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Vashiane's Official Headcanon Playlog (Chapter Ten!)


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Hmmmm... Chapter 4 is one of those that I don't like because I don't get enough units that I feel comfortable using pair up (or in general, because one miss can make things go south in a hurry).

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Hmmmm... Chapter 4 is one of those that I don't like because I don't get enough units that I feel comfortable using pair up (or in general, because one miss can make things go south in a hurry).

I know... :\

I actually had some pair-up issues with Donnel's paralogue too, but I worked it out. I'm adding the stat chart for that one and then I'm logging chapter 5 and maybe even 6 today as well.

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Paralogue 1: The Sam Riegel Duo


"I just don't get it, Chrom! Why would someone ruin all these families, destroy all these lives? What for?"

"... What can I say, Lissa... War is hell."

"And you're going to be saying THAT again later as well."

"... ... Silvia... how do you even KNOW if I am or not?"

"... My skill stat's higher than yours."

The Sam Riegel Duo: A.K.A.The Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice of Awakening.
I'm so sorry, the fact that Sam voiced Phoenix in the new Ace Attorney game just, tickles me pick. Anyway to move on to the paralogue! Let's have some fun.
Oh, and ironically enough: Silvia's skill stat is actually LOWER than Chrom's. Should have checked the logsheet.

Paralogue 1

First off, important supports. Frederick and Sumia get their C. Silvia and Stahl-kun also get their C.

Now, to go do important stuff, like picking up Donnel. I really wanted to deploy Miriel and Kellam for this map, but I didnt have enough space. [/sigh] Fine, fine fine. So this chapter I use: Chrom, Silvia, Lissa, Frederick, Sumia, Lonqu, Stahl and Vaike.

Turn one. Donnel goes underneath Stahl for this one. Lonqu goes into Silvias pocket and Silvia immediately goes to double the first fighter. And daww, he tells her not to falter and then Dual-Attacks with her. Cute. <3 And Silvia gains a level up. (Holy cow.) She gets: Magic and Defense. Normally, Id complain, but thats actually still good. Stahl and Donny goes stand next to Silvia and Lonqu. Sumia goes UNDER Frederick due to the archers and Frederick blocks off that tiny alcove towards the bottom left. Lissa moves out of enemy range. Enemy phase, go!

The thief runs right at Silvia and get smacked in the face with a ball of lightning for hitting her. The archer ALSO attacks her, which is actually a BAD thing because I wanted to trap the archer so I could get Donnel that experience ASAP. Damn it Silvia! Remember, she can and does double the fuck out of pretty much everything now. Frederick actually gets INJURED. 5 damage. Ohmygosh. But its okay, because the other guy takes a lance to the face.

Turn two. Donnel has JUST enough strength thanks to Stahl to kill that thief. Woo! Yeah!
Lissa runs over to heal Silvia and Im reminded of a good reason why I had Silvia take Stahls Bronze Sword. Because Lonqu and his handsome self can play bait! :D

Oh, and Lissa levels up thanks to that heal. She gains: HP, Magic and Speed and is two levels away from getting to 10 now. Sweet. Silvia trades her Bronze Sword over to Lonqu and he attacks the approaching fighter. Frederick runs forward and with a little tag-teaming, he and Sumia lance that archer right in the vital organs. And Frederick gets a level!

Hmm okay. Weve got: HP, SPEED, Luck and RESISTANCE. The lack of strength leveling is FORGIVEN. And Sumia levels as well! She gets HP, Speed and Luck.

Are you ACTUALLY fucking with me right now, Sumia?

Enemy phase. And Lonqu actually KILLED the guy I wanted to have Donnel finish off, damn it. ._.

Turn three. Lonny moves forward into the path of the two fighters in that room, with Stahl/Donnel and Lissa right behind them. Vaike/Chrom move into range of the thief at the bottom of the map, while Frederick baits another fighter.

Enemy phase. VAIKE MISSES. Its a 60% chance, so Im not shocked, but any miss from my team is a painful thing. Frederick completely destroys two fighters and dodges the archers chance to hit him at 71%. Nice.

Turn four. I uneqip Silvia to prevent the chance of any dual attacks and have Lonqu attack the fighter in front of him. The fighter counters and HITS HIM. At 28%. T-The hell?! Either way, it leaves the fighter with one point left for Donnel to take on with a quick, sharp jab to the abdomen. Almost like lightning, eh, Chrom?

D-Did you have to remind me of that nightmare?

But I thought that was Silvias dream

W-What? Shes having it too?

Um. Did I just instigate something? Oh, look, DONNEL LEVELED. HIS GALEFORCE GRANTING POWERS ARE MINE, BITCHES. He got the following for his first level: HP, Strength, Skill and Luck. Not half bad.
Sumia takes on the archer, with a little help from Frederick, kills it deader the dead.
Lissa heals Lonqu. Chrom and Vaike take on that thief again.

Enemy phase! The thief goes to suicide himself against Chrom and Chrom MISSES! AGAIN! The odds are a bit better at 75% instead of, oh, I dont know, 91%, but still! And somehow, failing miserably enabled him to gain C-rank in swords. Okay, Chrom, okay.

Turn five. Stahl attacks the fighter and gains C-rank in swords as well. Go go swordsmen. I let Lonqu equip his Killing Edge for the first time and what do you think he does with it?

No hard feelings!

DEATH. I dont know about you, but when hes lying, twitching in death on the ground, I think hes done Lonqu. I think hes done. And Vaike finally manages to kill that thief! Yay! And gains a level up in: HP, Skill and Defense.

Okay, what? Why are all the level-ups slowly starting to suck? No, fuck you chest key, Im pissed. Go to the convoy and stay there, dammit. Lissa heals Frederick so he can tank stuff and here we go again. The thief swipes the Killer Lance and thinks hes actually going to run with it. HA.

Turn six is moving people forward and switching Stahl and Donnel so Lissa can heal him. The hand-axe fighter goes after Lonqu from through the wall but NOPE! Silvia blocks it for him. <3 Wait, I can't ship them. HENRY. WHY DO YOU JOIN SO LATE?!

Turn seven. Frederick and Sumia go after the handaxe fighter while Lonqu and Silvia go after the thief. Even with the Killing Edge he doesnt critical and kill him, but he DOES get a level up. Alright: HP, Strength, Skill and Speed. Thats not half bad, Lonqu. :D Stahl and Donnel take the sparkly and Stahl gains 28 experience. Wee!

Turn eight. Lonny criticals the archer and Donnel kills the thief just for fun. Lissa heals Lonqu and gains a level in both Luck and Resistance. Ugh, damn it, FINE.

Turn nine. Sumia and Frederick take on another archer and Vaike grabs the Rescue staff. YES. Silvia gains a level up! This time, its Magic and Resistance. What?

Okay. I spent, like, FIVE turns moving everyone around like I wanted, and I sent Stahl and Donnel back to go grab that other sparkly tile. Stahl and Donnel got a conversation! The Sam Riegel Duo at its very, very finest. XD

Turn fourteen. Lonqu kills the last archer with yet ANOTHER critical. Lissa heals Sumia. Wait a sec thats not the last archer. WHOOPS. Silly thing is HIDING. Get out here final archer! Vaike weakens the REAL last archer for Sumia to kill it.

Turn fifteen is just me switching Frederick and Vaike so that way Chrom can take his bromantic partner for the boss. Equiping the Rapier because that IS the boss sword. Alright, you little bastard, come get some! Chrom hits for 15, the boss counters for 12. Ouch. Enemy phase activates andtThe boss hits for 12 again. OUCH. Chroms got ONE freaking HP left and what does he do? Chrom CRITICALS THE HELL OUT OF HIM. Bye-bye Roddick, see you in hell!
No fancy villainous breakdown, Roddy? What on - oh, wait, wrong game. XD

Turn Count: 15

Heroes: Silvia and Lonqu

Attempts: 1

Paralogue 1 Stats

         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class       
Chrom     6.77 25  9   2   9  12   9   9   2  C Swd             Lord               
Silvia    9.15 25  8  13   9  13   8   9   7  E Swd D Tom       Tactician (Thunder)       
Lissa     9.76 22  4   8   9   7  12   3   8  C Stf             Cleric           
Frederick 2.53 29 13   2  12  11   7  14   4  B Lnc D Swd D Axe Great Knight  
Stahl     5.44 25 10   1   9   9   6   9   3  C Swd E Lnc       Cavalier        
THE VAIKE 5.41 31 10   0  10   7   5   7   0  D Axe             Fighter
Sumia     4.99 20  6   4  14 12+2  9   5   7  D Lnc             Pegasus Knight        
Donnel    2.68 17  5   0  3    3  12   3   0  E Lnc             Villager
Lon qu    5.65 21  7   1 13   14   7   7   2  C Swd             Myrmidon
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I always find Donnel too much.

Villager class says: "but has great potential"

I find that false, though Hero is a pretty good class.

I'll always dislike Donnel.

Maybe I'm one of those saps who always roots for the underdog, but I love using him. I always make sure he goes home to his mother with his wife a Hero, literally AND figuratively. XD

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Maybe I'm one of those saps who always roots for the underdog, but I love using him. I always make sure he goes home to his mother with his wife a Hero, literally AND figuratively. XD

Sometimes, he reminds of Amelia from FE8.

In a way, Recruit & Villager were the same. They both held Lances.

Villager, though, just makes me mad, because I hate Donnel.

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Alright, chapters 5 and 6 are coming up next, six will be done by tomorrow.

But now I have a little dilemma. That lucky Second Seal I got... should it go to Silvia or Lissa? I was thinking about getting the chapter 8 Master Seal for Lissa, but hmm.

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Go for Lissa.

It's been enough trouble promoting a cleric..

All your hard work should be rewarded to Lissa.

That's what I was thinking, since actually if I promote to either a myrmidon or mercenary for Silvia (I'll save Dark Flier/Galeforce for chapter 21) I'll lose her desert crossing abilities, and she'll be sword-locked for a while. Although Chrom's getting kind of close too... he's at 7 right now and three more levels isn't that far off for him.

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That's what I was thinking, since actually if I promote to either a myrmidon or mercenary for Silvia (I'll save Dark Flier/Galeforce for chapter 21) I'll lose her desert crossing abilities, and she'll be sword-locked for a while. Although Chrom's getting kind of close too... he's at 7 right now and three more levels isn't that far off for him.

Wait, I thought she was still a Tactician. IIRC, they don't have any special desert-crossing abilities, due to not being a strictly magic class.

Okay, I just went and tested, and at the very least Grandmasters are still impeded by the Desert tiles.

of course if I'm wrong about what class she is then this isn't important and nevermind

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Wait, I thought she was still a Tactician. IIRC, they don't have any special desert-crossing abilities, due to not being a strictly magic class.

Okay, I just went and tested, and at the very least Grandmasters are still impeded by the Desert tiles.

of course if I'm wrong about what class she is then this isn't important and nevermind

No, she's a Tactician still. If I give the early Second Seal to her I'll lose that for chapters 8 & 9 and therefore won't be able to glue her to Lon'qu and call it a day.

I AM getting Panne soon, I may want to give it to her for flight access.

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No, she's a Tactician still. If I give the early Second Seal to her I'll lose that for chapters 8 & 9 and therefore won't be able to glue her to Lon'qu and call it a day.

I AM getting Panne soon, I may want to give it to her for flight access.

I don't understand. What does the class she's in have to do with gluing her to Lon'qu?

Um, addressing the original question again, I would only reclass Lissa if you either plan to be using Maribelle for healing or you are sure you won't need a healer until you get Libra (I assume we're not talking about Cleric -> Troubadour, right?).

Also, I don't really see a need to reclass anyone at Level 10, since Second Seals are a rather limited resource and you'll cap level eventually.

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I don't understand. What does the class she's in have to do with gluing her to Lon'qu?

Um, addressing the original question again, I would only reclass Lissa if you either plan to be using Maribelle for healing or you are sure you won't need a healer until you get Libra (I assume we're not talking about Cleric -> Troubadour, right?).

Also, I don't really see a need to reclass anyone at Level 10, since Second Seals are a rather limited resource and you'll cap level eventually.

Lon'qu can't really traverse the desert well, so if she can't either then they're both kind of stuck on those levels. :\

Ha! I'll probably still need one, knowing me. And Maribelle's terrible on sand - did I mention how much I hate sand? I do.

... Ah, really? I'm a bit of a speed-demon, really, and if I can reclass them as soon as possible I do. So I should save the Second Seal for later, right?

I mean, I can always play the Second Seal Gambit Game after chapter 21.

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Lon'qu can't really traverse the desert well, so if she can't either then they're both kind of stuck on those levels. :\

Ha! I'll probably still need one, knowing me. And Maribelle's terrible on sand - did I mention how much I hate sand? I do.

... Ah, really? I'm a bit of a speed-demon, really, and if I can reclass them as soon as possible I do. So I should save the Second Seal for later, right?

Since you won't have them freely available until the Valm arc (Chapter 16, IIRC) or some of the Paralogues (Mercenary Fortress sells 'em, I don't know what else does), I would hold onto them and reclass once you hit Level 20, unless you know you'll be going through a lot of classes (like Sylvia will, come to think of it, so maybe it's best to reclass her early).

It looks like by the end of Chapter 12 you should have at least 3 Second Seals, since Ch 8 and Ch 12 have one each, you got a lucky one, and if you're using Renown you'll have 4.


Just plan for when you'll reclass and you should be fine.

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Since you won't have them freely available until the Valm arc (Chapter 16, IIRC) or some of the Paralogues (Mercenary Fortress sells 'em, I don't know what else does), I would hold onto them and reclass once you hit Level 20, unless you know you'll be going through a lot of classes (like Sylvia will, come to think of it, so maybe it's best to reclass her early).

It looks like by the end of Chapter 12 you should have at least 3 Second Seals, since Ch 8 and Ch 12 have one each, you got a lucky one, and if you're using Renown you'll have 4.


Just plan for when you'll reclass and you should be fine.

Nah and Inigo's paralogues also sell Second Seals.

Dammit, ninja'd.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Chapter 5: Rein-motherfucking-forcements


"Go Maribelle! You're free now."

"... And right smack dab in the middle of enemy territory."

"Oh... Y-You know I didn't think this through all the way."

"I guessed that Ricken, I guessed that."

Okay, so I'm finally able to hold onto my DS for extended periods of time. Which means more updates! :)

And I've actually had this chapter done for a bit, it was just that I couldn't get the end-chapter stats until now. Anyway, I won't carry on for too long.

Chapter 5

… Prepare for trouble.

And make it double.

You may want to grab the popcorn, because failure is just BOUND to happen.

Alright, deploying Chrom, Silvia, Lon’qu, Lissa, Frederick, Sumia, Miriel and Kellam. This should be fun.

Turn one. Lon’qu goes into Silvia and they head left. I make Silvia snipe away at the closest fighter, and his death opens up some free space. Excellent. Oh, and she got rank C in tomes. Yay, Silvie! Sumia goes under Frederick and he blocks off that first pathway so I can safely stick a few people behind it, and while I’m at it, let’s murder that fighter in front of us. Thanks to Sumia’s lovely +4 speed, Frederick doubles him easily, all while dodging a smooth 54%. Go go, Freddy Bear. Miriel and Kellam go up right behind Frederick and Sumia, and Miriel takes a shot at the myrmidon next to Frederick. Ricken pairs into Maribelle and they move into Lissa’s range for the Rescue staff. Lissa moves up behind Miriel and Kellam and Rescues M&R, and with that, my darling Lissa is at level 10.

Let see what you got: HP, Strength, Magic, Speed, Luck, and Resistance. WOW. Oh, oh, oh. And Healtouch! Yes!

Enemy phase. The remaining fighter goes after Silvia and she dodges a 59%. Lovely. Then she proceeds to show the fighter how to fight by smacking him twice with a thunderbolt. The dark mage also suicides himself by trying to hit her with a Flux spell for 46%. And on the second hit, Silvia takes that 6% critical and rolls with it. Show that mage how it’s done, Silvie!

And with that, she ALSO reaches level 10 and gain Solidarity AND a level up in Magic and Defense. … Again? Again!

The myrmidon suicides on Freddy Bear, and the dark mage on the cliff initiates some snipe-to-snipe combat with Miriel.

Turn two. Silvia and Lon’qu head towards that fort but are ONE away from claiming it. Damn. So instead of that, I send them just into range of the Wyvern heading for them. Frederick takes care of the dark mage that was sniping away at Miriel and I switch Miriel and Kellam out because a Wyvern’s heading for them and Miriel’s already injured – that’s just asking for death right there. I also trade Kellam’s javelin to Sumia – I do want to get SOME experience into her. And finally, I do a little switch around and transfer Lissa over to Maribelle so Chrom can have Ricken.

Enemy phase. Frederick weaks a Myrmidon and takes 5 damage from a barbarian just to give it ALL back. And gains a level up! Sweet! He got… HP and Speed. Normally, I’d be complaining again, but at least he got speed. He also takes 3 damage from a mage, so hopefully I can get Maribelle up to heal him without putting her in danger. The left-hand wyvern heads right for Silvia and hits her for 64%. Damn it, Silvia! And she was set to double the hell out of that wyvern too… but her tome broke. No need to panic. She’s got that other one from Chapter 4. And Kellam and the other right-hand wyvern duke it out.

Turn three. Ricken immediately goes to keep Maribelle and his future waifu Lissa out of harm’s way by Elwinding the HELL out of that wyvern. Silvia and Lon’qu switch so he can get the final kill on the wyvern bothering them and… “How well will you die?” Pretty well, considering you SLICED HIM IN HALF. And… level up!

This time it’s: HP, Speed, Luck and DEFENSE. Yay, Lonny. Yay. I switch out Kellam and Miriel again and let her finish off the myrmidon Frederick weakened earlier. Frederick and Sumia keep their position, even though I could have borrowed the Javelin from Sumia and taken out that mage, I really didn’t want to waste it. I send Maribelle over to heal Lon’qu’s level-up scratch damage and borrow Lissa’s heal staff because I really don’t want to waste any of that Mend staff on scratch damage.

… And the reinenforcements show up. AND I JUST MOVED MARIBELLE.

OH MY GOD. Okay. Miriel criticals a mage and knocks him down to one HP, Frederick dodges a 52% and lances that barbarian in the face. The myrmidon gets doubled from Frederick and Sumia and Sumia gets a level up of HP, Skill and Speed (Sumia, I’ll deal with you later, I’m panicking). Frederick got rank A in lances. Great. Okay. And the fighter goes up to Maribelle and…

… She dodged a 68%. SHE DODGED IT. Maribelle, pleasepleaseplease MARRY ME.

Turn four. Miriel kills that mage she was sniping and gains a level-up. Sweet. She got: HP, Magic, Luck and Defense. Great! I move Ricken and Chrom to the fort in front of Frederick, and there’s just enough free space to ensure Maribelle’s safety as she moves up to heal Miriel. I let Lon’qu show that bastard heart-attack giving barbarian how to REALLY stop a person’s heart… by using him as the guinea pig.

And of course, the second hit gives me “No hard feelings.” That’s nice for YOU, Lonny, but I’ve got some hard feelings indeed. I switch out Frederick and Sumia and place them next to Ricken and Chrom. .


Anyway, the hand axe barbarian flings one at Lon’qu but NOPE. Silvia blocks that one too. Ricken and a myrmidon exchange blows (lol, Wind tome humor), and Chrom decides to join in on the fun for this one. That’s the second Dual Attack I’ve gotten all map. Dang.

Turn five. I move Sumia around to have a shot at the myrmidon, since Chrom left the guy at ONE HP. IF YOU HAD MORE STRENGTH CHROM, THIS WOULDN’T BE HAPPENING DAMN YOU! Ricken has a few HP missing, so I trade Lissa her heal staff back and let Lissa heal him, because, y’know, stitching up someone’s injuries is the key to their heart. Lon’qu asks another barbarian just how well will he die, and he dies. Pretty well. So there’s your answer. I move Miriel in front of Ricken and Chrom and switch to Kellam for defensive shenanigans.

Enemy phrase… more reinenforcements. I’m not used to this. Anyway, Lonny dodges a 47% and people move forward. Time for the real fun to start.

Okay, so Turn six is basically me running from the wyverns. Eek. And Lon’qu goes to take on that dark mage and decides he wants to make this quick. And he does. I fucking love Killing Edges…

Enemy phase is the myrmidon suiciding himself on Lon’qu and Lonny getting a level-up. This time it’s: HP, Strength, Magic (the hell?), Skill, Speed and Luck. … The magic level-up is forgiven. So much. Kellam baits the wyverns since I could move him out of range fast enough. :\ But the damage he does is much obligued because NOW… Ricken can OHKO. And an OHKO’ing Ricken IS THE BEST KIND.

… Well okay. Best Ricken is Sage!Ricken with Luna, Aegis, Lifetaker, Tomefaire and Dual Guard+. But that’s beside the point.

Turn seven. Ricken shows one of the wyverns who’s boss around here. It’s technically Chrom, but it counts since they’re paired ATM. Frederick takes the other wyvern since I’m way too paranoid to let Sumia do it right now, and the free space allows me to bring Maribelle up to heal him. Lon’qu and Silvia finally take that fort like I wanted. Yes!

Enemy phase. Frederick softens up a barbarian… and Sumia goes in to Dual Attack… and MISSES. NO.

Turn eight is Ricken finishing off that barbarian for a level up! And he gets: HP.


... Plus staff abuse and moving. Ugh. So much gloom...

Turn nine. See above, plus add Frederick and Sumia heading to a sparkly. Sumia gets an item and… it’s a Balmwood Staff. Yay? It claims to also heal the wielder, but I’ve never seen it do that. And Lon’qu moves up into a wyvern’s range. Enemy phase is Lon’qu criticaling again and murdering him. … And I aggro’ed the wyverns. GREAT. :D


So to keep Maribelle safe, I transfer Lissa to Ricken and Chrom to Maribelle, then switch them out for each other. I use the Javelin to whittle away some health on the wyvern before I have Ricken come forward and OHKO it with his newely-transferred partner in crime… I also switch Silvia and Lon’qu out on the fort and move Miriel and Kellam a bit to keep them out of harm’s way.

And OH GOD the boss. I triggered the boss. SHIT.

Orton chucks a Short Axe and Chrom’s chest, and to get rid of this guy as quickly as possible and keep Maribelle and Chrom from supporting too much, I give Kellam to Chrom and use Maribelle to heal him. This gives Maribelle a level-up. Sweet indeed!

We’ve got here… HP, Magic, Speed, Luck and DEFENSE. HOLY SHIT.

Turn ten. Chrom uses the Falchion to knock Orton down a few points (would have used the Rapier but that crit chance) and I send Ricken in for the kill. YES. I was a little scared because Ricken had a 91% chance of hitting and Orton could double him for 15 at 76%, but it turned out okay. And another level up for Ricken!

This time he gained: HP, Skill, Speed, Luck and Resistance. MUCH better, Ricky.

But most importantly, Orton going down means… MONEY! :D

Turn eleven. I send Sumia up the cliff to bait the dark mage and more moving around/healing Kellam with Maribelle.

Turn twelve. Same as above. The enemy phase is Sumia dueling it out with the dark mage… and Frederick Dual Guarding a hit for her! D’aww. And THEN he dual attacks for her too. More d’aww! And Sumia reaches rank C with lances.

Turn thirteen. Maribelle heals Silvia’s damage and Kellam baits the last two enemies.

Turn fourteen. Chrom and Miriel are transferred again and Kellam takes his Miriel for a spin with the barbarian. Well, not yet. First I have Ricken whittle the guy down a bit with his tome – and a bit meaning down to one HP – before Kellam finishes him off and gains HIS first level up in HP, Strength and Defense. Not bad. Sumia and Frederick take the fort and the sparkly tile. She gets 30 EXP from that. 30. WOW. And the enemy phase has her finish him off and a level-up. This time it’s HP, Strength, Skill and Speed. Better. Still not great, but better.


Turn Count: 14

Heroes: Frederick and Sumia

Attempts: ONE.

And into the barracks for fun:

Silvia’s in top form today! And gained a surge of Resistance and Defense. YES.

Ricken wonders why Stahl’s so happy. And of course, food is involved. Silly Stahl.

Sully talks to herself about how any man who thinks a woman can’t be strong deserved to be punched. HARD.

Chrom paces around saying that he can never rest, and for all his effort he gains 18 EXP. ... I need to start pacing more often.

And Maribelle is also in fine form today! With a surge of Strength and Luck. (LOL STRENGTH.)

Funds: 3910. I sold the Bullion (M) and the Balmwood Staff, since I don’t see it being useful. Also bought a Wind tome for Ricken and two Iron Swords: one for Lon’qu and one for Frederick, and then bought two new Heal staffs for Lissa and Maribelle. I would have bought some Tonics and a new Iron Lance for Freddy as well, BUT guess what? That skirmish hasn’t left chapter 3, and I have a new one in chapter 4. Peachy keen.

Chapter 5 Stats

        Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class       
Chrom     6.99 25  9   2   9  12   9   9   2  D Swd             Lord               
Silvia   10.32 25  8  14   9  13   8  10   7  E Swd C Tom       Tactician (Thunder)       
Lissa    10.52 23  5   9   9   8  13   3   9  C Stf             Cleric           
Frederick 3.52 28 13   2  12  12   7  14   4  A Lnc D Swd D Axe Great Knight  
Ricken    5.51 22  3  8+2  7   6  11   6   4  D Tom             Mage (Wind)        
Miriel    4.32 20  2  8+2  5   7   9   4   5  D Tme             Mage (Fire)
Sumia     6.29 22  7   4  16 14+2  9   5   7  C Lnc             Pegasus Knight        
Kellam    6.03 22 11   0  7    5   3 13+2  2  D Lnc             Knight
Lon’qu    7.53 23  8   2 14   16   9   8   2  C Swd             Myrmidon
Maribelle 4.50 19  0   6  4    7   6   4  6+2 D Stf             Troubadour
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Chapter 6: Where is My Defend Objective?


“I don’t know…”

Uh… Silvia? Who are you talking to again?”

“No one. Oh and… here.”

“A bag of… candy? What’s this for?”

“You should start carrying it around for sentimental purposes. … Don’t look at me like that, just do it. Trust me.”

Chapter 6

Today is a very special day indeed. Stopping in the barracks first before I go over the support conversations because…

It’s Frederick’s birthday! Yay!

Except the event doesn't seem to be appearing on this profile... it did on my sister's, but not this one. Um. Okay?

Anyway, support conversations! Frederick got his B support with Sumia (already? Holy cow.) and a C support with Miriel, which I’m happy about because… d’aww. I love that conversation. A barrack conversation sparked a B support between Virion and Sully and Silvia got her C support with Lon’qu. FRIENDSHIP. :D That support conversation is so hilarious to me, because she seems so hesitant and his demeanor just screams “DO NOT WANT”.

In more important news, those two skirmishes are gone. TONICS.

So I bought like, 6 each. XD And two vulneraries. And while we’re at it, let’s get started.

Dueling unpleasent thoughts, backstory about Chrom's father, make this into a game IS, okay, thank you... and Marth’s back – trying to hijack the plot. NO, Marth. Come back in seven chapters and you might be successful. Very successful.

So. For this map I’m bringing Stahl, Kellam, Lon’qu, Silvia, Maribelle, Ricken, Miriel, Frederick, Lissa and Sumia. The left side is going to be guarded by Chrom (and eventually Gaius), Sumia, Frederick, Stahl and Panne, while the right side goes to Lon’qu, Silvia, Miriel, Kellam and Lissa. Lissa and Maribelle both have their new heal staffs and the line holders Lon’qu, Kellam, Sumia and Chrom all get a strength and defense tonic each. Did some weapon switching around too: Sumia got Frederick’s iron lance and he equipped his brand new sword. She also keeps the Javelin. Lon’qu trades Silvia her Bronze Sword back just in case, although really Silvie’s going to be using her tome most of the time.

Whee. Here goes the fun. And this is never explained in the story itself… but the purpose of Falchion gleaming is… what?

Turn one. Sumia and Frederick pair up and move over to the southwestern pillar space, just in that fighter’s range. Stahl stands beside Marth and Chrom takes the other pillar space out of enemy range. I have Maribelle shoot in quickly and grab the sparkly for herself. And I get a tree branch! … Yeah? Okay. Lon’qu takes Silvia and stands at the foot of the stairs with them, since her pair-up bonuses are actually extremely helpful to him. Kellam on the other hand, isn’t that lucky, so I have Kellam go by himself next to Lon’qu and sidle Miriel in right behind him to play the sniping game.

Enemy phase. The fighter suicides himself on the Sumia/Frederick duo and and Lon’qu and Silvia (with her Bronze Sword equipped) murder the living heck out of an approaching thief. So long, sucker! And Lon’qu gets a level up and is now two away from VANTAGE. Let’s see… HP, Magic and Skill.

… … What the FUCK? I got such good level-ups in the first two chapters and now they’re going to hell… [/whine]

The Lon’qu show isn’t over, because the Killing Edge is bloodthirsty indeed, slaying another two fighters to ribbons. Another fighter heads for Stahl, and a mage decides to try and fling a thunderball at Lon’qu. Not happenin’. He’s dodged like, everything so far. :D

Turn two. Insta-recruit another important member of the Endgame Team, but more so for Chrom’s sake that for Silvia’s.


What is it, Chrom?

“That bag of candy Silvia gave me earlier… it really did come in handy.”

Yup. Time to go start your beautiful bromance together! And they do, by running up to the first mage and slaughtering him all kinds of dead. And Chrom gets a level up! In: Strength (STRENGTH!), Speed, Luck and Defense. So much better, yes.

Panne moves forward and finishes off that fighter Stahl weakened, opening up a space for Sumia and Frederick to take so Frederick can damage the thief heading for the door. HELL NO YOU’RE NOT. And hell no he’s not indeed, because Frederick bids him farewell via critical. And he obtained rank C in swords with this. I am so pleased. Stahl rushes over to Panne and pairs himself into her because now that she’s here I can no longer randomly cuddle him. :9 The right side moves everyone forward a space, and Lissa zips in to go heal Lon’qu’s scratch damage. … Okay, so he forgot to dodge ONE thing. ... He's still amazing, though.

Enemy phase. … Marth can double? OHMYGOSH MARTH CAN DOUBLE STUFF. She’s never doubled anything. AT ALL. A thief suicides himself on the Frederick/Sumia duo and Lon’qu criticals the stuffing out of an approaching cavalier. … With an Iron Sword! I swapped the swords out before he ends his turn. ‘o’ So impressive~ And he got a level up! This time in HP, Skill and Luck.

… [/groans] NO, IT’S NOT ACCEPTABLE.

And he criticals ANOTHER cavalier to death. Kellam or Miriel haven’t seen combat AT ALL because they all keep going after Lonny!

Turn three. Panne and her pocket Stahl kill the approaching fighter while Sumia and Frederick take care of the mage. Chrom and Gaius take off out of enemy range so Chrom can use a Vulnerary and therefore free Maribelle up to heal Panne. Lissa heals Lon’qu, and end turn.

Enemy phase is the left mage going after Chrom, a thief going after Panne, a fighter kamikazing himself to Lon’qu – ANOTHER CRITICAL, MY GOD, WHAT A MONSTER <3 – a cavalier getting axed (sworded?) by Team Orange and Blue.

Turn four. Sumia uses that Javelin to spear the thief in that cavity where his heart should be and gains a level-up from it. In: HP, STRENGTH, Skill and Luck. Better, better, better. :D Maribelle goes to heal Sumia and gains a level-up as well in HP, Luck and DEFENSE. … What the…? If my Maribelle is defense blessed I may have to rearrange the Endgame Team. :D The right side is pretty much empty, so I have Miriel take on the remaining mage. Chrom runs again to vulnerary himself – damn you and your low resistance, Chrom. And end turn.

Enemy phase is Panne dodging a 71% from the wind mage and getting Dual Guarded by her man from a cavalier. Although actually, once we get Cordelia, I’m going to need to mention more headcanon.

Turn five. Miriel chips away at the dark mage again and I move Lissa forward to heal her. And level up! She gets HP, Magic, Skill, Speed and Resistance. Wow. Sumia two-ranges one of the remaining dark mages while Chrom finishes off that other mage that gave him a hard time. I unequip Panne and let them sit in front of the door to Emmeryn so hopefully that cavalier will attack them so I can give the kill to Gaius. Enemy phase is the last fighter going to Sumia and the duo taking him down like there’s no tomorrow. And Sumia gains another level up! She’s almost at 10. This time it’s… Skill… and Luck…?

AGAIN?! The actual... WELL, FUCK YOU TOO ANNA. #rage

And NO they magically re-equipped their weapons and killed the cavalier, damn it! And Panne gets a level up! In… everything. No joke. HP, Strength, MAGIC, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense and Resistance. MY GOD WOMAN.

Turn six is healing/moving around. Gaius and Chrom head in for the treasure chest. Miriel and Kellam finally team up and officially down the mage. Only one remains… AND HE’S ON THE MOVE OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT.

Turn seven – same thing. Secret Book get! [/insert fanfare here] Miriel heads for the sparkly tile because she hasn’t gotten one yet… although I’m tempted to put Silvia and Lon’qu on it in hopes for a conversation.

Turn eight. Nope. It goes to Miriel, who finds a Towering Bow on the ground. Oddly appropriate, considering the situation – although the lack of snipers is questionable. Maybe one of the assassins thought he could use it? Anyway, I have Chrom block off the entrance to Emmeryn’s and finish the set up. … This is one of my favorite things to do I swear, and I won’t be able to pull it off in chapter 23 due to story stuff.

Turn nine. Sumia goes up to weaken the boss… and DANG IT, Frederick dual attacked and I might not be able to circlejerk him around. BUT! I can give Gaius the boss kill. SCREW GETTING SILVIA OVER THERE. And Gaius does literally JUST enough damage to send Validar over to the dark side… er… the OTHER dark side that is. :\

And damn, 100 experience points to Gaius! … And I get a HP and Speed level-up out of him. Ugh. And who says I don’t suffer for my art?

Turn Count: 9

Heroes: Frederick and Sumia

Attempts: 1

Funds: 910. Bought two magic and resistance tonics. Saving money? What is this?

Chapter 6 Stats

       Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class       
Chrom     7.89 25 10   2   9  13  10  10   2  C Swd             Lord               
Silvia   10.32 25  8  14   9  13   8  10   7  E Swd C Tom       Tactician (Thunder)       
Lissa    11.61 22  5  10  10   9  13   3  10  C Stf             Cleric           
Frederick 3.88 28 13   2  12  12   7  14   4  A Lnc C Swd D Axe Great Knight  
Ricken    5.51 22  3  8+2  7   6  11   6   4  D Tom             Mage (Wind)        
Miriel    4.91 20  2  8+2  5   7   9   4   5  D Tme             Mage (Fire)
Sumia     8.23 23  8   4  18 14+2 11   5   7  C Lnc             Pegasus Knight        
Kellam    6.13 22 11   0  7    5   3 13+2  2  D Lnc             Knight
Lon’qu    9.76 23  9   2 16   16  10   8   2  C Swd             Myrmidon
Maribelle 5.80 20  0   6  4    7   7   5  6+2 D Stf             Troubadour
Panne     7.10 29  9   2 10   11   9   8   4  - Bst             Taguel
Gaius     6.10 23  7   0 13   16   6   5   2  D Swd             Thief
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Can't wait for Chapter 7.

We get introduced to someone very special..

Oh we sure do. And we get introduced to story, thanks to said special person! \'o'/

Wow, Vashiane... not very conservative with money, are we, girl?

I'm far stingier in real life than I am in my games, yes. But the tonics are going to a good cause, i.e. Ricken and Maribelle, so it's all good!

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About the Falchion glowing. I've heard it theorized that it glows when a significant change occurs in the timeline, due to it happening here and during Future Past 3 (I think).

...That's not spoilers, right?

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Hum... I can't seem to vote in your poll for some reason o:

My votes are:
1. Yes, definitely! I'm most excited to read what you type about during Future of Despair xD

2. Mercenary. Sol's pretty great for survivability. Once you have it, you can literally solo maps with Avatar haha.

3. Galeforce Lissa. No regrets!

Your headcannon playthrough's really interesting btw. It's cool to read through.

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