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Signature limit

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So, I'm asking what's the limit (Kb) of the signature, because I don't want to get in trouble!!!

because in another forum are very hard with the signature and they made me and other members out of head °-°

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I'd say nothing bigger than 500x300. We don't have set clear rules here, but if someone's signature is breaking tables or bothering people, we'll just kindly ask the member to change it.

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I'd say nothing bigger than 500x300. We don't have set clear rules here, but if someone's signature is breaking tables or bothering people, we'll just kindly ask the member to change it.

My sig is longer than the given limit, but it is not very tall, is of a reasonable width for the average computer screen, and is a single image. That said, is it acceptable?

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No, it'll break the tables for 800x600 users unfortunately :[

So, I'm asking what's the limit (Kb) of the signature, because I don't want to get in trouble!!!

because in another forum are very hard with the signature and they made me and other members out of head °-°

Also, I just realized you asked kb limit. So far, we have no rules on that. I don't see a need to unless someone decides they feel the need to link to a 1000 frame full color gif. Then I will personally travel to your house and kill you. (I'm just kidding about that XD)

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Well, given the image's innate width-to-height ratio, that was pretty much all I could do since I'm resizing with photobucket and too lazy to do anything other than that.

I think I'll just redo the image, moving Ike and Micaiah closer to the center to take the places of Elincia and Pelleas.


Like that.

I'm still above 500 width. Is that okay?

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I'm still stuck with 1024x768 if that matters any. And one of my computers is 800x600.

I'm stuck with that resolution for my desktop as well D:

Meteor, he probably just can't afford a new computer/monitor.

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Are you posting from dial-up? XD

I have DSL.

And also, to Jyosua: I don't see the point in a bigger monitor, I'd rather get games and a Wii. Almost everybody I know still uses 1024x768.

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I have DSL.

And also, to Jyosua: I don't see the point in a bigger monitor, I'd rather get games and a Wii. Almost everybody I know still uses 1024x768.

I like high resolution. I got a wii too. :D

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