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Lapsed FE player looking to get back into the game.

Sånıc Bÿm

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Hey guys,

I am a lapsed FE player who is getting back into the FE series. I've also been lurking on these forums for the past month or two before finally deciding to register. I first got into Fire Emblem with The Sacred Stones, then worked my way backwards with FE7, FE4, and FE6 though Sacred Stones was the only game that I've ever beaten... I then lost interest in the series for a few years. I did pick up Shadow Dragon, but I was very disappointed in the game, feeling that it was a step backwards from the GBA FE's, especially with the lack of support conversations.

During December 2012, I had a burning itch to play Ocarina of Time 3D, so I got myself a 3DS XL and OoT 3D. A few months later, I saw Fire Emblem Awakening on the store shelf. I remembered seeing FEA going for ~$53+ on Amazon, so when I saw the retail store price (~$34.99, if I recall correctly), it seemed like a really good deal, so I went ahead and bought it. I didn't actually play the game until around three months after buying it due to college, but once I started playing it, I really enjoyed it. Having been used to the GBA FE's, some of the things in FE13 initially threw me off, such as how secret shops are handled and the lack of an S weapon rank, but once I adjusted, it became a really fun, and highly addictive game. I then discovered the Serenes Forest Forums, and I've been lurking for the past month or two before finally deciding to register.

So, um, yeah... Hi everyone...

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May I be the first one to welcome you here!

It's rare to find someone that started with SS pre-Ambassador(I started with FE9), and still stick with the series.

But it's nice that you are playing this great series again!

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I...think you bought Awakening at a normal price, actually. $53 sounds like too much.

Welcome to the forest! The Awakening community here is very lively. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun being part of it,

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Welcome to the Forest! If you really enjoyed Awakening, I'd recommend going back and playing the other FE games you never played or beat when you can. And it's nice to see another Sacred Stones fan; next to Awakening, its my favorite in the series!

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