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( First of all sorry for my english mistakes )

Well, I definitely want to create a Fire Emblem game but I have a question: Which of these I should use to do it? Hack Rom or FEXP?

First, I'm not that good when it comes to programing. Sure I can use the Ultimate Tutorial to help me, but there are so many things I want to ask about it and I'm studying for quite some time. With determination, I think I can overcome these issues.

FEXP in my eyes is easier. Much more. But I think it's tutorial is lacking so many things. And besides Immortal Sword, I didn't find other games using this engine, ( Sorry if I said something stupid. Maybe I didn't search properly ) which makes me think that hacking is better.

So, what do you think? Answers (Kind Answers) are welcome.

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FEXP has more flexibility, has a couple basic engine uses and it's not as... compatible with other things (e.g. I'm pretty sure you can't "emulate" a game using the FEXP engine on your Wii or PS3). GBA is more limited and in general not as nice but has more documentation and more people who work on it

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you may as well use FEXP since it's all around an easier engine to use if you're good at fiddling with programs (not necessarily program-MING but just with the options and etc)

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Well, about the emulation thing, I'm not that afraid about it. It's really cool messing with FEXP, but, without proper documentation, I don't think a newbie like me is going that far. It's a shame.

Looks like I'm going to spend more time with GBA

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Yeah, if only there were a 70 page document about how to use it, at least on a basic to semi-advanced level. Oh wait, there is.

That being said, it's being phased out soon anyway. FEXP will be superseded by FEXNA and it'll be a hundred times better. Since it's actually similar to FEXP though, if you're interested then getting to know FEXP by playing around with it until you figure stuff out (In the same way I did for over a year and a half) will net you at least the same, possibly better results than I had.

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