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This might sound insane but I kinda hate the new fans....

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All in all, while many seems to say SD is a terrible remake that craps on original, I don't really see how.

It adds a lot of layer in its dialogue, it refines the gameplay, re-work a lot of units, and the gameplay system seems to be considered to be the closest to ideal in the series around here(a lot of it coming from the fact that you nearly can't dodge in DSFE).

While its imperfect compared to NMOTE(and NMOTE have quite a bit of complaints from storyline perspective), SD is a damn good remake

I've played through SD several times, I do enjoy it. And I'll also admit that I'm exaggerating when I say SD is a carbon-copy of FE1 except with updated graphics. There's no question in my mind that it is the weakest in the series, though. This isn't due to anything major in the game, it's a lot of little things that I don't enjoy. Things that neither you nor I should care to get into. I like every game in this series (though, I've yet to complete 2, 4, and 5).

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SD isn't that bad in my eyes for 2 reasons: I like DSFE ridiculous difficulty and reclassing. From a purely gameplay perspective, it's a simple but difficult FE gameand suddenly winspear and Warp staff!

From most other points however,meh.

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I left FE and this Forum a few time after SD's release, and came back for Awakening. That definitely proves everything.

Actually, FE had really a few copy released apparently, because I never had the opportunity to play it... I may try one of these days...

My experience with Awakening is strange. I really loved that game when it w<as released, and enjoyed all the discussions we had on this forums, and the great creativity everyone showed inthe different topic. That was reallly great !

...But I hadn't touched it for more than 1 month now,a nd I don't feellike playing it again for now. I already played it twice, and overgrinded in my 2nd playthrough, even if it end up making the game really annoying...

Anyway, I never really considered myself a veteran, because I only started playing earlier than other.

Awakening was long awaited, and looks really great, and is still a fun and great title, but I really thinks newbies should try others titles, because they all add something new to the FE experience.

Anyway, I don't even know who is new or who is old here, so it makes it pretty hard to judge them.

MY short experience with GameFAQS forums showed me it could be a great source of information (except when someone attacks you just because you asked a question...), but it's pretty bad as a community...

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My appreciation for Awakening has gone wayyy down the longer I played it. Initially I thought it reached the perfect balance between interesting characters and gameplay (lolstory though), though I realized most characters in the game are one note gimmicks, boring as hell, or anime stereotypes, and the gameplay, while solid, doesn't exactly introduce anything amazing, like Fe4/5 did.

That said, I'm thrilled that people will actually know what I'm talking about when I mention Fire Emblem in real life, just don't expect any sympathy when you claim that this game has the best characters ever.

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Astohl can steal some really good stuff though. Are you positive you can steal without a speed advantage in FE6 though? I haven't been able to find confirmation for that. Still, in C16 for example, Astohl appreciates training in order to survive the mages attacking him while counterattacking with the Light Brand, in a warpskip strategy that obtains the Delphi Shield, possibly the Blue Gem as well, and recruits Zeiss.

Yeah, thieves steal in FE6 regardless of SPD.

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My appreciation for Awakening has gone wayyy down the longer I played it. Initially I thought it reached the perfect balance between interesting characters and gameplay (lolstory though), though I realized most characters in the game are one note gimmicks, boring as hell, or anime stereotypes, and the gameplay, while solid, doesn't exactly introduce anything amazing, like Fe4/5 did.

That said, I'm thrilled that people will actually know what I'm talking about when I mention Fire Emblem in real life, just don't expect any sympathy when you claim that this game has the best characters ever.

Well to be fair any game can lose it's charm after witnessing it multiple times.

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All I read in the OP was "I liked Fire Emblem before it was cool". Go cry in your basement, not on the forums. I don't know why this thread hasn't been locked.


If you get spanish.

Well to be fair any game can lose it's charm after witnessing it multiple times.

Tell that to Westbrick

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Tell that to Westbrick

Want a paradox, tell that to me. (This is coming from a guy who played thru a game called "Tales of Symphonia" about 213 times, logging thousands of hours into it, still thinks it's one of the best games ever, and is considering getting a PS3 just to play the HD remake.)

BTW: I'm still playing the hell out of Awakening- and hell, FE:A is a worthy "System Seller" (Game to buy a system for) at level of a redbox movie for me.

[spoiler=I'm being Mathematically serious with that]

Cost of a Redbox Movie (Where I live, at least): $1.60

Average Run Time of a Movie: 160 minutes

Cost to Run Time value: .60/hour.

Cost of 3DS XL: 199.99 ($219.59 with Tax (9.8%))

Cost of FE:A: 39.99 (43.91 with Tax)

Cost of DLC : ~51.50 (56.55 with Tax?)

Total Cost: 320.05

Time to exceed Value: 533 Hours, 25 minutes, 12 seconds.

Considering I've played over 540 hours, yes, I'm quite serious, it's worth being a system seller, at least at the cost of a Redbox Movie.

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Want a paradox, tell that to me. (This is coming from a guy who played thru a game called "Tales of Symphonia" about 213 times, logging thousands of hours into it, still thinks it's one of the best games ever, and is considering getting a PS3 just to play the HD remake.)

BTW: I'm still playing the hell out of Awakening- and hell, FE:A is a worthy "System Seller" (Game to buy a system for) at level of a redbox movie for me.

[spoiler=I'm being Mathematically serious with that]

Cost of a Redbox Movie (Where I live, at least): $1.60

Average Run Time of a Movie: 160 minutes

Cost to Run Time value: .60/hour.

Cost of 3DS XL: 199.99 ($219.59 with Tax (9.8%))

Cost of FE:A: 39.99 (43.91 with Tax)

Cost of DLC : ~51.50 (56.55 with Tax?)

Total Cost: 320.05

Time to exceed Value: 533 Hours, 25 minutes, 12 seconds.

Considering I've played over 540 hours, yes, I'm quite serious, it's worth being a system seller, at least at the cost of a Redbox Movie.

ToS is my favorite game on GC and at first I didn't believe how fast you said you could complete the game. Then I watched a live speed run and all doubt was removed :/.

Now if only I still had my Wii to play it and my favorite game of all time Xenoblade.

On the other hand, I have played 3500 hours of TF2 and I hate it now.

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We should welcome all fans with open arms. The more fans the Fire Emblem franchise has, the more sequels the game producers will continue to make. Let’s not be defensive hippsters because “we liked Fire Emblem before it was cool”.

Try to remember the first time you ever played a Fire Emblem game, and picture what a complete noob you were.

Edited by Mangs
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Posted · Hidden by Florete, July 30, 2013 - Spam
Hidden by Florete, July 30, 2013 - Spam

We should welcome all fans with open arms. The more fans the Fire Emblem franchise has, the more sequels the game producers will continue to make. Let’s not be defensive hippsters because “we liked Fire Emblem before it was cool”.

Try to remember the first time you ever played a Fire Emblem game, and picture what a complete noob you were.


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We should welcome all fans with open arms. The more fans the Fire Emblem franchise has, the more sequels the game producers will continue to make. Let’s not be defensive hippsters because “we liked Fire Emblem before it was cool”.

Try to remember the first time you ever played a Fire Emblem game, and picture what a complete noob you were.

The good old days back when I had Ike steal all the EXP in FE9.

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We should welcome all fans with open arms. The more fans the Fire Emblem franchise has, the more sequels the game producers will continue to make. Let’s not be defensive hippsters because “we liked Fire Emblem before it was cool”.

Try to remember the first time you ever played a Fire Emblem game, and picture what a complete noob you were.

You just had to remind me of my utter failure of a first file on FE7. Didnt you? D: I didnt even have the benefit of a forum like this to turn to either. So yes, new fans, i get you.

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Do I hate the new fans... It's quite an ambivalent case for me.

On one hand, new fans provide a lot to the series and those who've appreciated it for longer. Some make unintelligent remarks, some ship, some take waifus to a real-life level, but in the end, we gets good laugh out of the stuff some of them do. My little brother for instance; he didn't realize that some enemy characters were recruitable, so once he'd killed Cynthia and Tharja, we all got a good laugh and called it an evening. New fans also increase the funding that the companies behind a game are receiving, as such, buy on! FE needs to try and retrace its steps AND incorporate a not-broken fun spin to the game, maybe try to revoke the ridiculous character costumes a bit too (cavaliers, I'm looking at you with your toilet-armor)

Of course, many new fans don't realize how dull the main characters can be. Chrom fans, no offense to your husbando but it needs to be said; Chrom is as dull as if not more dull than a brick. The avatar is no better, seeing as he eats, sleeps, and lives tactics, feeding his/her daughter/son tactic-O's until they've been driven insane and only care to be a better tactition than their parent and beat up rabbit-people... Whoops, I got sidetracked. New awakening fans can be thick, gullible, yadda yadda yadda... They're bringing in money, hopefully bringing a brighter future to FE, in time, maybe they'll grow out of the new-ness. Just grin through it and laugh where appropriate.

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Want a paradox, tell that to me. (This is coming from a guy who played thru a game called "Tales of Symphonia" about 213 times, logging thousands of hours into it, still thinks it's one of the best games ever, and is considering getting a PS3 just to play the HD remake.)

BTW: I'm still playing the hell out of Awakening- and hell, FE:A is a worthy "System Seller" (Game to buy a system for) at level of a redbox movie for me.

[spoiler=I'm being Mathematically serious with that]

Cost of a Redbox Movie (Where I live, at least): $1.60

Average Run Time of a Movie: 160 minutes

Cost to Run Time value: .60/hour.

Cost of 3DS XL: 199.99 ($219.59 with Tax (9.8%))

Cost of FE:A: 39.99 (43.91 with Tax)

Cost of DLC : ~51.50 (56.55 with Tax?)

Total Cost: 320.05

Time to exceed Value: 533 Hours, 25 minutes, 12 seconds.

Considering I've played over 540 hours, yes, I'm quite serious, it's worth being a system seller, at least at the cost of a Redbox Movie.

Go for it and don't forget to buy Valkyria Chronicles with you. Every VC overseas purchase is necessary to brought forth the unlikely continuation of the series into the fourth number

I'm kinda envy how Awakening literally save the series from closure while VC2 got bombed hard overseas.

Well to be fair any game can lose it's charm after witnessing it multiple times.

If you love a game so much, there is a chance that you will played to the death, discovering every secret in every corner, searching every way to break the game and by the time you realized it, the damage would already be done.

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We should welcome all fans with open arms. The more fans the Fire Emblem franchise has, the more sequels the game producers will continue to make. Let’s not be defensive hippsters because “we liked Fire Emblem before it was cool”.

Try to remember the first time you ever played a Fire Emblem game, and picture what a complete noob you were.

nEv3r uNDr3st1mAT3 teh PWR 0F tEh h1pSt3r

Lol my first playthrough of Radiant Dawn. I got everyone killed in the prologue apart from Micaiah, and expected them to come back.

I'm honestly a little disappointed (please don't kill me) with the direction Fire Emblem's going with Awakening though, so I'm not sure how happy I'll be with the possible continuous sequels. :/

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I don't dislike the new fans in general. The Owain and Tharja hype IS getting a little out of hand though, and this is coming from someone that likes Owain.

Mainly I don't like how Awakening further fueled the FE7 hate train, but that's another subject.

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FE7 hate train? I haven't seen that.

Also, in my first file of fe7, I killed everybody in lyn mode. good thing they come back, but then in the maingame i used nino so much, and pent died.

Was a sad time.

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FE7 Hate? I thought FE6 got a lot more hate... (I think Florina got killed off when I was playing Lyn Mode...)

I've seen a lot of love and hate for Tharja. Owain seems to be universally liked, though.

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