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They are wrecking Lucian because he's played in nearly LCS and ranked game ever.

While I'd hate to see him get hit this hard, I would like to see a change from seeing Lucian in every single game.

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Also, I'm kinda glad Lucian's getting the nerfs. A decent Lucian was the most obnoxious thing to fight against.

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I'm a better ADC/Support Thresh whatever the fuck that game just was than pure ADC Twitch

...although I also couldn't connect for the first 5 minutes while playing as Twitch, so maybe that had something to do with it >_>

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Those that don't talk in champ select and refuse to even say what role they're taking deserve something horrible to happen to them. Especially when they play Nunu support and make me go mid when I have no experience as that champ in mid >_>

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Those that don't talk in champ select and refuse to even say what role they're taking deserve something horrible to happen to them. Especially when they play Nunu support and make me go mid when I have no experience as that champ in mid >_>

They don't say anything because they either...

1. Don't want to start shit.

2. Hate everyone because they've been through even worse in game.

3. Couldn't be bothered saying their role because they can fill

4. They went to get food, or to bathroom, or to grab something.

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They don't say anything because they either...

1. Don't want to start shit.

2. Hate everyone because they've been through even worse in game.

3. Couldn't be bothered saying their role because they can fill

4. They went to get food, or to bathroom, or to grab something.

All terrible reasons. Even 3 can get dicey because you may just grab something that someone else hasn't said.

I ONLY talk in champ select, and only to discuss where I'm going.

They usually whine anyway because I main Quinn.

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Those that don't talk in champ select and refuse to even say what role they're taking deserve something horrible to happen to them. Especially when they play Nunu support and make me go mid when I have no experience as that champ in mid >_>

I won't call my role if it's obvious. Nautilus with smite, Malzahar or Janna don't have much choice. I'd call my lane as Morgana or GP though.

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I won't call my role if it's obvious. Nautilus with smite, Malzahar or Janna don't have much choice. I'd call my lane as Morgana or GP though.

Janna can play 3 lanes.

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Janna can play 3 lanes.

I played Lux jungle yesterday aswell, but that doesn't make it good - Janna's ratios got way too hard nerfed to make her good anywhere else but support. Actually Malz might be better a better toplane than Janna - still it's clear which lanes fits them best.

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I played Lux jungle yesterday aswell, but that doesn't make it good - Janna's ratios got way too hard nerfed to make her good anywhere else but support. Actually Malz might be better a better toplane than Janna - still it's clear which lanes fits them best.

There's a player who made it to challenger playing AP Sejuani in mid. That is far more suboptimal than a toplane Janna.

Her ratios are .6s and .7s. Far from bad. You're not picking her for that, anyway, and that's not the reason why Janna sees less play - Her over the top passive got curtailed.

Why would you ever put Malzahar toplane, when he has no real defense against a gank? He hasn't been a useful toplaner since S1, when no one knew any better and EU made double AP heavily popular.

Malzahar is a terrible champion design mechanically and needs a complete re-work, anyway.

Edited by Siuloir
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I'd need the entire replay, but assuming I'm reading the numbers correctly, it looks like they got a lot of solo kills, while you guys teamed up for those kills. Was your team chasing low-health opponents?

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I legit want to know what I could have done here to win, because I tried everything I could but the game just wasn't coming together.

Here is the match history information for your game: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1455961174/49202396

Looking at this information, I can deduce the following:

You had a good teamfight at the 25 minute mark, you got 2 towers and a dragon out of it, giving you a 5k gold lead. But then what? Literally nothing except fights that are mostly in your opponent's favour.

It seems like individual failings led to the loss. It looks like Shen died trying to contest the dragon. One less tank to soak up damage. Orianna then died trying to protect a tower. Burst damage gone. They eventually did take your mid inhibitor because of their immense sieging abilities, but then you retrieve some kills. No follow-up objectives. Rushing to the baron then returning to mid to kill super minions is acceptable when you've got the numbers advantage. One last fight aces you all and it's over.

So in short, objective control was totally nonexistent for the last 10 minutes of the game. Individuals getting picked off leading to uneven team fights. I'm assuming you let the Caitlyn do whatever she wanted to in those last 10 minutes since you didn't kill her in that fight around the 31 minute mark.

And splitpushing. You had TP, you won your lane hard. You should have capitalised on this and pushed top lane as hard as possible. Then those losing teamfights may never have occurred. If you're Shyvana and you're winning your lane, it is in your best interests to continue the laning phase for as long as possible. Yet you only took the top outer turret. Big mistake there.

Edited by Raven
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Qualified for my series after a game as support Morgana that made me feel like my heart was going to explode. Tempted to buy Blitzcrank because evidently people at the Silver 3-1 level don't know what to do when Morgana snares the enemy ADC

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There's a player who made it to challenger playing AP Sejuani in mid. That is far more suboptimal than a toplane Janna.

Her ratios are .6s and .7s. Far from bad. You're not picking her for that, anyway, and that's not the reason why Janna sees less play - Her over the top passive got curtailed.

Why would you ever put Malzahar toplane, when he has no real defense against a gank? He hasn't been a useful toplaner since S1, when no one knew any better and EU made double AP heavily popular.

Malzahar is a terrible champion design mechanically and needs a complete re-work, anyway.

AP Sejuani has better ratios and surprisingly great burst/basedamage. I'd rather have her as ap carry than Janna.

Nonetheless it doesn't tell much, "trolling" players are the exception - I'm quite sure that I'd be able to reach dia with Karthus or TF jungle aswell.

9 of 10 Jannas will go bot and support, same for Sejuani and jungle.

Her offensive spells got 0.35 and 0.5 - that's pathetic (yeah, Q got 0.65... after charging for 3 freaking seconds). She is still a support, even mid - that's why her main and best role stays support (after all Riot nerfed everything that made her a good sololane). Most toplanes outscale her, are way more useful in teamfights and you lack damage in late with a second support in your team - of course it CAN work, but she's a bad sololane choice in 9 of 10 games.

She WAS a great mid though. When her W had 0.8 ratio (it even had 1.0 once) and Q was something around 0.7 without charging.

I don't want to put Malzahar top, I'd just prefer him to Janna. He got great damage, can farm safely aswell (you can just e/q minions and retreat), have great scaling and cc to support jungle ganks. Janna got nothing besides a fine lane.

Malzahar's kit doesn't work well and I agree on the design - but there are worse cases. He'd work if QSS wasn't this ridiculously strong.

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Lots of hypotheticals, he can always shove and roam to try to snowball other lanes if you're drawing too much pressure top lane, etc. Some games aren't meant to be won. Sure a full replay would be needed to determine that but extrapolating from match history is unreliable.

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Janna can play 3 lanes.

THIS GUY gets it. Where were you when I was getting flamed in plat and having people afk because I wanted to play Janna mid?

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