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Again. He needs to learn to Hammer E.

Here's the thing, Jayce is terrible for going all-in early on compared to Riven. If you force the all in, (or even better if he does and you haven't been poked down) Riven WILL win.

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I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna fucking do it.

1350 IP spent on Udyr.

I have 2925 RP.

Someone please help me before I do something stupid.

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Here's the thing, Jayce is terrible for going all-in early on compared to Riven. If you force the all in, (or even better if he does and you haven't been poked down) Riven WILL win.

Except the idea is as Jayce you don't want that to happen, so hence...Hammer Form E (if he's using it immediately after something like Valor something is wrong)


[spoiler=Number one fail holy crap LOLOLOLOL]

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I got the skin too~ <3 Luckily I'm already ok with Udyr, now to get good at jungle and better at Udyr. =)

In other news, playing LoL while not being able to sit up for long periods of time is a bad idea. Yes, I tried, and I would not recommend this.

That's actually been me the past few days, I was in an atv accident and bruised my kidney, I played lying down for the last few days, and played Lots of games, lol

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Support in Bronze (pushing my way up the ranks slowly) is so frustrating. Since nobody is good, I can't carry a team on my back with no damage.

Example: Playing Blitzcrank with an Ez (whose non-effective but not bad) against a Quinn (who's terrible) and a Nami (who runs her mouth). I manage to feed Ez a bit early with a couple of nice grabs and great ganks from our Aatrox jungler. In mid, Talon completely feeds the enemy Ahri. Like so bad that he actually refuses to engage on the enemy team in 5v5 but will try and blick a low HP person in a 1v3. A retard. He does apologize for it though.

But because Ahri is fed (and Quinn is terrible), I now have the job of initiating for the team. So I grab Ahri MULTIPLE times, pull a perfect (or almost perfect until she Zhonya's out of my ult) and my team doesn't understand that she needs to go 100-0 right away. Suddenly, she gets a triple kill. And this happens multiple times during the game.

It's the same as playing Taric (and Ali to a lesser extent but I try not to play Ali at all). I have my skill level (much higher than the idiots I play with so probably around mid Silver) but when I spoonfeed them shit, they just refuse to eat. Stun/Hammer/Shatter and nobody goes for the carry. Ward the entire right side jungle and then get accused of not warding top in midgame. Vision and setting up kills isn't enough to pull me out of Bronze because I'm only as effective as my team.

I need to play more Top in Bronze. I always manage to carry while playing a non-orthodox champ (Swain/Olaf/Mundo...). I just need to get out of this bracket and move onto people at my skill level.

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Why do I have such a hard time sticking with a few champs? lol, I always play someone a few games then I'm like Oooo, who's that? and then don't play them for a while. XD I'm looking at Urgot right now as a new mid/top.

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I understand there's a different mmr for normals and ranked, but I don't understand why I'm being matched with plats and high golds in normals while my ranked rating is only low gold. I can't figure out what I'm doing different and better in normals than I am in ranked, where it matters.

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Well according to my normal win/loss ratio, I technically have mid-Diamond elo for norms.

Also premades have a tendency to take priority, so you might be getting matched with a lot of premades.

Finally, your ranked league/LP doesn't perfectly represent your ranked ELO. Your MMR is your "true" ELO (most of the time this is higher)

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They are both strong support champions. Why?

If I was in Bronze, and trying to get my ass out of there, that's who I'd pick (along with Thresh, and MAYBE Elise. . .'cept I really suck with Elise).

First, I'd have to be healthy enough to sit through a Normal game. . .which I'm not. So FML.

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Blitz is not better than Thresh. Sorry.

His grab is so op man.

(Also this is solo queue logic - Blitz is more likely to be effective because no one grabs the freaking lantern anyways)

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grab followed by a knockup. If you push to the enemy tower when vs Blitzcrank, you're gonna have a relatively bad time if you don't back off/stay behind minions.

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If I was in Bronze, and trying to get my ass out of there, that's who I'd pick (along with Thresh, and MAYBE Elise. . .'cept I really suck with Elise).

First, I'd have to be healthy enough to sit through a Normal game. . .which I'm not. So FML.

Thresh, Blitz, Lulu, or Zyra/Nami/(annie)

Bronze ADC's don't understand the concept of poking and zoning with Sona, and she's too squishy to allow you mistakes. You want people who can feed the hell out of your adc and secure kills. Lulu can also peel particularly well since ADC's at that level have poor positioning.

However, Blitz and Thresh are typically banned out.

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thresh is permaban status atm

I understand there's a different mmr for normals and ranked, but I don't understand why I'm being matched with plats and high golds in normals while my ranked rating is only low gold. I can't figure out what I'm doing different and better in normals than I am in ranked, where it matters.

people don't try as hard in norms so it's easier to raise your normal mmr

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