son.

Ernce +5 points

Ernce 14/15

Bandit A Dead

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Rayil saw the enemies converging on them and took a deep breath. Charging at the nearest axe user, he slashed deep into the man's chest. The bandit weakly swung at him but he managed to dodge it easily. Quickly, he stabbed the man in the neck and pulled the sword out and wiped in on the dead bandit. With a sigh, he did his best to stay calm as the battle raged on around him.



Rayil hits

(4+5-1)*2=16 damage

Bandit B misses

Rayil hits

(4+1-1)=4 damage

Rayil: 12/12

Bandit B: ded

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Raelyn whistled softly as the bandit Rayil fought crumpled to the ground. For a nervous guy, he's putting up quite a fight. I'll have to watch myself around him. Everyone else is doing as I expected, except the dwarves. The loud one's surprisingly useful, and the crazy one's even less useful than I anticipated. I'll have to sort this out once things calm down. Where'd Malachi go? He's good at picking a fight, at least.

Enough musing for now.

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Erebus would say that he felt his pain sensors being overloaded by the blast of fire that had hit him, but that would be lying outright. He couldn't feel anything at this point, aside from how tired he was.

Chandra was hurt too, and she was on the ground next to him....why weren't the healers helping? Others had been healed, but he and Chandra were being left to die.... did the other mercenaries truly hate dark magic so much as to just abandon their comrades like this? Well, if he was going to die, might as well get some humor out of it.

Reaching out Erebus grabbed Chandra's hand with his own, clasping the appendage. "Wish I feel how you looked, hehehe..." Laughing before a trickle of blood came out of his mouth "Okay... laughing hurts..."

Their supposed leader finally noticed them however, and fixed Chandra's wounds, leaving Erebus on the ground still leaking precious bodily fluids.... internally.

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Leon walked back over the to guy he just healed. "Hey, when I heal you, don't get stabbed again." He chuckled. The wound looked nasty, but Leon mended it, and rushed back over to his hiding spot.

Leon heals Rimsky for 3 HP

Rimsky 4/15 +3 = 7/15

Leon uses Sneak

0/2 uses remaining this battle

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Enemy Phase
The number of bandits dead doubled, and to be quite honest, the survivors were freaking out.

The archer figured he was going to die, so he went and tried to bring that damn dwarf down with him. Due to being terrible at archery, of course, he hit his foe in the arm once more.

-2 HP
Rimsky 5/15

The bandit with a pitchfork decided to go after another swordsman,
Blocked/ Hit!
- 3 (6)HP
Rayil 9(6) /12

And while the bandit with the staff was busy trying not to bleed out, his friend the ex-monk smote his attacker. This time he was more successful with his magical attempts.
Critical hit!
-16 HP
Zeff KO'd!
Zeff 0/15

The bandit riders finally arrived, only to find the battlefield full of their allies' bodies, which wasn't a good sign at all. They lowered their weapons, and prepared to engage in this difficult-if not impossible battle against the Harriers.

Bandit A 0/9 (Passive-Aggressive) (rip)
Bandit B 0/18 (Passive-Aggressive)(Aced)

Bandit C 9/9 (Aggressive) (Bow)
Bandit Rider A 0/12 (Aggressive) (Stuck)
Bandit Rider B 12/12 (Aggressive) (Lance)
Bandit Rider C 12/12(Aggressive) (Bow)

Ruffian A 0/15(Aggressive) (Rust)
Ruffian B 12/12 (Aggressive) (Lance)
Ruffian C 0/18 (Aggressive) (Ash)
Bandit Caster A 2/9(Aggressive) (N/A)
Bandit Caster B 9/9 (Aggressive) (Light)
Bandit Blaster A 0/9 (Aggressive) (Dirt)
Bandit Blaster B 0/9 (Aggressive) (Minced)

Christopher 0/18 (Erratic) (Quiver)

Other Phase

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Zeff was readying himself for the next attack. Hopefully he would finish off the enemy once and for all, but he had erred greatly. A novice in battle, he had failed to keep an eye out of his surroundings. From the corner of his eye he saw a blast of magic coming his way, but it had caught him off guard and he was unable to react in time. Taking the full brunt of the attack, he fell to the ground beaten and battered. Aside from the pain he felt throughout his body, he felt anguish. Through his blurry vision his could make sense of feet shuffling on the ground, and weapons crossing. He however, failed to contribute in any meaningful way. Is this...the end...already..?

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Seeing Zeff fall, Sayina cursed under his breath. Doing a quick minor healing job on Erebus to prevent him from bleeding out, he quickly explained, "One of your comrades is about to die. This is all I can do for now, hopefully I will be back soon." Kicking Snowflake into action, the elf rode quickly over to where Zeff lay on death's door. Kneeling by him, he quickly started muttering under his breath. You of no face, this one is not yours today. I will save him. Please. Some day, I will pay this debt. Hearing a weak cough, he breathed a sigh of relief. Placing his staff on the swordsman's wounds, he smiled slightly. "Be careful. You are saved for now. I do not know if I could save you again."

Sayina revives Zeff

Zeff: 11/15 HP

Bandit A 0/9 (Passive-Aggressive) (rip)
Bandit B 0/18 (Passive-Aggressive)(Aced)

Bandit C 9/9 (Aggressive) (Bow)
Bandit Rider A 0/12 (Aggressive) (Stuck)
Bandit Rider B 12/12 (Aggressive) (Lance)
Bandit Rider C 12/12(Aggressive) (Bow)

Ruffian A 0/15(Aggressive) (Rust)
Ruffian B 12/12 (Aggressive) (Lance)
Ruffian C 0/18 (Aggressive) (Ash)
Bandit Caster A 2/9(Aggressive) (N/A)
Bandit Caster B 9/9 (Aggressive) (Light)
Bandit Blaster A 0/9 (Aggressive) (Dirt)
Bandit Blaster B 0/9 (Aggressive) (Minced)

Christopher 0/18 (Erratic) (Quiver)

Aina 12/18
Caslan 12/12
Chandra 12/12
Erebus 2/12
Ernce 14/15
Jacob 10/15
Leon 12/12
Malachi 6/12
Mira 18/18
Raelyn 9/9
Rayil 9/12
Rimsky 5/15
Zeff 11/15
Sayina 10/18 (Erratic)

Player Phase #4

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