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Ah. That is in fact a tanky build. That's a crap build. Damaging would be that frightening AP build I came across once. We won, too.

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At one point during that game, I blew all three heals on Quinn. She in turn shredded the enemy team. I honestly think that Nasus would've been better off building tanky instead of damaging, because the rest of his team wasn't doing that.


"wow, you guys rock!"

Oh, you!

I've never really tried any passive supports, apart from Sona (who I failed with). I tend to prefer much more aggressive ones since I feel like I can actually do something in lane. Thresh FTW.

When I first started supporting, I got Blitz (this was like levels 10-15). People didn't really know how to play around him at the time and I ended up feeding my carry like every 9/10 games.

That feeling when you hit a hook and the target gets instantly obliterated. That's that shit I DO like :D

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So yeah. EUW down afuckinggain second day in a row. "Servers are busy" fuck my dick off. NA be rolling in free RP with this downtime.

First time I've logged into my NA account for like over a month. Demoted to Bronze I for not playing a ranked game for a month, too. GOOD TIMES.

Edit: It eventually came back up, so had an ARAM:


Nearly lost this. They were down to our inhibitor at one point, but in the end we steamrolled them from our base to theirs, Acing, taking both nexus turrets and finally the turret before they revived. Scored two Quadras during the game, too.

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It was ARAM, which is why I got her (on a reroll no less). If you take a look at that screencap, it was a 4v5. My team HAD to be good to win that one!

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Patch 3.7 has been doing some whacky shit, man. It was crashing my computer for a while, I had to reinstall in the end. Also I heard that a lot of champs(Hecarim being the main one) were getting stuck in terrain by using certain skills on jungle camps... it's a right mess.

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It seems I have a new champion to learn - Shaco. For whatever reason, I managed something like 6/8/a lot.

EDIT: Quick, name me five things wrong with this picture!


(Master Yi harassing Graves during the game has been taken)

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Dual Aegis is hilarious when Alistar owns one and gets the aura of another one (in his case, Cho'Gath. . .who I still play like a scrub). I swear the highlight of that game for me was catching Cait in an Q-W that resulted in her death, despite me having only a Pick for AP. For everyone else, it was Nidalee's insane accuracy.

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It seems I have a new champion to learn - Shaco. For whatever reason, I managed something like 6/8/a lot.

EDIT: Quick, name me five things wrong with this picture!


(Master Yi harassing Graves during the game has been taken)

Morgana doesn't have Zhonya's

You have heal instead of Barrier or Exhaust or anything else.

I don't even really know what's up with Quinn but I'm not sure if it's good or bad.

No Bulwarks/Lockets

Mordekaiser no es numero uno huehuehue.

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Morgana doesn't have Zhonya's

You have heal instead of Barrier or Exhaust or anything else.

I don't even really know what's up with Quinn but I'm not sure if it's good or bad.

No Bulwarks/Lockets

Mordekaiser no es numero uno huehuehue.

1. Not sure if she would've built it, but I think it would've helped.

2. Notice the single Heal in the form of Soraka? If I don't have faith in my team, I take it. I also wound up using it, too. I blame my support leanings.

3. Quinn was doing no damage (those are AS items).

4. You'd think Soraka/Yi would've picked one up, given that Malphite/Nocturne is a dive combo waiting to happen.

5. Try "no Warden's Mail on the other side". That would've ended the game in a hurry!

EDIT: Me joining that tourney depends on what happens tomorrow. I might not be well enough to do so!

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1. Not sure if she would've built it, but I think it would've helped.

2. Notice the single Heal in the form of Soraka? If I don't have faith in my team, I take it. I also wound up using it, too. I blame my support leanings.

3. Quinn was doing no damage (those are AS items).

4. You'd think Soraka/Yi would've picked one up, given that Malphite/Nocturne is a dive combo waiting to happen.

5. Try "no Warden's Mail on the other side". That would've ended the game in a hurry!

EDIT: Me joining that tourney depends on what happens tomorrow. I might not be well enough to do so!

Just to comment on the second part. Barrier is better than heal by far. If you have no faith in your team it's better and smarter to pack barrier so you can save your own ass. Also if you have no faith in your team why you no have flash? :|

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At least with me, Flash is undisputed every time for various reasons. The second Summoner's is down to preference/role, and I prefer Ghost in most cases to escape ganks or chase for a kill, depending on which champion/lane I choose. However sometimes I feel Ignite would be more useful in helping push enemies out of lane - especially with that slight AD buff when it's on cooldown.

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Ghost is generally only better than cleanse if the enemy team doesn't have that much cc (Like seriously if they have like only 1-2 stuns only) AND you are a really kitey champion like say ashe or maybe sivir.

Generally cleanse is 99% better than ghost as long as you know how to use it.

And as for ignite if you really want it as an adc, tell your support to take it.

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Just to comment on the second part. Barrier is better than heal by far. If you have no faith in your team it's better and smarter to pack barrier so you can save your own ass. Also if you have no faith in your team why you no have flash? :|

I honestly have yet to find a situation where Barrier has saved my ass. As for a lack of Flash, it's ARAM, and I can count the number of times I've used it on one hand.

EDIT: Today was have-eclipse-learn-how-to-dive day. Nothing like having my eyes go wonky towards the end of matches!

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Barrier has saved my life more times than I can count (on ARAM), and I'm interestingly enough not all that much of a Flash user on ARAM. Some champions really want it, but honestly? Exhaust is sleeper OP on that map.

Now, on SR, I'd take Flash. Every time. Except on Karthus.

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Generally cleanse is 99% better than ghost as long as you know how to use it.

And as for ignite if you really want it as an adc, tell your support to take it.

I never really got that logic. The support taking Ignite means they have to give up flash, and supports already struggle with escapes (the only support that has an escape is Elise).
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The support generally takes Ignite/Flash and gives up Exhaust (or Heal). It seems kind of silly to me (CC>damage for supports), but pro supports do it.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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1. Not sure if she would've built it, but I think it would've helped.

2. Notice the single Heal in the form of Soraka? If I don't have faith in my team, I take it. I also wound up using it, too. I blame my support leanings.

3. Quinn was doing no damage (those are AS items).

4. You'd think Soraka/Yi would've picked one up, given that Malphite/Nocturne is a dive combo waiting to happen.

5. Try "no Warden's Mail on the other side". That would've ended the game in a hurry!

EDIT: Me joining that tourney depends on what happens tomorrow. I might not be well enough to do so!

Flash-Ult-Zhonya's is basically Morgana's full combo

eh it's aram so heals are reduced

true, but kitae's plus bork is %max + %current health so it's not exactly awful at all

locket's are for dive teams, their for aoe which mord/twitch/talon is, so there's that, but the only AP on the enemy team was mord, you'd actually be countered by them more then they would have

you have two auto attackers, so it's not that great and even then a thorn mail would be better in that case

I take Flash Clense on my carries, except Flash Barrier on Cait. I really like clense, but I usually will build merc schimtar if I have a reason too or even not some times so that does kind of waste it. I prefer it over Banshees as an MR option for carries though, except on maybe Ashe or MF who are pretty mana hungry and like the extra mana.

I always take Exhaust Barrier on ARAM unless I have someone who needs to flash like Morgana or Galio.

Also typically gives up Exhaust for Ignite, which is fine if your top takes it, which I would do if I'm someone like Jayce or Vlad maybe, but otherwise I prefer TP on them.

I just don't really like Heal on supports, because it falls off later on, but Exhaust is always useful. I like Clairvoyance too, but Exhaust is just too good. Maybe if I do support Ashe I'd take CV/Exhaust because if someone is in her face you're basically already dead, and two CV type skills is amazing for coverage.

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Nope, Flash Exhaust all the way. Support Ashe would like Flash Exhaust. It is ten thousand times better than CV Exhaust. And this is counting the fact that if Ashe is in range to use exh while her flash is down, she's dead. Flash CV I could see too, but not CV exh.

The absolute set-in-stone rule is you want at least one ignite and one exhaust per team in SR, especially in blind pick.

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I never really got that logic. The support taking Ignite means they have to give up flash, and supports already struggle with escapes (the only support that has an escape is Elise).

You dont give up on flash and it generally depends on the match up.

The support generally takes Ignite/Flash and gives up Exhaust (or Heal). It seems kind of silly to me (CC>damage for supports), but pro supports do it.

The trade between ignite/exhaust generally depends on the bot lane match up. For example if you are laning against a draven, you probably want exhaust because of his all-in damage potential. alternatively if you laning against most other adc's then it can be heavily dependent on your support. If you are say something like soraka, you have zero kill potential, no reason to take ignite. However if you are something like thresh, blitz, leona, or alistar, or even sona potentially(Depending on the enemy team) you already have cc and you have loads of kill potential and taking ignite secures those early game kills and gives you a lot of lane dominance and pressure.

Something simple is maybe, MF/taric vs vayne/lulu

Mf takes barrier

Vayne will defintely take cleanse lulu probably exhaust because they just want to survive the lane phase.

If taric takes exhaust it will just be cleansed off and it doesn't help much of anything, sometimes this isn't even cleansed because she can stealth for half of the duration of the exhaust or she can simply not worry about it and save her cleanse for the stun that might condemn her to her doom.

However if Taric takes ignite and uses it for early dominance/pressure this does a few things: 1: It does up front damage, even if it is cleansed, 2: Ignite is something that pops up on a champ and generally illicits panic reactions and does do true damage so it is highly likely to trigger the cleanse from the vayne in mostly any situation, which makes it always a summoner for a summoner, however ignite has a shorter cd than cleanse so frankly that's a win for you.

The main point of taking ignite is to dominate lane and secure lane dominance since the current meta is based a lot around early pressure and early map control winning lane can easily mean winning game. (This is also especially true for anywhere below about mid gold.)

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