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QOTD Thread: The End


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playing tryndamere/riven/darius/nidalee

i love riven and really enjoy tryndamere, but i have no little to no experience with darius and nidalee

also i really dislike uhh... i'll get back to this

Edited by Raven
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Beauty products, as a personal thing. I've nothing against other people using it and I will stick up for people who get shit from others for choosing to use it, but I feel that outward beauty is so overvalued in society and there's so much pressure to achieve something that I personally find both useless and fleeting. I do understand that many who do choose to use it do it for self-expression and doesn't give a fuck about what people think, either, and that's cool (and if you do wear it to look nice to others that's also cool), it's just that I've personally had too many people telling me I should act and look more "feminine" and it's pushed me from indifference to hate on cosmetics on a personal level.

I mean sure you have potential to become nicer to look at maybe but my existence isn't for other people's viewing pleasure. It doesn't help me remember things better, it doesn't make me a better programmer or painter, and applying it would detract into what precious little sleep time I get. And it certainly doesn't get me better wifi.

Fuck that shit. I want better wifi.

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it's just that I've personally had too many people telling me I should act and look more "feminine" and it's pushed me from indifference to hate on cosmetics on a personal level.

oh, i hear ya. except being a biological male, there's a lot more than something like "beauty products"...

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Coffee. It's a vile, disgusting, intolerable liquid that's almost, but not quite, entirely like tea. Where tea is a sublime elixir of immeasurable grandeur and majesty, coffee is the execrable hellspawn of a sludgy flesh eating maggot beast. It boggles my mind that people burn their money and torture their souls downing such vile, loathesome swill when they could enjoy an immaculately brewed cup of a tea instead.

Edited by Wist
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Suburban sprawl, and anything related to it.

I cannot see how anyone likes

  • Car Dependence (although this also applies to rural life, but at least there aren't a lot of cars on the roads there)
  • Strip/Shopping malls with huge-ass parking lots and big-box stores
  • Trafficcaused as a result of sprawl
  • Increased risk of traffic related incidents as a result of the above bullet point, as well as increased car pollution
  • Subdivisions that have no sidewalks,have all those cul-de-sacs, are somewhat scary to go into without GPS or a map (physical or mental), etc.
  • All those fast food chains being spread out like crazy (despite the hate they get)
  • Eating up the environment and rural land at a faster rate than urban development can do
etc. I also hate how people who support sprawl spread misconceptions about urbanism due to their lack of understanding it. Edited by BLS
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Football (Fifa type). And, though I know we were told 'one', rugby as well. I don't mind the rest of the sports area (even if it's generally not my cup of tea; hockey, squash and tennis/badminton are the exceptions that I actually like), but these two I detest. Even watching them's a chore.

I think part of the problem was a particularly obsessive PE/games teacher back at school. He was the 'drill sergeant nasty' type of teacher who would make your life absolute hell if you didn't like the things he did. I wasn't too annoyed by football/rugby initially, but he forever ruined any enjoyment I may have eventually had.

..It didn't help matters that he chose the absolute coldest, wettest days of the year to force them upon us.

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Oh, good one. Everyone seems to be interested in football, but really, idgaf. Hate is a strong word. I am indifferent towards the sport, but I hate the hooligans that come with it.

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i don't really hate much tbqh

like thinking thinking thinking and nothing is coming to mind

trigun was pretty lame, though, so i guess i'll go with trigun

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Hate's a strong word, but I guess the first thing that comes to mind would be flip flops or thongs as they're called in Australia

Seriously everyone I know likes them and I'm like WHY?

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I HATE Football(soccer) and how people here in Brazil are obsessed with it.

Also, i don't exactly hate them, but i dislike coffee and bacon, while most people really like them.

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What are some modern technologies/products that you don't actively use?

iPads/Phones/Pods, never could afford those things =o

I also never really use our tvs anymore, I keep watching everything on my lappy and everybody in this house watches different things at the same time anyway, so it's difficult to find one available sometimes x3

What is your (religious) belief?

I'm not entirely sure what to call myself, but I guess I'd be closest to agnostic. For maybe 17 years I had gone with the religion of my family (which I guess could be called borderline catholicism? my dad didn't follow any exact religion, I believe somebody else had also talked about following their own beliefs and not just following everybody else's)

If you could describe happiness in one phrase, what would that phrase be?

Hmmmmm I'm not too certain.... this'll take some time!!

My happiness

I think everyone's happiness is personal.

And he is mine.

He makes me smile everyday and feel infinite amounts of love.

No matter how sick, gross or unpleasant I'm feeling I know I can always count on him to cheer me up.

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world that I was blessed with such happiness.

Or I could play this game too~ Because it would be true

I guess to me I'm usually quite happy when I can please others, or when I can make myself actually useful at something for them. Or I would be happy having no worries, and just relaxing and spending my time with the people I care about. It's cliche (but often quite true~) but my happiness revolves around love~

What is one thing you like that a lot of people seem to have a hatred for?


Like... seriously... everything I bring up that I love ends up being something that everybody else has to complain about. Well, almost everything~

Whenever I spoke about Flareon or whenever I had a Flareon avatar, so many people would complain. Except they probably won't anymore now that they gave Flareon Flare Blitz...... I hate recoil moves, I was hoping they'd just create a new move that didn't involve recoil damage

And whenever people ask what my name is from, when they find out it makes them groan~ (Eragon)

If I mention some show/anime I'm watching all the responses are *hate**hate**hate**hate*

And a looooooooot of people hate the kind of music I listen to x3 Which isn't quite the kind that Dio mentioned but similar... but I bet even the music I listen to that isn't so heavy is still going to be music that nobody likes~

What is one thing you hate that a lot of other people seem to like?


I hate recoil moves


OMG yeah that too =<

I really don't like it how when arguments come up about the value of something, everybody argues that "that's overrated since it sucks" which I really don't get? If more people like it than you think it deserves, that doesn't say anything about it's actual quality. And it's only based on an opinion too. I don't see how people use that term thinking it makes a legitimate point to an argument >~< It's subjective which means to me it doesn't really exist, meanwhile the term gets used soooooooooo often and people love using it (I hear it's around a lot in the Awakening board, and I've seen it a few times myself) and some people use it thinking it means they won the argument or something since they don't think the game/show/character is really deserving... Oh and there's also how... I guess to me it looks like it just tosses aside other peoples' opinions as well, saying they're wrong because they like something that doesn't deserve it.

Ehhhhh it just really annoys me~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I really don't like it how when arguments come up about the value of something, everybody argues that "that's overrated since it sucks" which I really don't get? If more people like it than you think it deserves, that doesn't say anything about it's actual quality. And it's only based on an opinion too. I don't see how people use that term thinking it makes a legitimate point to an argument >~< It's subjective which means to me it doesn't really exist, meanwhile the term gets used soooooooooo often and people love using it (I hear it's around a lot in the Awakening board, and I've seen it a few times myself) and some people use it thinking it means they won the argument or something since they don't think the game/show/character is really deserving... Oh and there's also how... I guess to me it looks like it just tosses aside other peoples' opinions as well, saying they're wrong because they like something that doesn't deserve it.

Ehhhhh it just really annoys me~

I totally agree with this. Saying something is overrated is like saying other people shouldn't have opinions.

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the internet's version of "no accounting for taste" is "there's no such thing as taste"

i made this up a few days back talking to mr. sirius except i used sf instead of the internet so thank you for giving me a place to actually use it

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Hmm, I could probably put together a list for this one.

- Sunny weather

- Warm weather

- Orange juice

- Mexican food

- Seafood

- Tsunderes

- Sci-fi

- Sports

- Zombies

- Red hair

- Tattoos

- Flip flops

- Facial hair

- Jeans

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