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No thanks, I'll leave you hanging on that cliff.

Darn. =/

Well, when I fall to my death and break my neck in the most gruesome way possible, I'll be sure to come back and haunt all of you guys. =D

And steal your pineapples.

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She updates every mondays, I know that much, and that she's a girl, and that she has a million other comics on her DA account, and that I'm the first one who linked her comics here, but I don't know when Monday is.

*please note: half of that crap was completely pointless, also if you die I will poke your corpse with a Katana, and your ghost will feel the pain, so just let someone save you*

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you may go ahead and haunt me and steal my pineapples because I don't like them and having a ghost haunt you sounds like it could be some what fun

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