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This might sound insane but I kinda hate the new fans....

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oh no more people are being introduced to a relatively niche franchise, liking it too and ensuring the series actually survives and continues what a fucking tragedy whatever will we do to counteract this heinous influx of people liking something i like

you'd have to be completely deluded to make any claim that the FE fandom was 100% perfect before FE13 hit here and that FE13 alone is responsible for any given faction of fans for which one doesn't care. no matter what anyone does there'll always be "good" fans and "bad" fans in any fandom. it's really a stupid thing to get worked up about; just go about one's business in the "section" of the fandom one prefers and everything's fine

Edited by bookofholsety
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oh no more people are being introduced to a relatively niche franchise, liking it too and ensuring the series actually survives and continues what a fucking tragedy whatever will we do to counteract this heinous influx of people liking something i like

i just wanna be cool and unique gtfo my life m8

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I like certain new fans of the series that got their start with Awakening. However, the ones that annoy me are the ones who play Awakening and then are not curious enough to play any of the previous games in the series. I mean, if you're going to play one game in a series of many other games, you might as well branch out and play the other games, with each of them featuring a good quirk or two (or many) that makes them unique. Not only is it insane to claim that Awakening is the best game in the series, it's also ignorant to make such a claim if you don't at least play other games. *sigh*

Not all people have the time or dedication to play them. Also those older graphic might be a major turn off. While I don't force anyone to play older game of a series, I do agree if someone have yet to play at least 2 or 3 games from it they shouldn't claim which game is the best.

The biggest thing I don't like about Awakening fanbase is the people who take their waifu/husbando too seriously and go nuts over them. Awakening encourages more fan rage than previous games because this game lets you marry the characters.

With Awakening have bigger appeal to anime fandom, you have recipe for disaster.

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oh no more people are being introduced to a relatively niche franchise, liking it too and ensuring the series actually survives and continues what a fucking tragedy whatever will we do to counteract this heinous influx of people liking something i like

but i must be hipster.

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New guy here to the forums been playing the series for like ten year.

Anyways most of you seem like very decent folk and I appreciate and acknowledge that most of you are defending the newer players however after having this account for about a week I've grown tired of the general attitude some seem to have in regard to awakening and it's fanbase. It's one thing to not like a game but it's another entirely to shame someone for liking a game that you considered inferior to a past product. It's a sense of hispsterism that seem to emanate from some of the older fans as if our liking of a newer game somehow harms your experience. An example being when I posted my introduction I mentioned I liked awakening and wasn't a fan of shadow dragon. In response I recieved many comments welcoming me to the forums with some nice discussion but the one that stuck out to me was the insulting passive aggressive one.

Oh look, yet another "Shadow Dragon sucks, Awakening is amazing" post. Yay.

Okay I get it. You don't like the game but did you really have to go out of your way to insult me. I get this person was trying to be funny (laughing at not with) but I'd be lying if this comment didn't immediately make me go on the defensive when talking about awakening. Now whenever I look across the board I'm constantly seeing elitism toward older games good newer games bad. Which is fine, I accept that nostalgia is a dense thing and that for many reasons the older games can be considered better. I'll gladly debate the merits of each in a conversation but that not's what is happening. Instead there are post that just come off as dismissive and arrogant. Just try to keep in mind that every time you have to deal with an annoying 'noob' we have to deal with an 'elist hipster'.

Also, avatar is best ever, reclassing is second beastest ever, and awakening was so clever with that twist that I totally didn't see coming.

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Okay I get it. You don't like the game but did you really have to go out of your way to insult me. I get this person was trying to be funny (laughing at not with) but I'd be lying if this comment didn't immediately make me go on the defensive when talking about awakening. Now whenever I look across the board I'm constantly seeing elitism toward older games good newer games bad. Which is fine, I accept that nostalgia is a dense thing and that for many reasons the older games can be considered better. I'll gladly debate the merits of each in a conversation but that not's what is happening. Instead there are post that just come off as dismissive and arrogant. Just try to keep in mind that every time you have to deal with an annoying 'noob' we have to deal with an 'elist hipster'..

Every 10+ years old series have this problem, not just FE. Pokemon, SMT, FF, even Sid Meier's Civ have it too although not as bad as the other.

This same fandom also love to demonize other character to make their "waifu" look good


Seriously, which part of the internet Awakening have attracted most that fan from?

oh yes, tumblr

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Every 10+ years old series have this problem, not just FE. Pokemon, SMT, FF, even Sid Meier's Civ have it too although not as bad as the other.

Very true but that doesn't make it a acceptable behavior and that attitude seems to be the central cause of the thread so I thought I'd at least bring it up.

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I'm still new to the Fire Emblem series. Started with Sacred Stones on the GBA and then this, so I can only base my opinion on two out of the thirteen titles in the series. Sorry if I bug any of you veterans in any way, but in all honesty won't care if you pretty much ask for it. The only reason why I didn't play PoR and RD is because I was too much of a fanboy for schmexbox, but hey, that's part of life when "technology continues to revolutionize"...and yet internet is still for porn. ^_^'

From my experience, Sacred Stones was both challenging and manageable. Awakening on the other hand was pure frustration at first because I tried Lunatic on my first run and soon learned that it was a major leap from SS. The first thing that popped into my mind was: "Wait, what the shit is this? Pair up? Skills? WHAT?!?!?!?!" However, gave it a week for these things to sink in and I learned a few things. Compared to SS, FE:A kinda grew on me because the thing that I absolutely loved and adored about this game was that you could build up nearly limitless supports with everyone, which kind of gave this game a "soap opera" feel that drew out both the good and bad of each unit. I don't know if it was like that in any of the previous titles, but I certainly enjoyed this aspect of my experience with Awakening.

I've read and heard that the support, marriage, and skill system is nothing new...which really isn't a surprise considering this is a franchise that has spanned thirteen games, though I'm pretty sure pair up is something new and nothing too stellar...come at me bitches >:o just kidding xD

But yeah, it was great being reintroduced into the series. Feels pretty refreshing. If they ever had that "soap opera" feel in any of the previous titles, I'd go for it, man.

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I've been really, really happy that Awakening has drawn in so much new blood. Even if it does drive me crazy watching friends take so long, it's great to have more people to talk about FE with.

My first gripe was at how terribly exaggerated character quirks were, but honestly most of the supports aren't so bad. Better than "Tales of" character design at least.

This game has provided me with 408 hours of entertainment. I think I should cut it some slack.

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I'm new here but I'm not new in other games that have new people that join and require coaching and guidance.

That being said... new blood = new $ in the Game Developer Pockets = Them releasing another Fire Emblem.

WHen I first got the game (I'm a huge fan of Turn based Strat games but somehow never heard of this one) I scoured the net for more information on maximizing characters and understanding the game better etc.

Its still mind boggling and I only understand it superficially but that being said ... its good to have new blood and to be patient with us.... because the more of us there are (Good or Bad) makes it the more likely there will be more Fire Emblems developed and released.

I had shockingly read that this was a last ditch effort for the series and if it had done bad they would have cancelled the series, but it has sold so well it saved the series (Good to know as I'm coming so late to the game)

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New guy here to the forums been playing the series for like ten year.

Anyways most of you seem like very decent folk and I appreciate and acknowledge that most of you are defending the newer players however after having this account for about a week I've grown tired of the general attitude some seem to have in regard to awakening and it's fanbase. It's one thing to not like a game but it's another entirely to shame someone for liking a game that you considered inferior to a past product. It's a sense of hispsterism that seem to emanate from some of the older fans as if our liking of a newer game somehow harms your experience. An example being when I posted my introduction I mentioned I liked awakening and wasn't a fan of shadow dragon. In response I recieved many comments welcoming me to the forums with some nice discussion but the one that stuck out to me was the insulting passive aggressive one.

Oh look, yet another "Shadow Dragon sucks, Awakening is amazing" post. Yay.

Okay I get it. You don't like the game but did you really have to go out of your way to insult me. I get this person was trying to be funny (laughing at not with) but I'd be lying if this comment didn't immediately make me go on the defensive when talking about awakening. Now whenever I look across the board I'm constantly seeing elitism toward older games good newer games bad. Which is fine, I accept that nostalgia is a dense thing and that for many reasons the older games can be considered better. I'll gladly debate the merits of each in a conversation but that not's what is happening. Instead there are post that just come off as dismissive and arrogant. Just try to keep in mind that every time you have to deal with an annoying 'noob' we have to deal with an 'elist hipster'.

Also, avatar is best ever, reclassing is second beastest ever, and awakening was so clever with that twist that I totally didn't see coming.

I've also played every English FE since right after FE7 came out, all before visiting these forums. A lot of people will agree that Shadow Dragon sucks and Awakening is great. If a hipster is too cool being different to recognize others' opinions, then he's just a jerk. If someone else likes something and you don't, let them have their opinion - even if it makes your opinion the unpopular one.

I love the new avatar and that reclassing adds so many options to make people's playthroughs different. I was disappointed by the plot and went back to Radiant Dawn soon after playing Awakening, but the supports and the emphasis on quirks made it up for me. When I joined the forums I put RD as my favorite FE. I changed it to Awakening because the options and supports make the game for me. I don't really care if the level design sucks, if there's no light magic or weight, or if Nosferatanking is OP.

new blood = new $ in the Game Developer Pockets = Them releasing another Fire Emblem.

WHen I first got the game (I'm a huge fan of Turn based Strat games but somehow never heard of this one) I scoured the net for more information on maximizing characters and understanding the game better etc.

Its still mind boggling and I only understand it superficially but that being said ... its good to have new blood and to be patient with us.... because the more of us there are (Good or Bad) makes it the more likely there will be more Fire Emblems developed and released.

I had shockingly read that this was a last ditch effort for the series and if it had done bad they would have cancelled the series, but it has sold so well it saved the series

This is the main reason you should be glad with new people joining the fandom. If you want more games to be made, the series wi have to grow and new people will join fan sites and such. If you want to keep playing the old games because they're you're favorite, then to ahead and get off the Awakening forum.

With additional people also comes additional dislikable people. The larger a fanbase is, the higher the percentage of generally dislikable people tends to be. When you have a smaller community, typically more hardcore people will be involved. Now, you're seeing more random people who aren't as serious as the smaller group might be because now (like the internet anonymity equation) each person is more like another face in the crowd rather than a face you remember.

Just my thoughts on the subject :p

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From my experience, Sacred Stones was both challenging and manageable.

Awakening on the other hand was pure frustration at first because I tried Lunatic on my first run and soon learned that it was a major leap from SS. The first thing that popped into my mind was: "Wait, what the shit is this? Pair up? Skills? WHAT?!?!?!?!"

This is pretty funny stuff here.


Anyway, Shadow Dragon only "sucks" because it was basically just FE1 with updated graphics. Famicom/Nintendo games were far from fleshed out, generally, and gripping stories weren't to be found at all. (Really, was there a story to any NES title that mattered?) Not to mention the map designs weren't very good, the objective was the same on every map, certain characters couldn't promote, and other little things that, if changed, would have brought a very enjoyable experience. Alas.

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Anyway, Shadow Dragon only "sucks" because it was basically just FE1 with updated graphics. Famicom/Nintendo games were far from fleshed out, generally, and gripping stories weren't to be found at all. (Really, was there a story to any NES title that mattered?) Not to mention the map designs weren't very good, the objective was the same on every map, certain characters couldn't promote, and other little things that, if changed, would have brought a very enjoyable experience. Alas.

Two of these shortcomings also apply to... FE6. Is it really a big deal that Marth, the unusable thieves and the ballisticians cannot promote though? At least in FE6 you have some motivation to promote Chad/Astohl (to steal Narshen's crap and tank stuff better while opening chests).

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Two of these shortcomings also apply to... FE6. Is it really a big deal that Marth, the unusable thieves and the ballisticians cannot promote though? At least in FE6 you have some motivation to promote Chad/Astohl (to steal Narshen's crap and tank stuff better while opening chests).

One thing that make FE6 Thief laughable is also because we also get chapter 7 Chest Keys, and you don't need speed advantages to steal shit. Its like why would you use thief when Cavalier does their job faster and with Canto?

And speaking from the perspective of FE1, their inability to not promote only bothers Julian

Balistician in FE1 is a broken concept. Basically, take Archer, give bulk, take off their speed. There, you get Balistician. An extra move promotion might be cool, but im not sure

Marth..... yeah when he is already the best character in the game without promotion, I don't think he even give a fuck about it at all. Many people might see Marth as Roy-lite or SD version of Marth, however having sole access to Rapier, and hax growth goes a long way

Julian is more because of his abysmal weapon rank base and growth which turns him into literally an unusable character past chapter 7/8. A promotion that boost his weapon rank would make him more than "Utility unit"

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Astohl can steal some really good stuff though. Are you positive you can steal without a speed advantage in FE6 though? I haven't been able to find confirmation for that. Still, in C16 for example, Astohl appreciates training in order to survive the mages attacking him while counterattacking with the Light Brand, in a warpskip strategy that obtains the Delphi Shield, possibly the Blue Gem as well, and recruits Zeiss.

Were we actually talking about the original FE1 or the SD, because I gathered PW was addressing the latter.

I guess what Julian wants is better bases and sword rank? No reason to use him over Ogma or even Navarre.

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I'm a bit uncertain if I should consider myself as part of this group or not... Sacred Stones was my first game, and it made me want to try the other games. I finally found my favorite FE game in Genealogy of the Holy War but I think Awakening was the game that motivated me to seek other fans of the series and eventually join Serenes Forest.

When people say "new fans" I kind of feel like I'm included in that group as well since I've never been vocal about Fire Emblem before I got to play Awakening. But then again, not that many people had played Fire Emblem before Awakening. In the end, I'm just happy that Fire Emblem's managed to branch out and get more people to play the game, as well as possibly motivate them to play the older ones as well. It's really neat since I had no one to talk to about the series irl during the GBA games era and now quite a few of my friends play it and we can talk about the game together c:

It's really great.

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Dear people who crap on newbies,

For you, I have nothing but contempt. Fresh blood is good for this franchise. Help out the novices with what they want to do (and not what YOU want them to do), or kindly keep quiet.

Warmest personal regards,


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Im positive it does not need extra speed

Well granted PW is adressing the later, but I kinda disagree when people said FE11 is just FE1 with updated graphics, because its not.

The unit balance in FE11 is pretty different, reclassing adds a lot of replay value(this same system is generally regarded as killing off individuality. Seriously, is there any individuality in FE beyond "Dude is Cavalier so he is superior than 90% of the team?" and the game's environment is tweaked all with a ton difficulty mode. Not only that, Axes is not wtflolgarbage, and a lot of units are reworked to make the bizzare FE1 version seems.... less bizzare

All in all, while many seems to say SD is a terrible remake that craps on original, I don't really see how.

It adds a lot of layer in its dialogue, it refines the gameplay, re-work a lot of units, and the gameplay system seems to be considered to be the closest to ideal in the series around here(a lot of it coming from the fact that you nearly can't dodge in DSFE).

While its imperfect compared to NMOTE(and NMOTE have quite a bit of complaints from storyline perspective), SD is a damn good remake

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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New guy here to the forums been playing the series for like ten year.

Anyways most of you seem like very decent folk and I appreciate and acknowledge that most of you are defending the newer players however after having this account for about a week I've grown tired of the general attitude some seem to have in regard to awakening and it's fanbase. It's one thing to not like a game but it's another entirely to shame someone for liking a game that you considered inferior to a past product. It's a sense of hispsterism that seem to emanate from some of the older fans as if our liking of a newer game somehow harms your experience. An example being when I posted my introduction I mentioned I liked awakening and wasn't a fan of shadow dragon. In response I recieved many comments welcoming me to the forums with some nice discussion but the one that stuck out to me was the insulting passive aggressive one.

Oh look, yet another "Shadow Dragon sucks, Awakening is amazing" post. Yay.

Okay I get it. You don't like the game but did you really have to go out of your way to insult me. I get this person was trying to be funny (laughing at not with) but I'd be lying if this comment didn't immediately make me go on the defensive when talking about awakening. Now whenever I look across the board I'm constantly seeing elitism toward older games good newer games bad. Which is fine, I accept that nostalgia is a dense thing and that for many reasons the older games can be considered better. I'll gladly debate the merits of each in a conversation but that not's what is happening. Instead there are post that just come off as dismissive and arrogant. Just try to keep in mind that every time you have to deal with an annoying 'noob' we have to deal with an 'elist hipster'.

Also, avatar is best ever, reclassing is second beastest ever, and awakening was so clever with that twist that I totally didn't see coming.

I do like Awakening, actually. I've just had too many run-ins with the annoying fans...

...I'm sorry; I didn't intend to insult you. I just got annoyed (having most of the fanbase complain about a game I really like all the time does get under my skin). By the way, I'm not hardcore at all.

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I'm a bit uncertain if I should consider myself as part of this group or not... Sacred Stones was my first game, and it made me want to try the other games. I finally found my favorite FE game in Genealogy of the Holy War but I think Awakening was the game that motivated me to seek other fans of the series and eventually join Serenes Forest.

When people say "new fans" I kind of feel like I'm included in that group as well since I've never been vocal about Fire Emblem before I got to play Awakening. But then again, not that many people had played Fire Emblem before Awakening. In the end, I'm just happy that Fire Emblem's managed to branch out and get more people to play the game, as well as possibly motivate them to play the older ones as well. It's really neat since I had no one to talk to about the series irl during the GBA games era and now quite a few of my friends play it and we can talk about the game together c:

It's really great.

I'm in a similar boat. I started playing with Path of Radiance a few years ago but I've tracked down a copy of Fire Emblem and Shadow Dragon's coming in the mail pretty slowly but I want to widen my scope to see what made this franchise so popular because I love it and hate that my knowledge is limited to only 3/13 games.

I do like Awakening, actually. I've just had too many run-ins with the annoying fans...

...I'm sorry; I didn't intend to insult you. I just got annoyed (having most of the fanbase complain about a game I really like all the time does get under my skin). By the way, I'm not hardcore at all.

I think most of the newbies (myself included by virtue of only really getting involved in the forum life after playing this game) aren't too offended by the fact that people may view us as annoying because, frankly, I've seen my fair share of waifu/husbando obsessed Awakening fans and I know that that can get under people's skins. I think that the ones who enjoy the game for more than just a dating sim (although we all have our favorite pairings, I'm sure) are just a little tired of the people who've played more games than we have lumping us all together. Even if we are clogging up message boards with posts people find useless and aggravating, we bought a lot of copies of the game. IS probably loves us.

And about the loving a game that most people hate? I haven't played Shadow Dragon yet so I'll reserve judgement but I'm in that same boat whenever friends of mine talk about Final Fantasy. Two of my favorite games in that series are VIII and XIII, arguably the most hated in the franchise.

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I'm in a similar boat. I started playing with Path of Radiance a few years ago but I've tracked down a copy of Fire Emblem and Shadow Dragon's coming in the mail pretty slowly but I want to widen my scope to see what made this franchise so popular because I love it and hate that my knowledge is limited to only 3/13 games.

I think most of the newbies (myself included by virtue of only really getting involved in the forum life after playing this game) aren't too offended by the fact that people may view us as annoying because, frankly, I've seen my fair share of waifu/husbando obsessed Awakening fans and I know that that can get under people's skins. I think that the ones who enjoy the game for more than just a dating sim (although we all have our favorite pairings, I'm sure) are just a little tired of the people who've played more games than we have lumping us all together. Even if we are clogging up message boards with posts people find useless and aggravating, we bought a lot of copies of the game. IS probably loves us.

And about the loving a game that most people hate? I haven't played Shadow Dragon yet so I'll reserve judgement but I'm in that same boat whenever friends of mine talk about Final Fantasy. Two of my favorite games in that series are VIII and XIII, arguably the most hated in the franchise.

Make that 4/13 for me. The fact that half of the games were never localized doesn't help.

I also joined the forums after Awakening's release (though Awakening wasn't the reason I did), so I'm technically a newbie too. Anyway, Awakening just screams "shipping" to me (to the point where I can't take it seriously anymore), whereas in the other FEs, it was subdued. I definitely see you point about overgeneralizing. Unfortunately, I've developed the tendency to immediately get defensive when people both insult Shadow Dragon and praise Awakening (which Revan97 had the displeasure of witnessing).

Yeah, it really sucks when all you hear about your favorite anything are complaints.

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