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QOTD Thread: The End


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More leads who aren't white dudes would be great

We have plenty of white dudes as leads already let there be more diversity

Either less stupid armor on women, or make it a entirely not serious game and make dudes wear the stupid armor too, don't make the dude armor sensible and turn around and give the woman a bikini chainmail ew no

and yeah, region locking is stupid as fuck

pay-to-win needs to go away as well like

I don't hate all DLC

but when you're paying more than you already paid for the game for things that really should have come with the game there's a problem

DLC's fine when you have things that expand on secondary characters but isn't integral to the main plot of said game (could even be a standalone sometimes, like how Ubisoft did Freedom Cry since so many people wanted to play it but can't afford the 60 dollar price tag on AC4 so it became a $15 standalone as well, I like that)

But when you need to to actually beat the game, or it contains stuff vital to the plot of said game, there's a problem

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'm pretty much of the same opinion for DLC as everyone else: I'm fine for large-ish packs of meaningful content (like Skyrim's Dawnguard and Dragonborn), and cosmetic only DLC's are okay provided they are cheap. It doesn't matter all that much if you don't like them (you just don't buy it), but being charged through the nose for a bunch of skins is just plain wrong.

Pay to play? How about the free with restrictions/single payment unlock everything permanently approach? I'm not liking the look of the next Ace Combat, simply because it will force you to pay if you try playing more than 2 (?) single player missions an hour. I'd rather skip the whole game than deal with that idiocy. A single payment to remove the restriction is fine; I'm not doing a pay-per-mission-past-the-limit approach.

I'd also like more console games to have alternative releases with major DLC's on disc. Not everyone has the internet capacity to download these things (thank goodness for Borderlands 2 Game of the Year/Skyrim Legendary Edition etc.!)

Edited by Wayward Winds
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As a gamer:

I'm a hardcore gamer who hates micro-transactions (does not work well with my ADHD--I'm impulsive as fuck). I generally do not like the mainstreamification of the gaming community because gaming for me was always an escape, not a fucking trot into an alternate universe i have to share with other douchebags. If the creators of these games could stop letting the corporate vision and business model mitigate their creativity that would be fantastic.

As one who works in the industry:

There is a bottom line. There is easy money to be made. Micro-transactions and pay-to-play are great business models because people are able AND willing to make these purchases. You want to see the content? You can have a little. You like it and want more? Go ahead and pay for it, we're offering most of it for free and need to make it back up. Just hopefully you'll be an ADHD dude who's super impulsive and just NEEDS to be able to access this content RIGHT NOW.

If the gaming community didn't bitch about literally everything maybe we wouldn't be so jaded and wouldn't simply not give a fuck what they think. You don't wanna pay for the game or deal with DRM so you can just torrent it and enjoy our content for free? Fine, you win, get it for free, but we will charge for stuff so you can't just steal it and you wouldn't bother torrenting something already free.

TL;DR? I would like to be able to contribute to the gaming community if I knew there was something they'd actually like.

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To clarify I'm only mostly bothered by already paying games to require you to pay more for vital content like why can't you just stick it together and pay once

like, witholding important content that the customer should have already paid for when they bought the game, that type of deal

F2P games can have things that cost money to unlock because they gotta make money somehow I'm entirely not bothered by that

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Cut down production costs. Make games about art and creativity again instead of pumping out tried and true clichés for all eternity.

Actually add innovation to both the way the market handles itself and the games themselves, especially in game play.

I keep getting the feeling that developers are trying to push better hardware before it is economically feasible and are paying the price. I think they should collectively hold back until they can release a system that will have a development market to match its capabilities, which should be sufficiently innovative to warrant a new system in the first place.

Shouldn't have to mention DLC and region locking.

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To clarify I'm only mostly bothered by already paying games to require you to pay more for vital content like why can't you just stick it together and pay once

like, witholding important content that the customer should have already paid for when they bought the game, that type of deal

F2P games can have things that cost money to unlock because they gotta make money somehow I'm entirely not bothered by that

Freaking fucking dammit, I hit back on my browser when I was almost done with my response. >.<

But I agree with you wholeheartedly on the paying for a game and then buying additional content bullshit.

But this is why I'm making it more about the gaming culture as a whole than just about the industry itself. People are still willing to pay for this shit, leaving no incentive to the creators to care about the issues.

Like, Apple makes quality products, I have used macbooks and iphones in the past and they're great. But I'm not going to buy one until they stop marking up the price by ridiculous percentages. What am I paying for? The chance to look cool in a coffeeshop? Fuck that noise. But enough people purchase it that they can continue overcharging for their products.

Nike charges 24879284783 bucks for 10 dollar shoes cause it has a swoosh on it and as long as people think it's cool to buy it they can continue to overcharge for their products.

Gamers are like posting in forums about these stupid shitty microtransactions for games they already paid for while they wait on the extra content they paid for to finish downloading.

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Also, there are sooo many reasons why Regional Locking is kind of a necessary evil. It's completely out of the producers' hands.

Region locking of games that never get localized in other regions is a fairly common occurrence on region locked systems and that hurts everyone.

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I use a mac so I can have a set laptop for the next 7 years but that's just me, it's not that bad when you think of it as $ 1300/7 per year instead considering most laptop lifespans don't go over 3-4

the current machine I have is 5 years old and I'm not seeing it dying on me for at least another 2 more years anyway, probably can get more out of it but I'd like my student discount to count for something before I graduate

I dunno if newer macbooks are as durable as the one I have though, this one fought cement and won

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I use a mac so I can have a set laptop for the next 7 years but that's just me, it's not that bad when you think of it as $ 1300/7 per year instead considering most laptop lifespans don't go over 3-4

the current machine I have is 5 years old and I'm not seeing it dying on me for at least another 2 more years anyway, probably can get more out of it but I'd like my student discount to count for something before I graduate

I dunno if newer macbooks are as durable as the one I have though, this one fought cement and won

Yeah, I totally understand the argument against me, and I am pretty biased. I was just using it as a personal example.

I also like Nikes. XD

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Region locking of games that never get localized in other regions is a fairly common occurrence on region locked systems and that hurts everyone.

Sure, except it has to be done. Laws are different in all countries when it comes to this stuff and localization is more than just changing the language.

Not playing it safe potentially opens up a can of worms rife with lawsuits and global issues.

I don't like it, either, lotsa games i still have no played, but when you've got laws restricting all sorts of stuff depending on region, there isn't much you can do about it.

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Sure, except it has to be done. Laws are different in all countries when it comes to this stuff and localization is more than just changing the language.

Not playing it safe potentially opens up a can of worms rife with lawsuits and global issues.

I don't like it, either, lotsa games i still have no played, but when you've got laws restricting all sorts of stuff depending on region, there isn't much you can do about it.

Getting rid of those laws would improve the industry, wouldn't it?

Since when has anything we have been saying been likely to happen?

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Getting rid of those laws would improve the industry, wouldn't it?

Since when has anything we have been saying been likely to happen?

Yes and okay. We can dream, I suppose XD

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1. Fuck DLC that isn't purely optional. If I REALLY LIKE THE DEVELOPERS, I'll pay for it. This has been true for exactly three games in my life (that would be Dissidia: Duodecium, Fire Emblem: Awakening, and Record of Agarest War: Zero).

2. Either release your shit to the world, or remove the region lock so that those in zones that can't get it can still throw money at you.

3. Give me an option to have the camera fixed on my character's back during combat - I hate having to move it while trying to dodge whatever the enemy is throwing at me.

4. Don't force me to stay connected to some server while playing - that's just a pet peeve of mine (and if Steam ever came with an offline mode, I would eat that up immediately).

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Better graphics.

That's the only thing that really matters, right? I mean, those game making companies should fire half of their creative team, most of their testers, and probably anyone else who doesn't work on making their games look gorgeous. Right now they're just wasting money on things no one actually cares about.

Also they should jack up prices if it can get me better graphics. I mean, I'm gonna pirate the game anyways, so I don't care.

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(and if Steam ever came with an offline mode, I would eat that up immediately).

I'm pretty certain Steam has an Offline mode, I've used it myself, but it's probably not what you're talking about specifically?...

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If I could crack open Agarest: Generations of War without having to log into Steam, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Is it possible to Offline Mode it? Also if the community is large enough they sometimes create a wrapper that allows the game to be opened without Steam. This is exactly what happened with Terraria, a Steam-exclusive title.

New question!

What comics have/do you read and which is your favorite? Web comics fall under this category (and I really shouldn't have to explain why manga does too).

The only one I actively look at and follow is Dark Legacy Comics. It's WoW stuff, but meh. I occasionally take a look at xkcd and anything that happens to pop up on Reddit or elsewhere through links too but that's about it.

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Have read/am reading:

Not a lot besides manga/manhua/etc (these days, at least). I've got a list on MAL, but am too lazy to pull it up. Other than that, I follow xkcd and MGDMT, and there's probably like one other thing I'm forgetting.


Tower of God. Which is technically a webcomic as well as manhwa.

Really like the whole shounen-but-not thing they've got going on there, and the characters, and I actually really like the artstyle, despite its supposed terribleness.

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i've read a lot of the famous DC comic books, especially the batman ones. i've read some Marvel and the odd non superhero ones aswell.

top 3 favourite ones probably;

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (the goat)

Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?

V For Vendetta

honourable mention to The Killing Joke. such a good comic

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I don't usually read western comics, but Red Son was pretty cool

Web comics fall under this category (and I really shouldn't have to explain why manga does too).


Webcomics... Order of the Stick and Black Adventures (finally ending \o/) would be the sequential ones, though I did follow the original Nuzlocke too (or rather, Fire Red)

Japanese comics... meh

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