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Would you mind sibling marriage?


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Pros: It's a game has no impact on real life or anybody else and the S support might be mildly comical

Cons:More shit to have to unlock

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While I would certainly mind it, I don't think I'd mind nearly as much as IS or Nintendo would after someone does a news story.

"Latest Fire Emblem encourages kids to experiment with incest!"

or something like that.

They might've been able to get away with it in FE4 (although given today's moral guardians, who knows), but not in a game that actually lets you control the marriages (and Seliph x Julia doesn't count).

Could be funny if any children from such marriages had some crippling genetic disorders, though (although not hemophilia, since that's not aggravated by inbreeding), and so turned out to be terrible units.

Yes I'm a terrible person for suggesting that would be funny.

Edited by Euklyd
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Don't they technically do this?

Though, instead of siblings, cousins?

Because Lucina & Owain can marry each other.

I again, invoke the Japanese version:

Lucina can marry Owain.

Cousin marriage is normal in Japan, so there's nothing wrong with this from the developer standpoint. But the English version (or at least American version) doesn't actually allow them to marry. They just become "companions."

Just adding to this:


妻 = Wife

夫 = Husband

Japan doesn't give a crap. Which is why the "Companion" text was so damn buggy when it came to Morgan's cases.

Add to the fact that they still say "I love you" on generic phrases on Event Tiles and Everyone's Room (Barracks).

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Chrom and Lucina could have ended up together if they didn't know the truth.

Alternate universe scenario: a mistake occurs during the time travel and Lucina loses her memory. All she remembers is that she must protect this man, Chrom. Along the way, the two fall deeply in love. Isn't memory loss convenient?

I'm already mad that I can't have incest or homosexuals in this game, because that's how I roll. Best case scenario, put em together. Lissa x Emmeryn OTP

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Alternate universe scenario: a mistake occurs during the time travel and Lucina loses her memory. All she remembers is that she must protect this man, Chrom. Along the way, the two fall deeply in love. Isn't memory loss convenient?

"I am my own mother."

"Well... crap."

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I personally ship Chrom x Lucina. Their children would have pretty incredible modifiers.

Huh. Actually now that I think about, holy cow their kids would be speed-demons. Ohemgee.

It's kind of surprising, I actually don't crackship as much as I do in other fandoms here... mine are pretty normal. Except for like, Libra/Emmeryn. And Lon'qu/Masked Marth!Lucina. Besides that...

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Huh. Actually now that I think about, holy cow their kids would be speed-demons. Ohemgee.

It's kind of surprising, I actually don't crackship as much as I do in other fandoms here... mine are pretty normal. Except for like, Libra/Emmeryn. And Lon'qu/Masked Marth!Lucina. Besides that...

Actually, that was a joke. It's impossible for Lucina to have her own modifiers if her parents make her modifiers, and she's one of the parents.

Edited by Chiki
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Actually, that was a joke. It's impossible for Lucina to have her own modifiers if her parents make her modifiers, and she's one of the parents.


WE'RE BLAZLUE'ing this crap.

Lucina now has infinite modifiers. Enjoy your broken game.

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Actually, that was a joke. It's impossible for Lucina to have her own modifiers if her parents make her modifiers, and she's one of the parents.

.... I'm so literal, I'm sorry. DX [/fail]

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"I am my own mother."

"Well... crap."

Actually, that was a joke. It's impossible for Lucina to have her own modifiers if her parents make her modifiers, and she's one of the parents.

I don't even want to think about how that'd work in a stable time loop (although changing the DNA with each iteration should be enough to make it unstable).

Not even talking about mods, just genetics.

actually I'm starting to be curious in spite of myself...uh-oh

I'm not thinking about this too much, but assuming a stable time loop and infinite iterations, wouldn't her DNA basically just turn out to be a copy of Chrom's X chromosome?

/topic derail

Edited by Euklyd
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I personally ship Chrom x Lucina. Their children would have pretty incredible modifiers.

Lucina!Lucina matches Maiden!Lucina, but that means Lucina's mods went up so Lucina!Lucina's mods would go up by 1 as well... it'd create an infinite loop and by all means probably crash the game, unless the devs predicted hacking and set it so that Lucina!Lucina would be considered 3rd Gen (Which means no +1 All Mods), and that means Lucina!Lucina would be an exact mirror of Chrom statistically.

...It all depends on how the 3rd Gen was implemented to be honest.

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Lucina!Lucina matches Maiden!Lucina, but that means Lucina's mods went up so Lucina!Lucina's mods would go up by 1 as well... it'd create an infinite loop and by all means probably crash the game, unless the devs predicted hacking and set it so that Lucina!Lucina would be considered 3rd Gen (Which means no +1 All Mods), and that means Lucina!Lucina would be an exact mirror of Chrom statistically.

...It all depends on how the 3rd Gen was implemented to be honest.

I'd say that due to the nature of how time travel is handled in FE13, Lucina!Lucina would have to start from somewhere (assume Maiden), and so the Lucina that travels back in time only has Maiden!Lucina mods (so, Chrom's mods +1 to all stats).

I have no reason to believe that FE13 involves time loops, stable or otherwise (in fact we are led to believe that the time travel only happens once, due to how different things are in the FoD/FP timeline).

And even then, it wouldn't affect what the mods of the playable Lucina are, since she comes from a timeline where no time travel occurred.

[spoiler=Let's take things further, because why not]...and even if she lost her memories and never changed anything besides marrying Chrom (which is not what had been proposed), then I would assume that prime!Grima would have worked to ensure that no further time travel is possible, and you would have no way of predicting things.

/rampant speculation

I wonder how much of what I said is complete, sleep-deprived nonsense...

i don't care.


Honestly, am I supposed to care about your not-caring? Don't spoil a perfectly good exercise in speculation :P:

I mean, if you really don't care, then de-rail the topic elsewhere, or even re-rail it.

Dammit, I'm a moron. Sorry about that.

Edited by Euklyd
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I'd say that due to the nature of how time travel is handled in FE13, Lucina!Lucina would have to start from somewhere (assume Maiden), and so the Lucina that travels back in time only has Maiden!Lucina mods (so, Chrom's mods +1 to all stats).

I have no reason to believe that FE13 involves time loops, stable or otherwise (in fact we are led to believe that the time travel only happens once, due to how different things are in the FoD/FP timeline).

And even then, it wouldn't affect what the mods of the playable Lucina are, since she comes from a timeline where no time travel occurred.

[spoiler=Let's take things further, because why not]...and even if she lost her memories and never changed anything besides marrying Chrom (which is not what had been proposed), then I would assume that prime!Grima would have worked to ensure that no further time travel is possible, and you would have no way of predicting things.

I kinda... was speaking of it from a mechanical POV. There's no need for a story point there. She doesn't start anywhere.

In that sense, due to infinitely updating mods (0+1+1...) she'd wind up in an infinite loop, which by all means would probably just cause a freeze.

However, more than likely, Lucina!Lucina would be considered third gen and wind up with [No Mods] + [Chrom's Mods] and work just like Morgan does, but she'd just wind up being Chrom 2.

Edited by Airship Canon
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I kinda... was speaking of it from a mechanical POV. There's no need for a story point there. She doesn't start anywhere.

In that sense, due to infinitely updating mods (0+1+1...) she'd wind up in an infinite loop, which by all means would probably just cause a freeze.

However, more than likely, Lucina!Lucina would be considered third gen and wind up with [No Mods] + [Chrom's Mods] and work just like Morgan does, but she'd just wind up being Chrom 2.

Gah. Of course.


I'm impressed with myself, I managed to make my post completely irrelevant with my very first thought. That's gotta be a new personal record.

I don't see why the programmers would add exceptions just to prevent hacked games from crashing, though, unless it's for debugging purposes. I'd prefer it if they stick with established Fire Emblem canon that incest is game-breaking, and in this case, literally game-breaking.

But, I honestly have very little idea how any FE is programmed, much less Awakening, so I'll try to hold off on mechanical speculation.

EDIT: watch me ignore myself:

Wait I'm not even sure the game would crash, since unless mods start un-initialized (in which case you've got a different problem, and you're dead), there's no loop at all from a mechanical standpoint, since the statement shouldn't be called more than once.

Assuming that Fire Emblem isn't programmed radically different from what I'm used to in this regard (which could easily be a bad assumption to make) the mod calculations would be a simple statement along the lines of

childStrMod = parent1StrMod + parent2StrMod +1;
lucinaStrMod = chromStrMod + lucinaStrMod + 1; // possibly without the +1, 
                                               // so in this case:
lucinaStrMod += chromStrMod + 1; // which is totally legal

But I'm rather ready to not discuss this anymore, so nevermind.

And now my head hurts and I don't even know whether I'm thinking about things properly.

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Honestly, am I supposed to care about your not-caring? Don't spoil a perfectly good exercise in speculation :P:

I mean, if you really don't care, then de-rail the topic elsewhere, or even re-rail it.

"would you mind sibling marriage"

"i don't care"

so basically i'm saying, "i do not mind, OP." if anything, i'm so on the rails of this topic i'm thinking of starting a debate just to spice things up a li'l.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I'm going to pop back in here and dodge the timetravel debate (I might jump in when I wake up more) and say that when IS and Nintendo give us homosexuals in the game (besides Heather's crushes and Virion/Libra baiting) I'm sure some group will take so much offense at it that FE will be in such dire straits that they'll release another FE:A type game wherein everybody can marry everything, effectively canceling the series on a note drenched in incest, crackships, and whacked out speed caps.

So yeah. Baby steps towards incestuous time travel love affairs.

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