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Attention Duelist!

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Yugi: At least I'm not adopted!

Kaiba: What... was that?

Yugi: Oh sorry, did I touch a nerve? Gonna cry home to your mommy? Oh wait! Ya don't have one!

Kaiba: Yadda yadda

Yugi: Look at me, I'm Seto Kaiba! I have a dragon fettish and I sound like Brock from Pokemon! Screw the rules, I;m in love with Nurse Joy!

Kaiba: That's it, Mutou, you're f***ing dead!

Kaiba: Oh my god, a giant rock!

Joey: I love the smell of card games in the morning! ... I need to win the prize money, then I can buy myself some new friends!

Yugi: What about your sister, Joey?

Joey: Yeah, I can buy a new sister, too.

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Mokuba: Now that we're out of the video game, you guys can't do a thing to me.

Kemo: Actually, we could still beat the crap out of you.

Mokuba: Oh yeah...

Kemo: Hold still, you little punk! *punches*

Mokuba: oowww! my ribs!

Kemo: *punches again*

Mokuba: oowww! my other ribs!

Tristan: *punches Mokuba too*

Yugi: Tristan why are you punching him?

Tristan: I don't know *punches*

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Téa: Look at him undressing me with his eyes. I wonder what he's thinking about.

Yami: Man, I hate milkshakes. Die, milkshake, die. That's right, milkshake, you have been defeated. Now you go to milkshake prison.

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Excellent work, my fellow Americans! It sounds like those kids are about to fall right into my trap.. In America!

Oi boss, you know we're not actually in America, right?

I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American, it's the only language I understand.

That graveyard arena should be around here somewhere. These sunglasses sure make it difficult to see in the dark, but I refuse to take them off because I'm an American, and Americans always wear sunglasses. Now it's time for my favorite Shakespeare quote. Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him.. In America!

Attention Duelists! You guys are not duelists! I need to see your identification.

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Tristan: I've been thinking. I don't know about you two, but I'm not happy being just a minor character. We never get any screentime. All we do is stand in the background and watch people play card games. It's time we took matters into our own hands and made a name for ourselves as main characters.

Téa: That's dangerous talk, Tristan. We can't go upsetting the natural order. Who knows what could happen?

Tristan: I don't care. All I know is that we deserve to have our very own episode. So while the main characters are asleep, we're going to have an adventure! It'll be just like the Goonies!

Bakura: Can I be Corey Feldman?

Tristan: NO. I'm Corey Feldman.

Bakura: But you're always Corey Feldman. When do I get to be Corey Feldman?

Tristan: Shut up. From now on, your name is Chunk.

Téa: Can I be River Phoenix?

Tristan: River Phoenix wasn't in The Goonies.

Téa: He wasn't? Then which was the movie where they all went to find a dead body?

Tristan: That's Stand By Me.

Téa: Oh. Hey guys, can we go find a dead body?


*Pegasus walks in*

Tristan: Ah, it's One-eyed Willy, come to protect his treasure!

Pegasus: I'm afriad you've all seen too much. I can't have people thinking I'm straight.

Bakura: I knew trying to be a main character was a bad idea!

Tristan: This is all your fault, Chunk!

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Joey: I summon Copycat. It gives me the power to copy your catch phrase. In America!

Keith: Hey! Thats my joke! It only works when I say it America! It loses all meaning when you say it!

Joey: neh, whats that? I was too busy being American.

Keith: Your not American! Your not even wearing a flag on your head!

Joey: Your right, I must've left it back home, in America!

*Keith snapped*

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Joey: I summon Copycat. It gives me the power to copy your catch phrase. In America!

Keith: Hey! Thats my joke! It only works when I say it America! It loses all meaning when you say it!

Joey: neh, whats that? I was too busy being American.

Keith: Your not American! Your not even wearing a flag on your head!

Joey: Your right, I must've left it back home, in America!

*Keith snapped*

Pegasus: I learned this trick from Excel Saga. *uses a trap door to make Keith fall into the water*

Keith: Aaaaaaaah, in America!

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Yami: Joey, it's time for a surprise attack!

Joey: No worries, Yug, I got ya back!

Yami: Hang on a second, are we rhyming too?

Joey: Don't ask me, I ain't got a clue.

Yami: This is like something out of Dr. Seuss!

Tea: I can't stop staring at Yugi's caboose!

Bakura: Everyone seems to have gone all rhymey!

Tristan: Shut the hell up, you stupid limey!

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