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Personally, if I've got a lead, I'd rather end it as soon as possible and not allow the enemy to turtle and try to get the upper hand come mid-lategame. I feel the new dragon and baron buffs are great, and should be interesting to see in play.

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i play 2 bot games a day for first wins on my smurf and main.

I'm going to estimate maybe once every 5 games or so, and that's only because some people are impressed by 25+ kills on a Riven in a bot game.

So no, it's not the place to try to achieve lots of honour. Unless you're willing to spend time joining the easiest setting bot games and try to give advice to the new players there. Even then that's hit and miss.

The system is pretty much dead, and it needs a change or an upgrade.

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Holy shit i'm actually having fun with this new/update

if you're on NA feel free to add me "xo Handsome Boy"

excuse the name

god dammit i forgot about decaying and didnt get to gold in time

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i've expanded my champ pool by a fuckload. i figured i was trying the wrong champions. it's basically about finding what works for you.

i'm having some trouble adapting my jungle paths to the new jungle though. standard s4 paths are actually impossible now on most champions and i simply don't know what works best in what situations. like, ok, i've mostly stuck to xin zhao cause the jungle changes have really favoured him and his path and power have pretty much not changed at all, plus he's a no-thinking faceroll champ, but with a champ with no sustain i've found it's pretty much impossible to jungle. on jarvan i get way too low to even clear on half of the jungle. i try to do golems (smited), red, wolves, back but i get too low to actually do wolves. wtf

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i've expanded my champ pool by a fuckload. i figured i was trying the wrong champions. it's basically about finding what works for you.

i'm having some trouble adapting my jungle paths to the new jungle though. standard s4 paths are actually impossible now on most champions and i simply don't know what works best in what situations. like, ok, i've mostly stuck to xin zhao cause the jungle changes have really favoured him and his path and power have pretty much not changed at all, plus he's a no-thinking faceroll champ, but with a champ with no sustain i've found it's pretty much impossible to jungle. on jarvan i get way too low to even clear on half of the jungle. i try to do golems (smited), red, wolves, back but i get too low to actually do wolves. wtf

Yeah I had the same problem, I've used Nocturne a lot since he was released, he was always a little squishy in the jungle but now I can't go Red>Wolves>Blue and gank top anymore without having 4/5 of my health gone, and by the time I go back to heal my red buff is already gone, restricting my jungle to certain paths makes me so much more predictable as well. Although i'm happy with the rest of the changes to jungle.

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i figured it's probably better to do red->wolves/golems->red, back, blue -> chickens, gank if you're a low sustain jungler

takes a while to get going but such is life in the zone

alternatively just use warwick, get skirmsher devourer and botrk and one-shot people with your ult lol

Edited by fuccboi
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And I want to be able to play Shen and bully people again, it's never happening though.


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Anyone else dislike the new Jungle? I know its the preseason patch and riot is going to fine tune it as they go along but.. You only get 2 pots to start with, they removed spirit stone sustain, and monsters do more damage. Sustain jungler seem like the only viable option right now. Although I do like the new smites and Items very much. Sorry if someone already posted similar here.

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It does take some adjusting, but I find clear speed can supplement sustain pretty well. I've only had a few practice games in bots, but I managed to clear pretty healthily with Vi due to her good clear speed and mix of single target and AoE damage, whereas I really struggled as Jarvan. Haven't gotten a chance to test yet but I also feel Elise will be really strong, with spiders to tank damage, inbuilt sustain, and %damage to shred large monsters, as well as having old Ancient Golem back on the juggernaut enchantment. So if you have the Elise mechanics, I'd say try them out.

P.S. pls Meteos-sama be gentle

Edit: Speaking of Elise, dat new skin on PBE doe, nice.

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I think the new Elise skin is better than even the Victorious skin, which is good.

I'll be picking up my first Trundle skin soon. Not sure when it's released or if it's released already. Maybe I'll hold off and just buy it when it eventually goes on sale.

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My smurf is in silver 5 and plays with and against platinum players, this current ranked system is a joke in that I can be 300 points above the average mmr for a division and still have to put in twice the effort to make my displayed league to correspond to its actual mmr. Riot needs to either bring back elo or somehow fix this mess of a system they have in place.

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My smurf is in silver 5 and plays with and against platinum players, this current ranked system is a joke in that I can be 300 points above the average mmr for a division and still have to put in twice the effort to make my displayed league to correspond to its actual mmr. Riot needs to either bring back elo or somehow fix this mess of a system they have in place.

I agree with this. They think it's ok just because you get more LP for a win and lose less for a loss, but really, fighting people in your own division would quickly level everything.

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They should just remove Promotion series unless they're for out of a tier like Silver -> Gold. Having to win them to just move up ranks slows down ranked too much I feel.

They might have removed them under certain circumstances. On my smurf I promoted from division 1 to 5 without a series and I just promoted again with no series. I think they've recently implemented a change. I've skipped divisions before but never skipped divisions without having to do a series.

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Unicorns of Love dishing out the dirt to TSM at IEM San Jose event yesterday, damn.

Today, Semi-Finals and Finals.

C9 vs Alliance, then the winner of that will fight the Unicorns for tournament victory. Here's to an all-European Final.

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c9 are pretty good

luckily most european teams are looking scary for spring split; looking forward to watching the refurbished fnatic, alliance, roccat, sk, gambit, unicorns of love...

hopefully copenhagen wolves and supa hot crew will turn up, too.

and no idea who the new 2 teams will be from the expansion tournament.

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