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Association Football 2016-17: Força Chapecoense.


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Well, remember his mantra; the more people call him fat, the more goals he aims to score. admirable tbqh

And, you know, I'm starting to think Burnley and Hull might well stay up this season? Every other stripy team is imploding - Stoke are fucking terrible suddenly, Crystal Palace are in a full-on collapse (one victory aside), West Brom are garbage, sunderland arent very good and Southampton seem like a club whose habit of selling all its best players has caught up to it.

Other bad teams: Valencia. Think they've lost all their matches so far, and have arbitrarily dropped their incredibly good goalkeeper who had already saved a penalty for an old, garbage Brazilian before unsurprisingly losing 3-2. Someone needs to save Mat Ryan from that club, smh.

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Well, remember his mantra; the more people call him fat, the more goals he aims to score. admirable tbqh

And, you know, I'm starting to think Burnley and Hull might well stay up this season? Every other stripy team is imploding - Stoke are fucking terrible suddenly, Crystal Palace are in a full-on collapse (one victory aside), West Brom are garbage, sunderland arent very good and Southampton seem like a club whose habit of selling all its best players has caught up to it.

Other bad teams: Valencia. Think they've lost all their matches so far, and have arbitrarily dropped their incredibly good goalkeeper who had already saved a penalty for an old, garbage Brazilian before unsurprisingly losing 3-2. Someone needs to save Mat Ryan from that club, smh.

Valencia's current problem in La liga goes far beyond football. The entire town is broke.

Edited by UNLEASH IT
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Funny thing is that that's actually benefited the A-League indirectly - sure, Tony ravaged our economy but Spain and Argentina have been even more fucked up lately, so clubs have targeted them for players.

Players, excitingly, such as Sergi 'no relation' Guardiola, who you may know as the guy who signed for Barcelona and was sacked by Barcelona within A Day after turning out to have made a string of racist anti-Catalan tweets the year before, who has now signed with Adelaide United on loan. That's probably a good signing, but in this post-Piovaccari world I'm taking nothing for granted.

Excitingly, Wellington have fit in and bought Marco Rossi, an Italian defender implicated in a match-fixing scandal. In fact I think a few people have played in Cyprus before which is a match-fixing scandal.

The A-League is where world football is sending its convicts. Don't suppose Michel Platini could get a job as an administrator?

Edit: Not important for its own post but A-League striker Corey Gameiro has broken his ACL in; November 2014, November 2015, and now yesterday. He's fucking 23.

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And Maccabi Tel Aviv just imploded against Zenit St. Petersburg. That was ridiculous since ZES put in the winning goal in extra time.

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weirdly it seems they get better when they drop their fat garbageman with no good position



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Chile lived an illussion in la Copa Centenario. They played like shit, but every other country did too. On a tournament of blind people, Chile were the ones with one eye still working.

So they won.

But... The Qualifiers in southamerica requires consistence, not short bursts of confidence.

Hence, Chile is currently out.

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Australia earning a point through the controversial tactic of 'playing like absolute garbage for the first half, getting a lucky penalty and dominating the last 40 minutes without scoring a winner' against Japan. Watching Japan parking the bus is fucking surreal and wrong, Halihodzic out imo.

Saudi Arabia look good to pip UAE to third at this rate. They've done well for themselves. 8 from 4 looks unimpressive for Australia at first but we took four points from the Middle East away and holding Japan to a draw is okay as long as we get a result in the reverse fixture. Given that we can expect to beat Thailand twice, Iraq away and both versions of oil at home at home with ease we should have this.

I don't know as much about the other group but it seems like Iran are cruising, South Korea struggling and I think Uzbekistan in second, with China being shithouse. Syria should be so fucking proud of themselves for making it this far, let alone beating China away. The official AFC channel ('the AFC Hub') streams all games live for some regions if you're interested, and also posts highlights after the games.

Christ, though. Scotland. What's wrong.

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It's not a double post after a fucking month, I'm just here to say that FUCK FOOTBALL, FUCK WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS AND FUCK ROBBIE KRUSE

half our fucking team needs to be euthanised

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It's not a double post after a fucking month, I'm just here to say that FUCK FOOTBALL, FUCK WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS AND FUCK ROBBIE KRUSE

half our fucking team needs to be euthanised

You think YOU have it bad?

If Herr Klinsmann's head isn't on a platter as soon as the team gets back home, I will be.....extremely sad.

Seriously. We have 0 points through our first two games in the final round of qualifying. As if losing at home in WCQ for the first time since 2001 wasn't bad enough (and to our hated rivals Mexico, who hadn't beaten the US in a WCQ in the US since 1972), the team played lost, and just got completely embarrassed in Costa Rica tonight. The 4-0 loss to Costa Rica makes this the worst US World Cup qualifying loss since 1957. The only positive I can take from that match is "Pulisic did things. Sadly for him, his teammates watched him do things and didn't give him any help"

Granted, those were going to be two of our toughest games anyway, and we can still get necessary points from Honduras, Panama, and Trinidad, but as it stands right now, this US team will be watching the World Cup from home.

And the sad thing is? It would be deserved.

Fire Klinsmann.

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Confirmed. Klinsmann has been fired.

We had some high highs under him, but even lower lows. The recent matches were the straws that broke the camel's back. Rumor is that Bruce Arena (Current LA Galaxy manager, and manager of the US national team from 1998-2006) will be replacing Klinsmann and will be coaching the national team again. He's not a good long term solution, but I do like Arena as a caretaker to right the ship and make sure we qualify

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I remember being 5 and in my first visit to Brazil, my uncle, living in Porto Alegre, took me to a football match between Inter and an invited team. The stadium was mostly red by the locals, but call it stubborness or rebelry, I wanted the green guys to win. I was too young to understand that it was a friendly match, and all I cared was for the underdog stories I saw in movies.
That was all I knew about that green team, until July of this year, when I saw them again In the Copa Sudamericana.

I was amazed at how they defeated favourite after favourite, finally taking on San Lorenzo and advancing to the finals to beat the current Libertadores champions.

It would be a historic match, a once in a lifetime chance, regardless of the result.

It would.

Força Chapeco.

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Pretty much the whole country liked Chapecoense. They were this sort of phenom because in 2009 they were in the bottom tier of the national championship, and only 7 years later, they were going to play for a continental title.

Atletico Nacional, the team they were going to play against, declared their wishes to make Chapecoense the champion. A gigantic gesture of class.

Their last game was against Palmeiras, the team I support and turned champion after a 22 year drought. In hindsight, it was an honor to be the last team they would play against, and I hope they can rebuild their legacy. All the clubs in Serie A are showing their sympathy and trying to help as much as possible for the following years.

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