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Vashiane's Official Headcanon Playlog (Chapter Ten!)


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I have the same issue with Gaius - he's pretty much THE epitome of glass cannon you can get as far as this game's concerned, and he blocks axes with his face to boot. Ugh. And my awful luck with the guy transfers over to his level ups too - he generally doesn't get more than 3 or 4 stats.

I feel like that also happens to me with Vaike.

He rarely gets more than 3, when it comes to me.

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I feel like that also happens to me with Vaike.

He rarely gets more than 3, when it comes to me.

Its hard for me to grind like I want to later in Lunatic once you have sucked Exponential Growth dry. Nobody has that perfect combo of high Defense/Resistance.

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have the same issue with Gaius - he's pretty much THE epitome of glass cannon you can get as far as this game's concerned, and he blocks axes with his face to boot. Ugh. And my awful luck with the guy transfers over to his level ups too - he generally doesn't get more than 3 or 4 stats.

I disagree because in my current Lunatic run he is facing sub 40% hitrates against Silver axes and he only has 1 AS above his base (16 Spd).

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I disagree because in my current Lunatic run he is facing sub 40% hitrates against Silver axes and he only has 1 AS above his base (16 Spd).

I'd personally find him nigh impossible to work with in Lunatic - say hello to getting one shotted by damn near everything, Gaius.

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Anna is amazing.

I find her strength to be a little on the low side, though.

Indeed. On the flip side, she's the only (or at least, one of the only) non-avatar character who can get any mileage out of Levin Swords (not counting Gangrel).

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I never use Anna.

I liked her early in the game, but I just stopped using her around Chapter 13 or so.

I tend to stay away from non-mother/unused fathers. More grinding is necessary when I don't. And I just LOVE grinding...

Edited by Sorin
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I never use Anna.

I liked her early in the game, but I just stopped using her around Chapter 13 or so.

I've only been using her recently, due to my support runs sometimes dropping Gaius (I have all his supports already because I kept switching his wives between playthroughs) and not wanting to deal with training Gaius if I don't have to.

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I'm surprised Falcon Knight has only one vote. I thought it was so good, beating the Dark Flier in everything except resistance and magic.

But, I guess I would like it more if they continued with swords. The monoweapon Lance just isn't working for me.

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I'm surprised Falcon Knight has only one vote. I thought it was so good, beating the Dark Flier in everything except resistance and magic.

But, I guess I would like it more if they continued with swords. The monoweapon Lance just isn't working for me.

I kinda prefer Falcon Knight anyways - personally, the only units that really stand out as DFs (avatar excluded, of course) are the same ones that start as healers, sadly...

Not to mention that Sumia does more damage as a magic-wielding dark flier than a lance faire Falcon Knight.

Not really, unless her magic could keep up with her strength, which is improbable. Doesn't help that a Dark Flier's magic boost as a pair up unit means jack shit to most of her supporters...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I'm surprised Falcon Knight has only one vote. I thought it was so good, beating the Dark Flier in everything except resistance and magic.

But, I guess I would like it more if they continued with swords. The monoweapon Lance just isn't working for me.

I kinda prefer Falcon Knight anyways - personally, the only units that really stand out as DFs (avatar excluded, of course) are the same ones that start as healers, sadly...

Not really, unless her magic could keep up with her strength, which is improbable.

Me too. I was surprised to see that Falcoknight couldn't use swords.

The Dark Flier is good too though, but normally, I just make my units certain classes, because they're sprite is adorable.

Like Severa as a Falcoknight. Her pigtails are so LONG.

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Not really, unless her magic could keep up with her strength, which is improbable.

Actually, it's quite probable. it's 40% strength versus 35% magic in the dark flier class and it's magic in fire emblem, which has always been on the game-breaking side because most of the enemies you face don't have res. Combined with her high speed and skill (almost always doubling and has a very high chance for criticals), Sumia's actually a very good magic user. It helps that she doesn't have a negative mod in it, like she does with Strength.

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