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Awakening "Headcanons"

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Truth be told, bonds of friendship can really make a difference. I would certainly think I'd do better in a competition if I had a bunch of friends cheering me on than I would if I was all by myself with no support.

Edited by Anacybele
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And has a thread ever been made about the choice in Awakening's ending. Seems like a heavily opinionated topic. Personally I would have preferred the three possibility ending with the Avatar living due to having something like 12+ Supports. Naga does say the friendship was necessary. Let's see some gameplay effecting it there.

Haven't seen one here. I've made a couple on GameFAQs though.

I do disagree with the "having tons of supports" unless it's "All possible supports" (Save for S-ranks) (counting all characters. Anyone dead or Unrecruited locks you out) at the very least as "Not even a thousand human friendships could break the Dragon's Grasp". (Like I said, I'd much rather just leave the ending, and MU's survival to the choice. 1 casualty for absolutely guaranteeing the safety of the world? Or do you place faith in uncertainty and leave the battle with no losses?)

Eh, such a topic is probably going to wind up as "Me vs. Everyone else" though, as I follow OVA!(not Game!)Lloyd Irving's absolutely beautiful example. (You can always seek a third option if you're alive, but if you're dead, you're dead. That's just it.)

Because the bad guys don't have the power of friendship (seriously that's the reason).

Wasn't that what was used for why enemies don't have Pair Up according to the Devs?

(wow derails... umm... something related,)

I believe Laurent was being quite serious on Chrom's ending (Mu/Miriel)... hell I think he's got those plans/his research ready regardless of who MU is married too.

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I think it completely demolishes the other point which says Walhart has indeed died and is a risen. Besides, how much of a reliable source were the translators? And does it really take priority in the actual localized version?


"I, too, felt dead when my current comrades ended my cause
But I did not wallow in that defeat. I found a new path.
I could have been like you, but I am not.
If I die, it will be not be standing still!"
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I think it completely demolishes the other point which says Walhart has indeed died and is a risen. Besides, how much of a reliable source were the translators? And does it really take priority in the actual localized version?


"I could have been like you, but I am not."

He's talking to some significant, but still free-will lacking Risen with that line. That makes it more aligned with "He's Undead, but powerful enough to retain his free will entirely". He's like a Knight of the Ebon Blade (Playable DK) in WoW.

I'm kinda wanting to ask Rey on the reliability of that translation.

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That's not a bad point, you know. But I still disagree- By "I could have been like you" could've easily referred to being dead. Not to mention, you seemed to have disreguarded the last part "If I die, it will be not be standing still!"", meaning he has yet to die.

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That's not a bad point, you know. But I still disagree- By "I could have been like you" could've easily referred to being dead. Not to mention, you seemed to have disreguarded the last part "If I die, it will be not be standing still!"", meaning he has yet to die.

Don't forget the "I FELT dead" part too.

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Well, judging from these new found discoveries, is it safe to say that instead of Walhart actually being dead, he was more so, "metaphorically" on Death's Row, meaning that he wasn't dead...... yet? He just happened to be in a graveyard where the dead are now turned Risen, and even though he said his heart stopped, by some miracle, he still lives?

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Well, judging from these new found discoveries, is it safe to say that instead of Walhart actually being dead, he was more so, "metaphorically" on Death's Row, meaning that he wasn't dead...... yet? He just happened to be in a graveyard where the dead are now turned Risen, and even though he said his heart stopped, by some miracle, he still lives?

...Why is it that the statement must be taken as literal? Isn't it supposed to be a hyperbole (or whatever the literary term is supposed to be)?

Has there been a japanese translation of it? Maybe that'll help things?

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Never meant to take it literally, I'm just rolling with everyone else here. Personally, I don't really have an opinion, but I like to discuss possibilities

Edited by Hero-King
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This no longer applies since I've dropped it, but I used to have a headcanon so here it goes:

I used to think that Nowi was related to either Gotoh or Xane, or both. This is because in MotE, in Ch13 of Book 2, Xane mentioned that after the war between the Divine and Earth Dragons, the only Divine Dragons that survived were Naga, Gotoh, Xane, and Tiki. So with Naga dying after and Tiki being too young, not to mention that Awakening made it clear she still had no offspring, that for Nowi to be a full-blooded Divine Dragon, she had to be related to either or both of them.

The reason why I dropped it is because after going through New Mystery's script, I found that the lines specifically mentioning the Divine Dragon survivors was dropped entirely, retconning that the Divine Dragons almost died out in that war. So yeah, this could now mean Nowi could just be the daughter of random Divine Dragons.

Well, it was an interesting chain of thought while it lasted...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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...Why is it that the statement must be taken as literal? Isn't it supposed to be a hyperbole (or whatever the literary term is supposed to be)?

Has there been a japanese translation of it? Maybe that'll help things?

There is a Japanese translation.


Says that his "Heart of flesh" stopped, which can mean nothing really but exactly what it says on the tin, I.E. he dead.

(One should ask Rey to confirm if it's accurate, but that page does have the Japanese right there, and otherwise, is quite credible).

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That's not a bad point, you know. But I still disagree- By "I could have been like you" could've easily referred to being dead. Not to mention, you seemed to have disreguarded the last part "If I die, it will be not be standing still!"", meaning he has yet to die.

Well, from his perspective, of course he wouldn't say he is dead. As far as Walhart is concerned, here is probably the sequence of events...

1: "Killed" by Chrom and co.

2: Wakes up some time later, refusing to die. He determines that he has recently felt dead, but obviously is not dead.

3: Realizes that his heart is no longer beating, or something to that effect. Gets an idea of what happened to him.

4: Sees some Risen, and realizes that somehow he can now get them to follow him.

5: Defeated once again by Chrom and Co.

I think that Walhart knows that he has physically been revived by risen-y magic. But he doesn't consider himself to be dead, as he is in full control of his mind and body. He recognizes that he could have been like a risen, but his final line makes reference to the key difference - he is simply too stubborn to lay down and accept death.

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Has someone come up with an explanation of how a dead person can procreate? That isn't logic-baffling like Twlight?

..The same way a normal person does?

If the rest of their body is working, why would an undead's junk not be?

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