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Vashiane's Official Headcanon Playlog (Chapter Ten!)


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I always go Taguel> Wyvern Rider> Wyvern Lord> Griffon Rider (yes there are enough levels to get through all 4 classes if you are using 4 pairs of units). Griffon Rider is much better when you have swordbreaker, because monoweapon sucks. At least breakers fix that.

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I've never really changed Panne.

I kept her as a Taguel. Is she really that great as a Griffon Rider?

Better movement, better skills? Access to a 1-2 range weapon?

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Chapter 7: Vasto Is Such A Bro


"If Vasto's so amazing, then why is he currently twitching in a pool of his own blood?"

"Oh come on, Chrom, the capital COULD use new statues..."

"He was going to kidnap my sister!"

"All technicalities."

Chapter 7

And welcome to chapter 7, where I get to tease Silvia relentlessly because plot.

Now, Silvie. Chrom’s a sweetheart to you, isn’t he? Offering to carry you around like that.

“I… I don’t want to be carried.”

What’s wrong Silvia? Shy? Or is it because you – ”

“S-Shut up.”


“… … Hyargh!”

Okay. OW. She threw her tome at me. You’re not getting this back you know!

“I don’t care!”

Story time! It’s during that long, kind of intimate talk in chapter 6 that Silvia realizes Chrom tugs at her heartstrings in a way that he shouldn’t. Since she doesn’t understand the feelings she’s experiencing – remember, she IS an amnesiac with literally no memory – she’s pretty overwhelmed by the experience. Aren't you Silvie~

"S-Shut UP!"

Anyway, this hierarch bastard… my God, this chapter pisses me off. They DO NOT MENTION THE HIERARCH AND HIS BETRAYAL AGAIN. Even though said betrayal seriously fucked them over! ARGH. PLOT, STOP MAKING ME SCRUBBY.

Alright. So this chapter is: Chrom (of course), Silvia, Lon’qu, Frederick, Sumia, Ricken, Lissa, Maribelle, Miriel, Kellam and Stahl. Ricken gets a magic and a defense tonic, Miriel gets the other magic tonic, and Maribelle gets the other defense tonic. Sweet.

And ohmygosh, THIS chapter. THIS BOSS. VASTO~


Look at those beast stats! 17 Strength and he doesn’t have the Strength+2 skill. He doesn’t need it! He’s just THAT DAMN GOOD. And Tantivy is to showcase his lone-wolf take-all nature. I LOVE IT. And look at all these lamers with their Iron weapons, he’s got STEEL. Oh wait, there are a couple of steels around. But not in the wyvern brigade! Because Vasto is just so fucking boss he upgraded before they could.


But it’s okay, because Vasto is so amazing he murders him for us. Yay~.

Turn one. Silvia takes her favorite pocket Lon’qu and runs over to the archer to fling burning hot balls of thunder in his face. Sumia puts the Javelin to good use and spears away at an barbarian – darn it Frederick, a dual attack would have nice right about then! – and I remember that I didn’t bring Vaike or Gaius along for Chrom. DAMN. So I have to use Stahl, even though I had other plans for him. Miriel goes in right behind Chrom with her pocket vanishing act and Maribelle beside Miriel. Ricken takes Lissa (there’s three couples that are supposed to definitely be married by the time skip – Ricken and Lissa are the only two that don’t have a support yet) and heads into the first southernmost wyvern’s range. Here goes.

The barbarian Sumia weakened attacks her on the Enemy phase and Frederick dual guards it. The power of a B-support indeed! Sumia then repays him for his kindness by taking that 4% critical chance and chucking it into the barbarian’s throat. For Ylisse, of course. The Sumia and Frederick tag-team (I need a catchy name for them) also take out another barbarian while Silvia wears down a thief she couldn’t double. And gains a level up. She gets HP, Magic, Luck, Defense and Resistance.

… The hell? Her magic stat is higher than her speed stat! WHICH IS HER ASSET!

Sumia also softens up a wyvern for us – at a bit of a cost, she has like one HP left – and also gains a level up. Okay then. Let’s see… HP, Skill, Speed, Defense and Resistance. Better. A LOT better. Ricken is a dodge master and avoids a 81%. Nice.

Turn two. Ricken uses his Wind tome to finish off the wyvern. Level up! This time it’s: HP, Magic, Skill, Defense and Resistance. Woo! Sumia and Frederick retreat so I can have Maribelle take a free space to heal her. Which gives me another level up for Maribelle. This time it’s Strength and Luck.

… … … Okay, Maribelle. Okay.

Miriel moves forward and snipes away at one of the wyverns to the north, giving HER a level up as well. :\She gets Skill, Speed and Defense. … Not complaining. That’s a lot of defense going around. Chrom and Stahl then go slice up the charred remains of said wyvern and… ANOTHER LEVEL UP.

Chrom gets HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck and Defense. YES.I switch out Silvia and Lon’qu to finish off the thief and… level up…? AGAIN? Okay. This time it’s HP, Strength, Skill, Speed and Luck.

… Better. I think the awesome level-ups have to do with the fact that we’re in Vasto’s presence. And… oh my gods, VANTAGE. [/fangirls]

Enemy phase is the wyvern coming down to attack Ricken.

And… CORDELIA! I immediately move Chrom and Stahl south so Cordelia can come take Stahl for herself. … I know what you’re thinking, and there IS a method to my madness here.

Turn three. Anyway. Ricken finishes off the wyvern, and I move Maribelle up to heal him. Silvia and Lon’qu switch and she borrows his vulnerary. I’m basically trying to book it here and get as much distance between me and the other side ASAP. Switch to Frederick and I let him move into enemy range and have Miriel scoot in right behind Silvia.

Enemy phase. Frederick and Sumia take on the approaching barbarian and HE HAS A HAMMER AND 8% CHANCE TO HIT OHMYGOD okay he misses. And Sumia goes to dual guard AND she… misses. DAMN IT.

Turn four. Silvia goes after one of the barbarians with gamble using her Thunder tome – one-ranging that is not happenin’ – and Silonny goes at it. And Lon’qu got weapon rank B! Frederick goes after the incoming archer and… another level up? Hot damn. This time it’s HP, Skill, Speed and Luck for Frederick. Miriel snipes the hammer barbarian and Cordelia goes to sky battle the approaching wyvern. And what’s the first thing Stahl does? A dual attack of course. Um. D’aww. Moving people around and… Enemy phase. The thief goes for Chrom. The archer and the wyvern go after Silvia – and she has three HP left, SHIT – and just as I think I might have to start over…

… Lon’qu dual guards. But he doesn’t JUST dual guard… after she gets a hit on him, he promises to her that he’ll make this quick. And BOOM, criticaled. THANK YOU LON’QU. And just when I think it’s going to happen AGAIN… she dodges it. And the barbarian with a hand axe that went after her? Oh she tossed him a warning ball before really ramping up the stakes and criticaling his ass to next week.

And she got TWO level ups in this chaos. The first one is HP, Skill, and Speed and the second one is HP, Strength, Magic, Speed, Luck and Resistance. Oh my GOD. … Sometimes you surprise me too sweetie.

Turn five. I KNOW they’re on their way. Ricken and Miriel take off as far away as they can and Maribelle hitches a quick ride with Chrom so I can switch Maribelle into Ricken for a moment to lessen the chance of them supporting. Cordelia uses the Javelin of hers to chip at the last southernmost wyvern and Stahl dual attacks for her TWICE this round. How appropriate, all things considering. Lon’qu takes the front and while Silvia’s standing right beside him, he suddenly decides to think about how to talk to women.

… I’m tempted to do a little husband switching. So tempted… STOP MAKING ME SHIP YOU TOO. Oh and 10 EXP. Yay. And Sumia spears that thief in the stomach. And the thief was carrying… ohmygosh, MONEY. :D

Enemy phase. The wyvern suicides on Ricken, then the reinforcements show up.

Turn six. Ricken shreds one of them to almost death and level ups in the process with: HP, Magic, Speed, Luck, Defense and Resistance.

Okay, Anna? If I ever offended you I am so sorry please forgive me I love you.

Sumia CRITICALS a Javelin throw at the wyvern and has him down to like, NOTHING. Yes. A little clean up is now in order. Stahl finishes off the wyvern Ricken weakened and gets a level up in HP, Magic and Defense.


But enough about betrayal, because it’s time for the ultimate battle… Lon’qu… versus VASTO. Lon’qu hits for 10! Vasto tries to counter, but misses but Lon’qu’s too fast! Lon’qu hits for 10 again! Silvia dual attacks for 18! … 3 left. Miriel finishes off the wyvern Sumia weakened, and I use Chrom and his Rapier, with hits for THREE damage by the way, to finally stick it to the man.

Damn, what a death speech. That man knows how to go in style.

Rest in peace, Vasto, rest in the sweetest peace.

… Ooh level-up! Chrom got: HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck and Defense. Yay!

And we get his Steel Axe! I’m going to the nearest Forge and I’m NAMING IT AFTER HIM.

Turn Count: 6

Heroes: Silvia and Lon’qu

Attempts: 1, thank God.

Funds: 5910 G. And YES, I did name that Steel Axe Vasto.

Story time, anyone? Now, Awakening has a lot of things – romance included – and what’s a good story with a bit of romantic turmoil, huh? (Well, actually, there’s some nice little one-shots without it… but you know.) This may be the start of Silvia’s struggle against her new-found feelings for Chrom, but now with Cordelia in the mix, things get… interesting.

First, let’s get two facts out of the way: One, is that Cordelia is helplessly, hopelessly in love with Chrom… and two, is that a Stahl-fathered Severa is one of the best in the game, and therefore a LOT of people have seen the support conversation. Well… it may just be me, but that conversation reeks of him having some sort of feelings for her to begin with, so my brain decides to run frantic circles with this and just, take off.

So Stahl is head-over-heels, impossibly past the point of no return in love with Cordelia… but everyone and their mount knows where Cordelia’s heart lies. And Stahl, at this point, knows it’s pretty much hopeless for him… as he feels he’ll never compare to Chrom and be able to sway her heart.

However, a talk with Kellam reveals that the invisible shield is also gripped by the relentless force that is love, having being taken by a beautiful, red-haired maiden. Naturally, the cogs start turning. It HAS to be Cordelia! And if Cordelia falls in love with Kellam, his best friend, his feelings will have to change – no way would he ever betray a friend like that. However, during Stahl’s daydreaming session he fails to hear something crucial… that Kellam actually meant Miriel. And despite his attempts to push Kellam and Cordelia together, it doesn’t happen, leaving Stahl still as madly in love as he was before. Attempting to do the same with Donnel doesn’t work either.

But of course, you can already guess what happens due to the pairings on the first page.

Meanwhile, I’m going to go stew over Chrom’s auto-marriage in chapter 11 and…


        Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class       
Chrom     9.32 27 12   2  11  15  12  12   2  C Swd             Lord               
Silvia   13.32 28  9  16  10  15  11  11   9  E Swd C Tom       Tactician (Thunder)       
Lissa    11.61 24  5  10  10   9  13   3  10  C Stf             Cleric           
Frederick 4.10 31 13   2  13  13   8  14   4  A Lnc C Swd D Axe Great Knight  
Ricken    7.07 24  3 10+2  8   7  12   8   6  D Tom             Mage (Wind)        
Miriel    5.83 20  2  8+2  6   8   9   5   5  D Tme             Mage (Fire)
Sumia     9.68 24  8   4  19 15+2 11   6   8  C Lnc             Pegasus Knight        
Kellam    6.13 22 11   0  7    5   3 13+2  2  D Lnc             Knight
Lon’qu   10.72 25 10   3 17   17  11   8   2  B Swd             Myrmidon
Maribelle 6.43 20  1   6  4    7   8   5  6+2 D Stf             Troubadour
Cordelia  7.48 25  9   3 13  12+2  9   8   8  C Lnc             Pegasus Knight
Stahl     6.07 26 10   2  9    9   6  10   3  C Swd E Lnc       Cavalier   
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Yes, I will be, Carter.

And I'm thinking I should train Olivia and ONLY Olivia for that...

Oh, and I also updated the first post to add the magic affinities. I need to perfect that... but it'll do for now.

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If you're not LTCing, you could always just Dance-abuse her in Chapter 11 or so (save a Second Seal, kill almost everyone, trap one of the thieves between four guys with unequipped weapons, and have her dance for Chrom until she gets to level 30, then Seal her to Dark Flier). That wouldn't break any of your rules, I think, though it'd be ~200+ turns of boredom.

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If you're not LTCing, you could always just Dance-abuse her in Chapter 11 or so (save a Second Seal, kill almost everyone, trap one of the thieves between four guys with unequipped weapons, and have her dance for Chrom until she gets to level 30, then Seal her to Dark Flier). That wouldn't break any of your rules, I think, though it'd be ~200+ turns of boredom.

IMO, if you're breaking the spirit of the rules, you may as well break the letter too. I mean, it's not like anyone's gonna punish you for doing either.

Edited by Euklyd
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I remember.. I was trying to get Chrom & Olivia to get married, so I danced abused her with Chrom all the way to level 30..

Finally, finished the chapter, to find out.. Chrom had a C-support with Carter already..

What a waste of time..

At least she got leveled up, though.

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Wait.. so in your playthrough, all magic users are assigned to their "magic type"..

Like Silvia is Thunder, Miriel is Fire, and Ricken is Wind.

What will you do with Henry & Tharja? Tharja comes with Thunder/Dark Magic.

Henry comes with Fire/Dark Magic.

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Wait.. so in your playthrough, all magic users are assigned to their "magic type"..

Like Silvia is Thunder, Miriel is Fire, and Ricken is Wind.

What will you do with Henry & Tharja? Tharja comes with Thunder/Dark Magic.

Henry comes with Fire/Dark Magic.

Fire for Henry and Thunder for Tharja.

(The irony in Silvia and Tharja sharing the same affinity. XD)

Also: I believe Morgan starts with an Elfire tome if he's in a magic-wielding class, which is so full of absolute perfect. He got his father's affinity! :D

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It is lower.

I find that stupid, considering the description of Sorcerers...

Maybe some of their magical prowess went to boosting their defense? Don't they have a higher defense cap?

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Maybe some of their magical prowess went to boosting their defense? Don't they have a higher defense cap?

Yes. It's 41, which is ten higher than a Sages. In fact, its only 1 point off a Paladin, which is pretty insane for a mage.

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Yes. It's 41, which is ten higher than a Sages. In fact, its only 1 point off a Paladin, which is pretty insane for a mage.

So, yeah, new headcanon. Sorcerers can create magical shields~

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So, yeah, new headcanon. Sorcerers can create magical shields~

But wouldn't that just increase their Res? Sorceror also has the second highest Res cap in the game.

Maybe they cursed their clothes to be as sturdy as conventional armour. It would explain why they can afford to wear so little.

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