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Fire Emblem 11 NES Hack (Mock up)


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Dunno if this is old, but I thought it was kind of cool.

It seems some Japanese fans created a hack of FE1 that updates it with FE11 features and mechanics (essentially a FE11 demake). I'm not 100% sure it's an actual hack or a mock up, but it looks neat anyway (apparently some people at ChinaFE have it, so presumably it's real and out in the wild).

There's a video of it here (might be slow to load).

I had a quick look and saw FE11's prologue and sidequest chapters. There's even a fully working Reclass menu o__o

[spoiler=At the very end...]there's an image of a FE3 map. Not sure if that's a preview of a FE12 demake or just something added for fun.

Edited by VincentASM
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Huh... now I have the urge to search this out and see if it's legit.


It seems like the original videos are from here:

Part 1: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11645299

Part 2: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11814097

Part 3: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11960794

As the author says from the description, it isn't legit.

It was just video/image editing.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Damn. I thought this would be some kind of breakthrough in NESFE hacking. Also, am I the only person that got distracted by the thumbnails of 3d anime girls with giant boobs? >_>

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That video was made exactly after 1 month after the Japanese release of Shadow Dragon for the DS.

Even if the author didn't say it was a video/image edit, I doubt anyone was *THAT* enthusiastic for FE11.

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Whoops, I didn't realise the ChinaFE dudes were talking about another hack when they said they had it. That's what I get for skimming.

I still think it's a cool idea though : P

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You could tell instantly this was a fake by the class fade-out: the NES isn't, by itself, capable of having such smooth color transitions. There aren't enough colors in its preset palette. You would instead see a slight stutter-effect during the transition as it cycles the palette through slightly darker shades until all colors are black; in the video, the entire screen goes through a darkening effect, using colors not possible on the NES.

However, that's not to say the NES romhacking scene isn't capable of some of the amazing ideas shown in this video. Just take a gander at some of the Rockman boards and projects to see how drastically different the game can be played or experienced.

Damn. I thought this would be some kind of breakthrough in NESFE hacking. Also, am I the only person that got distracted by the thumbnails of 3d anime girls with giant boobs? >_>

What break through were you looking for? The map data is uncompressed and its format straight-forward (believe I documented some of it years and years back), as are the unit stats, item stats, and such. Text-editing is fairly basic as well. Understanding in-game events would be the most difficult part about editing the game. Two of my projects showed what was capable: one was using Link's Awakening graphics to create some unique maps, and another was porting over a bunch of FE4/FE5 sprites and animations into the vanilla game.

Even further back, I was once working with a guy who had figured out the level data for Fire Emblem Gaiden, and who was working on a space-RPG using FE2 as the base. He lost interest, and he never bothered to share his findings anywhere I knew of. Next to that, I also outlined some preliminary data for FE2, and shared this data. Artemis probably released some of his working notes, including his table file, so text editing would be just as easy, too.

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