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QOTD Thread: The End


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A dog.

Hey dogs are pretty exotic IMO.

3: strikingly, excitingly, or mysteriously different or unusual

IMO dogs are very striking and exciting and mysterious.

Wait actually I wouldn't want one because I'd be terrible at walking it in the morning, so it wouldn't work out. But in an idealized situation a dog is what I would want.

Edited by SeverIan
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owning exotic animals is a crime

I think there's an assumption inherent in the question that we're temporarily putting all potential ethical and legal problems aside in answering

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New question!

What is your favorite taste? By this I mean what particular palate do you like? Do you favor sweet foods or spicy (blah blah blah etc)? Perhaps you like a unique sort of taste that can only be accomplished by a few dishes. This doesn't need to pertain to your favorite food or anything, though that might be a good place to start.

Personally, I'm a fan of mixing sweet and salty tastes. I feel having a balance of both creates a nice mellow flavor and while the "opposite" of sweet is technically supposed to be spicy, the differences between sweet and salty are so great that the difference of degree creates fantastic contrast. The same could go for sour and spicy, though I usually just like those flavors because they pack a decent punch and add to bland food more than anything and I don't obsess over them as much.

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I like savoury

Cumin is my favourite spice

I like a mix of sweet with my savoury sometimes but I don't like all out sweet itself, like orange chicken is good but I don't like glazed donuts

Steak tho fucking love steak

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I love sweet, I love savoury, I love salty, I love sour.

But I only mildly like bitter. I've been getting more tolerant of it, though.

As for other kinds of taste things, spicy is love. I really want to try Sichuan cuisine once.


the taste of victory

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Wait actually I wouldn't want one because I'd be terrible at walking it in the morning, so it wouldn't work out. But in an idealized situation a dog is what I would want.

Doesn't that make you the one who wouldn't work out? :p

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Sushi I guess, though sweet stuff is nice also. Salmon is pretty nice.

Salmon is probably my favorite fish. To eat, of course.

"In the SEA? How stupid am I?!"

Edited by Vashiane
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