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The Awakening Voice Actor Jokes Thread

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I kinda just realized that Olivia's Japanese Voice Actors name is Rei Matsuzaki.

You probably knew that, but it's a pretty cool nitpick.

I guess that has to do with voice actors. (Very funny video btw. I would be cool to see Lissa's voice actor like that, or Lucina's)

Edited by SimplyUnlucky
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I kinda just realized that Olivia's Japanese Voice Actors name is Rei Matsuzaki.

You probably knew that, but it's a pretty cool nitpick.


Yeah, I knew. xD

For you Tales of Series fans:



Sam Riegel voices both Jude from Tales of Xillia and Donnel from Fire Emblem Awakening, Kaiji Tang voices Wingul from Xillia and Owain from Awakening.

See, I'm not *ALL* Japanese Seiyuu. :P

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Takehito Koyasu voices Validar and Lonqu, Koyasu is in a lot of anime and games usually voicing the magnificent bastard or a gentleman such as: Shu Shirakawa from Super Robot Wars series, Millardo Peacecraft and Mu La Flaga from the Gundam series, Jade Curtis from the Tales series as pointed out by SOC in another thread, and Dio Brando in the upcomming Jojo game.

Yuu Kobyashi voices Lucina, she voices characters that the viewers should feel sorry for, such as Rei from Hyperdimension Victory who is outspoken, shy, and has a lack of confidence.

You'll probably feel more sorry for Rei than Lucina.

Edited by Generic Operator
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Lol "Happy Birthday to you". What a good compilation of his seiyuu hehe
that reminds me that sometimes I think in Male Morgan saying "Ecstasy!"

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He (Sam Riegel) also voices Stahl from Awakening and Flynn from Vesperia.


Ricken = Luke/Ashe (Abyss), - Yuri Lowenthal

FeMU Voice 3/Noire = Rita (Vesperia) - Michelle Ruff

Lucina = Cheria (Graces f)/Marta (Symphonia 2) - Laura Bailey

Chrom = Alvin (Xillia) - Matthew Mercer

Lissa = Pascal (Graces f) - Kate Higgins

Inigo = ......Lots and LOTS of villains..... - Liam O'Brien

And I'm pretty sure Lon'qu's VA is also Gaius's (Xillia).....but yeah, those are the english ones I remember off the top of my head....

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I just about died at the dondake part. I don't even get these references, but boy are they funny.

As Ricken is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, as is Sasuke, I would love to see him using a thunder tome yelling "chidori" or with a fire tome yelling "Fireball jutsu". I chuckle whenever I think of it.

Edited by MajorMajora
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Olivia's English VA is Rouge the Bat.

Lon'qu's English VA is Knuckles the Echidna.

Make of that what you will.

Also, Libra and Aversa are Amy Rose.

And apparently, Maribelle's VA (Melissa Fahn) was the understudy of Kristen Chenoweth for the role of Glinda in Wicked for a little bit (the previous understudy had had a stroke so Fahn took over for her). This casting choice is so accurate it's amazing. (According to TV Tropes, Fahn was also going to play Ariel's speaking voice in The Little Mermaid before Jodi Benson got the role.) As for roles that Fahn actually has done, she was Gaz in Invader Zim.

Also, while this series is a little less popular so a lot of you may not recognize the comparisons, Nowi's VA voiced Pandora in Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny. The funny thing about this is that Pandora is also a non-human (well, half human in Pandora's case) loli that's hundreds of years old and is a marriage candidate for the male main character. Chrom's VA voiced James, a merchant who has a seriously strong attachment to his younger sister, Elena. He's also a marriage candidate for the female MC. Basilio'a VA voices the main antagonist, a creepy masked man with the intention to become a god. And finally, Kyle Hebert, Frederick and Validar's voice actor, plays...a very flamboyant priest with a tragic backstory and a fierce reputation as well as the Goblin Captain, a pirate who's...well, a goblin and a minor antagonist.

Edited by PiplupPeanut
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Olivia's English VA is Rouge the Bat.

Lon'qu's English VA is Knuckles the Echidna.

Also, Libra and Aversa are Amy Rose.

Oh my god, really?

Knuckles has never interested me, but I've liked Rouge & Amy.

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Lon'qu's English VA voices "Gaius" in Tales of Xillia.

I'm tempted to shop that bear candy onto the manliest of kings and put the text box that shows difficulty with women.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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English Lucina is a pop star.

English Ricken's drill will pierce the heavens!

Japanese Lon'qu rejected his humanity!

English Frederick and Validar (I think) can use the Hadouken!

Edited by Dark Legend Vampire
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English Frederick and Validar (I think) can use the Hadouken!

They also don't need a map.

And like to shout the name of thier kingom.

Jokes aside:

Erin Fitzgerald: Emmeryn; Ion and Sync (Tales of the Abyss); Janna and Sona (LoL)

Here might be some usefull things

Karen Strassman: Anna, Olivia; Cassiopeia, Elise, Fiora, Shyvana, Zyra (LoL)

Not much for Oliva here imo, maybe for Anna

Kyle Hebert: Frederic and Validar; Ezreal, Graves, Jarvan IV (LoL)

I uh don't know, Frederic is probably better off here

Patric Seitz: Basilio; Kog'Maw, Renekton, Rengar, Lucian (LoL)

Kog'Maw is out but Lucian might prove to be usefull

Apperantly all of them are the english voiceactors/actresses in which Rey probably ins't interested in anyways XD

Oh and the english Lol wiki has all the voice clips in the background page, i can link them if someone is interrested.

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Not a joke, so much as a funny coincidence.

Ricken's voice actor (as mentioned before) is Yuri Lowenthal. Miriel's voice actress is Tara Platt. Apparently, before the game was released, or the English voices were revealed, Ricken and Miriel was a common ship (according that what I've read. For all I know, it still is).

Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt are married in real life.

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Kyle Hebert voices Validar and Frederick, Hebert also voices Adult Gohan

The Mercer also voices Kiritsugu in the Fate/Zero dubs

Bryce Papenbrook who voices Henry also voices Kirito in the SAO dubs

Most of the dub cast has voiced roles in Blazblue, primarily Patrick Seitz (Basilio) who voices Ragna, Kate Higgins (Lissa) voices Saya, Cordelia and Tsubaki have the same VA as well, there's some more examples but I can't think of them right now

Nicole Karrer (Female Morgan) also voices Tear Grants in TotA. Brandon Karrer (MaleMU voice 2) is her brother, this is also his first voice acting role. Same goes to Stacy Okada (Cynthia/Say'ri)

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Frederick and Validar are... KAMINA! Kyle Herbert voiced Kamina.

Also, Karen Strassman is playing against type with English!Olivia as she played Kallen Stadtfeld from Code Geass.

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The battle between Lucina (Laura Bailey) and Lon'qu (Travis Willingham) and the fact that Lon'qu lost is kinda funny when you realize Laura Bailey and Travis Willingham are actually married in real life XD

Also the fact that Libra and Aversa are both voiced by the same woman who voices Labrys from Persona 4 Arena and Makoto from BlazBlue O_O

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Lon'qu is Thor (Avengers Assemble edition)

This is funny because in the comics sometimes Thor would have like, 6 ladies in bed with him

I don't think Lon'qu would've liked that

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Laurent: "I, who stands at the full light of the heavens, command thee to open the gates of hell! Come forth, divine lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" *misses*

Lon'qu: (who is voiced by Koyasu... who voiced Jade Curtiss from Tales of the Abyss) *Kills* YOU BRING SHAME TO THAT SPELL.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Laurent: "I, who stands at the full light of the heavens, command thee to open the gates of hell! Come forth, divine lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" *misses*

Lon'qu: (who is voiced by Koyasu... who voiced Jade Curtiss from Tales of the Abyss) *Kills* YOU BRING SHAME TO THAT SPELL.

Yen'fay: (Who's voiced by Kirk Thorton, who voiced Jade in the dub) *crits* ...IN BOTH LANGUAGES.

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