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QOTD Thread: The End


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Only one? I have a shit ton of bad habits.... I guess one is always falling back on my depression of self-berating and suicidal thoughts. Oh wait, that was two. Oh well.

Or wait wait wait! If this counts, one of my bad habits is pulling penguins' tails.

Edited by Elise
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Too many to count~ with horrific self-deprecation being the worst. I'm doing my best to work on it and my sister is determined to help me stop beating up myself, especially in front of her daughter.

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I think that procrastination is something most people do so I'll avoid mentioning stuff like that. A bad habit I have is that jittery-leg thing. I do it as a nervous tic like some people bit their nails i guess, and also when I go to sleep.

get gud faggot

fuk u ill invade ur bich assu gay buttluvr

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Oh my procrastination is bad enough i even procrastinate on sleep

There are days where I could've gotten away with sleeping a good 7-8 hours but I chose to stay up until some ungodly hour for no reason and the go to school really tired the next day on 4 or less hours of sleep because i just didn't want to go to sleep i guess

My sleep schedule is most ridiculous during breaks though but at least i don't have to get up until like 2

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I'll answer this later.


Anyways, new question!

What player character's ability from a video game would you want in real life? You can list multiple if you so desire. A "player character" is a character you use in gameplay at some point in time directly (such as Sora from Kingdom Hearts). You can use generic characters such as characters created for MMORPGs. Characters that you can control in games like SRPGs all count as "player characters" (such as all recruitable cast in Fire Emblem games). It is up to you to determine what an "ability" is but generally consider it to be something like a skill the character uses, including magic, latent effects, and so on. Said ability will work as literally as possible as the in-game version.

I could personally go for something like say...WoW's Druid Cat Form (since you can stealth in it and look sleek to boot). Twisted Fate's Destiny ultimate and Fateshifting (as the Kingdoms of Amalur protagonist) would be fucking awesome as well.

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